Saturday, June 17, 2017

Style Arc Courtney - 2

I wanted some cool tops for our summers here.  Part of the definition of  "cool" to me is that the garment touched nothing but the shoulders.  Nothing binding or constricting.  I think the Courtney works in this case.

The pink is the first "trial version" in a size 12 to see how it fit.  I did about 3/8" forward shoulder adjustment.  I may need to increase that, but wanted to give the top(s) the "wear test" before more adjustments.  I could take in the side seams for a closer fit.

The pink is a linen blend (I think linen/rayon and I "think" from Fashion  It's been in the stash for a few years.

I wore it this one day this week and snapped a photo in the doctor's office ladies room.

The black roses is a rayon crinkle (that still needs a hem on the sleeves and the bottom) fabric from Super Textiles in Dallas,  I just picked up this fabric last week along with another print.

Dress form photos: (This one still needs hems on sleeve and bottom)

I'm going stash diving when I get a chance to see if I can find a solid and print that will coordinate so that I can use the solid on the front side pieces.

I like this pattern!