~I still can't log into Blogger on Firefox on my Mac. It works everywhere else, and I have no trouble logging in on Safari on the Mac. So I'm not even sure where the problem lies--Blogger? Firefox? Somewhere in my computer? I just have no idea.
~This started after I went into blogger draft to change my comment settings. But why would that only mess up blogger in Firefox on my Mac, and nowhere else? Could be a total coincidence.
~Meanwhile I'm still using Safari which seems slower, but I guess that could be my imagination.
~A totally unrelated bit of nothingness: Why does "weird" not obey the "i before e except after c" rule?
ETA: I removed all the cookies associated with Blogger and voila! It works again!
Apparently, "i before e except after c" is basically useless. Consider:
beige, counterfeit, deign, eider, eight, either, feign, feint, feisty, forfeit, freight, heifer, height, heinous, inveigle, leisure, neigh, neighbor, neither, obeisance, reign, rein, seismic, sleigh, surveillance, their, veil, vein, weigh, weir, and weird of course..
I couldn't find a rhyme or reason for it -- I think the rule is just useless. I mean, I'll allow that the rule shouldn't have to accommodate, say, dreidel or geisha. But weird is Old English, and it doesn't get more original than that in English. Between words of German and French origin, well...
But it was fun to find out how many 'ei' words there are!
(PS, I blog over here)
some of the exceptions, but not "weird", are covered under the second part of the rule--"or when pronounced AY, as in 'neighbour' and 'weigh'" -- for what that's worth i.e. not much...
Had not thought about weird. Now, I will be thinking of all words that break the rule. I must get a hobby besides reading.
Back to the original question... I have found that I cannot print out pages from my blog in Camino and have to go to Safari. If I try from Camino, all I get is a blank page with the template. Go figure.
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