Sunday, December 16, 2007

The weather outside is frightful

~After a lovely snow on Thursday, and just a bit of a melt on Friday, I woke this morning to heavy snow. Really heavy snow. It was beautiful, but I had the early service and I'm thinking "no one is going to show up." When I get down to the church I turn on all the lights so people will know someone is there (since I walk down, no car in the lot to clue people in). To my amazement, five intrepid souls show up. And the snow removal guys come about the time the service started.

~But by 9 am, the lovely snow turns first to sleet, and then rapidly to heavy rain. Yuck. What a nasty mess. We have a smallish group at the 10 am service--about 50 (we usually have three times that). But given the weather, it's good.

~ The plow guys forget to do my drive when they plow the church parking lot, and it's ankle deep in slush by mid-afternoon.

~The temperature continues to rise all day, and the rain continues to fall. It's in the mid forties right now. But about 4 am the temperature is supposed to start falling, and it is going to be cold again tomorrow all day. Which means ice. Bah.

~Meanwhile, I still haven't bought my tree. Got there Friday just as they were locking up, no time yesterday, and weather too bad today. I think it's going to be a crazy week.

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