Thursday, 23 June 2011
Would you love to enjoy deeper, more rejuvenative sleep...?
on June the 19th I loved:
1 quart water
1 cup mandarin/orange/passionfruit juice
2 cups coconut water mixed with Elixir of The Lake
½ an amazing cherimoya
bowl of energy soup from the garden with sauerkraut and nori sheets on the side, followed by *AMAZING* raw carob truffles made with the stone-grinder - wow :)
mug of nettle tea
water of three young coconuts
on June the 20th I enjoyed:
1 quart water
1 cup mandarin/orange/passionfruit juice
1 tbsp freeze-dried mushroom powders
bowl of fruit salad: cherimoya, papaya, pineapple
2 cups coconut water with Elixir of The Lake
bowl of apple-flax meal (blended apples mixed with ground flax and goji berries)
2 cups coconut water
mug of horchata tea
little bowl of zucchini/sea spaghetti pasta with macadamia-curry sauce :)
2 cups water
Recently people have sent me links to a few new songs that I've been enjoying online - here are three very diverse gems to explore:
*Whole Foods Parking Lot - if you didn't see this one already with a brother sharing his grievances about shopping at Whole Foods, it's rather entertaining ;)
*Stay Strong - this was sent to me by one reader, Janaki - LOVE it :) It is a very sweet and catchy uplifting "mantra" song, performed by a whole host of yoga/mantra "gurus", as a work of charity - beautiful - check it out:
*Laundry Room - Avett Brothers - well...I'm sure I must have mentioned this song here before actually...and I no longer recall who first sent me a link to these powerhouses - I just LOOOOOVE this song though and have been listening to it over and over again recently - please enjoy if you haven't connected to it already :)
on June the 21st I appreciated:
1 quart water
1 cup mandarin/orange/passionfruit
chunk of fresh papaya
1 tbsp freeze-dried mushroom powder
bowl of energy soup, fresh from the garden, with nori/avocado/sauerkraut on the side, followed by a chunk of *amazing* frozen homemade raw carob confectionary :)
water of two young coconuts
bag of fresh strawberries :)
2 cups water
on June the 22nd I was blessed with:
1 quart water
3 cups coconut water blended with Vitamin C powder
chunk of fresh papaya, a few fresh berries
2 cups coconut water blended with Elixir of The Lake
bowl of energy soup, fresh from the garden, with nori/avocado/sauerkraut on the side, followed by a chunk of *amazing* frozen homemade raw carob confectionary :)
water of two young coconuts
4 granadillas
2 cups water
I am excited to be lined up to interview the wonderful Krishna McKenzie, permaculture farmer and musician in Auroville, India, tomorrow evening for The Raw Food World Radio Show. Krishna is the son of Jeanette McKenzie, my mentor and friend who we interviewed a few weeks back on connecting to the truth within... Jeanette's son Krishna has been on a fabulous journey of exploration the last couple of far as I recall, the story goes that he left England as a teenager declaring that he was going off to India to start a farm...and that's indeed what he did ;)
Solitude Farm in the "eco-city" of Auroville, India, has been thriving as a sustainable farm for many years now under Krishna's strong guidance, practicing all kinds of "natural" farming methods such as organics, permaculture, fukuoka-methods, seed-saving etc... and Krishna and his friends there also produce wonderful music with their band "Emergence", which has even been invited to play at the famous Glastonbury festival in England :) We'll be connecting to Krishna aaaaaaaaall the way over in southern India tomorrow evening, Thursday June the 23rd, at 6pm Eastern, all being well :)
Join us at :)
All love,
Angelalaalaalalaaaaaaaaaaaa. xxx
Sunday, 6 December 2009
The Raw Mom Summit is BACK :)
I'm excited to say that The Raw Mom Summit is BACK :) If you didn't get a chance to enjoy this fabulous series of free talks earlier this year, then tune in from this Wednesday, Dec 9th, 'cos the raw mama is back in the house ;)
There are some truly outstanding interviews in this collection - I think I've listened to nearly all of them now, while we travelled our way around the USA this summer - I recall finding Daniel Vitalis's interview to be excellent, as were the talks with Jean Liedloff, Elena Tonetti, Katrina Rainoshek, Shazzie, Kate Magic and many other yummy mummies and magical men :) There's actually even an interview with me in there (once again, I am NOT a mother yet, nor am I pregnant or intending to become a parent anytime very soon - I was talking about emotions and food in this interview ;) There are apparently some NEW interviews being added into this free re-run too - exciting :) You can check out ALL the details and sign up to listen in to this wonderful re-run HERE - enjoy...
