Showing posts with label prize. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prize. Show all posts

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Download Free Audio File of "Raw Emotions" Song :)

OoooOoOooooo, I'm excited to share a little smthg with y'all today...after many requests, it took a while and we finally just worked out how to make an audio file of the video of Alara and I singing Raw Emotions - you can click this link to download it for free:


I hope that this format works for y'all and is compatible with your listening systems...also, be aware that this is definitely not a "professional" recording - it is very "raw", with some very LOUD parts - it might be best to listen with a lower volume at first ;)


on April the 1st I appreciated:

1 quart water
½ cup orange juice
slice of watermelon
1 quart greeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
bowl of chia pudding mixed with maca, ashwaghanda, mango and banana
mug of herbal tea
30 chlorella tablets
water of a young coconut

on April the 2nd I enjoyed:

1 quart water
½ cup orange juice
3 cups watermelon juice
1 cup carrot juice mixed with Elixir of The Lake
1 quart greeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
30 chlorella tablets
spicy sunflower dip spread on flax crackers with fresh avocado
mug of herbal tea
water of a young coconut

I'm also enthused to remind y'all that this Thursday, April the 7th, we are lined up to interview the lovely Casey Lorraine Thomas from Australia, on the subject of healing chronic head-to-toe eczema with a healthier lifestyle. Soooo many people seem to live with dire, painful skin conditions, so we're excited to hear Casey share her experience of what worked for her to reverse her debilitating skin can get the call-in details for this FREE live talk over at - enjoy :)

on April the 3rd I loved:

1 quart water
1 cup sesame/Hunza apricot milk
3 cups greeeeeen juice mixed with carrot juice
water of a young coconut
spicy sunflower dip spread on flax crackers with fresh avocado
mug of herbal tea
water of a young coconut

on April the 4th I resonated with:

1 quart water
2 cups sesame/Hunza raisin milk
3 cups greeeeeen juice mixed with carrot juice
water of a young coconut
yummmmy kale salad shared with Mr. M; kale stuffed into nori sheets and spread on flax crackers - yummmmmm :)
water of 2 young coconuts

Finally, a little reminder that this is the last week to enter the RawReform Giveaway Contest to win a copy of Alissa Cohen's latest book, "Raw Food For Everyone" - the contest closes this Friday, on April the 8th - here's a recap of the deets:

This month we are delighted to be able to offer y'all a copy of the lovely Alissa Cohen's new book "Raw Food For Everyone" :) Countless thousands of people have been guided along on their raw path via Alissa, her online community and helpers...and Alissa's first book "Living On Live Food" has become a modern "class!c" for raw foodies everywhere, with over 45,000 copies already in circulation... ;)

"Raw Food For Everyone" just came out late last year and features a mammoth *300 Recipes* ;O Many of these recipes were apparently favourites from Alissa's raw restaur@nts "Grezzo" in Boston and Newburyport...

To be in with a ch@nce of winning this beautiful new recipe tome, just send us in your A to the following Q:

"If you could post a message onto billboards all over your country
to share healthier lifestyles with everyone,
what would the billboards say?"

Send your answers in to rawreformcontests@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it by April the 8th to be in with a ch@nce of winning. The winner shall be picked at random and with much celebrati0n shortly thereafter. In the meantime if you'd love to purch@se your own copy of "Raw Food For Everyone", just click HERE.
All love and revelations of glory,
A. C. Stokes-Monaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarch. xxx

Monday, 28 June 2010

Final 48 Hours for 14% Off at ;)

As you may recall, last week Mr. M and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary - we had a fabulous time and sent out a couple of very special offers for you guys to enjoy too: 14% OFF any order at and *free* access to all of the radio interviews we did in the last year - YAY :)

The 14% Off Coupon Code expires at midnight Pacific time this Wednesday, June the 30th, so get in there NOW if you wanna get a fabulous deal ;)
The code is "ANNIVERSARY14" and will work on ANY order of ANY size - just enter the coupon code as you check out at and ENJOY... :)

...and if you didn't yet access the free calls, then you can hop on over HERE to get to those wonder-wells of information and inspiration with the following nine notable, loveable and remarkable beings:

You can find all nine of these fabulous interviews HERE and you can either listen to them online OR download them for free, to listen to as and when you please; you could make a CD of them to listen to on journeys, or put them on an iPod for future fun...


