Showing posts with label The Sisters by the Sea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Sisters by the Sea. Show all posts

Saturday, December 28, 2013

A Day in the Life of a Little Carmelite Postulant as experienced and written by Michele Morris

Lessons and Mishaps


A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Monastery


A Day in the Life of a Little Carmelite Postulant

as experienced & written by:
God’s Little Goofball
aka: Michele Morris

            A Carmelite priest told me my first week in the Monastery: “To be a Carmelite, one must have three bones—the Wishbone, the Backbone, and the Funnybone.”  I can certainly attest that this is so very true.  I can also attest that any pre-conceived notions we have about living the cloistered life need to be stripped away.  What we think it is (or how we think it should be) and the reality of how it actually plays out is often quite different.  And, that, my friends, is the true transitional challenge.  The best advice I can give to those discerning the religious life: Let go of expectations!  Easier said than done, I know, I know.  And not just letting go of how monastic life “should” be, but more importantly, letting go of how you yourself, should be.  The Lord God wants, desires the real you—the you He made you to be.  The Lord God wants, desires, your whole, vulnerable, feeble, weak, little self.  There is no hiding from Him or the sisters (despite the fact that we are living a “hidden” life). Yes, it is hard—in very unexpected ways.  Yes, there are struggles.  However, the road to self-discovery and union with God is actually…well…quite funny!  Of the three bones the Carmelite priest mentioned, I would have to say that the Funnybone is the most important.  The gift of laughter and the ability to laugh at yourself is truly the strength behind wishes in the Wishbone and perseverance in the Backbone.

PLEASE NOTE:      Every community is different.  The experiences I share and my thoughts about them are strictly from one particular little postulant in one particular little community.

DISCLAIMER:        No nuns were injured during these “Lessons and Mishaps,” though one little postulant’s pride has been significantly diminished.


scene i:            I did climb a tree (okay, 2).  Gathering all of you in my heart, I sang (quietly): “How do you solve a problem like Michele.”  That was my first prayer offering to God for all of your intentions. J

scene ii:           My dress does not have a tear (yet).   I did, though, get tree sap all over it.  Paint thinner gets out tree sap. 

scene iii:          I got tipsy.
                        I set off the fire alarm.
                        The 2 incidents are unrelated.

scene iv:          Twice I discovered ashes on my veil.  Both times happened right after my personal prayers.  Before jumping to the conclusion I was having some sort of bizarre mystical experience, I asked the sisters: “How did I get ashes on my veil?” Ah.  Apparently, I was standing too close to the incinerator* upon lighting it.  Real—non-mystical—ashes alighted my head.
*Garbage is either composted, recycled, trashed, or burned in the incinerator.  Either I burned something I thought was burnable but wasn’t or I didn’t check the ventilation or both.  Intense smoke filled the basement and first floor setting off the fire alarm.  No fire.  Building still standing.  Nuns okay.

scene v:           I taught the sisters the chicken dance.

scene vi:          The sisters have worms for compost.  They are fed veggies and fruit (no citrus).  Their favorite food is bananas (the worms’ not the sisters’).  I got to play with them and feed them (the worms.  Though I do play with the sisters, too.  I haven’t fed them, yet.)  I also rescued a salamander.  Actually I rescued a sister from the salamander. The gardens have a variety of frogs and on multiple occasions I’ve tried catching them—to no avail.  The little kid in me is quite chuffed!
                        Chuffed: Scottish term meaning “pleased.”

scene vii          I crashed into a Crucifix nearly knocking myself out.


LADIES and gentlemen!!! BOYS and girls!!  Children of AAAAAALLL Ages!!!!

WELCOME to Modern Technology of the 1980s

This letter is being typed on the one…the only…

 BROTHER EM-411!!!

