Showing posts with label Bronson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bronson. Show all posts

Thursday, January 13, 2011

In the Spotlight...

Our boys were featured in the Primary Spotlight section
of our ward's January Newsletter.
The write ups are so darling, I just had to share...
Our Primary Secretary is amazing!
(Thanks, Susan!)
Their interviews were a crack-up!
No shortage of personality in our house!
{Hee hee!}
But I do get a kick out of hearing their perspective on things
and I love to hear their budding testimonies...
So... Here's for posterity!
Ten year old Kaden Staker likes "The Hunger Games" series
because "the idea is so cool!"
He also likes the writing with it's twists and turns at every chapter.
Kaden would like to either be a computer animator or a football player.
He loves steak...
Closely followed by spaghetti, orange chicken, quesadillas and french toast.
"I Love to See the Temple" is his favorite Primary song.
The humble and brave missionary Ammon is his hero.
He admires the way Ammon "served King Lamoni
and taught him that Heavenly Father was real."
He also thinks that it is "pretty cool that he cut off all the bad guys arms."
As for a mission, Kaden has narrowed his choices to either New York or Nevada...
New York because "there are lots of non-Mormons there to teach
and lots of cool things to see."
Nevada because "Las Vegas is there... and it needs help!"

Ribs, Fajitas, steak, chicken nuggets, pizza, spaghetti, tacos & hot dogs
are all Trevan Staker's favorite foods.
As a future Fire Fighter he'll need all that protein to help repair his worn out muscles.
He wants to be a Fire Fighter so he can "save people and drive a big truck with lights...
and go really fast!"
Trevan likes to read "The Lemonade Wars" by Jacqueline Davies.
He also likes to read "I Love You Stinky Face" because it is his family's favorite.
Before he heads off to firefighter training, Trevan would like to serve a mission to New York.
He thinks New york is "awesome and there are so many people he could teach!"
Trevan's first scripture hero is Jesus-- "because he sacrificed His life for all of us."
He also admires Alma "for the way he changed his life after he saw the angel"
and "because he was an awesome missionary after that!"
"I Love You, Stinky Face" is also Daynen Staker's favorite book.
It's a good day when you get ot read your favorite book
and have "Macky Cheese" and "Chicky Nuggies" for lunch.
When Daynen grows up, he wants to be like his oldest brother, Kaden
and have big muscles like his daddy.
Daynen can't limit his favorite Primary Song to just one.
Currently, he has 3 favorites:
"I am a Child of God", "I Love to See the Temple"
and of course that old Primary hit
"You've Got a Friend in Me."
Daynen says he'd like to serve a mission in Disneyland with his green back pack
and quickly added, "Don't forget my green backpack, Mom!"
One day, Daynen's mom asked him to name his favorite scripture hero.
The conversation went something like this:
Mom: Daynen, who is your favorite scripture hero?
Dayne: Buzz Lipe-year! And Woody!
Mom: No, sweetie... Those are toys. Who is your hero from real life?
Dayne: Ummmm.... Justin Beiber!
Mom (and brothers, all laughing hysterically): No! Your scripture hero, Silly!
Dayne: Ummmmm... Spiderman!
Mom: No! He's not in real life or n the scriptures!
Dayne: Spiderman is too in real life! And he should be in the scriptures!
(Guess we'll keep working on that! Ha!)
"Kwinko, Kwinko Yiddo Staw" is wee Bronson's favorite Primary song.
Bronson's barely 2, but he already knows he wants to be a dad when he grows up.
He thinks chocolate milk, chips and ice cream are yummy in his tummy.
His favorite books are "I Love You, Stinky Face"
and "Good Boy, Fergus."
He says he likes it "cuz I knows all da words."
Bronson's scripture hero is his friend Jesus.
When asked where he wants to go on his mission,
he replied, "To infiniddy and beyond" Just like Buzz "Lipe"-year!
Way to go, Boys!
We are so proud of you!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thank you, Mr. Lightyear...