On June the 26th I liked:

1 quart water
2 cups greeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
30 chlorella tablets
water of 2 young coconuts
an avocado mushed with sauerkraut and dulse, stuffed into nori sheets, followed by YUMMY raw halva and a chunk of raw apple pie at a potluck
2 cups water

OooOOOooo, I'm excited to let you know that tomorrow shaman wisdom-keeper Little Grandmother will be giving a live interview on World Puja radio :) The show will be aired on at 2pm and 9pm Pacific (5pm and 12 midnight Eastern), tomorrow, Tuesday, June 29th. The interview will also be available to listen to in the archives for free for 24 hours after it first airs, then membership is required to listen more...

on June the 27th I enjoyed:

1 quart water
½ a cantaloupe melon
water of a young coconut
glass of sugarcane juice
2 cups greeeeeeen juice mixed with sugarcane juice
a small papaya
water of a young coconut
shared cucumber/jicama salad meal with Mr. M followed by hand-stirred yumpot with hazelnut butter
mug of reishi/shilajit/ormus tea
2 cups water

We're into the last few days to enter the RawReform Giveaway Contest this month to win a copy of the beautiful Hemalayaa's "Bollywood Dance Workout" DVD - yeeeeeeeee-HAH :)

Here's a reminder of the deets:
To be in with a chance of winning a free copy of Hemalayaa's "Bollywood Dance Workout" DVD, just send in your answer to the following question:

"If you were to win this DVD and become a shimmying, sparkling Bollywood-dancing beauty,
who would you choose to perform a dance for and why...? :)"

Send your entries to // --> This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it by July the 3rd for a chance to win the DVD...the winner shall be picked at random and with joy shortly thereafter... ;)

All love,
Ms. Stokes-Monarch. xxx

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Win "Raw Food Transformations" DVD + Radio Interview on Conscious Parenting :)

Yeeeee-HAH ;) The yummy RawReform Giveaway Prize this month is a copy of our DVD "Raw Food Transformations", which features Mr. M and I giving raw food talks at Thedvd coversmallsmall.png Living Light Expo last year, followed by a very entertaining live food demo on the topic of "Travelling in the Raw" - our first time ever doing a public food demo ;)
To get your hands on this little bundle of inspiration, just send in your response to the following question:

"Which raw foods do you take with you when you're travelling...?"

Send your answers in to angela@rawreform.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it and the winner shall be picked at random and with joy at the start of May...enjoy :)

on April the 2nd I enjoyed:

1 quart water
3 cups watermelon/pineapple juice
2 cups greeeeen juice mixed with watermelon/pinapple juice - odd ;)
cup of leftover STRONG greeeen smoothie from last night...
2 cups greeeeen smoothie
3 cups water
2 cups greeeeeeen smoothie
1 quart green juice mixed with pineapple juice
2 cups green smoothie
1 cup water

on April the 3rd I loved:

1 quart water
2 cups greeeen juice with pineapple juice
2 cups greeeeeen smothie: papaya, banana, dandelion, cilantro, celery greens
2 cups water
2 cups greeen smoothie
2 cups greeeeeeeen juice
chunk of pineapple, a banana
2 cups water
shared feast of *amazing* kale salad, guacamole, flax crackers, chopped veggies and a banana
mug of tea
1 cup water

Last month's RawReform Giveaway prize was a full 'back-stage-pass' for the recent WISH Summit (Women's International Summit for Health), meaning the winner can access the call playbacks whenever they want - yeeeeeeeeee-HAH ;)
We asked y'all to send in your answers to the following Q to be in with a chance of winning:

"What is *your* brightest wish for the young girls of today?"

THANKS for all the fabulous entries we received - perhaps I'll share more of the responses in an upcoming blog post - for now, I'm delighted to say that the winner of the backstage WISH pass, picked at random today, is Mindy, who sent in the following response:

"A Cleaner and Greener world, where all their contributions are Honored and Respected, whether they choose to focus on the path of motherhood, or some type of employment/career, or both.  Freedom to be themselves, and freedom to Honor and  Worship and Connect with the Divine in themselves and others, in whatever way they are drawn to do.  Lasting Peace.  Much the same as what I wish for all the little boys.  May they Dance together in Ecstatic Delight and an Eternal Expression of Unending Love!"

