Showing posts with label interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interview. Show all posts

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Last 48 Hrs to Access September *AND* October At-Cost Specials Simultaneously :)

It's one of those magical times again when we're just about to slide into the next month and Mr. M makes available the At-Cost specials for two months simultaneously - for the next few days, until the end of September, you can enjoy the deals from both September *and* October, over at - fun :)

Here are just *some* of the current items "at-cost":

Chia seeds, hemp seeds, hemp oil, royal jelly, chlorella powder, angstrom minerals, lip balms, B12 patches, chlorella tablets, spirulina crunchies, olive oil, coconut butter, systemic enzymes, MSM caps, Franky G's spice blends, jackfruit, mulberries, apricots, kale chips, biscotti and MUCH more...

Check out *all* the current deals on the site HERE...

on September the 24th we were on the road again most of the day and I enjoyed:

1 quart water
3 cups watermelon/orange juice with Vitamin C powder
1 cup greeeeeeeeeeeeen juice from the garden
8 granadillas
2 cups water
40 chlorella tablets
3 curry powersticks
water of a young coconut
little bowl of leftover greeeeeeeen salad w/kelp noodles and pesto sauce, followed by a chunk of Mr. M's new white Pili Nut "Chocolate"
2 cups water

on September the 25th I appreciated:

1 quart water
3 cups watermelon/orange juice with Vitamin C powder
2 cups intense greeeeeeeeeeeeen juice from the garden
curious yet delicious little meal of fresh strawberries with Brazil nut butter
water of a young coconut
little bowl of cucumber salad with avocado and sauerkraut, served with Curry-Kraut crakers topped with Sea Clear and tahini - yummmmmmmm :) Followed by a little white Pili Nut "Chocolate" from Mr. Mmmmmmm :)
water of a young coconut
1 cup water

Final reminder:
It's that time again - the next spectacular Longevity Now Conference is being held this coming weekend in Costa Mesa (September the 30th to October the 3rd) - are you going...? If you don't yet have tickets for this all-star, cutting-edge health ext-raw-vaganza, you can still get last-minute tix HERE...
This coming conference features fabulous speakers such as:

David Wolfe, Daniel Vitalis, Ron Teeguarden, Kevin Trudeau, Dr. Jameth Sheridan, 
Nadine Artemis, Truth Calkins, Raw Solla, Jason Wrobel and many others...

PLUS of course amazing booths, the legendary tonic bar, stageside giveaways, high energy buzzzzzzzing crowd, wonderful potential conversations/networking and much more...a LOT to explore...jump on over HERE to secure your tickets now if you haven't already and...ENJOY :)

on September the 26th I was blissed with:

1 quart water
3 cups watermelon/orange juice
2 cups greeeeeeeeeeeeen juice from the garden
yummmmmmmmmmers raw meal at a friend's house: raw zucchini fettucine, greeeeen salad, wraps
water of two young coconuts
chunk of Mr. M's Pili Nut Chocolate
mug of maca/reishi/shilajit/ormus tea
1 cup water

on September the 27th I appreciated:

1 quart water
3 cups coconut water blended with granadillas and Vitain C powder
30 chlorella tablets
bowl of yummmmmmers fruit salad at the "Post-Apocolypse Breakfast Club", with a little coconut/cardamom/cinnamon pudding on the side
little bowl of cucumber salad with avocado and sauerkraut, served with curry-kraut crackers
water of two young coconuts
1 cup water

Ooooooo lalalalalaaaaaaa, tomorrow sees the final radio interview scheduled in our current show line-up...and we are blessed and blissed to have the opportunity to speak with the lovely Alexandra Jaye Johnson, resident Goddess over at :)
Alexandra is *all* about helping to empower women into their most radiant, joyful, authentic expressions of themselves...and in this final free radio interview of this season tomorrow, we'll be picking Alexandra's noggin for her top tips and tricks for releasing the Goddess within all of us - fun :) Join us at 6pm Eastern (3pm Pacific) for this fun, inspirational and free call - dial-in info is accessible from - enjoy :)

All love and blissballs of benign benevelance ;)
A. C. Stokes-Monaaaaaaaarch. xxx

Monday, 11 July 2011

One-Week Internet/"Left-Brain" Fast :)

I am SUUUPER-EXCITED to announce a new experiment that I intend to begin tomorrow evening at 8pm Eastern (Tuesday, July the 12th). I am intending to take a one-week "left brain/internet/schedule fast" :) After the Raw Emotions Study Group weekly meeting finishes tomorrow evening, I intend to unplug my computer from the internet and remain as disconnected from "left brain" activities as I am able to, for the coming, what does this mean?

*I will not be answering any emails or Facebook messages - please contact our customer services on if you require assistance during this time.
*I will not be blogging - I *may* still make note of my daily intake during this period to post later on - I'll see what happens ;)
*My newsletter next week may be later than usual...
*I will be intending to pass the week in a very simple, right-brain, creative flow, seeing what arises - I imagine the kind of activities I may find myself engaging in may include reading, writing, yoga, walking, meditation, journalling, singing, sleeping, gardening and so on...I am excited :)
*I may still use a computer to work on certain creative projects/make notes etc, however, I will be disconnected from the internet.
*I intend to reconnect to the "left-brain" world on July the 19th at 7pm Eastern to hold the next week's Raw Emotions Study Group meeting - after that we'll see how things unfold... ;)

I thank you in advance for your understanding of my desire to take this 'time out" and reconnect to my essence within...the vision for this experiment came through very strongly a few days ago and with a LOT of energy - I am excited to see what transpires - thank you... :)

on July the 8th I appreciated:

1 quart water
1 cup mandarin/granadilla juice
a YUMMMMMMY cherimoya :)
2 cups coconut water blended with Elixir of The Lake
2 cups coconut water
bowl of energy soup fresh from the garden with nori/pistachio butter/sauerkraut on the side, followed by a sliced apple with almond butter
water of two young coconuts
½ an apple sliced, spread with almond butter
1 cup water

on July the 9th I loved:

1 quart water
1 cup mandarin/granadilla juice
2 cups coconut water blended with Elixir of The Lake
little bowl of sliced apple, Lydia's apple cereal, coconut water
2 cups coconut water
yummmmmmy raw lunch at Sambuca Cafe of raw enchiladas with fresh salad and guacamole - yum ;)
water of two young coconuts

I am excited to let y'all know that I am involved in a new online summit that just kicked off today, called the "Food and Body Freedom Summit" :)
This FREE 3-week long summit starts today and features fifteen inspiring, fun and motivating speakers, ;)
You can hear my interview on emotional eating and shifting our relationships with food this coming Wednesday, July the 13th - check out all the details and get on board for this FREE summit HERE - enjoy :)

on July the 10th I enjoyed:

1 quart water
3 cups coconut water mixed with mandarin juice and Vitamin C powder
bowl of YUMMY strawberries
water of a young coconut
shared cucumber salad meal with Mr. M; salad stuffed into nori sheets with Sea Clear and sauerkraut, with *amazing* new cold-pressed oil samples on the side, followed by a sliced apple dipped in almond butter :)
2 cups water
water of a young coconut

on July the 11th I was blissed with:

1 quart water
1 cup mandarin/passionfruit juice
bowl of fresh fruit salad: strawberries, pineapple, mango
shared cucumber salad meal with Mr. M; salad stuffed into nori sheets with Sea Clear and sauerkraut, followed by a sliced apple dipped in almond butter :)
2 cups water
water of a young coconut
a sliced apple dipped in fresh haelnut butter - WOW :)
1 cup water

For this month's RawReform giveaway, I am thrilled to announce that the beautiful people over at Medicine Flower have generously offered a tub of their decadently gorgeous Vanilla Body Butter along with an exquisite vial of their sublime Dark Chocolate Flavour Extract - WOW :)))
To be in with a chance of winning these delightful items, just send in your A to the following Q, to
"What is your favourite scent in the world and why...?"

Get your entries in by August the 12th 2011 to be in with a chance of receiving these very special goodies - the winner shall be chosen at random and with great j0y shortly thereafter - thanks :)
In the meantime, if you'd love to gather some of these lovely products for your own delight, you can find them HERE - enjoy :)

All love and a deep breath of relaxation, 
A. Stokes-Monarch. xxx

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Longevity Conference - Watch At Home :)

OMGoddess, Mr. M and I are *very* excited about the upcoming Longevity Conference this weekend in Costa Mesa :)))
SO many of our favourite yumsters are going to be there - it feels like such a treat to see so many amazing people in one blast before we disappear back down to Ecuador... ;)

If you don't already have tickets to be there in person this weekend, I'm really not sure if there even are any available any more - you can try at this link HERE...and if you aren't going to be there in person, you might be excited to know that the Longevity team have just launched a WEBCAST option for the entire event :)

You can tune in to the WHOLE 3-day weekend of workshops and even the very exclusive Monday Masters Workshop too if you like, from anywhere in the you get unlimited access to watch playbacks at your leisure for six months after the event - NICE :) I *loved* watching the archives from the last conference which we were unable to attend and I'm sure this one will be just as fabulous, if not even more so - very exciting :)

To access more info abt the webcast options, click HERE and enjoy :)

on September the 17th I appreciated:

1 quart water
2.5 cups mixed veggie juice
mixed Michigan berry/raw almond butter feast with Mr. M
2 cups water
mug of herbal tea
1 cup water

on September the 18th we were at a raw festival and I had a "bitty" intake day:

1 quart water
2.5 cups mixed veggie juice
a "mock tuna" lettuce roll, few slices of apples, a nori "powerwrap", little white raw chocolate
2 cups water
2 cups mixed veggie juice
a raw 'taco', ½ a bell pepper, samples of raw crackers, piece of apple cookie
2 cups water

OoOoooooo lala, we've got a racy new item to share with you today...the all new, super-shiny beautifully presented "Raw Beauty Calendar" for 2011, featuring gorgeously produced professional photos of thirteen 'real', un-airbrushed raw foodies...all in the nude ;O Every picture is tastefully presented with thoughtfully-placed veggies and fruits, while at the same time showing how well-toned, glowing and gorgeous people can become with a raw lifestyle...the calendar also features raw recipes and tips and is printed on recycled paper with veggie inks...aaaaand we have this calendar for sale now over at The Raw Food World right HERE- enjoy ;)

on September the 19th I enjoyed:

1 quart water
3 cups mixed veggie juice
2 tbsp bee pollen
2 tbsp spirulina crunchies
3 apples picked straight from the tree, plus a few strawberries/grapes
sweet little raw buffet plate of veggies and dips/pates at our workshop event in Michigan, followed later by a few more grapes/strawberries/frut slices
2 cups water

on September the 20th, I enjoyed:

1 quart water
3 cups mixed veggie juice
bunch of red grapes :)
shared yummy cucumber salad meal with Mr. M, stuffed into nori sheets with SeaClear, lecithin and tomatoes, followed by a few pieces of dried jackfruit
2 cups water
3 tbsp acai powder
2 cups water