To say Bronson is obsessed with Buzz Lightyear might be an understatement.
If he didn't have a mother, he would watch Toy Story 1, 2 & 3 on a repetitive loop.
But Buzz is special...
Maybe because they've both been to "Infinity and Beyond",
I dunno.
He was, hands-down, B's favorite birthday gift.
He's his bedtime buddy. His playtime pal.
And no one.
I repeat
NO one
Well, in all the loving,
Buzz's back panel has popped off.
It is somewhere in the Play Loft and is yet to be found and replaced.
Which leaves him with a bum wing that occasionally swivels loose and ends up dangling.
This is unacceptable.
In. Every. Way.
Bronson becomes hysterical.
Nearly unconsolable.
He cries so hard sometimes he has actually passed out.
Needless to say, we try to fix Buzz quickly.
Well, this morning on my morning rounds,
Buzz was having... issues.
And our poor Little B was not a happy guy.
He did not sleep well last night, so he was a bit... unreasonable.
Quite so, actually.
But I handled it well, if I do say so myself.
Patiently, I took Buzz and quickly fixed the wing.
Easily popping it back into place.
Each time quietly showing Bronson how to do it himself.
Quietly reminding him to play a bit more gently.
To be a bit more careful.
And each time I hugged and kissed and rocked that sad, sad little boy back to happy.
Reminding him to breathe.
Stroking his head and cheek,
and eventually patting him gently on the bottom and sending him back off to play.
This went on for an hour.
I fixed Buzz a couple dozen times.
But each time Bronson broke him,
he was equally as hysterical.
Equally as quick to run him straight over, right to me.
And equally anxious for me to fix him.
I seriously began to consider just replacing him!
If Bronson hadn't eventually worn himself out in this process,
I might have actually given in...
The wiser "big-picture" side of me
had to talk the "helicopter-mom" side of me
out of running straight to Toys-R-Us for a new Buzz.
Several times.
At that point, it seemed a reasonable, if not necessary solution.
But Bronson finally curled up on his beloved Puppy Pillow and drifted off to sleep,
broken Buzz and all.
And then the lesson sunk in.
How many times have I done this?
Made the same choice, over and over expecting a different result?
Hoping I could haphazardly use the same carelessness
and not experience the same heartache?
And how many times have I run, broken wing dangling,
right to my Father in Heaven,
desperate for Him to fix it...
yet again?
Wondering if He could?
If He would?
And yet always His constant, loving reply.
Unconditional patience.
Peace for my troubling soul.
He straightens the wing...
Then straightens the girl...
Then sends me back out on my way.
Oh, Buzz...
Dear sweet, Buzz...
Buzz Lightyear
Thanks for the lesson today.
What more do you have to teach me?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How $17.99 may just save our sanity...

So they say, "Drastic times call for drastic measures."
Well, this drastic measure may have just saved our sanity...
Certainly, a good night's sleep...
(And quite possibly also our marriage!)
So I did it today!
Took our drastic measure...
I've been thinking about it for a week, but couldn't quite bring myself to do it.
But today I finally broke down and bought it.
A nice, plush 42"round... Puppy Pillow.
Why, you ask?
Are we getting a puppy for our puppy-crazed boys?
Oh, no!
(We're not THAT desperate!
They are still just begging for now...)
Oh, no.
You see...
The puppy bed is for my son.
My baby.
The boy we all love...
It is for Bronson.
My sweet 2 year old who has decided he is done taking naps.
The very same child who I am convinced sleeps less than any other toddler on the planet.
Now, to be clear, this Puppy Bed is not meant as any sort of statement, for heaven's sake.
It actually represents a very diplomatic compromise.
One that has been months in the making.
Bronson, you see, has been battling with us for quite some time
over what he apparently feels are unacceptable sleeping accommodations.
Namely his C-R-I-B...
Yes, that's right.
It is definitely a four letter word.
And we have outlawed it in our home
to prevent the inevitable melt downs that even its' mere mention induces...
And so, as the kind, loving, accommodating parents that we are,
we naturally offered him the alternative of double-bunking
in his brother Daynen's full-size bed.
This worked for several nights
and these two little peas in a pod were as snug as bugs in a rug...
Until Bronson rolled off in the middle of the night.
He wasn't hurt, thank goodness...
In fact he landed on pillows
that had been carefully placed on the floor
in case of just such an occurrence.
But it bruised his pride
and his confidence just enough
that another alternate site had to be located.
This time to big brother Kaden's side he went.
...Until he wore out his welcome.
And so the real battle began.
A turf war.
Waged on a king-sized mattress between two sheets, beneath our comforter.
It's not a new battle.
It's as ageless as the family itself.
Mommy and Daddy separated by the toddler,
who insists on sleeping horizontally in the middle.
If you have kids, you know...
No matter how many times you try to turn the little tike upright,
he always makes an "H" of us by morning.
And while Matt gets the warm, steamy breathing, half an inch from his face,
I always get the feet.
And usually to my head.
Or face.
Or both.
Now, let me stop here to say how very grateful I am for this arrangement.
It is certainly preferable to many, many other alternatives.
And believe me...
I am NOT complaining...
It's just that, well... it is a bit... tiring...
after many, many,
Let me also invite anyone out there who thinks they have a better idea,
or one that we haven't already tried...
consistently for several weeks...
to come right on over and sleep-train our toddler...
I assure you.
We are very aware that it has become a battle of will.
That we, quite obviously are losing.
I also assure you,
it is decisive, selective and adamantly expressed.
And there IS no other acceptable alternative location.
Trust us.
A couple of times we have joked that we should just change bedrooms.
Or go sleep in our spare bedroom after he falls asleep.
But no.
Instead, we have decided to embrace the opportunity.
Knowing it will eventually run it's course.
And that someday we will miss those wiggly little feet.
And that atrocious morning breath.
And the little boy they belong to.
And so we have conceded...
To something we would never have allowed from his brothers.
And been a crowded party of 3 for quite some time.
Recently, we have taken to making a little bed of pillows on the floor at the foot of our bed.
We even brought in a Bean-Bag from our Theatre...
But then he'd end up all sticky and sweaty (it's "pleather")
and all slumped over...
It didn't look comfy, at all.
But it did give me the idea.
"A giant pillow", I thought.
That could be stored under the end of our bed.
Out of sight, beneath the bedskirt, by day.
And loved, by all, at night.
Just an extension of our bed, really.
An annex.
But safely at floor's level.
And with room enough to spare for all of us...
I smile, yawn and stretch just thinking about it!
Surely, I am not the first to think of this,
but still, I felt proud of this brilliant solution.
And further more, I would make one, the crafty side of me decided.
But alas, the busy-mom-at-Christmas side of me has not quite gotten to it yet.
And then...
Then, I saw the Puppy Pillows at Costco.
For the very low price 0f $17.99.
I could not buy the fabric, let alone the stuffing for that!
But it was a DOG BED!
And this was my SON!
I just could not quite wrap my mind around that...
And it has been pure Puppy-Pillow LOVE all afternoon!
In fact, I only narrowly escaped Costco , without a matching set!
(Dayne wanted one for himself and I nearly had to buy two!)
It might also be the new favorite movie spot!
And aaaah!
I can feel a good night's rest coming on, already!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Footprints of Faith...