THANKS Mindy, we appreciate your glowing vision for the young lassies and lads of today and may they indeed all feel loved, confident and clear :))) Your Summit Pass is on its way to you and as always, we're sending brightest blessings to all...

on April the 4th I appreciated:

1 quart water
2 cups greeeeeen juice
water of 2 young coconuts
little glass of sugarcane juice
2 cups coconut water with marine phytoplankton and chocolate extract drops
2 cups greeeeen smoothie
2 cups water
shared yummmmmy raw Easter cake made with coconut, honey, chocolate extract, sugar cane juice and banana :)
2 cups water
mug of reishi/shilajit/ormus tea
1 cup water

On April the 5th I enjoyed:

1 quart water
2 cups coconut water with phytoplankton and chocolate extract drops
double shot of hardcore green juice
2 cups greeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
2 cups YUMMY green/mango smoothie from Mr. M
2 cups greeeeen smoothie: papaya, avo, banana, greeeeeeens
2 cups water
2 cups green juice with pineapple
3 cups coconut water with phytoplankton and chocolate extract drops
2 cups greeeeen smoothie: papaya, mango, avo, greeeens, dulse
2 cups water

OMGoddess...if you didn't catch last month's radio interview with Dr. Leonid Sharashkin (editor of the "Anastasia" books from Russian to English), you missed some amazing insights into natural living, connecting to the universal energy, growing our own food and communing with nature...(you can access a playback of that interview HERE if you like)
...and now this month we move from one inspiring modern Russian icon to another, in the gracious form of the wonderful Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova, creator of the "Birth As We Know It" DVD. I was so excited for last month's interview and now I think my excitement monitor might just *erupt* in anticipation of this next interview ;) We *LOVE* the work Elena is sharing with the's Mr. M's summary of this upcoming call:

"This interview could leave your eyes popping open WIDE!!! There is nobody I know who can convey the TRUTH about natural birth more effectively than our dear friend Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova. Angela and I went to one of Elena's birth workshops last year, which changed our lives IMMENSELY for the better. Elena is the creator of the OUTSTANDING DVD 'Birth As We Know It'. It was this DVD that first opened up my mind to the truth of how far from 'natural' the majority of human births are these days and how "Natural Birthing" concepts are IMPERATIVE now to the future of our species. This subject is one of those things that seems so BLATANTLY obvious, if someone is willing to open up to it... and I wonder, how come I didn't see the common sense of these concepts before being exposed to them through Elena's DVD!!! Well, mostly I suppose because, in our societies, we are usually brought up under a 'veil' in regards to Natural Birthing and many other concepts related to natural TRUTH!

Elena will show you that birth is not only something not to fear - that it can, in fact have the potential to be the most ecstatic ORGASMIC experience of your life. I highly recommend checking out Elena's website by clicking the banner above to learn more about her LIFE-CHANGING, world-shifting work. I also recommend purchasing her DVD - either at our store or from Elena's website at the banner above. I feel that it is the BEST DVD on Natural Birthing out there - absolutely phenomenal.

With over 25 years experience in the field of Concsious Parenting, Elena is FULL of FASCINATING stories and we will be asking her to share many of them with us when we interview her on our Radio Show this month! Please join us on Monday, April 26th as I interview Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova at 6:00 pm (Pacific time), 9pm Eastern.

