Showing posts with label Hudson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hudson. Show all posts

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Birthday Party Meltdown...

We had a little melt-down here at our home this morning...
The Mommy, who is admittedly still functioning on only half power,
completely FORGOT to take Trevan to a Birthday Party.
And not just any Birthday Party.
A very important Birthday Party.
A Best-Buddy's Birthday Party...
It had been over for an hour by the time he remembered
and asked me how much longer until it started.
Aye Carumba.
He melted...
Poor kid.
When you are six and you miss your Best Pal's Party...
the one you spent all week looking forward to...
the one we talked about just last night as we wrapped his gift...
Yeah, well when you miss THAT party
it is heartbreaking.
I felt awful.
As he shook with silent sobs,
I held him on my lap and noticed that his big, huge feet
now hang down almost to my ankles.
I took his face in my hands and asked him to forgive me.
He looked at me with those big green eyes and mumbled,
"It's okay Mom. I can go next year."
I wanted to crawl in a hole.
I called Hudson's Mom.
She saved the day.
"Yeah! We wondered where he was!", she said.
I apologized for being such a flake.
"Send him down for a cupcake and they can hang out for the afternoon," she invited.
Bless her heart.
I scraped my tender little boy up and glued him back together with this news.
He was thrilled and had totally recovered by the time he ran out the door, present in hand.
Thank goodness he is resilient.
Thank you, Gina!
And we owe you one, Hudsy!
We'll make it up to you!
Yeah, so just in case there was any question,
I am definitely NOT in the running for Mother of the Year!
I'm going to hang this photo up where I will be sure to see it... as a reminder... every day...
I have really GOT to pull it back together, uh?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Front Porch Pizza Party

With Daddy out of town, we decided Pizza sounded perfect for Dinner.
Kade & Trev each asked if they could invite 'a friend'...
Yep... before long, we'd invited half the neighborhood...
(Well, most of our cul-de-sac, anyway!)

Oh, well... the MORE the Merrier!
Back Row (Left to Right): Carson, Parker, Kaden, CJ, Seth, Braedan
Front Row (Left to Right): Hudson, Sachi, Daynen, Trevan, Taegan

Since the boys and I had slaved away cleaning the house all morning
(and admittedly did NOT want to do it again),
they decided we better keep the mess outside..
(Sad... Freaky-clean OCD Mom that I am... I have completely ruined my children!)

Their solution? Pure BRILLIANCE!
An impromptu
Front Porch Pizza Party!

Wild & Crazy! .
(With the notable exception of Braedan, back row, right... Who are these people?)
Little Dayne thought it was soooo great to feed himself...


He actually climbed INTO the action... literally!



Since he still needs both hands to balance while walking,

he figured out a resourceful way to 'toddle' his slice around... Hands-free!


Sooo funny!


Honestly, who can resist this sweet little Sugar Lips?

We topped off Dinner with Donuts, Popsicles and frosted Sugar Cookies!



Sachi and Taegan...
(The only little Ladies on our block... )


And with a cul-de-sac full of high-energy boys,
it doesn't take long for any gathering
to turn into a Football Game

...and inevitably a Backyard Wrestling Match!


I have a feeling this will be a familiar sight at our house for years to come!


Friday, May 30, 2008

To Celebrate the Last Day of School...

Each of the big boys got to invite a buddy out for a fun night on the town...
Trev brought his best-est pal, Hudson Eady...
Kade brought his fave-or-ite friend, CJ Hirsche...
and I brought my handsome hubby!
After a quick bite at Bajio's (YUM!), we all headed for the Feature Presentation...
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
(or as T calls is "Narnicles of Narnia: Prince Thaz-peon").
The boys were GLUED to their seats for the entire movie!
They LOVED it! (So did we, actually! It was great!).
Totally worth the price of admission... not to mention a hard year's work at school!
Funny thing...
When I "buddied" the boys up for the evening,
we noticed that our boys were both in camo shorts & green t-shirts
(totally unintentionally, I swear! They dressed themselves...)
and their pals were both in plaid shorts & red t-shirts...
Their was one of each "uniform" in each "pair"!
Doot doo-doot doo... WEIRD!
They all got a good laugh at this as they stumbled through the Parking Lot pretending to be "Siamese Quadruplets" connected at the hip!

Friday, May 23, 2008

One down...

T had his last day of Preschool today...
It was bittersweet.
He is so excited to look forward to Summer and to Kindergarten, but so sad to say goodbye!
He has LOVED carpooling and being in class with his best-est pal, Hudson...
They are such cute little friends... often mistaken for twins!
Trev has worked so hard and learned so many new things!
He has passed off all his letters, numbers, shapes, and colors, writes his name and is making great progress in Math & Reading! What a Smarty-Pants!
He has loved having his cousin, Chase (who is exactly 4 days older) in his Class
and had fun getting to see and play with him often.
And he has just adored the sweet, omniscient Mrs. Dove!
She is a darling teacher and has done so much to boost his confidence
and to help him to become excited about learning.
He will miss her daily "kisses"... (Hershey's kissables they earned as rewards!)
He will miss Mrs. Dove... and of course Marvin the Mouse, their Class Pet,
and is already planning to go back and visit!
. .
We are so proud of you, Trev!
We can't believe you are growing up so fast!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Carpets America ROCKS!

I had to take D in for a quick Dr. visit yesterday morning (just an ear-tube check... he's fine).

I bribed (Yes, I'm NOT above it!) Trevan and his best-est buddy, Hudson (who comes over to play after Preschool on Mondays), that if they were good, we'd go see Matt at work...
they were so excited!

The BEST part about having a Dad that works at a Flooring Store, is playing in the Warehouse!

The boys LOVE to climb on top of...

and crawl through all the HUGE rolls of Carpet!

It's like Little-Boy paradise!
Even little Dayne had a blast playing peek-a-boo with the Big Boys...

Of course the highlight of the warehouse is the Fork-Lift.

Trev & Hudson had fun hanging from it and trying to see who was "toughest" and could hang on the longest...

...we won't say who won!

Hudson, whose Dad teaches at Provo High asked,
"So what Class does your Dad teach, Trev? Carpets or something?" :)
After a real-life Fork Lift ride with Daddy, they never wanted to leave!

So did you have fun, Trev? ..."Oh, YEAH!"

We came home FILTHY dirty (sorry, Gina!) and happy as can be... Mission accomplished!