:) We were featured in a major magazine in Ecuador :) Vistazo magazine is one of the most popular, well-known mags in Ecuador and they decided to do a feature on the eco/green community life in Vilcabamba. They came to interview us about eating raw and set us into the magazine at the head of the article - check it out in the picture to the side - if you understand Spanish you can maybe even tell us what it all says... ;)

With love and blossoming joy,
The Stokes-Monarch. xxx

Saturday, 10 July 2010

30 More Participants Wanted for Raw Food Study... ;)

Our dear raw friends Susan and Philip Madeley from the Tree of Life center in Arizona are in the closing stages of completing their Masters programmes in Nutrition under Gabriel Cousens and they could use *YOUR* help :)
They are conducting a study into the health of raw/vegan children under the age of five, for their theses and so far they have 70 participants - they would LOVE 30 more participants...

One lovely intended outcome of this study is to provide a vegan recipe for nursing mothers and babies without access to breast milk - wow :) They have a simple survey that they are asking people to complete to help finalise this work - if you or anyone you know is a vegan parent, please hop on over to and fill in the 5-10 minute survey to help support this research and important info on breast milk alternatives in challenging situations.

on July the 8th I loved:

1 quart water
mug of horchata tea
1.5 cups Monarch special: passion fruit, granadilla, mandarin juice
2 cups greeeeeen juice with pineapple juice
2 cups greeeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
cup of orange/mandarin juice
½ a papaya, a dragon fruit
water of a young coconut
small bowl of energy soup with spirulina coconut crunchies sprinkled on top, followed by a little hand-stirred 'yumpot' of tahini, coconut nectar, chocolate extract, maca
2 cups horchata tea
1 cup water

I just put up a new set of pics from our *beautifully blossoming* garden :) I am SO excited to see the okra flower, the sesame blooms and the gorgeous patch of sunflowers too - we are so blessed - hope you enjoy the pics too :)

on July the 9th I appreciated:

1 quart water
2 cups greeeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
a yummy papaya
2 cups greeeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
2 cups greeeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
a yummy papaya
2 cups water
little bowl of avocado mushed with sauerkraut and dulse, stuffed into nori sheets, followed by a hand-stirred yumpot of tahini, coconut nectar, chocolate+vanilla extracts, maca
mug of reishi/shilajit/ormus tea
1 cup water

on July the 10th I enjoyed:

1 quart water
mug of horchata tea
½ a papaya
1 cup water
water of a young coconut
2 cups greeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
yummy shared raw 'taco' meal with neighbours and friends, followed by raw halva balls and samples of dried pineapple
mug of horchata tea
2 cups water

In case you missed the live "2012 and Beyond" interview I did yesterday, you can catch the replay at this link below - it was a fun and interview, covering diverse topics from raw food, world shifts, indigo/crystal children and crop circles to ETs and more - lol ;) ENJOY...

All love and abundant declarations of joy :)
Ms. Stokes-Monarch. xxx

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Fabulous Discounts, Festivals and Interviews :)

Two Fabulous Discount Reminders:

*TONIGHT is the final time slot to receive 14% Off ANY order at, as part of our first anniversary celebrations :) Use the coupon code 'Anniversary14' at the checkout to claim the discount, before midnight Pacific time tonight - enjoy :)

*July 6th at midnight Pacific marks the end of the marvellous 20% OFF deal from the lovely Teresa over at the eco-friendly handmade clothing company, Whether you'd love to pick up some of her hempy 'Posh Pants', a gorgeous 'Comfy Skirt', some funky accessories, tops or even eco-friendly KNICKERS ;)...the time is now, to get 20% off Teresa's fabulous creations - just enter the code 'raw' at the checkout at and ENJOY :)))

on June the 28th I loved:

1 quart water
2 cups greeeeeeen juice mixed with sugarcane juice
3 tbsp bee pollen, 2 mandarins
2 cups greeeeeeen juice mixed with sugarcane juice
fruit salad: granadilla, papaya, dragon fruit
water of a young coconut
an avocado mushed with sauerkraut and dulse, stuffed into nori sheets and spread on flax crackers, followed by three raw halva balls :)
mug of reishi/shilajit/ormus tea
2 cups water

OoOoOoooo, I'm excited to say that there looks to be a very fun new raw festival lining up in Michigan this summer...our dear friend Deej at Ronora Lodge emailed recently to say that they will be enjoying a group Juice Feast at the gorgeous lodge from August 16th-19th (details HERE), followed by the Green Synergy Festival from August 20th-22nd.
The festival will feature such lovely speakers as Victoria Boutenko, Elaina Love and Tim Van Orden - FUN :) There will also be workshops, booths, food demos, live music, yoga sessions, children's activities, drum circles, nature hikes, foraging, dance parties and more - all the details are at - sounds like a fabulous celebration at one of our favourite places in N. America - maybe we'll even get to be there too ;) ENJOY :)

on June the 29th I enjoyed:

1 quart water
½ cup watermelon juice
3 cups greeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
1.5 cups greeeen smoothie: banana, papaya, greeeens from the garden
2 cups greeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
2 cups water
an avocado mushed with sauerkraut and dulse, stuffed into nori sheets and spread on flax crackers, followed by a hand-stirred yumpot: tahini, coconut nectar, chocolate and vanilla extracts, maca
2 cups water

on June the 30th I appreciated:

