Showing posts with label joy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label joy. Show all posts

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Evangelii Gaudium The Joy of the Gospel

Genuine joy is contagious in the best possible way.  When we have good news, we look forward to sharing it with others in person, over the phone, in a letter, an e-mail, a text, a Tweet, a Facebook message, a they can celebrate with us. 
A marriage engagement, new baby, new job, a long-awaited conversion, another life saved, a loved one who is healed…are all exciting developments we want to shout from the rooftops.     
We have the best Good News there is: God is with us and in us.  He became man, suffered, died, and rose again that we might live life to its fullest.  Our time on Earth isn’t all there is.  Because of the Lord’s infinite love and perfect plan for our salvation, we are invited to spend all eternity with our Creator, Savior, and Father.  It doesn’t get any better than that.
In his Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (aka The Joy of the Gospel), Pope Francis expounds upon the advantages of sharing the faith with a spirit of praise and rejoicing.  In a tone and with suggestions reminiscent of St. Francis of Assisi, our pope tells us we are called to reach out to the poor, elderly, outcasts, those who are marginalized or on the fringes of society in our own towns and around the world with the love of Christ. 
Doing what the Lord calls us to do, carrying out His will, taking care of the people He’s placed in our lives, and growing closer to Jesus are what bring us true and lasting joy in life.  Who better than a humble man from Latin America, who recognizes we each have in us a spark of God that is beautiful and unique, to write a proposition for a renewed evangelization? 
The best testimony of how to evangelize joyfully can be seen in the way Pope Francis lives the Gospel each day.  Whether he is washing someone’s feet on Holy Thursday, calling someone he’s never met to share his condolences, or rallying the youth, he illustrates how serving others, compassion, and relationships are essential to missionary work. 
There are great need and suffering all around us.  Many of us have a number of gifts and resources we can use to help others have their most basic needs met.  Are we willing to open our eyes to what is happening in our families, our neighborhoods, our cities, our country, our world, and allow God to transform us to reach out and take action?  If we are, then we’re ready to participate in the new evangelization.          
We are invited to be as cheerful and enthusiastic in our discovery and expression of God’s love as we would be if we had a surprise visit from one of our favorite people on the planet.  Hugs, I’ve missed you, I love you are all part of the effervescent greeting.  You feel your heart leap simply being in a dear one’s presence.    
This past spring I served on a Cursillo Women’s team with a great group.  One of the women on the team lost not one, but two loved ones during our time in formation.  She made a huge impression on me when she quoted this passage from The Gospel of Joy in her talk: “An evangelizer must never look like someone who has just come back from a funeral!” If anyone could justifiably be a little grumpy or down, she qualified, but that’s not what she did. 
What's more, she witnessed to me this aspect of the exhortation and included it in her talk:  “Let us recover and deepen our enthusiasm… And may the world of our time, which is searching, sometimes with anguish, sometimes with hope, be enabled to receive the good news not from evangelizers who are dejected, discouraged, impatient or anxious, but from ministers of the Gospel whose lives glow with fervor, who have first received the joy of Christ.”
I finished reading The Joy of the Gospel for the second time in mid-November.  The first time I’d read it was when my mom let me have the copy she’d printed out to read.  It is just as uplifting the second time as it was the first. 
This go-round I was more aware of how difficult it is for me to grasp and exude the sort of hope Pope Francis shows is necessary to draw people closer to Christ.  For much of my life, I’ve taken a very legalistic, rule-oriented approach to things—one that by itself isn’t likely to attract or interest anyone in the Catholic faith.  My husband Kevin’s better at joy than I usually tend to be. 
I find it true poetic justice that while I was rereading The Joy of the Gospel my husband was listening to The United States Catholic Catechism on CD.  Kevin’s not a voracious reader like I am, and he certainly didn’t grow up with a penchant toward knowing and following the rules, like me, so this is definitely a Holy Spirit inspired activity that’s bulking up his knowledge of the faith in which he was raised.  We’ve both been led to grow in areas the Lord knew we needed help with, and hopefully, we’ll be better prepared to live out the joy of the Gospel.

I highly recommend reading and/or rereading The Joy of the Gospel.  I received a free copy of the book from Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review.  For more information or to get your own copy of The Joy of the Gospel, click here.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Monsignor Chester Michael: Well done good and faithful servant