on December the 4th I enjoyed:
1 quart water
mug of herbal tea
2 Tbsp bee pollen
3 cups greeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, parsley, spinach, lemon, ginger
30 chlorella tablets
bowl of energy soup with Lydia's luna nori crackers on the side, followed by an apple
1 quart water
mug of herbal tea
2 cups water
on December the 5th I loved:
1 quart water
mug of herbal tea
3 cups greeeeeeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, fennel, Jerusalem artichoke, spinach, parsley, endive, ginger, lemon
2 tbsp bee pollen, 20 chlorella tablets, 2 tbsp goji powder
bowl of energy soup with Noniland coconut crisps on the side, followed by an apple and new raw bar samples (bluh)
mug of peppermint tea
3 cups water
mug of herbal tea
3 tbsps bee pollen
2 cups water
on December the 6th I loved:
1 quart water
mug of herbal tea
amazing fresh fruit at the Ojai Farmer’s Market: satsuma, strawberries, baby persimmons
3 cups INTENSE, dense greeeen juice with farm-fresh veggies straight from the market (PHEW ;) – fenugreek, sunflower greens, nettles, dandelion, tat soi, parsley, spinach, celery, romaine, endive, fennel, ginger, lemon
2 apples, bowl of YUMMY grawnola with coconut milk
mug of spicy tea
2 cups water
OoOOooooo, The Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center just announced a variety of 'Holiday' discounts for upcoming retreats at their centre, including $200 off our New Year's 'Renew Yourself' Retreat :) NICE :)
You can see all the retreat details and call to claim the $200 discount HERE - we look forward to renewing ourselves in unison with you... :)))
All love,
Angelalalalalaaaaaaaaaa Stokes-Monarch. xxx
Friday, 30 October 2009
Join Us For New Year's Eve :)
Would YOU love to spend New Year's Eve with myself and the Monarch, in delightful company with a whole tribe of raw foodies, down at the Tree of Life in warm wintery Arizona? Mmmmmm, if that sounds yummy to you, then I'm blissed to say that we have a 10 day "Renew Yourself" raw rejuvenation retreat lined up for you to come and play at... The retreat is from Dec 27th to Jan 6th and will combine powerful body work with yoga, meditations, delicious raw foods served daily by the Tree of Life kitchen crew and of course, talks with us. Here's a list of some of the activities on offer:
The arrival date is Dec 27th and the phone number to make reservations is: 866.394.2520 x215 or via email:
Included in the retreat fee of $2,890 is lodging (shared double room) at the renowned Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center, an abundance of 100% organic plant-based meals, 5 kundalini-enhancing, intensive "Renew Yourself" body–work sessions with Dr. George Cromack...and all the activities listed above...
We are very excited to bring in the New Year this way, with raw family :) We're especially looking forward to the Inipi (ceremonial lodge) on New Year's Eve, which we intend to all emerge from at exactly midnight... Then we're going to have a New Year's Day party on January the first, with music and delicious food, where we'll enjoy an intention circle and collectively set the course for a totally flowing, synchronous, divinely healthy 2010 ;)
We hope that you'll join us for this AMAZING, powerful, life–shifting retreat...
on October the 27th I was blissed with:
1 quart water
2 cups veggie juice: celery, fennel, spinach, carrot, ginger
2 Tbsp bee pollen, 2 Tbsp spirulina crunchies, an apple
bowl of energy soup with sauerkraut and spicy sunflower seeds, followed by a YUMMY slice of raw blueberry cheesecake :)
3 cups water
2 cups goji juice with marine phytoplankton, Merlin's Elixir and Etherium Gold
an apple with ½ a bag of Noniland Coconut Crisps and an apple–oat cookie
3 cups water
I've been doing a lot of 'mindless' work for the last week on the computer (repetitive stuff that doesn't require much of my actual attention) and when I'm doing tasks like this, I LOVE to listen to inspiring information. As a result I've been tuning into Raw Vegan Radio and also Raw Inspirations Radio – love them :) Both of these shows provide masses of free interviews with fascinating people in the raw foods movement and beyond – I'd recommend tuning in for some inspiration if you don't already and big KUDOS to Steve and Laura for providing these great services... :) What do YOU like to listen to at times like these? Any recommendations...?
on October the 28th I loved:
1 quart water
3 cups greeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, spinach, parsley, lemon, ginger
big bowl of chia–pomegranate pudding with a couple of fresh figs and tahini on the side
3 cups water
2 Tbsp spirulina crunchies and bee pollen
two small apples with a big handful of spicy sunflower seeds
3 cups water
on October the 29th I enjoyed:
1 quart water
2 cups goji juice with Marine Phytoplankton, Merlin's Elixir, Etherium Products
2 small apples with spirulina crunchies and bee pollen
bowl of energy soup with spicy sunflower seeds on the side, followed by a hand–mixed yumpot of lucuma/mesquite/maca/cinnamon powders with a little pine nut butter and water
3 cups water
2 cups goji juice with Marine Phytoplankton, Merlin's Elixir, Etherium Products
bowl of grawnola with fresh apple and macadamia milk ;)
2 cups water
The video entries are pouring in for the current RawReform Giveaway Contest to WIN a Blendtec Blender (worth $399) – thank you all SO much for your very amusing, creative flow and sharing...the closing date for this contest is Nov 1st (this SUNDAY) and here is a little reminder of the deets again for those of you who'd still love to enter:
How do you get in on this free piece of mechanical magic for your kitchen? Well, get us giggling and you could be on to a winner ;)
To be in with a chance of winning the spangly new machine, we'd love for you to send in to us a video of no more than 3 minutes in length, explaining WHY you'd love to win the Blendtec blender, what you currently use as a blender (if anything) AND...we wanna giggle too - whoever gets us laughing the most (whether from your stage presence, hilarious costuming, witty anecdotes, charming interaction, stand-up comedy routine or whatever it is...) will win the blender...
Oooooooo, how exciting - we very much look forward to enjoying your submissions :)
You have until November the 1st to get your entries in. We suggest the easiest way to send the videos to us is to upload your entry to YouTube (or another online video hub such as Google Vids or whichever you like ;), then send us the link to the video, to You can set your video to 'private' if you don't want 'the general public' to see your video quite yet...;) If you would like to send us a video in any other way, you can contact us on that same email address to arrange that - please DO NOT email us massive video files however ;)
Thanks...and ENJOY :)))
All lovings and shimmy-ings,
Ms. Stokes-Monaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarch. xxx