1 quart water
2 cups greeeeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
2 cups greeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
a dragon fruit, 1.5 cups greeeeen smoothie: papaya, banana, strawberries, greeeeens from the garden
1 cup water
2 cups greeeeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
2 cups greeeen smoothie: frozen mango, avocado, greeens from the garden, topped with some purple mulberries, sample of our *amazing* kale chips on the side :)
mug of reishi/shilajit/ormus tea
1 cup water

During the recent raw food gathering here in Ecuador, one lovely visitor, Megumi, filmed a little interview with me in our garden, talking about what we're doing on the land here, our intentions and visions, suggestions for living a more bliss-filled life and so was a fun conversation and she has just posted this interview in four parts to her site - see here:


All love and radiant blessings,
A. C. S-M. xxx

Saturday, 26 June 2010

Gardening in The Valley of Longevity - New Pics :)

Yesterday I posted up online a new collection of photos from our blossoming garden :) You can see the photos HERE if you'd love to check out how the Stokes-Monarch garden is growing, approximately three months after planting...see Chia, Flax, Dill, Fennel, Borage, Lettuces, Kales, Namenia, Tomatoes, Goji, Cacao and a sacred Wilco tree, all growing in glory :)

We LOVE it :)

On June the 23rd I loved:

1 quart water
water of 3 young coconuts
2 cups greeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
a papaya
2 cups water
YUMMY shared raw taco meal with friends: including taco shells, nori sheets, lettuce leaves, pecan pate, guacamole, coconut sour cream, grated cucumber and jicama, etc, followed by raw mango pie :)
mug of reishi/shilajit/ormus tea
1 cup water

I am SUPER-excited to say that I've recently been connected to two more wonderful links for accessing the work of wisdom-keeper shaman Little Grandmother. Little Grandmother (Kiesha Crowther) now has her OWN website - YAY :) That can be seen at and has photos, links, background info AND Kiesha's upcoming event schedule, which is exciting to see :)
The other fabulous website link was sent in by Serena and is actually another whole website full on info and links on Little Grandmother. This site, which you can see HERE, seems to be a work of love from someone in Europe, who is pulling together in one place all of the interviews that they can find with Kiesha. There are many different video and audio interviews on this site that can be listened to online or even downloaded to listen to at your leisure - WOW :)
I think I've listened to just abt everything on this site now - I LOVE, love, LOVE the positive, beautiful, transformational message Kiesha is sharing and it feels like such a treat to listen to her. I know *many* of you have been enjoying her sharing too - if you haven't yet listened in to anything with Kiesha, I strongly recommend checking her out on one of these sites above - enjoy :)))

on June the 24th I enjoyed:

1 quart water
4 granadillas and a dragon fruit
2 cups water
30 chlorella tablets
another group meal on a farm visit - leftovers from raw taco meal the night before, fresh salad, flax crackers
2 cups water
2 cups YummmmmmmMmMmmMmmmmy horchata tea with honey
a papaya and a dragon fruit
1 cup water

on June the 25th I enjoyed:

1 quart water
3 cups greeeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
2 tbsp bee pollen
water of two young coconuts
2 cups greeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
a papaya, a dragon fruit
2 cups water
yummmmmmy shared cucumber/jicama salad meal with Mr. Mmmmmmm, followed by a hand-stirred yumpot of brazil nut butter with coconut nectar, maca and chocolate extract
mug of shilajit/reishi/ormus tea
1 cup water

Our health-ranging friend Mike Adams, from recently posted a fun little article to his site, sharing the "Top Ten Things To Love About Vilcabamba, Ecuador" - lots of interesting info in there abt life in the Valley of Longevity, for those of you who are Vilca-curious - enjoy :)

...and we also recently did a video on our daily "TV" show, answering some of the questions people most often ask us abt life in Vilcabamba - you can see that video here:

All blissings of infinite gratitude,
Angelalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. xxx

Sunday, 21 March 2010

*FREE* Tomato Seeds for the "2010 Biodynamic Cherry Tomato Challenge" - Will You Join Us?


...or I guess Autumnal Equinox for those of us south of the Equator... ;) Certainly doesn't feel like Autumn here in Vilcabamba though... ;) Our gardens are expanding with love by the day and today I am *VERY* excited to bring you all news of a wonderful gardening adventure we're *ALL* invited to participate in, wherever we may live...

It's the 2010 "Biodynamic Cherry Tomato Challenge", wherein anyone can receive *free* seeds to grow their own biodynamic cherry tomatoes from a 20+ year old heirloom variety of tomatoes :)

A wonderful fellow raw foodie gardener friend, Curt Nicholas, has been working with a master gardener in the last years and they currently have a little STASH of supreme tomato seeds that they'd *love* to share with the raw community. Their vision is to have at least 200 people growing these plants this year - our seeds are on the way to us - will you join in the community fun too?

Curt did an excellent write-up on this tomato growing challenge on his "Spiritual Gardening" blog, HERE, so I encourage you to hop over there for all the details and to find out how to register to get YOUR free tomato seeds, wherever you may be in the world...just fill in your address details in the box to the right of the screen and the seeds will be sent to you soooooon...