The funeral Mass was quite beautiful and not surprisingly very well attended for Monsignor Chester P. Michael this past Wednesday, August 6, 2014.  The celebration of his life took place on the Feast of the Transformation, a fitting God-incident since he was instrumental in inspiring change, transformation, and true conversion in countless people throughout our Diocese and around the world during his 72 years as a priest
Most Reverend Bishop Francis Xavier DiLorenzo presided at the funeral Mass held at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Charlottesville, Virginia.  As is customary for our leader and resident history buff, he gave a homily that compared and contrasted what life was like in the world when Monsignor Michael was first ordained a priest in 1942 and the myriad changes he witnessed from World War II until the present. 
The bishop posed three very poignant questions about the 97 years God gave Monsignor Chet on Earth. 
     1.Did his life mean anything at all?
     2.Was his life a waste?
     3.What was the meaning of his life and ministry?
Bishop DiLorenzo covered a smattering of the ministries and various levels of involvement and influence Fr. Chet had in them.  Basically, he responded to the above questions with this summation of answers: 1.Absolutely.  2. Not at all.  3.He did so much it would be hard to mention it all, estimate the number of lives he’s transformed, or how his work to spread the Good News will continue to inspire others.    
In closing, Bishop DiLorenzo said: “We thank God for his ministry, and we say well done good and faithful servant.” 
After the celebration of the Eucharist, Andy Macfarlan offered some Words of Remembrance about Fr. Chester Michael.  He shared some of the stories, themes, passions, quirks, and characteristics of the beloved priest and popular spiritual director.  Looking around the church, I saw dozens of people Kevin and I know through Cursillo.  I found it a perfect Mass for our seminarians to attend even while on their yearly retreat.  What better testimony can you give than that of a good priest who served God’s people in many different ways over the 72 years since he was ordained to serve our Diocese?  He’s been an inspiration to priests, deacons, seminarians, consecrated religious, and laity for quite some time. 
Kevin and I never formally met Monsignor Michael, but we’ve heard a number of stories about “Fr. Chet” as many of his close friends and spiritual directees called him.  We are aware of only some of the countless ways this man has touched our lives.  In 1963, he brought the Cursillo Movement to the Diocese of Richmond where it has flourished as a tool for the new evangelization in place long before that term was popular.  Over 8,000 individuals have made Cursillo weekends in our Diocese since then.  That’s a lot of lives to touch and enflame with the Holy Spirit! 
But wait, there’s more.  Fr. Chet also created Open Door Ministries and the Spiritual Direction Institute (SDI) to encourage laypeople to grow closer to the Lord, learn about themselves, and how to live the Gospel in new ways through a more intimate walk with Christ.  There have been over 600 people who have gone through the SDI program he developed since it first began.  Kevin and I just began the SDI program this summer.  I read and highly recommend the three books to the left written by Monsignor Chester Michael, and used as some of the primary resources for his two-year course.  
It boggles my mind to think of how many souls he’s affected just through Cursillo and SDI.  He’s been involved in so many really powerful ministries over the years, ones I don’t know as much about but which are described in detail on his website.  Kevin and I have been fascinated to read about his life, humble beginnings, ongoing education, and the numerous ministries which he started and/or brought to the Diocese of Richmond over the years.  He has touched the lives of so many different groups of society, I’d venture that when it comes to ministry in Richmond, there could be a game that would probably only show two or three degrees of separation at most between Catholics currently active in our Diocese and their connection to Monsignor Chester Michael and the ministries he’s created and supported.  To read a more thorough biography of Monsignor Chet’s life at least up to 1992, click here.
Today is the five year anniversary of my father’s passing which has gotten me thinking about the influence one person’s life can have on so many others.  We don’t know how much time we have left to make a difference.  Fr. Chet had a lot of years to do all the work God intended for him. 
What is God calling us to be or do right now?  Are we taking ample time to listen to the whisper of His still small voice?  Are we grounded enough in prayer and edified through study so that we are filled with the love of Our Lord, ready to go out and proclaim the Gospel through our lives?

Monday, August 4, 2014

Candles in the Dark: The Authorized Biography of Fr. Richard Ho Lung and The Missionaries of the Poor

Candles in the Dark has been in a stack on one of our bookshelves for a while now.  Saint Benedict Press sent it to me thinking it would be something of interest to me.  They were right, but it wasn’t the right time for me to read it, yet.  I’ve considered picking it up a few times, but then ended up choosing other books to read which, as the Holy Spirit would have it, were exactly what I needed at that time. 
The other day when I was attending daily Mass at St. Benedict’s a young man in front of me who is a very devout and joyful Catholic was wearing a T-shirt with a quote on it from Fr. Richard Ho Lung and the Missionaries of the Poor (MOP).  Yes, God will speak to us however He likes, even through the messages on T-shirts.  The quote and priest quoted reminded me of the book once more.  Intrigued, I removed Candles in the Dark and dove in.
Is he a male Mother Teresa as some have said?    Both of them were called to the religious life and were teaching when they each received what’s been described as “a call within a call” to serve the poorest of the poor, those left literally and figuratively, to die in the streets.  They are each devoted to prayer, living among and serving the poor, and using their clout to speak out about the atrocities of our times. But the answer is not really.
I can’t think of a better time for me to be reading a book about a man who has devoted his life to serving the poor.  Fr. Richard Ho Lung is nicknamed the “Ghetto” priest for good reason.  The slums in Jamaica are where he was born, where he lives now, and that’s where he has been called to serve Christ “in distressing disguise.”  Some know him because of his illustrious singing career.  Not only has he had a number of hit songs, but he has also written and produced full-length musicals and operas.  Others are familiar with him because of his success as a distinguished literature professor, poet, and Jesuit priest.    
As has happened a number of times throughout my life, there is someone whose health and well-being I’m very concerned about who is of no relation to me.  Wondering and praying about what course of action would be best while reading the story of Fr. Richard Ho Lung’s life and the Missionaries of the Poor reminded me that I should not limit what I am willing to do if God asks me to.  I’ve needed this reminder often in life, so this was another way of repeating the lesson.  Consulting the proper authorities as well as other concerned parties, I’ve now taken a good first step toward getting help for an unsafe living situation.
One of the things I really appreciated about Candles in the Dark is that Fr. Ho Lung talks about how disgusted and repulsed he was by the condition he would find people living in, but he always knew that he was ministering to Christ in each person he helped.  I have definitely experienced and found myself in some situations I’d rather avoid, but when God brings us into them with the intent that we be an agent of change, we eventually get the courage to speak up. 
I’m really hoping to find and view one of Fr. Richard Ho Lung’s musicals sometime soon.  I admire him greatly as a man who has answered the call to be a man of prayer, hope, and love to the many people God has brought and will continued to bring into his life.
I highly recommend Candles in the Dark: The Authorized Biography of Fr. Richard Ho Lung and the Missionaries of the Poor by Joseph Pearce.  The writing is genuine, fresh, and captures the priest’s personality, faith, and passion for serving the poor.  I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.  For more info or to get your own copy of Candles in the Dark, click here.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Glory Bee to God!