For those of you who have asked for information,
"Footprints of Faith"
will air at 1:30 pm MST,
just prior to the second session of LDS General Conference.
There will be 3 stories featured in the program.
We were told that Bronson's story will be the middle segment.
Post Script-
In reply to some of the questions and comments left in response to this post,
I am not aware of a link to view the "Footprints of Faith" program online.
However, KSL has announced that it will re-air on Sunday, May 2.
I am not sure what time.

Friday, March 26, 2010

B Strong... Be Fit... Be One... Be there!

I am posting this again as a friendly reminder...

Our wonderful, a-MAZ-ing and completely over-achieving sister, Mindy,
has put this great event together in our behalf.
The blessings just seem to have no end.
We are absolutely thankful.
(Thanks, Mind!)
We are also grateful
that this will provide us with a much-needed opportunity
to thank so many of you for your love and support,
and allow us to throw you a bit of a Thank-You Party!

So whether you run, or not... please
Come celebrate the gift of life with us
in honor of Bronson's second chance!

There will be a 5K and a Children's 1 Mile Fun Run.
Starting at 9 am
Food, Games, Prizes, Raffles, Bounce Houses!

Register online @:

We look forward to seeing you there!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Interview on NBC's Today show...

For those who asked for the link to Bronson's story,
Click here...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Today is tomorrow...