            “The outstanding features of the EM-411 will take away all the chores of typing that seem to come with other typewriters, thus making your life at work that much happier!” –instruction manual

            Yes, folks.  I am typing this on an electric typewriter purchased in 1986.  Typing on this treasured artifact is not half as funny as reading the instruction manual.  OH MY GOODNESS!!!  I am in stitches reading through this booklet!  I so wish I could type up the many hysterical comments and instructions, but then this letter would turn into a novel.  If you can find it online (if it exists) oh take the time to read through it!  Just TOO FUNNY!

So, I humbly beg you to forgive any typing/formatting mistakes. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve had to retype this letter.  This has to be my final “printing” if I want to get this out in time for Christmas!  I must say, however, that after a few days of refusing to either pull my hair out or throwing this thing into the sea, Brother EM-411 and I have become fast friends.

Stubbornness prevails!  Perseverance wins!

(Think of this letter as one huge text)


scene i
Lessons in Teresian Spirituality:

            There is a Crucifix hanging on the wall of each stairwell.  Whenever we pass by one, we’re to kiss the feet of Jesus.  Now, this was the end of my first week and I had not yet mastered the art of taking my time.  Not wanting to be late for Choir (Office of Hours), I flew down the stairs.  As I reached the bottom step, I gasped: “OH NO!!! I forgot to kiss Jesus’ feet!”  So I rushed back up the stairs, gaining so much momentum I couldn’t stop—

CRASH!         BANG!           CLANK!

            After a moment, my eyes fluttered open and I found myself in the following position: arms and hands spread-eagle against the wall, brow banged up and pressed into Jesus’ knees, nose smooshed between His legs, teeth clanked up against His feet (I think I drooled on Him).  I began giggling.  I couldn’t help it!  I couldn’t move!  I’m plastered up against the wall and Crucifix giggling!  I finally managed to regain some composure and peeled myself away from the wall and Crucifix.  With a sheepish grin, I gave Jesus a slight nod and SLOWLY descended the stairs.  I made it to Choir unscathed.  I was the first one there. 
            Now, yes, indeed God does desire to draw us closer to Him, and St. Teresa of Avila shares marvelous insights on how this might be achieved.  Somehow I don’t think crashing into His crucified Son is what either of them had in mind.

scene ii
Lessons in Fasting and Feasting and Sacrifice—Oh My!!:

Carmelites know how to fast.  They also know how to feast!  Between Sundays, Feasts and Solemnities (days on which fasting is broken) I am struggling a bit with knowing when exactly we are fasting.  In addition to scrumptious food and delectable dessert options, we are served wine and beer (at dinner on Sundays, Feasts and Solemnities).  And that, my friends, is how I got tipsy my first Sunday here.  I only had 1/2 a bottle of beer.  sigh.
Anyhoo…within a couple weeks, I began worrying about the “table of plenty” I’ve been blessed with.  Not just with all the glorious food, but the beauty and grandness of Carmel.  I’m a little pauper living in a palace.  God is showering me with all sorts of goodies and it’s just like me to muck it up with thoughts of how undeserving I am, but also how to fast more.  Or rather, what sacrifices should I be…well…sacrificing.  My mind took off racing.  What could I do?”  What can a little pauper do for Him? ...
AH-HA!!  I know!!  I would deny myself Oreo cookies!  I had been delighting in them all week.  I decided I wouldn’t have any at dinner (our midday meal).  But then I thought: “WAIT! If God wants to shower me with Love, Grace, Mercy, and Blessings—am I hurting Him?  He, after all, is the Perfect Gentleman—the Great Romancer—and I am rejecting His courtship!  Well, the thought of hurting Him hurt me so by-gosh-darnit I was NOT going to have just ONE Oreo cookie, I was going to have FIVE!  Yes, five!  An overabundance of gratitude for an overabundance of grace and blessings.  I proceeded to pour my signature drink: milk with ice.  Then, I picked up the Oreo cookie bag…and…woah…empty?  No! Wait!  I looked again.  Ha-ha!  There was ONE Oreo cookie left in the bag.  God, in a single moment, allowed me both to fast and feast!  I looked out the window, smirked at God and enjoyed my 1 Oreo cookie. J
---God cannot be outdone in gift-giving
---God not only loves us, but is in love with us.  He wants to love on us.  He desires to court each and every one of us. 
---The best sacrifice we can give God is our 100% best, especially in our praise and thanksgiving.  And, quite frankly, the best place to give our 100% best in praise and thanksgiving is Mass.  Get thee to a church! J
---As for other sacrifices and penances, well there is only 1 Cross and that belongs to Our Lord Jesus Christ.  So, let Him, He who knows our hearts and our desires, who knows what we need to grow in faith, trust and virtue, who knows what each individual can handle, let HIM dole out our burdens—our individual crosses—we don’t need to make more for ourselves.  AND!!  Whatever He gives us, He’ll provide the means for perseverance and dependence on Him.  He’s resourceful that way.