A cute little Carmelite postulant named Michele Morris sent Kevin and me a care package with instructions on the outside  that we were to open it together. 

When she’d written at Eastertime, our dear friend/sister in Christ, mentioned she had a surprise for us.  We never in a million years could have guessed what it would be.   
Ever since the spring a few years ago when I gave Michele a Pieta prayer book, we’ve been talking about “glory bees.”  In the prayer book is a Novena to St. Thérѐse of Lisieux which includes twenty-four “Glory Be to the Father” prayers each day.  Upon seeing this, she turned to me and exclaimed: “That’s a lot of Glory Be’s!”  At which point we both started laughing imagining bees with halos buzzing around glorifying God.  Thus began our affection for “glory bees.”
That Easter, I presented Michele with a stuffed animal bumblebee with candy in the zippered pocket and a makeshift halo out of silver pipe cleaner.  It was one of the few personal possessions she brought with her when she entered the Carmelite Monastery of Our Lady and St. Thérѐse.  Subsequent gifts to one another after that Easter often carried a theme of bumblebees.  I have a bumblebee pillow pet, a tall mug featuring a cartoon drawing of our adopted mascot, and a pair of yellow and black striped knee socks with bees on them all from Michele.
When learning to make rosaries, Michele thought it would be fun to make “Glory Bee Rosaries” for Kevin and me.  She was given permission to do so.  We are now the humbled owners of the first two “Glory Bee Rosaries.”  The community liked the idea, so she made a whole batch of them to go to the mission in Uganda.  With some bee research under her wings, she came up with a brochure using for graphics the picture of the bee I gave her with the halo and some of the bee graphics I used in making a memory book for her before she left. 
Inside the package was one self-portrait drawn with brown marker, one “Glory Bee Rosaries” brochure, two black and yellow beaded rosaries, and a five page handwritten letter from Michele.  I was laughing as I read the letter out loud about how she went from learning to make rosaries, to being inspired to make “Glory Bee Rosaries” for Kevin and me, to the project being blessed by the community. 

     Here’s an excerpt of her letter:
    For Trisha the gift is special in other ways as well.  It is also for you:
1.      A bridesmaids gift.  In thinking about and cherishing our “Girls Day Out” it occurred to me that as the bride-to-be I never did give you a bridesmaids gift-as is custom.  So I made one for you as well as Carrie and Betty J
2.      Something tangible to hold onto as reassurance that I am with you and praying for you.
3.      Tangible evidence that God does indeed work through you—inspiring others—good inspirations. 

Since July 16 is the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel as well as the two-year anniversary of the first performance of “Teresita” the original play Michele wrote, directed, and performed, and also the day when Michele received the letter accepting her as a postulant to the Carmelite Sisters by the Sea, I thought I’d share this story and the joy it has brought us. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Self-Portrait of a Cute Carmelite Postulant

     Michele Morris actually drew the self-portrait on the right with brown marker and sent it to Kevin and me in a package with some fun surprises I'll share about in another post.
     The note on the top left of the drawing is how she and I would say goodbye to each other in person, letters, phone calls, e-mails or text messages: Love, hugs, and glory bees (a variation of the love, hugs, and prayers I often sign in letters to loved ones).  "Juice" is printed on the top right because one of the many times when Michele appeared at our door it was the first word out of her mouth.  Normally, I'd offer her something to drink upon her arrival, and she often asked for juice and a little snack to go with it.
     One fine day after chatting with Kevin outside for a bit while he was working on his motorcycle, she became particularly parched.  When Michele finally made it upstairs, she knocked, I opened the door, and without so much as a "hi" she said: "Juice!" with the innocence and insistence characteristic of a toddler.  I was completely amused and acquiesced immediately.  
     Michele really cracks me up. Even though she's in a cloistered monastery across the country and I haven't heard her voice or seen her in close to a year now, I can still picture her laughing and smiling, being silly and bringing great joy to The Carmelite Sisters by the Sea in Carmel, California.
     Lord, help us to be open to Your will in all areas of our lives.  Make us mindful of the promptings of the Holy Spirit, so that we are sensitive to how, with whom, when, and where You want us to serve.  Amen.

