Showing posts with label Scripture reflection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scripture reflection. Show all posts

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Crash the Chatterbox: Hearing God's Voice Above All Others

I love how humble, willing to be vulnerable, candid, humorous, and honest Pastor Steven Furtick is in sharing examples from his own day-to-day struggles with the chatterbox, the internal monologue that goes on in our minds that can keep us from living in the fullness of God’s love and freedom.  The lies we believe keep us from hearing, heeding, and accepting the Truth about God, how He sees us and others.  Identifying the lies is an essential step in order to “Crash the Chatterbox.”  Furtick explains that the lies we believe often fall under one of these four categories: insecurity, fear, condemnation, and discouragement.
Furtick offers Biblical truths about the children of God as proof that many of the thoughts we have that fall under one of the four categories mentioned above are contrary to who God says we are and how Our Creator sees us.  The importance of daily prayer and ongoing Scripture study are emphasized as keys to combating lies.
If you voiced aloud to someone else some of the exact same things that go through your mind about yourself, would they be horrified, offended, or hurt?  Probably.  The thing is the lies we believe not only affect us and our openness to God, but they also affect those around us in big and small ways.
Furtick doesn’t suggest that any negative emotion we have is a lie.  Sorrow, guilt, and regret are all very real, truth-based, and can be indicators of sinfulness for which we need to repent and accept forgiveness.
It’s rather freeing to find out that some things are intended to be part of our daily struggle to grow closer to the Lord and become more Christ-like.  There’s not some point at which we’ll have overcome all fears, temptations, lies, roadblocks and can coast along without any more obstacles internally or externally—at least not this side of Heaven.
I can identify best with people who are down in the trenches still fighting spiritual battles, though able to see and share some of the insights and grace God has given them to keep fighting.  I prefer to read about and hear from a fellow prayer warrior who may be a bit frazzled, but who continues on confident in Christ. 
Through humor, personal stories, and pound the chatterbox nuggets, Furtick reminds us that the negative influences, thoughts, and feelings in our lives aren’t going to disappear.  We’re in this battle against darkness and evil, but Christ has already conquered everything we’re fighting against.  We’re given the mercy, grace, forgiveness…all of the tools we need to win every fight we have with fear, discouragement, insecurity, and condemnation.  We just have to admit that we need these blessings and stock up on them through study and prayer. 
When a thought goes through my mind, it can be helpful to ask myself whose line is this, anyway?  If it’s of God, I may be called out and asked to change in some way, but, ultimately, I will be lifted up and affirmed as a beloved child of the Lord.  If the line of thinking is governed by fear, insecurity, condemnation, and discouragement without an ounce of hope or freedom in sight, then it’s time to suit up.  When all else fails, go get your armor!
I highly recommend Crash the Chatterbox: Hearing God’s Voice above All Others by Steven Furtick.  It’s one of the few books that I have read twice in a row, because there are so many powerful truths and reminders about how to recognize and combat the lies Satan tries to feed us.  I received a free copy of this book from Blogging for Books program in exchange for an honest review.  For more information about the book, or to order your own copy, click here.
There are some great links, interviews with some of the experts that are quoted in the book available on the website.  It’s another really good resource that will help you get the most from this book.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Catholicism: A Body Both Suffering and Glorious by Fr. Robert Barron

In the spirit of the New Evangelization and with the intention of illuminating the beauty, reverence, and relevance of the Catholic faith in this day and age, Father Robert Barron serves as a knowledgeable, thought-provoking guide to some of the most awe-inspiring mysteries of Christianity throughout the ages.  Though it’s quite unusual for me to say this or have it be true, I saw the Catholicism DVD series before I read Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of the Faith.  I must stay that both are well-worth your time and money. 
This Catholicism blog tour is to celebrate the release of the paperback version of this book by Fr. Robert Barron, which follows, pretty much word for word the Catholicism DVD series which he wrote and hosted. 

Oh yeah, and did I mention you can also win a trip for two to Rome and Paris?  Image Books and Word on Fire have teamed up to put together a really sweet trip for two, so you and whomever you choose to take with you will get to explore some of the gorgeous places and holy spaces visited in the DVD series and described in the book.  There’s more information about that here.
When asked to write a reflection on a chapter of Catholicism, I immediately jumped at the chance.  As the Holy Spirit would have it, my husband has made it his Lenten practice to go to daily Mass most days of the week.  In addition to this best of practices, he’s also been interested in watching the entire Catholicism DVD series for a second and third time.  I can’t think of a better way to bring an already very intriguing book to life, so we revisited some of the breathtaking examples of the faith alive and well today.

