Showing posts with label Dentist Visit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dentist Visit. Show all posts

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Dentist Visits this morning...

I was nervous because we were trying out a new Dentist/Office today.
Strangely, Trevan and I both LOVE the Dentist...
Kaden, on the other hand, is another story (another post for another day!),
and this was Dayne's first visit... so who could know?
(He ended up being in and out of the chair before I even thought to get the camera out... Dang it!
And he was NOT getting back in... Too many other cool things to explore! Sigh... oh, well... next time!)
It actually went pretty well...
The boys both loved wearing their cool glasses... they felt like Superstars!
So a couple of Cleanings...
a few Flossings...
a bunch of X-rays...
a little more Polishing...
and a several Flouride Treatments later...
we all left with squeaky-clean pearly whites!

And I love this shot...

Kaden actually even kicked back and relaxed a little...


(Which is a miracle, believe me!)