Friday, May 16, 2014

A Letter to Graduates

Dear Graduate,
Congratulations!  You did it!  Who knew that you’d one day make it so far, overcome so many obstacles, embrace so many new opportunities, and develop such wonderful friendships?  God did.  He’s known all along the passions in your heart and how you would and will continue to inspire others.   
My wish, hope, and prayers for you are that throughout your life you will grow in your awareness of God’s unconditional love, endless mercy, and unbounded joy so that you can continue being a source of living hope to all who come into contact with you.
There are some important lessons to remember as you move to the next step in your journey.  People and relationships are far more important than money, worldly success, awards, or prestige.  You are God’s Beloved Child.  I can almost hear some of you asking: "Who me?!"  To which I'd respond with a resounding, "Yes, you!"  
God has, does, and will always love you more than anyone else has, does, or can—even your parents, grandparents, family members, closest friends, or your spouse.  Almighty God is the only who one can and will always be with you, and, despite occasional thoughts and feelings to the contrary, He will never abandon or forsake you. 
I found it to be so easy to get caught up in my own hopes and dreams or to make my decisions and assess my worth based on the evaluations I receive from others.  Above all, though, we are to seek the Will of the Lord in all areas of our lives and accept the abundance of blessings He provides for us to live that out.  It is the only plan which is best for everyone involved in time and eternity.  We are encouraged and created to move, grow, and have our being in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Any good gifts we have come from Him. Any good we can do for others flows from Him through us.  Only in uniting yourself with the Source of All Love and life will you be a most effective vessel and conduit of love, compassion, generosity, and kindness. 
May you keep prayer a source of hope and healing in mind and heart as you seek and guide others in search of goodness, beauty, and Truth. 
It can be a little nerve-racking at times to move from one stage of life to the next, especially when it means saying goodbye to loved ones, a particular way of life, a gathering place for friends, but you’re well-equipped to go out into the world and continue making a difference doing what comes naturally to you. 
Be gentle with yourself during times of transition. 
Who you are is your gift to others and God’s gift to the world. Embrace that truth and live your life to the fullest.  God danced the day you were born and has been elated by you ever since.  Remember that you are loved and lovable because of who you are and whose you are—not because of what you do.  Your value has already been established as a child of God.  No other accolades, honors, or awards are needed to establish your worth.  It just is.
The greatest gifts bestowed upon us are those most precious in time and eternity: a love for family and friends, a true compassion for others, a concern for those less fortunate, an active prayer life, ongoing study and faith formation, being part of Christian community, performing actions that provide for the physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual needs of others, and a yearning to do God’s will that are fueled by a desire to spend all of eternity with the angels, saints, and the loved ones who have gone before us to Heaven knowing that Christ's life, death, and resurrection have bought us eternal salvation.
“All things work for good for those who love God…”  The best in your life is yet to come.  Trust me—the wildest adventures, the most longed for opportunities, the most ecstatic joys, the most unusual challenges, the deepest love, the most profound mercy, and the best blessings beyond all of your hopes and dreams are yet to come for you!  
God bless and love from your sister in Christ, Trisha

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Celebrating Moms, Grandmothers, Godmothers, "Other Mothers," and Spiritual Mothers

I've been working on a reflection on mothers, grandmothers, Godmothers, "other mothers" and spiritual mothers.  It has started with me remembering one of the spiritual mothers in my life who recently passed away, so I'm going to take some more time with it. In the meantime, I'd like to share with you a beautiful song about the most amazing, most loving, most holy mother I know.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Cursillo Weekend: Great Mercy Living Hope

     After months of prayers and preparations, the 465th Cursillo Women's Weekend is finally upon us.  I'm so very excited to be a part of this amazing team brought together to do God's work!  What a blessing this experience has been, and the best is yet to come!

Please keep the team and candidates in your prayers this Thursday through Sunday (April 24-27, 2014) as we gather to bask in God's love and His Great Mercy, so that we may return to the world as renewed sources of Living Hope!

Don't forget that this Sunday April 27, 2014 is extra special.  It's Divine Mercy Sunday as well as the canonization of two popes.


What Is Divine Mercy Sunday?

