Showing posts with label School. Show all posts
Showing posts with label School. Show all posts

Thursday, May 29, 2008

New... Tattoo?

So... I've heard of signing someone's CAST, but signing their ARM?
Kade came home from school today sporting this "awesome" Autograph-Arm...
Apparently it is the new COOL thing in 2nd Grade...
Instead of signing your friend's Yearbook, you just sign THEM!

Maybe to cover the cost of... Inflation?

So Kade burst through the door from school yesterday so excited to tell me
all about how he lost a tooth while wrestling at Recess. (Go figure...)
The whole Class was crawling around on the grass trying to help him find it
(I can only imagine...), and somehow they did!
He brought it home in this cool necklace shaped like a tooth.
He put it under his pillow last night (as usual)
and went to bed...
and lo and behold...

we were all surprised when he found $8 in it's place this morning!
Matt and I looked at each other... disgusted!
Neither of us got more than a quarter, at most!
His other teeth have been worth a few dollars each,
so why the sudden increase?
The rising cost of fuel?
It is an awfully cute smile... but $8?
Maybe the Tooth Fairy was confused... or made the rounds twice... hmmm...

Well, whatever the story... Kade felt like one LUCKY kid!

He even got to keep the necklace!