**NOTE: this Tuesday, March 23rd is the LAST DAY to apply for seeds, 
so get in there QUICK if you want to participate ;)** 

Please also note the Paypal 'donate' button underneath the box where you enter your address. If you feel drawn to send the guys a little 'gratitude' donation for all the amazing love and work that they are channelling into this tomato project, then that will be very much appreciated, to help cover the costs of envelopes, stamps etc...even a $1 donation would be excellent - and what an investment - $1 for a potential whole CROP of biodynamic, love-rich tomatoes that you've grown yourself - love it... ;)

on March the 18th I was blissed with:

1 quart water
2 cups pineapple juice
mug of reishi/shilajit/ormus tea
2 cups greeeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple and sugarcane juices
bowl of fresh fruit covered in green blend of banana, mango, parsley, lettuces and wild greens
2 cups water
3 cups greeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
bowl of YUMMY broccoli salad: chopped broccoli, dulse and tomatoes smothered with avocado dressing: avo, basil, garlic, salt, followed by a little yumpot bowl of tahini and local honey mixed together by hand
mug of reishi/shilajit/ormus tea
2 cups water

Today, Sunday March 21st, is also the last day to use the massive 13% OFF discount coupon for our beautiful new Raw Food World store. I know that many of you have been havin' a ball with this code already ;) Well, if you didn't dive in with the code "NewStore" yet, the time is now - the discount finishes at midnight tonight, Pacific time - enjoy ;)

on March the 19th I enjoyed:

1 quart water
2 cups pineapple/watermelon juice
2 cups greeeeeen juice mixed with carrot juice
raw 'pizza' piles of flax crackers topped with avo mush (avocado, basil, garlic, cumin, lime) and chopped tomatoes, followed by a little bowl of hand-mixed raw 'halva'
3 cups water
mug of reishi/shilajit/ormus tea
water of two young coconuts mixed with phytoplankton and chocolate extract drops
2 cups water

on March the 20th I loved:

1 quart water
3 cups coconut water with marine phytoplankton and chocolate extract drops
bowl of mango/tahini ice cream
3 cups water
3 cups *amazing* fresh green juice from the gardens
bowl of Monarch Mush, involving tahini, honey, banana, raisins - a sugary bliss concoction ext-raw-dinaire ;)
2 cups water

OoOoooooo, I am EXCITED to say that our interview with Dr. Leonid Sharashkin on The Raw Food World Radio Show is coming up THIS week - Friday March 26th :) Leonid is the translator of the "Anastasia" books into English from Russian, as well as a permaculturist, father, teacher and visionary...I think this is the interview I'm most excited about so far - I squealed when Mr. M announced Leonid as the next guest, on last month's show ;) feels *almost* like a direct connection to the goddess of the Taiga herself, Anastasia ;)

Mr. Monarch reports:
"We are SO EXCITED to interview Leonid!!! I have so many questions for him. The main one being... Of course... "Does Anastasia exist?". We all may have a good idea of what his answer will l
ikely be, however, I don't intend to give up easily with this question. We're going to push some buttons and go DEEP into the truth...

Additionally, we have many other questions for Leonid in regards to the Anastasia way of life and permaculture. Lastly, we heard a rumor that a tenth Anastasia book has been released. I want to know if this is true and if he plans on translating it any time soon!!!"

To listen in free to Matt Monarch interviewing Leonid Sharashkin, LIVE on March 26th, from 6pm Pacific time (9pm East coast), click the link below to sign up:

All love and tomato-ey blissings ;)
Angela Claire Stokes-Monarch, MA Hons. xxx

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Banned From YouTube ;) you may have heard already, our daily raw food "TV Show", The Raw Food World just got *banned* from YouTube a couple of days ago...all of Mr. M's 400 or so videos were deleted and he was informed he can 'never' have a YouTube account again ;) Mercury Retrograde gone into the extreeeeeme methinks ;) We still don't have total clarity why this happened or what the next steps look like - we are in communications with various people though to see where we go from here - for now regular programming shall continue over at ;) In this video below you can see us discussing this bizarre turn of events:

on December the 31st I enjoyed:

1 quart water
mug of herbal tea
3 cups greeeen juice from the Tree of Life Café
shot of wheatgrass juice
1 cup greeeen juice from the Tree of Life Café
4 tbsp bee pollen with probiotics
2 cups greeeen juice from the Tree of Life Café
30 chlorella tablets
3 cups water

So, as I write we're on Day 19 of our current intended 30-day Green Juice Feast here at the Tree of Life in Patagonia. All is flowing outstandingly well - <3, love, LOVE being here for this experience.
Today also marks Day 1 of an intended 10-day "World Juice Cleanse" initiated by madame Shazzie over in the UK... Shazzie wanted to do a juicy cleanse at this time and invited others to play too - now there are over 100 people worldwide kicking off a juicy flow together - YUMMY :)
If you're not already in the liquid flow and would like to join in, you can read abt Shazzie's WJC intentions over at her blog HERE - enjoy :)

on JANUARY the 1st 2010 I welcomed the new year with:

1 quart water
2 cups greeeen juice
1.5 cups water with sole (Himalayan salt dissolved in water)
shot of wheatgrass juice
2 cups greeeen juice from the Tree of Life Café
2 cups greeeen juice from the Tree of Life Café
2 cups greeeen juice from the Tree of Life Café
2 cups water
2 tbsp coconut oil with 40 chlorella tablets
2 cups greeeen juice from the Tree of Life Café
3 cups greeeen juice

on January the 2nd 2010 I smiled and loved:

1 quart water
1 cup greeen juice
shot of wheatgrass juice
2 cups greeeen juice from the Tree of Life Café
2 cups greeeen juice from the Tree of Life Café
3 tbsp bee pollen
2 cups greeeen juice from the Tree of Life Café
mug of herbal tea
2 cups water
2 cups greeeen juice from the Tree of Life Café
30 chlorella tablets, 2 tbsp coconut oil
2 cups greeeen juice
3 cups water

If you didn't catch the recent series of 3 videos posted by Paul Nison with his 108-year-old friend Bernando LaPallo, I would HIGHLY recommend checking those out at the links below...Bernando is SO inspiring to me - he is 108 and yet has the appearance of someone perhaps 60 or 70 years old - AMAZING :)
He doesn't eat totally raw and is not vegan either - he simply eats foods that come straight from the Earth (no processed foods), keeps active, eats small amounts and doesn't eat when it's dark outside...I LOVE hearing him share, as he has such a depth of experience and unique perspective on things, rarely found among modern humans in our societies. I loved hearing him speak in the first video below for example, about how his co-workers used to mock his eating choices in his younger years and now...well, somewhat predictably, none of them are around anymore...

