For some reason, Firefox won't let me log into blogger on my Mac. I'm using Safari now, which is okay I guess. For a while I thought it was a blogger issue--but I tried to log in on our old computer and it worked fine. I guess I need to uninstall Firefox and reinstall it.
I'm posting this more as a test to make sure everything is working than because I think anyone cares to read about my computer issues...
ETA I reintstalled Firefox but I'm still getting the same error message, which says something about Firefox detecting an address that will never open....and then it says that this problem sometimes occurs when cookies are disabled--but they aren't.
The Kid recommends I try a browser called "flock"--anyone familiar with it?
How about you just back away from the browser and eat some birthday cake? Happy birthday!!! (NSLS reminded us.)
Another friend said that the problem was solved after she deleted her Blogger cookies and then signed back in. Perhaps that might help?
I use Flock when I need to sign into different gmail accounts simultaneously. It's much the same as Firefox, but without the wealth of plug-ins, and with lots of built-in doodads for blogging, using photosharing sites, and suchlike.
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