Did you know Divine Mercy Sunday is April 27, 2014?  It's always observed the Sunday after Easter, though many of the faithful don't know about this powerful prayer and important message from the Lord.      Click here to see a 15-minute video explanation of how to celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday here.
There are a number of beautiful ways to celebrate the Lord’s Divine Mercy and the messages of mercy given to the world, especially through Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska. I encourage you to read up on this feast day and find a church in your area that actually celebrates it. I love The Chaplet of Divine Mercy prayers.   This sung version is one of my absolute favorites! It's a very powerful prayer to sing with others. 
We've used it on Cursillo and Christ Renews His Parish retreats with great success!  Some have said it was the most powerful part of the weekend for them. 
Click here to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy on your computer.
Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and the Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly Beloved Son in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world...For the sake of His Sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world."  "Jesus I trust in You!" - excerpts from the Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Please keep the team and candidates of the 465th Cursillo weekend taking place from April 24-27, 2014.  We are celebrating our theme which is based on the message of Divine Mercy and we will be sharing the Chaplet of Divine Mercy as part of the weekend.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Three Holiest Days of the Year: The Easter Triduum

We are about to enter into the three holiest days of the Christian calendar which are celebrated as one unbroken service.  Many people, including a number of practicing Catholics, don't realize that beginning at sunset on Holy Thursday, through Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday into Easter Sunday are the three holiest days in the year. These three days, starting Thursday evening and going through Sunday evening are known as the Holy Triduum.  They give us a wonderful opportunity to pray and reflect on Christ's Passion, death, and Resurrection.

A Holy Week overview in two minutes:

Over the years, I have prayerfully written a number of reflections on these three holiest of days and how they are observed.  Below, I've included links to those reflections as well as to those posts that chronicle the joyous, miraculous occasion of my husband returning to the Catholic faith.

Holy Thursday: Washing of the feet and Institution of the Eucharist
This evening we will remember what Christ did in His 72 hours on earth.  To read more about the significance of Holy Thursday and what we do to honor it, check out this reflection.

Good Friday: Veneration of the Cross
A new look at Christ's words on the Cross: "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?"
Remembering Christ's Sorrowful Passion

Easter Vigil: A culmination of the faith and summary of Christianity through Scripture reflection, songs, and sacraments.  Saturday evening is when people are Baptized and brought into the church through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults.

Check out Very Special Fond Memories of the Holy Week for a more detailed account of one of the best Holy Week's of my life, when my husband Kevin returned to the Catholic Church in 2000 (and was named "the patron saint of boyfriends" by Fr. Remi Sojka, the priest who served our Catholic Campus Ministry at Hollins University and Roanoke College.

May you and your family have a very blessed and most Holy Triduum!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Wonderful Women of Faith: Are You a Spiritual Diva?

I’ve been reminded in some very powerful ways how much women of faith have made a difference in my life, in my journey with the Lord, and in how I relate to and pray for/with others.  This week I’ve had the blessing of getting together with a number of women of faith in various settings for prayer, to share a meal, catch up on things, listen, laugh, and offer encouragement. 
I am currently part of the formation team for the Women’s Cursillo Weekend that will take place this April 24-27, 2014, so I’m meeting with that group of women (and the two male deacons that are part of our spiritual direction team) on Sunday afternoons from now until April.  I first met some truly remarkable women, many of whom I’m still good friends, when I made my Cursillo weekend at the Abbey back in June 2006 and sat at the table the Sea of Conviction, but we were the youngest three there, so we renamed ourselves the spiritual divasJ
 I usually meet Monday evenings with a strong prayer warrior friend who has also been taking the Theophostic Prayer Ministry training with me over the past few years.  It changes everything when you have discussions, prayer time, and do ministry with someone who is actively seeking the Lord’swill for her life and doing her best to live it out.  She’s one of the first people I text with major prayer intentions, because I know I can always count on her storming the Heavens on behalf of whoever needs it.
Wednesday evening, I gathered with some of the wonderful women who I met back in February 2009 when I made my Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) retreat and then served on the team for the next Women’s weekend that summer.  I felt bad showing up to the scheduled planning meeting with light supper provided rather tired, and weary without any food, drinks, books to share, or really anything much to offer.  
Everyone welcomed me warmly and was so glad to see me after such a long absence from many activities that I realized that these women genuinely love and care about me, not because I plan great retreats/events (haven’t planned a single one for that group, I don’t think), or host fun parties (definitely haven’t given any parties at all), or even because I recently offered much in the way of donations of time, talent, or treasure in effort of keeping the group going.  I didn’t even bring my usual huge stack of books I’ve read, loved, and reviewed to pass along to whoever is interested.  I just brought my planner (which doesn’t have any monthly planner pages in it beyond January, because I haven’t placed that order yet), and soaked up the love, prayers, camaraderie, laughter, and joy of the gathering. 
I found out yesterday that a woman of faith I admire a great deal is in the hospital.  My mom went to visit this person, and there were four other visitors in her room when she left.  At noon Mass at the Pastoral Center, I prayed for my usual list of loved ones, both living and deceased, including Nana (my dad’s mom) and my grandma. 100 years from now, I hope to have brought others closer to God by being a strong, devout, compassionate, loving, joyful woman of faith.  I’ve had so many great examples to follow!
     I’m only part of the way through a book I love already called Sisterhood of Saints.  It’s by woman of faith and spiritual writer Melanie Rigney.  The cover is beautiful and so are the stories of these saints, inspirations and challenges included.  We have such a rich tradition of women saying yes to the Lord and living out that yes every day of their lives. 
Both of my grandmothers and my parents have had a strong devotion to the Blessed Mother, one that I have grown to love and appreciate more and more.  Last weekend when I was leading the opening and closing prayers for our Cursillo formation meeting, I shared with the group one of my favorite prayers: The Prayer to Mary for the Conversion of a Loved One, which I prayed daily, along with the Rosary for Kevin’s return to the Catholic faith in which he was raised when we were still only dating and he’d fallen far away from the church.
     “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.”
     “Blessed Woman, Peaceful Dove, teach us wisdom, teach us love.”