Several weeks ago, just after we returned from the hospital,
we were contacted by NBC's morning show, Today.
They had been following Bronson's story and asked if they could interview us live on their show.
Of course, we declined.
We needed to be home with our boys, who had been well cared for by Alli
and spoiled by family and friends in our absence,
but WE worried about them, after all they had been through.
And knew we needed to reconnect and spend time as a family.
So NBC clarified that the offer was for all of us... the whole gang. Even Alli.
We were shocked...
They explained all the reasons that Bronson's strory appealed to them.
It was well-documented through my blog.
It had been well-photographed and we had taken video as it unfolded.
And most of all, it was miraculous.
And GOOD news to tell.
We were slightly more intrigued...
But they wanted us right away.
We said sorry, but we needed some down time.
They offered to wait until after the Olympics.
We considered...
But with everything going on, I wasn't sure that it wasn't just another distration from our focus.
Our family.
We declined again.
SO they sent us a piece they aired several years ago.
Another miracle.
About a boy from Texas who had been killed in and ATV accident.
His death announced in the local paper.
The family had bid their final farewells
and prepared to honor his wishes as an organ donor.
Helicopters were waiting on the roof.
Recipients standing by.
And yet his Grandma prayed on for a miracle.
Long story short, they interviewed him on NBC a few months later.
We were touched as we watched his parents.
Incredible and faithful people, telling the story of their miracle.
We were reminded of a scripture that has become particularly meaningful to us lately.
We know that Bronson's miracle was not just given to him.
Not even just to us.
We believe it was given for the benefit of mankind.
To show forth the all-powerful hand of God.
To remind us that our loving Father in Heaven has a plan for us and for our families.
That He hears and answers our prayers.
That He intervenes with the course of nature, when necessary, to accomplish His will.
That we were blessed enough to witness one of these occurances.
First hand.
We could not be more grateful.
We are humbled to the core and still in shock of His grace and His mercy.
That this happened for us, and not for so many others with similar stories.
So many who prayed just as faithfully...
So many who were also hopeful for their own miracle.
Maybe even more worthy.
So many who accepted the will of God,
even when it was not what they would have chosen.
And yet, somehow, for some reason,
we recieved more than we could have possibly dreamed.
We recieved Bronson.
Here. Now. Complete. Whole. Himself. Seemingly unaffected.
And with that comes a responsibility.
One that feels too big, and yet we eagerly embrace.
Knowing we have room to grow.
We promise to do our best to give back.
To raise awareness.
To help others to learn vicariously through my mistake.
Help them to reevaluate and to prioritize.
And most importantly, we commit to bear testimony and stand as witnesses of God.
At all times, and in all things and in all places.
Even moreso than ever before.
Even if that means being on camera in front of a national audience.
Matt is excited for the missionary opportunity.
I just hope I don't trip...
Or ramble. Oh, how I hope I don't ramble...
And please pray that little B behaves himself!
He is such a wild man!
I just have one word about this...
Natonal TV will get him in whatever mood he is in!
Let's hope he sleeps well tonight!
Here are a few shots from the in home interview they shot a few days ago.
A few minutes of it will air on NBC's morning show, Today, tomorrow morning, March 12.
Aye aye aye...
How on earth did we get here?
New York City... NBC... Here we are...
Be gentle with us.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Today is the day...

This evening we had the amazing opportunity to go back to the hospital.
What? Why!?!
Why BACK to the hospital, you ask?
Well, quite simply, because we needed to go.
KSL Radio invited us to come and assist in their annual fundraiser
for Primary Children's Medical Center.
So of course, we absolutely agreed.
We were thrilled at the chance to give back in any way.
If there is any way we can help that wonderful place and those amazing people,
we will absolutely do it... for the rest of ever.
They gave us our boy back.
Healed and whole.
How can you ever put a price on the life of your child?
We could pay that hospital bill a hundred times over and never come close to repaying them.
They did what we could not do for ourselves.
Some people believe that medical science and faith are at odds.
At opposite ends of the spectrum.
I believe they are two languages telling the same story.
Seeking the same eventual truth. Perhaps with varying methods.
Or differing means working towards the same end. The same goal.
I believe our loving Father in Heaven guides the hands and the hearts of those here on earth
who have the knowledge and training to assist Him.
I believe that He allows us to do as much as we can do, to the best of our abilities,
to allow us to learn and grow, and to further research and knowledge.
And then I believe He steps in with His grace, and does the rest of the work necessary
to accomplish His will, whatever that may be.
In Bronson's case, it was for him to LIVE.
And not just live, but live HERE.
And not just here, but WHOLE.
Again, we could NOT be more grateful.
Ever so grateful.
Yet this gift we've been given will not go without price, philanthropically speaking.
And we are eager and ready to pay it in whatever way we can.
Expecting much of ourselves and our family.
We will serve willingly wherever we can.
Like at the KSL Radiothon.
And so we dropped everything, made the arrangements and went.
Which turned out to be very good for me.
And for my soul, still healing.
And even good for Matt, who does NOT like the spotlight.
Little B was charming, sweet and full of smiles and spunk.
He ate up all the attention.
Was into everything.
Ran around like crazy.

Played fetch with the stuffed moose.

High-fived the tech-guys.

Explored the set.

Flirted with the team of call takers.

And won over the hearts of the KSL TV and Radio personalities.
Like Carole Mikita and Doug Wright.
What a cutie.
They all loved him.
He ate popcorn from a cup and threw it onto the floor.
Which we tried our hardest to prevent, but well, that's why parents have hands.
And why they make vacuums.
To clean up messes.

