Your Score: Fennel
You scored 50% intoxication, 50% hotness, 75% complexity, and 25% craziness!

You are Fennel!
You're a cool cat. Crisp, clean, fresh, and extremely complicated. You're like quantum physics or modern jazz. Think Niels Bohr meets Ornette Coleman. You may look normal now, but once you sprout, you look kind of, uh, funny.
Link: The Which Spice Are You Test |
75% intoxication, 50% hotness, 75% complexity, and 50% craziness!
I am saffron.
I'm another fennel who doesn't like fennel. But I do like you!
I am Saffron! Those other spices have nothing on me! I'm warm, smart, and you make people feel really good (and with no side-effects!). I can be difficult to get to know and require a lot of those who try, but I'm so totally worth it. *Sigh*
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