Check out the three videos below and ENJOY :) Thanks for sharing, Paul :)

All love,
Angellalalalaaaaaaaaa. xxx

Tuesday, 29 December 2009

2009 in Raw-view ;)

WELL...what a year 2009 has been for us...I’ve been thinking back over the last 12 months with a mixture of joy and amusement the last couple of days... ;)
We started the year in Mexico, launching the LiveLightly Plan and rescuing two dogs, from whom we contracted canine scabies...hmmmmm... I went back to the UK to do USA Immigration interviews, heal from scabies and finish writing “Raw Emotions”. After 2 months or so of self-imposed “quarantine” to help heal afore-mentioned scabies and finish afore-mentioned book, I emerged joyfully in the spring with a scabies-free body, a completed book and a fiance visa for the US, after nearly 2 years in the immigration system – YAY :) Swiftly exited left, to Ecuador, to meet future husband and our land in Vilcabamba for the first time – LOVED it all so very much.
Back to the USA after 10 days and almost immediately straight into raw food talk tour which pretty much ran from April to November this year, allll over the US, with little breaks here and there. Also, finding ourselves under obligation to marry within 90 days of me entering the US, as a condition of my visa, we set about formulating wedding plans immediately too, for the Raw Union Festival ;)

Raw Emotions arrived in printed form, my first printed book – VERY exciting...and onwards we travelled, far and wide all over the US, doing talks, festivals and interviews until June, wedding time for Mr. M and I, in Oregon. Enjoyed a spectacular love-fest of a wedding at the Raw Union festival, on organic farm with 400+ people in attendance and Dr. Wolfe as our minister ;) Morphed into the “Stokes-Monarch”...

On December the 27th I was blissed with:

1 quart water
1 cup greeeen juice
1 cup reishi tea
shot of wheatgrass juice
2 cups greeeeen juice from The Tree of Life Café
2 cups greeeeen juice from The Tree of Life Café
2 tbsp coconut oil with 40 chlorella ‘nuts’
1 quart water
2 cups greeeeeen juice
1 tbsp bee pollen
2 cups greeeeen juice from The Tree of Life Café
2 cups water

The rest of the summer seems a blur in my memory of travel, talks, events, boxes, books, people, conversations, in and out of hotels, motels, people’s houses, talk venues and so on...we probably did 100+ talks in around 30+ states this year...we also started the monthly Raw Food World Radio Show in the summer…
We finished our talk tour on November the 22nd and the very next day, on November the 23rd, our car was ‘totalled’ in a pretty intense car accident in Pennsylvania ;O Immediately started 7-day Juice Feast to help expedite healing from shock, cuts, bruises, whiplash, aches etc... As I was due back in California very soon afterwards for my NEXT Immigration interview, we welcomed a second hand jeep into our lives and jiggled gratefully back to CA for interview, only to be thwarted by the question “what colour is the carpet at your mum’s house?” lol ;) Case put on hold for ‘next 6 months’...ho-hummmm...thankfully the interviewer seemed to have a change of heart in the following week and I got a letter shortly afterwards announcing that I am now welcome in the US, as a “permanent resident” – yeeeeeee-HAH ;)

December saw us help our warehouse staff in Ojai expand the premises to three times the size and I also pieced together the free “Profoundly Raw” ebook as a Christmas gift to all...
Then we dallied off to Arizona, where we currently find ourselves resting ooohhhhhhh soooooooo gratefully and joyfully in the kind embrace of The Tree of Life centre, Juice Feasting, parasite cleansing, getting body work and mainly just RELAXING ;)
It’s felt like an amaaaazing journey this year – thank you SO much to all of you who have been a part of this flow in some way – those who came to talks, watched the TV show, listened to the radio show, read this blog, sent in messages, sent healng and love after our car accident, came to our wedding and so on – however you connected, thank you :)
I am really excited for 2010 and send you all the very best wishes for an expansive year of joy, love and wonder too – enjoy :)

on December the 28th I enjoyed:

1 quart water
shot of wheatgrass juice
2 cups greeeeen juice from The Tree of Life Café
1 cup green juice
1.5 cups DELICIOUS coconut kefir :)))
2 cups greeeeen juice from The Tree of Life Café
2 tbsp coconut oil with 40 chlorella tablets
3 cups water
samples of spirulina crunchies and new bee pollen – yummm ;)
2 cups greeeeen juice from The Tree of Life Café
3 tbsp bee pollen with probiotics
2 cups greeeeen juice from The Tree of Life Café
2 cups water

So, we’re on day 14 of our current intended 30-Day Green Juice Feast here at the Tree of Life in AZ and all is flowing AMAZINGLY well... :)

Alongside this juicy flow, I’m excited to say that on January the 7th, we’re going to be connecting with the lovely David and Katrina Rainoshek of, for an interview on TheRawFoodWorld TV Show via Skype, alllll about Juice Feasting...and YOU get to ask all the questions... ;)
So, if you have any juicy questions you’d love to have answered by the king and queen of JF-ing, just email those Qs in to by Jan 6th and we’ll aim to get them all answered on Jan 7th with the Rainosheks – FUN :)