So we told our story yet again.
(Twice actually.
TV News and News Radio.)
And asked for help.
Not for us, but for the hospital.
And for other children who need it.
We asked people to open their hearts and their wallets and give to a worthy cause.
There is still plenty of time.
The Radiothon goes through tomorrow.
We aren't the type that like to ask for things.
Especially for money.
But if you feel so inclined,
and if you have a dollar or more to spare,
this would be a wonderful way to spend it.
It all goes toward a deserving child.
Every single penny.
If you can find it in your heart, click here.
or call here: 1-800-762-PCMC (7262), or locally 801-575-KIDS (5437).
Maybe we can help another family take their child home!
Post script:
In reply to some of the questions and comments left in response to this post...
I apologize if I was not clear.
Thank you for allowing me to clarify...
Matt and I chose to participate in the KSL Radiothon
because it raises money to benefit Primary Children's Hospital.
We were in no way soliciting funds for ourselves.
That facility and the medical personnel who helped to heal our son
will forever be worthy of our time and our efforts.
It is a cause we hope to adopt for the remainder of our lifetime
because it is now near and dear to us.
To be clear, Primary Chidren's Medical Center is a non-profit organization.
Their mission statement is "The child first and always."
Thus, they provide medical care for all children alike,
including needy children from around the entire Intermountain Region,
regardless of that child's ability to pay.
Physicians at the hospital actually donate their services
for patients who recieve charity assistance.
Our hope was that by sharing Bronson's story, we could garner some support for the hospital.
For them to continue to help other children.
Children who can not afford to get well on their own.
There are many annual fundraisers that benefit Primary Children's,
including TV and Radiothons and the door-to-door "Pennies by the Inch" drive.
We hope to be available to assist in many of these efforts over the years.
We will never tire.
We feel that where much is given, much is expected.
And we could not have received a greater gift...
Bronson's life was literally brought back to us.
And the experience we had there was life changing for us as well.
Not only did they give full-time and ever-diligent effort to our child,
even when it seemed unlikely for him to ever recover,
but they cared for us, his parents, while we were in shock, anguish and despair.
They helped us to prepare our other boys for what they were coping with.
Truly, they treated and helped to heal our entire family.
We have very tender feelings towards them and the amazing work they do there.
Every. Single. Day.
Anything that we can do to help them continue in their efforts there
will be a very small price to pay.
While we were at the hospital, I read a poster with a quote from Abraham Lincoln.
Good ol' Honest Abe.
He really was good.
And honest.
"To ease another's heartache is to forget one's own."
It struck me so strongly.
I knew this was the key the moment I saw it.
And we have tried to do that.
Tried to share the surplus of support we have been blessed with.
Tried to share and ease the burdens of others we have met and love.
But today...
Well, today I am making a choice.
This trip to the hospital tonight was as much about healing me
as the last one was about Bronson.
I have decided.
I am done feeling guilty.
I am done being ashamed.
I am done feeling like the poster-face for negligent mothering.
I am done beating myself up for a momentary lapse in judgement.
I am done feeling feeling crappy about all the pain I have caused.
Because I am not perfect.
Never will be perfect.
Not in this life.
But I can make a difference.
I can lift another's burden.
I can look for ways to serve. Give back. Share.
And I have found a voice.
That voice is getting stronger the more that it speaks out.
And as I speak from the keys on this little laptop,
I find my heart full and overflowing, often with words that are not mine alone.
For God has found a way to use me to strengthen others.
To strengthen you.
Perhaps this was not something I did, but something He allowed to happen.
For my own good. And for the benefit of others.
Knowing that I am stronger than I feel.
And have more to share than I knew.
But believing I had the tenacity to discover it.
Knowing Bronson's miracle would lead to others as it's ripples spread,
touching lives around the globe.
And so...
Today is a new day.
The day I learn to turn my pain over
and allow it to be washed away with the joy all around me.
I am still not sure exactly how, but only that it's right.
And that it's time.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I cried again this morning...
Who would have thought I could even have more tears?
The fountain should have run dry long ago...
Another nightmare.
5 am.
I woke disturbed.
Couldn't shake that dreadful feeling.
The burning in my throat.
The one I try to blink back, back, back behind my eyelids.
That haunting emptiness that lingers underneath your gut,
threatening to overturn you.
Sleep was not a ready rescue or a willing ally.
I dressed for the gym, thinking I could outrun it.
Or out"ride" it rather, since it's Tuesday, which means it's my morning for Spin Class.
But then I thought of all the eyes I'd have to meet as I walked through the door,
inopportunely at the front of the bicycle fleet,