scene iii
Lessons in Humility

            ---Voice lessons and singing practices.
-          apparently I can hit most of the notes.
-          I’m told I have potential.
            ---Anything related to domesticity lessons.
-          I know how to knit.  Sort of.
-          I know how to thread a needle.
What to do with the threaded needle? …well…
-          I’m getting the hang of ironing.
But then, I’ve only been assigned to napkins. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


            You can take Michele away from the theatre, but you can’t take the theatre away from Michele.  By the time you read this, I’ll have performed my play “Teresita” twice—once for visiting Carmelite nuns and once for the sisters in my community.  I’ve also performed for the sisters some of the stories I wrote and performed at the Science Museum of Virginia.  I also came up with a “Cast List” to help me figure out and understand the roles of each sister.  I chuckled quite a bit when putting this list together and I do continue to chuckle.  J  I do hope this helps you as much as it has helped me.  At least it might for those with some theatre knowledge.  I think I might develop this list for a more in-depth insight. 

            I dedicate this “Cast List” to all my theatre family…

“Here’s prayin’ for you kid”


            ***      Rejoice in hope, patient in trials, persevere in prayer!
Romans 12:12

***      Rejecting God or running away from Him because we are wallowing in our past sins and miseries thereby convincing ourselves we can not only do things on our own, but we can do things better.  God’s love, mercy, and forgiveness are bigger and better than we can possible imagine.  God delights in us and is by far the Greatest Playmate ever!  He can’t play with us if our ego keeps getting in the way.

***      The Lord Jesus is TRULY and Uniquely present in the Eucharist and is ALWAYS hiding in the same place—the Tabernacle.  This makes playing hide-and-seek with Him no fun. 

***      The following question came up during recreation:  “What would you do if you were on the boat with Jesus when the storm hit?”
            Me?  I would rush to where He was sleeping, jump in beside Him, wrap His arms around me good and tight and stay snuggled close to Him safe and secure until the storm passed.
            That or tell Him: “We’re going to need a bigger boat.”

***      The greatest temptation I’m fighting against:
            poking my head out through the Oratory grille and exclaiming, “BOO!” at the parishioners. 

Lights Out



Artistic Producing Director………………………………………………………………….Jesus

Dramaturge…………………………………………………………………………….Holy Spirit

Director…………………………………………………………………………....Mother Prioress

Stage Manager………………………………………………………………………...Sub Prioress

Assistant Director…………………………………………………………………Novice Mistress

Assistant Stage Manager/s…………………………………………………………...Extern Nun/s

Tech Design/Construction…………………………………………………….Lay and Choir Nuns

Running Crew……………………………………………………………………………...Novices


Best Supporting, Nurturing, Loving, Encouraging Stage Parents:
Mary and Joseph

Extra Assistance and Support:
Angels, Saints and Martyrs

Friday, December 27, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 134) The Gift of Your Presence

Grace is…getting to attend Mass and sit with some of your favorite people, praying the Rosary as a family, celebrating the presence of love and new life, the little old lady in her 90s who is almost blind praying in the pew ahead of you, catching up with dear friends who are more like siblings, seeing more ways in which the Lord has worked in your life and the lives of loved ones to draw you ever closer to Him…  


Best Christmas Gifts by Far Our family's favorite Christmas gifts were: 1.) the surprise that my youngest sister got a flight home from Zambia and South Africa a week early for the holidays and 2.) getting to spend the day with our nine month old nephew who is super-cute and often jolly!