Friday, December 27, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 134) The Gift of Your Presence

Grace is…getting to attend Mass and sit with some of your favorite people, praying the Rosary as a family, celebrating the presence of love and new life, the little old lady in her 90s who is almost blind praying in the pew ahead of you, catching up with dear friends who are more like siblings, seeing more ways in which the Lord has worked in your life and the lives of loved ones to draw you ever closer to Him…  


Best Christmas Gifts by Far Our family's favorite Christmas gifts were: 1.) the surprise that my youngest sister got a flight home from Zambia and South Africa a week early for the holidays and 2.) getting to spend the day with our nine month old nephew who is super-cute and often jolly!

A Day in the Life of a Carmelite Postulant I'm still working on retyping a hilarious original play written by my dear sister in Christ Michele Morris. She wrote this play as the update for family and friends on her life since entering a cloistered monastery, Carmelite Sisters by the Sea, August 6, 2013. Anyone who knows her (and even those who don’t) will be thoroughly amused by her creative and true-to-form theatrical piece.
         Check back later this weekend! Michele typed everything on a typewriter and sent me one copy, so I'm retyping it to share with everyone as she gave me her written permission to do so on my blog and the request to do so via e-mail to a select group of friends and family.

This photo was taken in Dec. 2009 when we
were still meeting weekly.
Cursillo Cluck Hens Rejoice! The upper room spiritual divas got together Saturday morning for the first time in I'm not sure how long.  (Actually, three of us went to one Panera and two went to another, but eventually all six of us made it to the same Panera.) WOW! I forgot how inspired and encouraged I am just being around these amazing women. I'm so excited that there's talk of getting the band back together at least once a month. I love you ladies and am so glad we all eventually got our prayer group reunited!! 
Formation for Women’s Weekend Kevin and I have been faced with a number of big discernment issues over the past several months.  With some of them we have not yet reached a conclusion or solution.  Others we have gotten clearer answers about what God is calling us to now.  One of the major commitments we have determined the Lord would like of me at this time is to say yes to serving on the next Cursillo Women’s Weekend April 24-27, 2014.  Please pray for our team as we begin formation January 5 and for the participants who will come forward for this “short course in Christianity” this April.  De Colores!   

Marshneil & I at a costume party in 2009.
Staying in Touch It is so wonderful to get the chance to sit down and really catch up with a friend who you don’t get to see regularly, who understands enough of your background and family, what you’re passionate about in life, what your greatest struggles are in terms of faith, etc.  I felt very blessed again today that I could sit down with a dear friend who I met through a retreat that’s meant to strengthen relationships within a parish called Christ Renews His Parish.  My faith is renewed just hearing about how God has been working in her life in truly amazing and miraculous ways.  Lord, thank You for friends who know us well, love us dearly, and pray for us always.   

Merry Christmas to All! Kevin and I had a very blessed Christmas this year, and it had everything to do with who was around the tree rather than what was under it.  We enjoyed Mass on Christmas day, then we had a delicious meal at my sister and brother-in-law's house.  The best surprise was that Theresa got a flight home early.  We were all bummed she wouldn't be here for the holidays, but I didn't realize quite how much we missed her presence until I saw her beautiful smiling face in person.
     Another wonderful gift was spending the evening with another family
who has kind of adopted us.  We had some interesting discussion on faith, current events, Kevin was asked to be Matt's Confirmation sponsor, and we all prayed the Rosary.  

Check out Jen Fulwiler’s tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday at her tremendously popular blog Conversion Diary.  

Friday, November 1, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 126) Birthdays, Joy, Saints, and the Blessing of Hope Edition

Grace is…realizing again that God has been answering prayers you prayed over a decade ago in miraculous and hope-inspiring ways, offering your prayer intentions at Mass for someone who is struggling in mind, body, and/or spirit, finding out something hurtful and frustrating happened completely due to a misunderstanding and both sides feeling much better once given the chance to clear the air, having hope when it could only mean having faith in God’s plans for your future even when He hasn’t made any of them clear to you, yet, having dinner and time to visit with three adorable little girls who are way cuter than any Disney Princesses…

All You Holy Men and Women, Pray for Us. This verse is part of the Litany of Saints that is often sung at Mass, reminding us that we are connected to all of those past, present, and future who have been open to the Lord’s love and grace moving in and through them.  I personally have found it extremely comforting to know that people throughout the ages from a very wide variety of backgrounds, time periods, socio-economic situations, abilities, skills, personalities, and passions are present each and every time we gather to celebrate the Eucharist.  Not only that, but we have a number of intercessors who will pray with and for us when our own measly prayers hardly seem adequate.   