aglow in light from the brightness beyond.
Even in the darkened room, they would see my anguish.
Feel my shame.
I did not not want to cry with strangers.
Not even with dear friends, who I knew were watching,
probably already spinning,
an empty bike at their side,
reserved for me.
Just another way
I'd let another someone
Someone who was counting on me.
With that thought, the guilt that had been lurking in the shadows of my heart
came pounding in, claws curling, teeth bared, ready to consume me.
And so the tears began...
And then refused to stop.
Too much for today.
At not even 6 am.
So I stayed, scraping myself together,
and deciding to work on the last little piece of Cub Scout Pack Meeting for tonight.
The piece that is still mine.
The very small piece.
With a sigh, I realized all the friends who have had to step in and carry more than their load.
Do more than their job.
Because I've been gone. Busy. Otherwise detained with something much more important.
A matter of life and death, in fact.
And I cried harder.
And ached deeper.
To distract myself, I decided to download some photos.
Ones still waiting patiently in my camera, for their turn on my To Do List.
I'd barely regained my composure when the Images slowly appeared,
one by one on my screen.
Last week's trip to the Fire Station.
To visit the men
who first appeared
to help to save my son.
Through flooded eyes, I could barely see their brave and handsome faces.
Each of them so dear, although I barely know them.
Remarkable men... whom I had dumped my burden on.
Someone's brother.
Someone's son.
Someone's husband.
Someone's daddy.
Someone who fearlessly and instantly came, sirens blaring. To try and patch up my mistake.
Someone who's heart hung heavy, worrying their effort might have been be in vain.
Not enough to fix what I had done.
The weight of guilt can be physically crushing.
I looked away and shook their faces from my head.
Abandoning them for a stronger day.
And then another Image took the stage upon my screen.
My "Smalls"...
My TWO sweet little boys, shirtless, clad only in diapers and their priceless smiles,
strapped safely in their highchairs laughing at me.
Oh, what I had put them through.
Oh, what I had nearly taken from them.
The horror of what almost was washed over me,
through every fiber of my soul.
The tears were silent now, just steady streams of heartache.
Spilling out of eyes that could not bare to look.
Oh, how could I have born that agony?
How could I have gone on?
One less?
I surely would have crumbled.
A quick check of my e-mail reminded me that it's not quick anymore.
Yes. I've read many. Gleaned most.
Absorbed them, really.
Tried to use them to fill that empty, aching hole of remorse.
But nevertheless, I am sure I've missed a few.
Still 4, 500 messages in my Inbox.
Not even counting the comments on our blog...
All those people...
Family. Friends. Neighbors. Friends of friends and neighbors. ...Even strangers.
Surely representing exponentially more that wept silently, without leaving a word.
Look at what I've done?
The ripples are so far reaching there's no telling where they'll stop.
So much sadness.
So much heartache.
So much anguish.
So many people cried for our boy.
So many people ached with us.
So many people I hurt.
Literally, around the world.
With one. Simple. Slip.
If you've ever thought you were alone, think again.
If you've ever thought you were an island and your choices were yours alone, think harder.
If you've ever had the audacity to feel lonely... Well, Ha! I have, too!
But we were both wrong, you & I.
No one is ever alone.
Look at all... these... people...
Brothers and sisters in spirit
who I have pulled momentarily away from their own lives with my profound imposition.
Scrolling, still scrolling, my tears began to slow.
Now I feel like I'm the one who's drowning.
In the guilt and the regret.
As the immensity of responsibility threatens to overtake me.
It's just so big. And I, so very small.
Oh, how sorry that I am.
How very, very sorry.
Matt got the big boys up.
Made them a hot, cooked breakfast, like any other normal morning.
And at some point, he left for work.
Somehow I went through the motions of getting them ready for school.
Showered, dressed, beds made and back-packs packed.
And off they went with a kiss and a prayer.
My smalls still sleeping, I tried to go about my morning routine.
Already out of rhythm..
And so I called my sweetheart.
Told him how awful I felt.
Cried pathetically.
Told him about the guilt and the regret.
He listened.
Told me to remember that the blessings
far outnumber the mistake.
The joy far outweighs the pain.
Said the only one blaming me is me.
And perhaps a few unhappy strangers who do not know my heart.
Reminded me that the benefits of sharing our story far overshadow the risks.
Says he's grateful for all I've said.
Repeated, again, how much good has come of this, already.
Pointed out, again, how we have been used as instruments in the hands of God
to show His love, His mercy, His grace and His miraculous power.
He helped me to see what a pivotal occurrence this has been.
So many lives touched.
So many strengthened.
So many people reevaluating. Re-prioritizing.
So many kind, supportive words expressed.
So much faith renewed.
So many prayers petitioning heaven.
So many principles practiced with purpose.
So many, uniting.
So. Much. Power.
Man... he's getting good at this whole girlfriend pep-talk thing.
He also threw in a little plug about my need of sleep
