Showing posts with label fabric shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fabric shopping. Show all posts

Thursday, March 23, 2017

I LOVE this Dress

Check out THIS dress if you haven't seen it already!  I must try this if I can ever find some time.

Spring/summer is here in my part of the world.  Expecting 90 degrees today.  I'd love it if it would stay in the 70's or 80's for a while, but, THIS IS TEXAS.  So, I have been mowing, trimming, planting and on and on  outside.

The bluebonnets are out.  So, so pretty! and I have some Indian Paintbrush in my pasture.  I do love them too!

This little gentleman had a birthday this month - a year old!  How fast that year went!  Here he is in my messy sewing room wanting me to play.  He is a large part of the reason that even after the yard work is done, I get very little sewing done!

Sometimes, he will finally settle into his bed in the same sewing room, and let me get an hour or so at the machines.

So, while not much actual sewing, I continue to add to the stash.  I ordered one of Emma One Sock's bundles in the navy family.  I am happy with just about every piece!

And I get so inspired watching Peggy Sagers' free webcasts and short Thursday videos.  I tend to want to make one of "everything" she shows, but being retired, I don't need to do that!  HOWEVER, I did order three pieces of her fabric.  I think two of the three I  ordered are already sold out.  All those pieces are lovely cottons which are great for summers here.  Sorry, I haven't taken photos of them yet.

I am working on (in my short stints of sewing that Trooper will allow) this Style Arc pattern in a lovely navy/red rayon challis from the stash.  I have no clue where I got it.

Most of the "cold shoulder" patterns are not my cup of tea but I do like this split sleeve.  Hope to finish it this week.

Friday, June 14, 2013

To answer a Question - Fabrics

BJ in TX left (in partial) the following comment:  "And speaking of Pursley's.....if I remember right, you are close to Dallas - have you been to Perth Street lately? Went there recently after a 2 year absence - was SO disappointed. Where are you buying your wonderful fabrics? "

I wanted to answer BJ's question, but it also me got me to thinking more about how fabric buying has changed for me over the years I have sewn.  Yep, I was on Perth Street just this week.  I visited C&C Fabrics, Dallas Spandex (fairly new place; they have some nice RPL for $7/yd) and Super Textiles.  Things have really changed over the 15 or so years I've been visiting the area.  Some places have closed, a couple have opened, and one has moved buildings.  

There is not the variety nor the amount of stock inventory there used to be.  It's a sign of the times, I'm afraid, and it makes me sad - sad for myself and other sewists who love(d) to shop there and lived the "thrill of the hunt" to find that special fabric OR find a special fabric at SUCH a bargain!  I smile as I think of the times:

*  I the bolt of raw silk (12 yards) that was marked "$1 per yard - MUST BUY THE WHOLE BOLT."  Grabbed that up so I didn't have to rip it out of someone else's arms.

*  I found a rayon/lycra knit in the same print I had seen (and admired) in the Coldwater Creek catalog, and it was $4/yd.  At least 3 yards came home with me.

*  Two bolts of coordinating linen/rayon (both on the $1/yd - must buy the bolt) table.  It washed up so soft. My sister got an outfit; I got a 3-piece outfit; gave some to a friend who made up a pants/top/jacket outfit, and I think there is some still in the stash.  

There are more of those fun experiences, but these are the ones that come to mind quickly.

My sewing buddy and I had a conversation with the owner of Super Textiles (Steve) last year.  He told us that he just can't find the fabrics.  So much is made abroad and the availability of overruns, overstocks, etc. that used to be in abundance here in the U.S. just isn't out there anymore.  Business  has been slow enough that he had to lay off one of the ladies who had been with him a very long time. When I go in now, I see lots of the same stock and some empty shelving.

I didn't stop at Golden D'Ore this time--not enough time.  I generally don't find as many "bargains" there as the other places.  BUT they almost always have a nice selection of silks and wools among other fabrics at "good prices."  They have a bargain room where I have found some nice pieces.  They have two big sales per year where the bargain room fabric is marked ridiculously low, but you have to be willing to stand in long lines at the cutting tables.  Several costumers take advantage of those sales to stock their production sewing rooms for the year.

When I began sewing in the late early 60's, fabric was available at the department stores such as J.C. Penny's and Sanger Harris.  The local Singer Sewing Center stocked fabric along with their sewing machines. Then, when I was in high school, Cloth World arrived in my area, and I discovered Hancocks.  Department stores began to phase out their fabric departments.  There were a few locally owned fabric shops that lasted a few years.  In the Dallas/Ft Worth metroplex, high end independent fabrics stores can still be found, but they are few a far between now.  (this paragraph was a trip down memory lane!)

So, to answer your question, BJ, now I purchase fabric "when I find something I like" at the Perth Street Shops. Some times I find something; many times now I come home empty handed.   If I'm looking for something specific, I surf the web looking on, sawyer brook, gorgeous fabrics, fashion fabrics club, fabric mart, etc., etc.  I have wanted some white linen/rayon.  I found linen/cotton at both C&C, but no white and limited colors of linen/rayon at Super Textiles this week, but no white.  Last night I received an e-mail from Sawyer Brook.  When I logged on, there was white linen/rayon and on sale to boot!  It's winging its way to me now.

Most everything I've sewn lately has come from the stash.  I have mixed emotions about sewing down the stash.  I can't find what I used to find to replenish the stash, but then again, maybe I don't need to be "replenishing" after all.  

Boy, that was a very l-o-n-g answer wasn't it, BJ?