~Yesterday was the first Saturday I've had off--really off with no sermon to write or forum to plan or funeral to assist at or meeting to attend--in about six weeks, and it was nice. I did normal Saturday things: slept in a bit, read blogs, email and the NYTimes, did some errands and some laundry, and made clam chowder for dinner.
~It has been winter cold here the last few days. Tonight a few snow flakes fell--enough to look like a dusting of powdered sugar on the sidewalk and drive way, but that's about it. I don't mind it being cold--makes it feel more like December.
~I live on a street with lots of old--really old--houses. One of them, down in the village has just been nicely redone. Tonight as I drove home from some (more) errands, someone was putting up Christmas decorations on the postage stamp sized lawn--you guessed it: one of the dreaded blow up things--a carousel of all things, plus a fake light-up tree. It is so out of character for where it is. Maybe I'll get a picture and post it later.
~The Kid went to nearby city to hear Barack Obama tonight. I'll be interested in hearing his take on it. I don't think I've ever been to a campaign event. Bill Clinton came to grad school city during his first campaign, but I had to teach a class at the time he was there. And he came to Vermont during his second campaign, but again, I was teaching a class and couldn't go. Mostly I've lived in places where candidates don't find it worth their while to visit.
~Tomorrow is our third funeral in five days. This one is for one of the real matriarchs of our parish--director of the altar guild for 37 years--some of you will appreciate the import of that more than others! We have two more funerals scheduled for this month already, and one for January.
~As usual for me, I haven't really done much in the way of Christmas preparations. I'm always surprised by people who have their cards mailed and presents bought by early December. I shouldn't be surprised, but I am, nonetheless, year after year.
~Denial--especially about Christmas coming--is my game. I'm just saying.
Glad you enjoyed that much-deserved day off.
I wonder if the blow-up snow globe is the same one that my neighbors have? I am not a fan of those things, either, but the twins *love* it, so that makes it more bearable. Every evening when we get home (and it's already dark, ugh), they point and squeal as soon as they see the thing.
By "snow globe" I meant "carousel." The one my neighbors have is a carousel *encased* in a snow globe!
Yes, that's what this one is, too--a carousel in a snow globe.
That must be some snow globe! Glad you had the day off. I'm looking forward to just such a Saturday, the week of the Christmas Pageant, since I have nothing to do with it. (Fingers crossed this will remain true.)
Denial. Sign me up, honey. I have a final project, two exams, a week of contract work, then Christmas. Oh yeah, did I mention the GOEs right after that. I'm just pretending like none of it is happening.
My mom wanted to buy the girls one of those gigantic lawn snowglobes. I suggested a smaller one for indoors since you could not pay me (ok, for a lot of money) to put one on my lawn.
As I posted before, my neighbors hang out in their ginormous house with no lawn so they set their deer in the window. This of course leads to the "mating" deer look.
I saw W speak on his first campaign trail.(It was free and I was near the area) I walked away knowing WV would go from being very blue to voting for a republican because of his support of the mining industry.
I would love to see some of the candidates this year but so far they have all breezed through with big money donations needed to attend.
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