My Sisters the Saints Can women with very different lifestyles focused on doing the Lord’s will above all else be companions, true guides, and sisters for women of today?  Absolutely!
     My Sisters the Saints illustrates the truth of the adage that you should choose your friends wisely because you will become like them in some interesting and unexpected ways. 
     The six saints most prominent in Colleen Carroll Campbell’s life and spiritual memoir are holy women also very dear to me: Teresa of Avila, Thérѐse of Lisieux, Faustina Kowalski, Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), Blessed Mother Teresa, and Our Mother Mary.  The concept of considering female saints as sisters is one I believe in and have embraced wholeheartedly.  For many years, I have felt a greater closeness to some of the saints and my sisters in Christ than I have sometimes shared with my two biological sisters.

     To read a complete review of this amazing book, click here.

The Saint that Is Just Me I first heard this song when John had Kevin and me over to his apartment for dinner one evening.  As has been the case with every single one of her songs, the lyrics which Danielle Rose always writes in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament resonate with me on a very deep level.  I’ve read a great deal about and by the saints, and most of the time, I have found it inspiring and uplifting.  Other times, I have gotten extremely discouraged when I see how I am eons away from having the sort of trust, devotion, faith, and dedication to God’s Will that they had.  
The Saint that Is Just Me is a perfect reminder that every single one of us is called to be a saint, meaning we are called by God to be holy, but that our sanctification and living out what the Lord calls us to often looks different from what it looks like for other people, even the saints.  If we conform our lives to Christ, then we will become the saint that the Lord wants us to be and knows we can be.  If we imitate the saints and try to become like then, we’re liable to end up failing miserably.  God doesn’t need another Blessed Mother Teresa, but He always needs people who are willing to use all of their mind, body, and spirit to serve Him in the unique ways and with the special set of talents with which He blesses us.  He loves you for who you are, where you are, and is calling you to holiness and sainthood. 

Birthday Blessings I tend to dread my birthday, not so much because it means I’m a year older, but more due to the fact that it makes me likely to take stock of my life and what I have or have not accomplished or done by the age that I am.  I received a beautiful, very loving card from my mom for my birthday and frequent reminders throughout the day (though she was out of town at a funeral) that having me in her life has brought her a great deal of joy.  My mother loves me, God loves me, my husband loves me, and so do many others.  That is enough to be grateful for. 

Honoring Our Departed Loved Ones Four years ago, I went by myself to an All Soul’s Day (November 2) service our parish had.  There were a number of people I added to the list of the faithful departed loved ones that year, my dad being just one of them.  I wasn’t sure how well I’d hold up, and really wished Kevin had agreed to come with me.  Being there and offering our sorrow and sadness to the Lord and having the courage to get up in front of others and speak a few words about the loved ones we’d lost recently was quite powerful.  So many friends and family members have lost loved ones this year.  It is my hope and prayer that they will also find comfort and courage that there is indeed life after this one, and that we will again be with those we love in the next life.  My grandmother passed away this last January.  I will be praying for her this evening and for all who are mourning the loss of loved ones.  This is the reflection I wrote about the All Soul’s Day service.
All that Matters is God’s Will, His timing, and His plan for our lives.  My husband continues to look for a
new job, and we are bracing ourselves as his severance package which includes our insurance coverage ends on November 12.  I have confidence that the Lord will lead Kevin to a job that is a better fit for him, more fulfilling, and incorporates more of his skills and talents, but his hope is running low the longer he waits.  He’s frustrated and angry that so many contradicting things are said and advised, and he’s not sure which to follow.  It’s easier for me to look at this situation and have faith that things will work out, because he’s a hard worker, fast-learner, awesome at customer service, great at sales, very gifted in a number of other areas, in addition to being a good, compassionate person...than it is for him to trust at this point.
     Our sometimes very different approach to things has again nudged me back to our spiritual memoir.  That and several reminders that the most fervent prayers I have prayed in years past have been those which the Lord placed on my heart.
Check out Jen Fulwiler’s tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday at her tremendously popular blog Conversion Diary

Thursday, October 31, 2013

"You have a new baby sister!"

     Those were the most joyful, awe-inspiring words I've heard on Halloween.  Our Family's Happiest Halloween Ever was when my youngest sister was born while my other sister and I were out trick-or-treating with friends of ours.  (My parents left for the hospital as we were getting ready, and my grandma was at our house in anticipation.)
     I think it's pretty funny that this was the song that was blaring from my friends' father's car stereo when he got the call on his car phone.  He turned it down long enough to tell us the joyful news: "You have a new baby sister!"  We were very excited.
     It is still hard for me to believe that the little girl I've loved and watched grow into a beautiful woman is in her Senior year of college now.  I can't say it seems like only yesterday that I was giving her rides places when she was in high school, but I do have some fond memories of Driving Miss Daisy.
     Along with the story about Theresa's birthday, there's a picture of us on Halloween when she was still in high school and had requested that we dress up as Disney characters for her birthday.  I dressed as Mulan and she's Tinkerbell.
     Theresa, I hope you have a wonderful birthday and that this next year of your life is filled to overflowing with joy, blessings, and amazing memories too numerous to count. You are dearly loved!

