1) avoid bringing too much clothes. memberatkan beg sajo. trust me, you'll end up buying more clothes there! i even bought 2 blouses that costs only RM14 each. kat primark lah kan apa lagi. hehehe. although the currency rate for GBP is quite high currently (or nilai ringgit jatuh menjunam), you'll still think it is way cheaper there (especially for branded items) as compared to here. if traveling during winter season, do make sure that you wear comfy shoes. jangan jadi macam saya. i ended up buying a new pair of boots 'cause i hurt my feet after 5 days of walking. nasib baiklah boots tu murah sajo.
2) when you arrive at Heathrow Airport, you'll get asked few questions by the immigration officer like 'is this your first time here?' or 'what's your occupation in malaysia' or 'how much money did you bring with?' yada yada yada. sila jawab dengan jujur ok. jangan plak nak main betul ke bohong ke kat sana.
3) untuk membeli souvenir yang murah-murah, silalah ke area bayswater/queensway (sila jangan beli souvenir di oxford street. mahal seh!). you can get 20 fridge magnets for the price of GBP10. in fact, bukan fridge magnet je mughah, keychain, mugs and lain-lain pun murah gak kat sana. i ended up buying a big ben tabung for me. kekonon macam tabung travel. gituuuuu....
4) for those yang nak borong perfumes pulak, please head on to Beauty Base. tu nama kedai yang jual perfume murah2 kat sana. branch dia yang saya tahu di Whiteleys and Westfield (Shepherd's Bush). serius murah noks. you can get a 100ml Britney Spears's Radiance perfume for only GBP15. darab lah 5.6. RM84 jer uolsssss...
5) as for Halal restaurants, sangatlah selambak tak payah risau lah. kat Malaysia Hall murah sikit lah. hari tu aku makan nasi campur lauk ayam masak lemak dengan sayur dalam GBP3.50. bila bab makan, jangan pulak gatai darab 5.6 tu. pejam mata je ok masa bayar tu.
6) if you want to 'see' london, i suggest you travel around by bus. yes, masa perjalanan tu agak lamasikit lah tapi you get to enjoy the view. kalau jenis nak cepat sampai, then naiklah train. i think maybe that's why mat saleh banyak naik train sebab nak cepat. and also, panas sikit dalam train masa musim winter.
7) go to bicester village kalau terasa macam nak beli barang hantaran branded tapi cheaper dari the one in Malaysia (and few parts of London). oh ye, mostly barang branded kat bicester village ni past season punya. so basically, korang tak payahlah nak cari Michael Kors's Selma and Prada's Saffiano kat sini. kalau nak juga, kau datang 2 tahun lagi. bak kata salesperson kat sana la heheh. haihhh aku dah menyesal tak beli Furla Candy Bag rege GBP100. tu kira murah dari original Candy Bag yang jual online and in store. kat sini around RM800 ke atas kot.
8) if you're into Harry Potter stuff like i am (yes, i'm a huge fan of Harry Potter. walaupun umur nak masuk 29 tahun), don't forget to go to Kings' Cross Station. korang boleh bergambar dengan troli ala-ala nak pergi ke Platform 9 3/4. kat sana ada jugak kedai Harry Potter. you can buy all sorts of HP (harry potter, bukan hewlett packard) merchandise. they even sell the wands, harry's glasses, gryffindor scarf and so on. nasib baik masa aku pergi ni, dah tak banyak duit...kalau tak, memang aku akan rembat satu wand pastu berangan 'avada kedavra!'
9) if you're into antiques stuff like my mother, do head down to Portobello Market in Notting Hill. full market dia hari sabtu. hari biasa ada cuma tak banyak lah gerai-gerai yang bukak. and the reason why i went there of course sebab nak tengok kedai buku yang Hugh Grant own dalam filem Notting Hill tu. oh ye, market dia panjang ok. aku tak jalan sampai hujung pun. anyway, selain dari Portobello Market, ada bermacam-macam market lagi kat London ni i.e Camden Market cuma iols tak tahu kat mana je. and nombor dua sebab dah penat jalan hehe.
hmmm so far, tu je lah kot setakat ni...nanti ada apa-apa lagi iols update.