All love,
Ms. Stokes-Monarch. xxx

Sunday, 13 December 2009

Sunday Raw Inspiration... :)

MMMmmmmm, we’ve got some lovely Sunday inspiration treats for you today, starting off with a selection of raw recipe videos from our very Monarch selves... ;) Yes, being “off the road” seemingly gives us more time to get creative in the kitchen and we’ve been whipping up veggie storms this last week in kitchens across California ;)

Here are a few of our recent recipe vids over at TheRawFoodWorld.TV – more to come ;)

Zucchini Pasta/Cheese Sauce Recipe:

More recipe videos to come – Mr. M has a whole reel of them lined up ;) ENJOY...

on December the 10th I enjoyed:

1 quart water
2.5 cups greeeeeeeen juice: celery, dandelion, romaine, spinach, parsley, sunflower greens, sprouts, ginger, lemon
bowl of energy soup with some yummy homemade flavoured/dehydrated almonds on the side, followed by 2 little apples
1 quart water
3 cups coconut water/Greener Grasses
2 tbsp goji powder
mug of apple/cinnamon tea
3 cups water

OoooOoOoOoo, Madame Jinjee put up a couple of yummy-looking free resources this week – first up is a free guide on how to help children eat more vegetables, written by her friend Brandi, who is a researcher into obesity among children – see HERE. The second inspiring resource is a beautiful recording of raw actor Marcus Patrick reading the Essene Gospel to the sublime background of Storm playing music – NICE :) You can check that out HERE...thanks for sharing the yummies, Jinjee ;)

on December the 11th I was blissed with:

1 quart water
1 quart greeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, spinach, parsley, ginger, lemon
YUMMMMMMMMMY lunch with Mr. M at Au Lac: Chimichurri (raw garlic bread), De La Mamma, Donut Holes – WOW :) Ito is AMAZING :)))
1 quart water
mug of herbal tea
2 cups water

on December the 12th I enjoyed:

1 quart water
3 cups greeeeeeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, zucchini, spinach, parsley, endive, fennel, ginger, lemon
bowl of homemade raw oat porridge with chopped apple, raisins and cinnamon (recipe video coming sooooon ;), with Mr. Monarch’s fabulous homemade raw ‘Cream Cheese’ on the side, spread on pieces of the raw Essene Breads – YUMMMMMY :)
mug of herbal tea
3 cups water
glass of chai milk shake with raspberry/lemon cake at Rawvolution in Santa Monica – WOW :)
3 cups water

I also LOVED this super-sweet little 5 minute video interview with Clent Manich, filmed by Valya Boutenko. Clent saw his diabetes and morbid obesity reversed by going raw and has a very inspiring story to share – see below:

All blessings and gratitude,
Ms. Stokes-Monaaaaaaaaaaaarch. xxx

Sunday, 6 December 2009

The Raw Mom Summit is BACK :)

I'm excited to say that The Raw Mom Summit is BACK :) If you didn't get a chance to enjoy this fabulous series of free talks earlier this year, then tune in from this Wednesday, Dec 9th, 'cos the raw mama is back in the house ;)
There are some truly outstanding interviews in this collection - I think I've listened to nearly all of them now, while we travelled our way around the USA this summer - I recall finding Daniel Vitalis's interview to be excellent, as were the talks with Jean Liedloff, Elena Tonetti, Katrina Rainoshek, Shazzie, Kate Magic and many other yummy mummies and magical men :) There's actually even an interview with me in there (once again, I am NOT a mother yet, nor am I pregnant or intending to become a parent anytime very soon - I was talking about emotions and food in this interview ;) There are apparently some NEW interviews being added into this free re-run too - exciting :) You can check out ALL the details and sign up to listen in to this wonderful re-run HERE - enjoy...

on December the 4th I enjoyed:

1 quart water
mug of herbal tea
2 Tbsp bee pollen
3 cups greeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, parsley, spinach, lemon, ginger
30 chlorella tablets
bowl of energy soup with Lydia's luna nori crackers on the side, followed by an apple
1 quart water
mug of herbal tea
2 cups water

I'm delighted to say that the ever-lovely Katrina Blair of Turtle Lake Refuge is on a mini-tour right now, giving wild food walks/talks all over the west...we were due to go on a walk here in Ojai, California today - it has been postponed until 2pm tomorrow (Monday) though, so perhaps we'll see you there if you're in the area? Katrina is also leading a raw food hike/talk on Dec 9th at the Go Raw Cafe in Las Vegas from 4pm, then on Dec 10th at 'Health Nut' in St. George, Utah. You can contact Katrina on 505-709-0015 if you want more info. If you're not familiar with Katrina's work, she is a major wild foodie/forager, wildlife refuge caretaker, singer and all-round bundle of raw yumminess - enjoy :)))

on December the 5th I loved:

1 quart water
mug of herbal tea
3 cups greeeeeeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, fennel, Jerusalem artichoke, spinach, parsley, endive, ginger, lemon
2 tbsp bee pollen, 20 chlorella tablets, 2 tbsp goji powder
bowl of energy soup with Noniland coconut crisps on the side, followed by an apple and new raw bar samples (bluh)
mug of peppermint tea
3 cups water
mug of herbal tea
3 tbsps bee pollen
2 cups water

on December the 6th I loved:

1 quart water
mug of herbal tea
amazing fresh fruit at the Ojai Farmer’s Market: satsuma, strawberries, baby persimmons
3 cups INTENSE, dense greeeen juice with farm-fresh veggies straight from the market (PHEW ;) – fenugreek, sunflower greens, nettles, dandelion, tat soi, parsley, spinach, celery, romaine, endive, fennel, ginger, lemon
2 apples, bowl of YUMMY grawnola with coconut milk
mug of spicy tea
2 cups water

OoOOooooo, The Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center just announced a variety of 'Holiday' discounts for upcoming retreats at their centre, including $200 off our New Year's 'Renew Yourself' Retreat :) NICE :)
You can see all the retreat details and call to claim the $200 discount HERE - we look forward to renewing ourselves in unison with you... :)))

All love,
Angelalalalalaaaaaaaaaa Stokes-Monarch. xxx

Monday, 2 November 2009

Your OWN Certified Organic Garden :)

OOooooooo, there's a very exciting new MLM company on the scene that I think y'all might be interested in, as it's all about growing fresh, certified organic foods :) (I'm not usually excited by MLM companies, just as I imagine many of you aren't either - this one seems genuinely very cool though...) The company is called "Organic Acres" and is truly a unique model for sustainable agriculture and business.
The idea is that wherever you live in the USA, you can have your own organic garden plot with them, where you get to choose what is grown and they manage the whole plot for you, even providing 24-hour camera surveillance and you get all the food grown on your plot delivered to you on demand, as you want methinks ;)
Now of course the IDEAL from my perspective would be for everyone to be growing/gathering food right where they live, however, for many people (especially in the big cities), that is not yet part of their reality, so if they're going to be getting foods from elsewhere anyway, it seems preferable to be getting certified organic foods from their own garden, from crops they've chosen themselves, non? ;)
The way this company has been set up actually makes it possible for people to pretty much end up getting all their fresh food for *free*, through introducing others to Organic Acres...and even if that isn't something you'd be excited to do, you still get so many benefits, for example, while you pay a $100 monthly maintenance fee for a full garden to be tended, you get BACK in return not only all the produce from your garden but also a $100 debit card to use in the Organic Acres online "General Store" that has many dried/packaged products, just like our store. You can also sell any excess fresh produce from your land in the community online "Farmer's Market"...

Organic Acres is so new that it hasn't even actually launched yet – it is about to go live in 1–2 months probably, so now is a GREAT time to get involved in this revolutionary food production business, if you're interested...and in fact the first 2000 people to join up now (for free) actually become part–owners of the company, receiving 2% of any company profits in the years to come...I think this is a really exciting opportunity for people interested both in green businesses PLUS getting top quality certified organic fresh produce delivered straight to your door from your own plot – love it :) You can sign up HERE to learn more and secure your place as one of the pioneers of this blossoming business...enjoy ;)

on October the 30th I loved:

1 quart water
1.5 cups goji juice blended with camu powder
2 cups greeeen juice: celery, cucumber, parley, spinach, lemon, ginger
bowl of energy soup with AMAZING fermented seed cheese crackers from a friend in Asheville – WOW ;) Followed by a hand–mixed yumpot of lucuma/mesquite/cinnamon/maca powders with pine nut butter, orange essential oil and water
3 cups spring water fresh from the Earth ;)
3 cups goji juice blended with Marine Phytoplankton, Merlin's Elixir and Etherium Products
2 cups water

OooOoooo, yesterday I got to play on the phone with one of my favourite Earth goddesses, Ms. Alexandra Jaye from :) She interviewed me about the emotional connection with food, reconnecting to nature, handling cravings and lots of other fun visionary can check out that interview HERE – it's about an hour long...ENJOY...

on October the 31st I was blissed with:

1 quart water
2 cups greeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, parley, spinach, lemon, ginger
bowl of energy soup with amazing fermented cracker samples, followed by samples of fermented GRAWNOLAS – wow, there's some wonderful goodies coming to Asheville sometime soon ;)
3 cups water
2 cups goji juice blended with Marine Phytoplankton, Merlin's Elixir and Etherium Products
an apple and a YUMMY raw 'peanut butter and jelly sandwich' at a raw–friendly Halloween party
2 cups water

on November the 1st I enjoyed:

1 quart water
2 cups goji juice blended with camu powder
2 cups greeeen juice: celery, cucumber, spinach, parsley, fennel, asparagus, Jerusalem artichoke, ginger, lime
bowl of energy soup with amazing fermented cracker samples, followed by samples of fermented GRAWNOLAS
mug of spicy tea
3 cups water
mug of blended green mush: green powder, irish moss, an apple, tahini and water blended together – yum :)
3 cups water

Eeeeeeeek, so many of you have been writing in to ask what is happening with Mr. M's blogs/The Raw Food World TV Shows...Mr. M's blog was taken down a few days ago by Blogger temporarily while they 'check it for spam'... ;) (This happened to me once before too, while I was Juice Feasting - my site was down for abt a week ;( We'll see how long it takes them to get his site back up...)
In the meantime he's still posting videos daily to, so you can catch up on any you may have missed these last few days, including us talking about the upcoming Raw Food Festie in Vilcabamba, Ecuador in May 2010, our New Year's Retreat at The Tree of Life in AZ, spring water detox aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, very excitingly, a... 

ONE WEEK EXTENSION to the deadline for the Blendtec Blender Giveaway... we realised we hadn't told the TV viewers about it ;) So, y'all now have until midnight Pacific time on Sunday November 8th to send in your entries for the blender giveaway – all the details for that giveaway are in this post HERE if you wanna read up on it...

To your divine YUMMINESS ;) Enjoy that full moooooon...

All blessings,
Ms. Stokes–Monarch. xxx