and carefully suggested that I might be slightly more emotional than usual.
I felt a little better.
Like I could maybe do today after all.
Now I need to make something very clear...
I do not share this incident because I am fishing for any sort of consolation.
In fact, I think I'll try to turn off the comment section for this post,
for I know just what you'll say.
(I know what I would say if I were you...)
So thank you.
Thank you for hearing me.
You've saved me thou$ands in therapy, I am sure.
Thank you for putting yourself in my shoes.
Trying to imagine what it's been like.
Even though you do not want to, I assure you.
Thank you most of all for learning vicariously from our experience.
And pledging not to make the same mistake or any other like it.
Promising to remember and to try a little harder.
To stay more focused. To be more diligent.
To let the little things wait while you give more heed to that which really matters.
For the scope of what we've learned goes far beyond the bathtub.
Please appreciate each moment.
For once it's over, it is gone forever.
Do not let it leave you with regret.
If you are blessed with children in your life,
please embrace them for the amazing people that they are within.
Try to look them in the eye whenever you speak with them.
Connect, soul to soul, each and every day.
Allow yourself to be amazed and humbled by their depth and by their strength.
Respect them, even in their tiny, grubby packaging.
Thank them for the lessons that they teach you.
Even the painful, inconvenient ones.
For truly, what would you rather be doing anyway?
As for me, I have more reasons to rejoice than I deserve!
And believe me, I am so so grateful!
Yet there is still a part of me that's struggling.
Grappling with what I need to do and how to do it.
Knowing that where much is given, much is also required.
Well, what more could I be given?
And while I feel inadequate and insecure in a role that's way too big for me to fill,
I also recognize that this means there's room for growth.
And I'm still fighting to forgive that girl I live inside of.
But it will come, I'm sure. In time.
I know it will because it always has before.
I don't do grudges.
They are and never have been good for anyone.
I just have to figure out exactly how to grant myself that same type of pardon,
which is so much easier for me to hand to others.
Yet somewhere deep down I know
that as I find the strength to turn my broken heart over to my loving Savior, Jesus Christ,
that He will heal it.
That through His Atonement, which was on my behalf, as well as yours,
I will find the power to become better.
To accept the forgiveness He has already granted and to extend it to myself.
As for now, I want to share my hope.
And my conviction.
I know we have a Father in Heaven who loves us.
Who knows each of us by name.
Who knows infinitesimally what we need at each and every moment.
He hears our prayers.
He answers them.
He has a plan that we do not always fully understand.
He has an army of angels, ready to fight on His behalf and spread His word,
both here and on the other side of the veil, between this life and the next.
We are mindful that some who have lived this nightmare we've endured,
have had their sweet babies called home into His loving arms.
There were many times we feared that would be His will.
We were afraid but ready to accept it.
But for some reason, Bronson was allowed to stay with us.
Our loving Heavenly Father divinely intervened with the course of nature
and allowed our son to be healed.
Not only to survive, but to be restored. Fully.
He allowed Bronson to be brought back
under the worthy hands of his father's Priesthood blessing
and then repaired by the capable hands of doctors and nurses
who saw unprecedented and expedited results to their procedures.
We could not be more grateful.
We stand as fervent witnesses that He is a God of miracles.
We do not wish to overstate, but we know that a true and utter miracle
was certainly granted in Bronson's life and in behalf of our family.
We know that miracles are given as a benefit to all mankind.
This is much, much bigger than we are.
We feel the weight of this solemn responsibility.
An obligation coupled with a true and heartfelt desire to share his story
in hopes of strengthening the faith of others and cementing our own.
We hope to help Bronson grow to be worthy of the mission he is already fulfilling.
What a strong and incredible spirit he has.
He has overcome all odds.
He has not accepted limitations.
He has fought and defied all restrictions, and all while winning hearts with that contagious smile!
We are so blessed to know him.
To be taught by him.
We are thankful to know that our family is eternal in nature.
We love each one of our amazing boys and are so proud of each of them.
We find peace in the love and unity we enjoy within our home.
We are learning to embrace the imperfections.
To think of them as opportunities.
And we thank each of you...
For loving us beyond what we deserve.
For reaching out to us in our utmost time of need.
For answering our private prayers without even knowing it.
For lightening our burden and sustaining us.
Mourning with us while we mourned.
Comforting us while we stood in need of comfort.
You are truly angels here upon the earth.
May God bless you!
And may we all find the strength and the courage
to seek out another such family wherever we may be
and continue on in service.
Let us be always an army of refuge and support.
Of love and of light.