To sign up for this unique interview, please click HERE."
All love, 
Ms. Stokes-Monarch. xxx

Monday, 2 November 2009

Your OWN Certified Organic Garden :)

OOooooooo, there's a very exciting new MLM company on the scene that I think y'all might be interested in, as it's all about growing fresh, certified organic foods :) (I'm not usually excited by MLM companies, just as I imagine many of you aren't either - this one seems genuinely very cool though...) The company is called "Organic Acres" and is truly a unique model for sustainable agriculture and business.
The idea is that wherever you live in the USA, you can have your own organic garden plot with them, where you get to choose what is grown and they manage the whole plot for you, even providing 24-hour camera surveillance and you get all the food grown on your plot delivered to you on demand, as you want methinks ;)
Now of course the IDEAL from my perspective would be for everyone to be growing/gathering food right where they live, however, for many people (especially in the big cities), that is not yet part of their reality, so if they're going to be getting foods from elsewhere anyway, it seems preferable to be getting certified organic foods from their own garden, from crops they've chosen themselves, non? ;)
The way this company has been set up actually makes it possible for people to pretty much end up getting all their fresh food for *free*, through introducing others to Organic Acres...and even if that isn't something you'd be excited to do, you still get so many benefits, for example, while you pay a $100 monthly maintenance fee for a full garden to be tended, you get BACK in return not only all the produce from your garden but also a $100 debit card to use in the Organic Acres online "General Store" that has many dried/packaged products, just like our store. You can also sell any excess fresh produce from your land in the community online "Farmer's Market"...

Organic Acres is so new that it hasn't even actually launched yet – it is about to go live in 1–2 months probably, so now is a GREAT time to get involved in this revolutionary food production business, if you're interested...and in fact the first 2000 people to join up now (for free) actually become part–owners of the company, receiving 2% of any company profits in the years to come...I think this is a really exciting opportunity for people interested both in green businesses PLUS getting top quality certified organic fresh produce delivered straight to your door from your own plot – love it :) You can sign up HERE to learn more and secure your place as one of the pioneers of this blossoming business...enjoy ;)

on October the 30th I loved:

1 quart water
1.5 cups goji juice blended with camu powder
2 cups greeeen juice: celery, cucumber, parley, spinach, lemon, ginger
bowl of energy soup with AMAZING fermented seed cheese crackers from a friend in Asheville – WOW ;) Followed by a hand–mixed yumpot of lucuma/mesquite/cinnamon/maca powders with pine nut butter, orange essential oil and water
3 cups spring water fresh from the Earth ;)
3 cups goji juice blended with Marine Phytoplankton, Merlin's Elixir and Etherium Products
2 cups water

OooOoooo, yesterday I got to play on the phone with one of my favourite Earth goddesses, Ms. Alexandra Jaye from :) She interviewed me about the emotional connection with food, reconnecting to nature, handling cravings and lots of other fun visionary can check out that interview HERE – it's about an hour long...ENJOY...

on October the 31st I was blissed with:

1 quart water
2 cups greeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, parley, spinach, lemon, ginger
bowl of energy soup with amazing fermented cracker samples, followed by samples of fermented GRAWNOLAS – wow, there's some wonderful goodies coming to Asheville sometime soon ;)
3 cups water
2 cups goji juice blended with Marine Phytoplankton, Merlin's Elixir and Etherium Products
an apple and a YUMMY raw 'peanut butter and jelly sandwich' at a raw–friendly Halloween party
2 cups water

on November the 1st I enjoyed:

1 quart water
2 cups goji juice blended with camu powder
2 cups greeeen juice: celery, cucumber, spinach, parsley, fennel, asparagus, Jerusalem artichoke, ginger, lime
bowl of energy soup with amazing fermented cracker samples, followed by samples of fermented GRAWNOLAS
mug of spicy tea
3 cups water
mug of blended green mush: green powder, irish moss, an apple, tahini and water blended together – yum :)
3 cups water

Eeeeeeeek, so many of you have been writing in to ask what is happening with Mr. M's blogs/The Raw Food World TV Shows...Mr. M's blog was taken down a few days ago by Blogger temporarily while they 'check it for spam'... ;) (This happened to me once before too, while I was Juice Feasting - my site was down for abt a week ;( We'll see how long it takes them to get his site back up...)
In the meantime he's still posting videos daily to, so you can catch up on any you may have missed these last few days, including us talking about the upcoming Raw Food Festie in Vilcabamba, Ecuador in May 2010, our New Year's Retreat at The Tree of Life in AZ, spring water detox aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, very excitingly, a... 

ONE WEEK EXTENSION to the deadline for the Blendtec Blender Giveaway... we realised we hadn't told the TV viewers about it ;) So, y'all now have until midnight Pacific time on Sunday November 8th to send in your entries for the blender giveaway – all the details for that giveaway are in this post HERE if you wanna read up on it...

