Showing posts with label blogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogger. Show all posts

Saturday, 19 December 2009

Green Juice Feasting...

WELL...I am just LOVING Juice Feasting here at the Tree of Life in feels kind of like a circle completing in fact, me being here to JF, as this is where I first HEARD about JF-ing, from Mr. David Rain himself, back in October 2006...I thought he was a little ‘cuckoo’ at first, when he cornered me at a party in Patagonia one night and talked at greeeaaaat length to me about living on just juice for 3 months ;) Needless to say, the idea sank in and a few weeks later I found myself undertaking a 92 day JF down in Costa Rica...well, now I’m back here 3 years later at the Tree and 4 days into a GREEN Juice Feast...those of you who followed my 92-Day JF or have read my book “A Juice Feaster’s Handbook” will know that I tended to overdo it on fruit juices at many points back then ;) This time round, I’m doing a TOTALLY greeeeeeen Juice Feast and I am truly astonished at how great I feel so far – I have barely felt hungry and am not missing sugars AT ALL, which is very surprising to you can see in my intake lists below, I am mostly doing green juices, bee pollen and chlorella and I feel GREAT :) I am shocked and delighted...and also amazed that I seem to be drinking around HALF what I was drinking on my 92-Day JF and am feeling totally satiated (and without any fruit/sugars ;)...the body truly does change and adapt so much over time...I am certain that being here at the Tree in this supportive community environment is helping enormously with the flow of this JF – people are so kind, fresh juices are provided daily and greeeeeeens are totally the ‘norm’ here ;) I feel so incredibly blessed to be experiencing this deeply healing process here... :) …and remember you can come and join us here from next Sunday if you’d love to – all details HERE (you don’t have to JF too ;)...

on December the 17th I enjoyed:

1 quart water
2 cups greeeeen juice from The Tree of Life Café
1 tsp royal jelly
3 cups greeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, parsley, spinach, zucchini, romaine
1 cup water with sole (Himalayan Salt dissolved in water)
2 cups greeeeen juice from The Tree of Life Café
4 tbsp bee pollen, 20 chlorella tablets
2 cups water
2 cups greeeeen juice from The Tree of Life Café
3 tbsp bee pollen, 20 chlorella tablets
2 cups greeeeen juice from The Tree of Life Café
3 cups water

Two little updates FYI:
Firstly we’re thrilled to say that Mr. M’s blog is finally back up for TheRawFoodWorld.TV daily video emails :) Blogger locked his blog up a few months back to ‘check it for spam’ ;)…and it just recently got re-opened – YAY :) If you’re already subscribed to get his daily video emails, you ought to hopefully be receiving those emails again now…if not, or if you never got them to begin with, you can subscribe now over at – enjoy :)
Secondly, the new positions at our Raw Food World warehouse have now been FILLED, so no more applications for now, thank yoooouuuuuu... ;)

on December the 18th I loved:

1 quart water
2 cups greeeeen juice from The Tree of Life Café
1tsp royal jelly
2 cups greeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, parsley, spinach, zucchini, romaine, mixed sprouts, lemon, ginger
mug of orange spicy tea
3 tbsp bee pollen, 30 chlorella tablets
2 cups greeeeen juice from The Tree of Life Café
3 cups water
2 cups greeeeen juice from The Tree of Life Café
3 tbsp bee pollen
2 cups greeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, parsley, spinach, zucchini, romaine, mixed sprouts, lemon, ginger
2 cups water

on December the 19th I enjoyed:

1 quart water
2 cups greeeeen juice from The Tree of Life Café
2 tbsp bee pollen
1.5 cups DELICIOUS coconut kefir
30 chlorella tablets
1 cup water with sole (himalayan salt dissolved in water)
2 cups greeeeen juice from The Tree of Life Café
1 tbsp hemp oil
2 cups greeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, parsley, spinach, zucchini, romaine, mixed sprouts, lemon, ginger
3 cups water
2 cups greeeeen juice from The Tree of Life Café
2 tbsp probiotics mixed with 2 tbsp bee pollen
2 cups greeeeen juice from The Tree of Life Café
1.5 cups greeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, parsley, spinach, zucchini, romaine, mixed sprouts, lemon, ginger
2 cups water

Finally for today, I am VERY excited to say that I’m working on a yummy new project right now that is going to be ready for you all to enjoy from Monday or Tuesday next week, all being well...I am working away on it right now and have a warm glow in my whole being to bring this to y’all before Christmas...stay tuned for info early next week and in the meantime, here’s the link again to my “12 Raw Days of Christmas” song, to get you in the mood... ;)

All blessings,
Angelalalaalallaaaaaaaaa. xxx

Monday, 2 November 2009

Your OWN Certified Organic Garden :)