Friday, October 11, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 123)

Grace is…faith enough to turn to God in the midst of unsettling doubts; the power of prayer—however simple however desperate; a husband who is supportive and loving; a Heavenly Father who knows our deepest, darkest secrets, our worst sins, and not only loves us, but pursues us even when we struggle to accept His unconditional love; unsolicited kisses from little ones, snuggle time with my adorable nephew, an opportunity to do something helpful for my sister, a phone call from a friend thanking me for a letter I sent to her in 2008 that she keeps out and rereads often that I know could only have struck a chord if the essence of it came from the Lord…
Alleluia! Sunshine made me smile and got me singing today. I read the daily Mass readings out loud from my Magnificat magazine, and after the Gospel I said: "Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ." To which she immediately responded by singing "Alleluia!" This is just one more reason why it is awesome to have young children at Mass (something her parents do with them every Sunday)!  Kevin and I are two of the twins’ Godparents, so we often go to the same Mass and save a row for the crew.  
Jonah & Veggie Tales Kevin and I watched Jonah the Veggie Tales full-length movie this week, because it's hilarious and the Mass readings have been about Jonah, so it all ties in. I'm grateful for a husband who understands that I'm often ready to collapse by the time I get home after feeding, chasing, changing, cleaning up, reading to, singing and dancing with, entertaining, disciplining, hugging, kissing, drying tears, laughing lots…with three silly sisters.
The Muffin Girl After singing "Do You Know the Muffin Man?" a bazillion times and coming up with a fun "Do You Know the Muffin Girl?" rendition that was site specific, I made chocolate chip muffins Wednesday evening with the intent to share some with the girls the next day and sing the song a bunch more times (of course). Sunshine used white Play-doh and made a big muffin to share with all of us. I was eating baby carrots at the time, and she asked for one.  She ended up using it as a candle on the muffin.  When it was time to put Play-doh away, I went digging through the container to see if she’d stuck the carrot in there as well.  I couldn’t find it, so I asked her what happened to it.  She’d eaten it. 
     The “intent to share some” had a whole lot more to do with me remembering to bring the muffins with me in the morning than they had anything to do with me polishing off a dozen.  Sunshine loved the muffins, and asked for more every time she was hungry. 

Dr. Seuss’s Mr. Brown Can Moo! This was one of Sunshine’s favorite board books, and now it has become one of her sisters.  All three girls know that I love books, and that pretty much any time they come up to me with a book that I’ll read it to them, not once but as many times as they want and/or I can stand in one sitting.  I had to laugh when Sunshine got sick of hearing me read her sisters the book over and over again that she said that was enough.  
     I told her that I read the same book to her over and over again when she was that age (just as I’ve done with many other children, starting with my youngest sister).  It does help that I love books and adore reading, and also that I’ve read and learned quite a bit about child development over the years, so I know more of the things that they’re learning and what’s going on in terms of connections in their brains that are much more significant than just learning what animals make what sounds—which, don’t get me wrong is both a fun and entertaining part of childhood.

Nephew in the Nursery Today I had the pleasure of taking care of my nephew for a bit.  He has a Montessori-style room—mattress on the floor and padding around, but even after seeing recent pictures of him getting around in his bedroom, I was still surprised and amazed when I went up to check on him during his nap.  The baby monitor was turned up, but they have a couple sound machines in the nursery, and I only heard a little noise, so I went to check on him, thinking he was still asleep because I hadn’t heard a peep out of him.      
     Okay, it’s not surprising to me that a child who can roam safely around their room does so even while sleeping; what gets me is that the boy is only 7 months old, is so big, chubby, and long that he’s already rocking 24 mos. clothes, and though he was wearing a baby sleep sack at the time, he made it halfway across the room, was pushing up on his hands, and looking up at me with his bright-eyes when I peeked in.  Somehow seeing the photos just didn’t prepare me for this experience in real life.       
Cute Much? Kevin’s been coming to visit me and the girls in between searching for a new job and a bunch of doctor appointments.  Sunshine cheers when I tell her he’s coming.  One of the twins shrieks as soon as he walks in the door she’s so excited, and the other one has been crawling up on his lap whenever she gets the chance.
     Kevin gave each of the girls a kiss before I took them up for their naptime.  I usually tuck Sunshine in and pray the bedtime prayer my mom and sister made up with her, then give her a kiss whenever I put her to bed.  I tucked her in, prayed the prayer (which she often says with me because she knows it by heart), I went to give her a kiss, but she shakes her head.  
     “Kevin already gave me a kiss,” she said.
     “So does that mean you don’t want/need one from me?” I asked.
     She nodded.
     I smiled and blew her a kiss as I went out the door, the little skunk. 

Check out Jen Fulwiler’s tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday at her tremendously popular blog Conversion Diary.
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