A Day in the Life of a Carmelite Postulant I'm still working on retyping a hilarious original play written by my dear sister in Christ Michele Morris. She wrote this play as the update for family and friends on her life since entering a cloistered monastery, Carmelite Sisters by the Sea, August 6, 2013. Anyone who knows her (and even those who don’t) will be thoroughly amused by her creative and true-to-form theatrical piece.
         Check back later this weekend! Michele typed everything on a typewriter and sent me one copy, so I'm retyping it to share with everyone as she gave me her written permission to do so on my blog and the request to do so via e-mail to a select group of friends and family.

This photo was taken in Dec. 2009 when we
were still meeting weekly.
Cursillo Cluck Hens Rejoice! The upper room spiritual divas got together Saturday morning for the first time in I'm not sure how long.  (Actually, three of us went to one Panera and two went to another, but eventually all six of us made it to the same Panera.) WOW! I forgot how inspired and encouraged I am just being around these amazing women. I'm so excited that there's talk of getting the band back together at least once a month. I love you ladies and am so glad we all eventually got our prayer group reunited!! 
Formation for Women’s Weekend Kevin and I have been faced with a number of big discernment issues over the past several months.  With some of them we have not yet reached a conclusion or solution.  Others we have gotten clearer answers about what God is calling us to now.  One of the major commitments we have determined the Lord would like of me at this time is to say yes to serving on the next Cursillo Women’s Weekend April 24-27, 2014.  Please pray for our team as we begin formation January 5 and for the participants who will come forward for this “short course in Christianity” this April.  De Colores!   

Marshneil & I at a costume party in 2009.
Staying in Touch It is so wonderful to get the chance to sit down and really catch up with a friend who you don’t get to see regularly, who understands enough of your background and family, what you’re passionate about in life, what your greatest struggles are in terms of faith, etc.  I felt very blessed again today that I could sit down with a dear friend who I met through a retreat that’s meant to strengthen relationships within a parish called Christ Renews His Parish.  My faith is renewed just hearing about how God has been working in her life in truly amazing and miraculous ways.  Lord, thank You for friends who know us well, love us dearly, and pray for us always.   

Merry Christmas to All! Kevin and I had a very blessed Christmas this year, and it had everything to do with who was around the tree rather than what was under it.  We enjoyed Mass on Christmas day, then we had a delicious meal at my sister and brother-in-law's house.  The best surprise was that Theresa got a flight home early.  We were all bummed she wouldn't be here for the holidays, but I didn't realize quite how much we missed her presence until I saw her beautiful smiling face in person.
     Another wonderful gift was spending the evening with another family
who has kind of adopted us.  We had some interesting discussion on faith, current events, Kevin was asked to be Matt's Confirmation sponsor, and we all prayed the Rosary.  

Check out Jen Fulwiler’s tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday at her tremendously popular blog Conversion Diary.  

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

It’s Official: She’s Entered a Cloistered Community

     This evening we received photographic evidence that Michele has entered Carmel.  Her mom snail mailed us a two color printouts of pictures taken of Michele in her brown postulancy dress and white veil.  (Since the the images probably wouldn't scan well, I'll have to see if I can get digital versions to share at a later date.) I can assure you she's positively brimming over with joy.  Also included in the envelope was a postcard of an aerial shot of the monastery.  I must admit I had really been hoping for a note of some sort, however short, from Michele, or even a few lines from her mom about their last days together, but that wasn’t meant to be.  When feeling a twinge of sadness that I didn't receive some thing from her before she left, I was quickly reminded by the Holy Spirit of the many beautiful blessings she brought into my life for the brief time she was in it, and I soon felt sufficiently ridiculous for wanting something tangible (other than the cute bumblebee pillow she gave me months ago) to remember her by. 
     Here is an excerpt of the hand-written (slowly, as my writing can be something quite atrocious) letter I mailed Michele the week before she entered The Sisters by the Sea:

     I already miss you a lot and am grieving that I won’t have you nearby to talk with about anything, to laugh and cry with, to text and be silly with, to pray and discern with (in person).
     I know we’ll be connected through prayer and that the Holy Spirit will let us know when the other person could use some extra prayer cover without cellphones, e-mail, or Facebook being involved. 
     This isn’t a “goodbye, have a nice life” letter, as I don’t intend for this to be our final goodbye, and God-willing, I hope to remain a part of your life always. 
     I am excited for you as you begin a new journey and a new life in a place that already feels like home.  I’m sure it will take some adjusting to have your own proper bed to sleep in, new pajamas to wear, and sturdy, good-for-your-feet shoes to walk around in, but I’m sure you’ll get used to these simple comforts. 
     I know you will bring The Sisters by the Sea a great deal of joy, laughter, and smiles.  I hope and pray they will soon see and embrace your sensitive spirit and determined heart, and recognize how precious you are to the Lord, and what a tremendous addition you’ll make to the community (provided, of course, they don’t have a cheese pump or another appliance easy to disassemble and clean, but impossible to put back together. 
     I laugh when I think of you telling me that you feel like you should warn the nuns what they’re getting themselves into by welcoming you into their fold.  You just can’t put your spirit, vitality, joy, and personality into words.  You must be present in all of your Michele-ness to be experienced and appreciated fully…
     …As it says in a beautiful song by music missionary Danielle Rose from the album Pursue Me she wrote when she felt called to enter a cloistered convent, I will always “see you in the Eucharist.”

     Along with the letter, I included a cute little wood and felt bumblebee and a couple pages listing some of my favorite memories with Michele.  She texted me right up to and on the day she officially entered.  Kevin and I went to Mass at St. Benedict’s that evening, so that’s where we would be praying when she went into the cloister at 3pm (Pacific time).  St. Benedict’s is where we first met Michele, one of the faithful members of the daily Mass attendants there. 
    I think of her often which means I pray for her several times a day.  When Kevin and I have gone to places we’ve been with Michele, we talk about whatever funny thing happened or amusing story she told when we were last there with her.  
     I had to laugh the other day when a girl at camp came in wearing a Wonder Woman T-shirt, because it reminded me of the text I got from Michele in the weeks before she entered asking me if I thought it would be okay if she got Wonder Woman underwear as part of the dowry she took with her to the monastery.  I chuckled and replied that I didn’t think it would be a problem, provided it didn’t cause a scandal on laundry day. 
     I miss her texting or calling me to ask if she can stop over for a visit.  I miss her coming to the door, greeting me with a smile and a big hug, then asking me for juice.  She usually preferred my version of a “mixed drink” which consists of a Mango and Berry blend Juicy Juice mix.  (Kevin and I don’t drink alcohol, so mixing juices or a root beer float are about as hardcore as it gets around here.)  Often, Michele would request some cheese and crackers or some sort of light snack to go along with the fruit juice.  (Along the lines of, if you give a mouse a cookie…)  She’s also the one person who has come over for a visit and been perfectly comfortable curling up on our loveseat and taking a nap soon after she arrived.  I like the fact that Michele felt so welcome and comfortable at our place. 
     I sincerely hope that she is having a smooth transition into her new life as she’s been preparing for it in many ways over the past couple years in her prayer life, personal affairs, and giving away and/or selling her few worldly possessions.
     Lord, thank You for the gift of friends who bring us closer to You just by being themselves.  Amen.
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