OOooooooo, there's a very exciting new MLM company on the scene that I think y'all might be interested in, as it's all about growing fresh, certified organic foods :) (I'm not usually excited by MLM companies, just as I imagine many of you aren't either - this one seems genuinely very cool though...) The company is called "Organic Acres" and is truly a unique model for sustainable agriculture and business.
The idea is that wherever you live in the USA, you can have your own organic garden plot with them, where you get to choose what is grown and they manage the whole plot for you, even providing 24-hour camera surveillance and you get all the food grown on your plot delivered to you on demand, as you want methinks ;)
Now of course the IDEAL from my perspective would be for everyone to be growing/gathering food right where they live, however, for many people (especially in the big cities), that is not yet part of their reality, so if they're going to be getting foods from elsewhere anyway, it seems preferable to be getting certified organic foods from their own garden, from crops they've chosen themselves, non? ;)
The way this company has been set up actually makes it possible for people to pretty much end up getting all their fresh food for *free*, through introducing others to Organic Acres...and even if that isn't something you'd be excited to do, you still get so many benefits, for example, while you pay a $100 monthly maintenance fee for a full garden to be tended, you get BACK in return not only all the produce from your garden but also a $100 debit card to use in the Organic Acres online "General Store" that has many dried/packaged products, just like our store. You can also sell any excess fresh produce from your land in the community online "Farmer's Market"...

Organic Acres is so new that it hasn't even actually launched yet – it is about to go live in 1–2 months probably, so now is a GREAT time to get involved in this revolutionary food production business, if you're interested...and in fact the first 2000 people to join up now (for free) actually become part–owners of the company, receiving 2% of any company profits in the years to come...I think this is a really exciting opportunity for people interested both in green businesses PLUS getting top quality certified organic fresh produce delivered straight to your door from your own plot – love it :) You can sign up HERE to learn more and secure your place as one of the pioneers of this blossoming business...enjoy ;)

on October the 30th I loved:

1 quart water
1.5 cups goji juice blended with camu powder
2 cups greeeen juice: celery, cucumber, parley, spinach, lemon, ginger
bowl of energy soup with AMAZING fermented seed cheese crackers from a friend in Asheville – WOW ;) Followed by a hand–mixed yumpot of lucuma/mesquite/cinnamon/maca powders with pine nut butter, orange essential oil and water
3 cups spring water fresh from the Earth ;)
3 cups goji juice blended with Marine Phytoplankton, Merlin's Elixir and Etherium Products
2 cups water

OooOoooo, yesterday I got to play on the phone with one of my favourite Earth goddesses, Ms. Alexandra Jaye from :) She interviewed me about the emotional connection with food, reconnecting to nature, handling cravings and lots of other fun visionary can check out that interview HERE – it's about an hour long...ENJOY...

on October the 31st I was blissed with:

1 quart water
2 cups greeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, parley, spinach, lemon, ginger
bowl of energy soup with amazing fermented cracker samples, followed by samples of fermented GRAWNOLAS – wow, there's some wonderful goodies coming to Asheville sometime soon ;)
3 cups water
2 cups goji juice blended with Marine Phytoplankton, Merlin's Elixir and Etherium Products
an apple and a YUMMY raw 'peanut butter and jelly sandwich' at a raw–friendly Halloween party
2 cups water

on November the 1st I enjoyed:

1 quart water
2 cups goji juice blended with camu powder
2 cups greeeen juice: celery, cucumber, spinach, parsley, fennel, asparagus, Jerusalem artichoke, ginger, lime
bowl of energy soup with amazing fermented cracker samples, followed by samples of fermented GRAWNOLAS
mug of spicy tea
3 cups water
mug of blended green mush: green powder, irish moss, an apple, tahini and water blended together – yum :)
3 cups water

Eeeeeeeek, so many of you have been writing in to ask what is happening with Mr. M's blogs/The Raw Food World TV Shows...Mr. M's blog was taken down a few days ago by Blogger temporarily while they 'check it for spam'... ;) (This happened to me once before too, while I was Juice Feasting - my site was down for abt a week ;( We'll see how long it takes them to get his site back up...)
In the meantime he's still posting videos daily to, so you can catch up on any you may have missed these last few days, including us talking about the upcoming Raw Food Festie in Vilcabamba, Ecuador in May 2010, our New Year's Retreat at The Tree of Life in AZ, spring water detox aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, very excitingly, a... 

ONE WEEK EXTENSION to the deadline for the Blendtec Blender Giveaway... we realised we hadn't told the TV viewers about it ;) So, y'all now have until midnight Pacific time on Sunday November 8th to send in your entries for the blender giveaway – all the details for that giveaway are in this post HERE if you wanna read up on it...

To your divine YUMMINESS ;) Enjoy that full moooooon...

All blessings,
Ms. Stokes–Monarch. xxx