To your divine YUMMINESS ;) Enjoy that full moooooon...

All blessings,
Ms. Stokes–Monarch. xxx

Thursday, 8 October 2009


Hey raw superstars, listen up – we have two positions open at our warehouse in Ojai, California, which we're eager to fill with two yummy new raw–inspired beings of the light :)
Please be aware that these are VERY manual jobs, involving lifting weights throughout the day, up to 50lbs or so.
Here are the deets for the two positions – one is part–time, one full–time:

***Part–time position, 18–23 hours a week***
This role involves stocking the warehouse shelves, checking in deliveries, maneuvering packages and so on. The ideal candidate will be very physically able/fit, diligent, a 'self–starter', adaptable, co–operative, reliable and efficient.
The hours for this job usually work out as 3 days a week for 7 hours a day, with Friday and Monday being key days onboard. The position could be played out over 4 days though if necessary – this is semi–negotiable ;) The time of day for this job is mid–day to afternoon time.

***Full–time position, 40 hours a week***
This role involves packing orders in the warehouse. The ideal candidate for this role will have great attention to detail, the ability to work well in a team AND also independently, work efficiently, co–operatively and accurately, be able to lift heavy weights and follow instructions as given.
The hours for this job are Monday to Fridays, starting at 8am in the mornings.

If you are interested in either of these jobs and would love to add your sparkle to our team there in CA, then please contact our shipping manager Zack on zrawfood (at) with your resume, the reasons why you'd love to join the team and which position you're interested in – THANKS :)

on October the 5th I enjoyed:

1 quart water
3 cups goji juice with coconut water, Marine Phytoplankton and Merlin's Elixir
big bowl of YUMMMMY grawnola with chunks of fresh apple/berries and coconut water
1 quart water
40 chlorella nuts and 2 Tbsp bee pollen
3 cups water

Are we friends yet on Facebook? If not, please come on over and knock on my virtual door HERE and let's be friends even more, in a cyber–tastic way... ;)

on October the 6th I loved:

1 quart water
3 cups goji water and coconut water blended with marine phytoplankton, Merlin's Elixir and Etherium products
bowl of energy soup with spirulina coconut chips on the side, followed by two chia ice cream hearts <3 <3 ;)
mug of spicy tea
1 quart water
1 quart goji juice with Etherium products
cup of natural calm
2 cups water

on October the 7th I adored:

1 quart water
3 cups water
2 cups greeeeen juice: celery, zucchini, cucumber, endive, spinach, romaine, ginger, lemon
bowl of energy soup with garlic sunflower seeds on the side, followed by a little shared yumpot mixture with Mr. M of incan berries/lucuma/almond butter/cinnamon/sunflower lecithin = YUMMMM ;)
3 cups water

We have SUCH a fun RawReform Giveaway Contest for you this month :) You can win an actual FREE literal high speed really truly amazingly wonderful Blendtec Blender, worth $399 :))))
I'm so excited to have this wonderful gift to be able to share with someone out there - what a blessing for someone starting out or augmenting their raw food kitchen - LOVE it :)
We have been LOVING our Blendtec lately - if you haven't seen any of our recent vids enjoying the blender, you could poke into that reality HERE...
SO, how do you get in on this free piece of mechanical magic for your kitchen? Well, get us giggling and you could be on to a winner ;)

To be in with a chance of winning the spangly new machine, we'd love for you to send in to us a video of no more than 3 minutes in length, explaining WHY you'd love to win the Blendtec blender, what you currently use as a blender (if anything) AND...we wanna giggle too - whoever gets us laughing the most (whether from your stage presence, hilarious costuming, witty anecdotes, charming interaction, stand-up comedy routine or whatever it is...) will win the blender...
Oooooooo, how exciting - we very much look forward to enjoying your submissions :)
You have until November the 1st to get your entries in. We suggest the easiest way to send the videos to us is to upload your entry to YouTube (or another online video hub such as Google Vids or whichever you like ;), then send us the link to the video, to You can set your video to 'private' if you don't want 'the general public' to see your video quite yet...;) If you would like to send us a video in any other way, you can contact us on that same email address to arrange that - please DO NOT email us massive video files however ;)
Thanks...and ENJOY :)))

All love,
Angeelelelelelelelelelelelllalaalalalalalalalallaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. xxx

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Top Juicer Recommendation?

