Saturday, December 29, 2007

On the fifth day of Christmas

~I woke up to driving rain and wind. It's slowed down a bit now, but it promises to be another dreary day.

~I've been fighting a cold since Wednesday and I'm not sure who's winning. It's not terrible, more like annoying, but I wish it would go away.

~I restarted (for the umpteenth time) knitting a scarf last night. Just when I felt like I was getting the feel of it I realized that somehow I was adding an extra stitch every few rows. How I was doing that I have NO idea. But I guess I will start over ONE MORE TIME today. Perhaps I am not meant to be a knitter...

~I am going to take the plunge and commit to Project 365 for 2008. This year I am going to set up a separate photoblog. Yankee T and perhaps Profgrrrrl are jumping into the fray as well.

~I am tempted to do the blog-every-day-for-a-year thing, but I haven't completely made up my mind yet. In a way 365 is doing that, but I'm thinking more particularly of blogging with words.

~Having no other plans (well, I had an invite to go out of town but it's not feasible this year) for New Year's Eve, I may throw a blog party....and you're all invited....I'll bring artichoke dip and champagne....anyone else?

ETA: Here's the link to the new photoblog--no pictures yet, just playing with the template.


Caminante said...

Homemade salsa? Since I have a 10.00 HE on the 1st I will probably be by my lonesome on the 31st.

~profgrrrrl~ said...

OK, you're doing it so I'll do it too :)

Phantom Scribbler said...

I'll be at my parents' house unless the snow intervenes. Count me in. Sigh.

Jules said...

We miss you in the flesh -- I think I remember that scarf. Are you slipping the first stitch of every row? If you're not, that's why you're getting extra stitches. Slipping means transferring it to the other needle without actually knitting it. Just stick the needle in the way you would if you were knitting it, then slip it off the needle it was on, onto the needle you're using. THEN knit your first stitch of the row (the actual second stitch).