Monday, February 22, 2010

"Normal" is as normal does... right?

As we try to settle back in to our life,
everything feels so similar, almost comfortable...
but somehow surprisingly different...
I guess we are still trying to find a new "normal"...
But this is about as 'normal' as it gets around here!
STRAPPED tightly into their highchairs,
giggling at my silly lunch-making antics...
like Peanut Butter & Jelly Peek-a-Boo.

These two little stinkers are like two peas in a pod!
B follows his big bro around all day, just starstruck.
Mimicking every motion and gesture. Repeating the inflection of every phrase.
Eager to be on to the newest mischevious adventure.
D eats it up.
Loves to be the center of attention. Loves to be adored.
Such a pair.
Oh, what would I do without the TWO of them!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

B Strong... B Fit... Be One... B THERE!

As we acclimate back into "real life"
and marvel in the joy of just being HOME together,
our wonderful, a-MAZ-ing and completely over-achieving sister, Mindy,
is putting this great event together in our behalf.
The blessings just seem to have no end.
We are absolutely thankful.
(Thanks, Mind!)
We are also grateful
that this will provide us with a much-needed opportunity
to thank so many of you for your love and support,
and allow us to throw you a bit of a Thank-You Party!
. .
So whether you run, or not... please
Come celebrate the gift of life with us
in honor of Bronson's second chance!

There will be a 5K and a Children's 1 Mile Fun Run.
Both starting at 9 am
Food, Games, Prizes, Raffles, Bounce Houses!

Register online @:

We look forward to seeing you there!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Undisputed Champion of the World...

Ummm... yeah...
So as you can see, the Physical Therapy Appointment this morning went well...

Coming home...

I type with one hand while I hold him...
as he helps every so often from my lap.
There that was from him.
We just wanted to share more amazing news!
We are going home today!
They see no reason to keep him!
When they discharged us from PICU to NTU yesterday,
there was talk of sending us home.
But they wanted to watch his pneumonia one more night
and so we stayed.
He slept on my chest all night, wanting his mommy.
Forgiveness is sweet.
We are heading to an Physical and Occupational Therapy Session this morning
at the hospital's Rehabilitation Gym.
Then we will say good-bye to beloved friends,
pack up the zoo of assorted new bedtime pals and come home with out little miracle.
Just wanted you to know what your prayers have done.
Words are utterly useless.
None sufficient to express relief and gratitude of this magnitude.
But thank you.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Survived the Press interview...
{Insert BIG sigh of relief...}
They all seemed really nice.
I'd been worried...
Hoping they'd give things the positive spin they deserve.
But they were hoping for a story with a happy ending.
...This place needs one this week.
Thank goodness Bronson is the miracle they were looking for...
The miracle we were all looking for!
Oh, thank you Heavenly Father for granting us a miracle!
If you'd like to see our sweet boy on TV,
tune in to Channel 5 News at 6:00. Or Channel 4.
Unfortunately, you'll also have to watch me ramble to the cameras,
wearing clothes I dug out from the bottom of my bag.
Clothes I've worn 3 other times this week and slept in twice, by the way.
Will someone please DVR it for us?
Bronson will love to see himself on TV.
And maybe someday I'll want to roll my eyes at myself on camera.
I really hate to be on the wrong side of the camera...
I'd much rather be behind it!

Big Steps Forward...

As if we haven't had enough miracles...

This morning we've made another few big steps toward coming home!

B is walking!

He is playing fetch with his new favorite ball!

(Thanks, Auntie Krista!)

And he is off all oxygen and support and is on only minimal monitoring.

No one can believe it!

It is all smiles here!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Poor Little Bobble-head...

Brons has lost so much weight, he almost looks like a little Bobble-head!
Poor kid!
But hey, we are just thrilled to see him, skin & bones, sitting up by himself
and holding up that big, giant noggin without help!
And seriously, look at those poor, tired, baby blues...
He can barely keep his eyes open!
Our little guy has just been through the ringer!
Cross your fingers for a good night's rest...
Heaven knows we could all use one!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Marching one by one... Hurrah, hurrah!

More playtime fun!

A few small steps... giant leaps!

Just to keep things fun, I thought we'd tip you the other way, just to even things out...
(Sorry... I'm a photographer, please remember... NOT a videographer!)
Here's B thinkin' he can just toddle right on outta here!
"Come on guys! Let's go!"

"Do As I'm Doing" happy time...

If you know Bronson well,
you know that his FAVORITE thing in the whole world
is the song "Do As I'm Doing".
That little turkey will come running from anywhere in the house
as soon as he hears anyone singing it...

So when the big bros came for a visit last night,
they just had to have some play time!
So fun!

Sweetest smile in the world...back again...

Sorry this is sideways... I am too tired to try to figure out how to rotate it.



Just tip your head sideways and enjoy! ;)