We just chose at random the winner of the last RawReform Giveaway Contest, to win a signed copy of my book ‘Raw Emotions’. CONGRATULATIONS to Dianna Banzhaf, who sent in the following answer to the question ‘What is your TOP suggestion for handling food cravings?’:

“I like to do deep breathing. I count to 10 SLOWLY. And breath deeply. I then try to regain focus by doing a kundalini yoga trick by closing my eyes and focus at the brow point or ''third eye'' and if that doesn’t do the trick then I add the words Sat Nam. While inhaling I think ''Sat'' and while exhaling I think ''Nam''. It means true identity. Usually this helps me to be in the moment and remember my self and not be ''attached'' to what I think I am or ''need''.
And then o
f course if I still feel that I actually need a similar food, there is usually something amazing available in one of my raw cook books or ready for picking in nature that will cure it.
P.S. Thanks for the opportunity and I love all the great information you give. It is such raw love and support exuding from you both. Have a wonderful wedding and life together."

Dianna Banzhaf

THANKS Dianna – your book is winging its way to you – enjoy :) …and thanks to everyone who entered this contest – this was the biggest contest we’ve ever held in terms of entries :) I will pull out a collection soon of some of the other top suggestions sent in and post them here for everyone to enjoy :)

on June the 2nd I had:

1 quart water
big greeeeeeeeen salad: mixed leafy greens, baby tomatoes, dulse, avocado, salad dressing (almond butter, pumpkin seed butter, ACV, lemon juice, cumin powder, water), with a few flax ‘chips’ on the side, followed by a handful of Rawnola cereal
1 quart water
2 green apples with a few big handfuls of freeze–dried durian
2 cups water
30 chlorella nuts
2 cups water

OoOoOOooo, while we’re on the subject of Raw Emotions, me feeling pleased: Rory Freedman, author of the best–selling ‘Skinny Bitch’ book just read ‘Raw Emotions’ and sent over this glowing endorsement:

"Angela Stokes' journey is a beautiful miracle and she shares it so generously and articulately in Raw Emotions. Intuitive, insightful, and enlightening, this book gets to the heart of the matter in a way few 'diet' books do. It will definitely change your view on food." Rory Freedman – xoxoxo

Thanks Rory :)

on June the 3rd I had:

1 quart water
30 chlorella ‘nuts’
big greeeeeeeeen salad: mixed leafy greens/herbs, tomatoes, dulse, avocado, salad dressing (pistachio butter, black sesame tahini, ACV, lemon juice, cumin powder, water), with a few flax ‘chips’ on the side, followed by a handful of Rawnola cereal
1 quart water
big luscious bowl of fruit salad with carob/lucuma sauce: fresh raspberries, blackberries, cherries with freeze–dried durian pieces and a rich carob sauce made with: carob powder, lucuma, vanilla, cinnamon, water
1 quart water

There were suddenly a lot of messages from people recently asking for juicer recommendations – I guess there’s a flow to get juicier for summertime – nice ;)
I thought I’d give some general guidance about juicers here from my perspective, in case others out there have similar Qs at the moment...

In terms of great all-round really depends what you're looking for; top of the range in most cases is going to be the Green Star or a similar twin–gear juicer. Green Stars cost abt $400 new and make very high quality juice that will keep well for abt 24 hours or more, if kept refrigerated in sealed mason jars. Twin gear juicers leave dry pulp, are great with leafy greens and are ok in terms of cleaning.
Otherwise, if you want smthg easier to clean/quicker to use, then probably the Breville Juice Fountain would be for you. The Juice Fountains are centrifugal ejection juicers and cost about $150. The feed chute for the produce is BIG, meaning you can fit whole apples in, for example, without cutting them up (saves time on food prep). The pulp comes out quite wet though and you often get unjuiced leafy greens with these kinds of juicers – they work better with things like celery, cucumbers, carrots etc than leafy greens. The juice oxidizes quicker with centrifugal ejection juicers, so it’s best to always drink it immediately. We recommend passing both the juice and the pulp through a nut milk bag, to get all the fiber out and squeeeeze more juice out of that wet leftover pulp ;)
For many people, the Norwalk Juicer is the ultimate choice. These hydraulic press machines produce juice of the most outstanding quality and the juice stores well for up to 72 HOURS in sealed jars in a fridge. Norwalks are very heavy, a little ‘clunky’ to use and cost around $2400 – no juicer compares though in terms of juice quality.
In the end, the best juicer for you tends to be the one you're actually going to USE ;) A juicer sitting in a dusty kitchen cupboard isn’t much help to anyone’s health ;)
I hope that helps...

