First, pretend the top is navy rather than black. Also note that the blue in the fabric is darker than the photo picked up.
Shams posted a photo and tutorial of her self drafted skirt that came to be known as the tablecloth skirt. She explains how that came to be in her blog post. Do read the entire post if you have time.
I was slow to hop on the bandwagon to make this skirt. Seems that checks and/or plaids seem to work well with the pattern, and there were neither of those in the appropriate weight of fabric in my stash. I kept the project in the back of my mind.
Earlier this week, while running errands, I went into Hancock Fabrics in Mesquite and first saw a striped corduroy. It was a light weight, and I immediately thought of this skirt. As I perused further, this checked jumped out. I'm not a brown/tan fan (not one of my good colors), but blue/navy is good. This was on sale 60% off.
I couldn't remember how much fabric I needed so I got 3 yds and hoped for the best. After washing/drying, the width was 41.5" Shams used 45" fabric (or cut the fabric at 45 x 45". So, I cut a 41.5" square as directed and then four 41.5 x 15" rectangles. (I'm 5'6") That left me just enough for a waistband. All fabric purchased was used in this skirt.
I think this is a winner! I just need to make a new navy top (fabric in stash). Next week, I hope! Then I have to decide about shoes. Hope I have some in the closet that will work.