~January: We're in Maine visiting our friends D and J.
~February: But how many of you own this version? (Yes, I am truly a geek).
~April: Today is Good Friday.
~May: When my house and yard were being cleaned up before I moved in the slate patio was expanded without too much prep work (it needs to be fixed).
~June: From the RevGals, in the month of graduations and movings on...
1. Think back to the time you left High School, what were your hopes visions and dreams for your life/ for the world?
~July: The Kid and I left home yesterday morning and drove to northern VT to visit LD#2 (known to some of you as NSLS) for the Fourth of July holiday.
~August: Or tales of a neurotic shopper....
~September: From a late afternoon walk in the church garden...
~October: Last week went by in a fog, sort of.
~November: When I was in the fifth grade we spent a few weeks studying the United Nations.
~December: 30 posts in 30 days--actually 35 posts
I guess that pretty much sums up my year. 2007 was fairly uneventful (unlike 2006 during which I was ordained to the priesthood and NSLS got married, and 2008 during which I will become an 'amma' and Elder Son will be married). We had several lovely trips--to Maine, Vermont and New York City, which are my three favorite places. I worked hard, and on more of my days off than I like to count, but I felt like it mostly was good--my preaching is continuing to develop, I have more meaningful responsibility, I get to do things I like to do.
So how was your year?
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