All love,
Miss Stokes. xxx

Friday, 29 May 2009

Join Our Team at Raw Spirit Fest :)

MmMmmm, exciting opportunity alert: would you love to come and help out at our ‘Raw Food World’ booth at the Santa Barbara Raw Spirit Festival next weekend – June 5–7th? We are looking for two more lovely helpers.
In return for helping out at the booth roughly half of each day, you will receive a complimentary admission pass for the whole festival. You will be working in a team of around 6 people – this will likely equate to working around 3–5 hours each day, from Friday to Sunday. Roles might include serving customers, answering questions, setting up and packing down the booth, re–stocking the booth, running miscellaneous errands and so on.
Accommodation and travel are not provided – camping is easily available onsite however. We would love to welcome two people to the team who are good communicators, honest, co–operative, diligent, fun, heart–centered, active, experienced with raw foods, quick–thinking, self–motivated and with high integrity. If that sounds like you and you’d love to join us for this event, please email and let us know in one paragraph or less why you think you’d be ideal for this role – thanks ;)

on May the 27th I had:

1 quart water
chia meal: chia seed soaked in blended mango and water, with fresh cherries/strawberries and freeze–dried durian on the side
1 quart water
30 chlorella ‘nuts’
big salad: masses of fresh leafy greens smothered in a dressing (tahini, pumpkin seed butter, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, water, touch of Himalayan salt and stevia), followed by a little ‘Yoga Bar’ from Everything Raw
3 cups water

Here are two little gems of insight that people shared with me recently on our travels that I’d love to pass on:

i) via Betsy, the raw reflexologist in Michigan: many people carry ‘S.H.O.U.L.D’s on their S.H.O.U.L.Ders’ – see the connection? I’d never noticed that before, that the word ‘shoulders’ carries a 'hidden should’ ;) I see the imagery of people walking around feeling ‘the weight of the world on their shoulders’, concerned about all the things they feel they ‘should’ do... Mmmmmm...personally I very rarely use the word ‘should’ towards myself or anyone else – every moment is a choice ;)

ii) I loved a recent conversation with a young raw couple in which they conveyed their current intention to no longer eat ‘anything with a barcode on it’ ;) lol – I love that...such a great image...I often share in our talks a saying from my friend Kathy that in the supermarkets ‘the middle aisles will kill you’ – this barcode imagery resonates along the same lines for me – how many barcodes do we see in nature...??? ;)

on May the 28th I had:

1 quart water
30 chlorella ‘nuts’
chia meal: chia + maca powder stirred into gel with water, stevia powder, vanilla powder, carob powder, fresh cherries, dried durian pieces and fresh strawberries
1 quart water
10 chlorella ‘nuts’
big salad: masses of fresh leafy greens smothered in a dressing (tahini, almond butter, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, water, touch of Himalayan salt and stevia), followed by a little ‘Yoga Bar’ from Everything Raw
3 cups water

Un petit reminder: the current RawReform Giveaway Contest to win a signed copy of my book ‘Raw Emotions’ closes next week, on June 3rd. If you haven’t already submitted an entry for this contest and you’d love to take part, here is a recap of the details:

To be in with a chance of wrapping your digits around a physical copy of this love tome, please email in your answer to the following Q:

  • What is your TOP suggestion for handling food cravings?

    Send your answer to '' and the winner shall be picked at random and with startling efficiency around the beginning of June...

  • All felicitations, meandering delights and open-hearted joy,
    Miss Stokes. xxx