Catholics hold that the church is not merely a human organization, simply a coming together of like-minded people, a community of purely worldly provenance and purpose.  Rather, the church is a sacrament of Jesus, and as such shares in the very being, life, and energy of Christ. 

Father Barron talks about how the church is a living organism.  Each person is made in the image of Christ, and we are all intimately connected.  When one person suffers, we all suffer.  When one rejoices or is healed, everyone is affected.  Father Barron underlines the importance of the corporal and spiritual works of mercy as necessary outpourings of the grace we experience in the sacraments and are called to go and share with the world.  
Fr. Barron shows in a myriad of ways why community is essential if we are going to remain in communion with the Lord and have an interactive, ongoing relationship with Christ Jesus.  I’ve been reminded of this phenomenon a number of times in the past several months.  When surrounded by people who make prayer a top priority and serving others a way of life, I am more likely to do the same.
Much of the time, I could easily enough go to daily Mass most days of the week, take time for silent prayer time alone, and reach out to someone who is suffering in mind, body, and/or spirit.  Does that mean I always do?  No.  It is most often in my conversations with the Lord and my interactions with others that I am challenged to be transformed so that I can be made into a more effective living part of the mystical Body of Christ.
We are all made in Christ’s image, but we need to stay connected to the Source of all Life, Love, and Truth if we are going to have our will, heart, and mind transformed to be like our Savior’s.  That requires that we accept our God-given holiness, remain open to faith formation, and live out what we’ve learned through action, particularly through serving and ministering to others.   
Through a deeper understanding of how and why the church is described as "one, holy, catholic, and apostolic," we see how such a delineation across the centuries has set the Roman Catholic Church apart as the great gathering force rooted in the person of Jesus Christ and subject to the interpretation and leadership of the apostles and their descendants.  
The Catholic Church has all of the gifts that Christ wants his people to have: Scripture, Liturgy, theological tradition, sacraments, the Eucharist, Mary and the saints, apostolic succession, and papal authority.   

I highly recommend reading Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of the Faith along with watching (or in some cases re-watching) the Catholicism DVD series, and if you have any interest in going on a trip to Rome and Paris, then you should probably enter these sweepstakes
To check out all ten bloggers who have read and written about Catholicism as part of this blog tour, click here.  

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Catholicism Blog Tour: March 31-April 9, 2014

     We're celebrating Image Books paperback release of the highly acclaimed book and DVD series by Fr. Robert Barron called Catholicism.  Over 10 days, ten different bloggers (including yours truly) are hosting the Catholicism virtual blog tour by posting a reflection inspired by one of the chapters in the book.  In case you're wondering, the chapters in the book correspond directly with the episodes in the DVD series.  
     For more information or to order your own copy of Catholicism, click here.

March 31 – Chapter 1: Stuart’s Study
April 1 – Chapter 2: Seasons of Grace
April 2 – Chapter 3: A Good Measure
April 3 – Chapter 4: 
Snoring Scholar
April 4 – Chapter 5: The Catholic Book Blogger
April 5 – Chapter 6: Prints of Grace
April 6 – Chapter 7: Catholic Bibles
April 7 – Chapter 8: Team Whitaker
April 8 – Chapter 9: Single Catholic Girl

April 9 – Chapter 10: The Curt Jester

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Man for All Seasons

     A Man for All Seasons is a great film, a powerful message, and a lasting legacy.  My hope and prayer is that when I die, I will be able to say in all honesty that I have ultimately put God first before everyone and everything else in my life, that I have chosen to do God’s will, live by His Truth, His love, His mercy, affection, and forgiveness rather than seeking and catering to the approval of other people.  
     I can’t think of a better witness to Truth than someone who will not turn away from God even when (or rather especially when) what He asks of us is particularly difficult.  Christ was challenged in mind, body, and spirit with unimaginable suffering, yet He was willing to bear it in the name of Truth and out of Love.
     How fitting a theme—to remain close to Christ when it would be far more popular and widely accepted to bow to the latest fads, trends, and practices supported by a government or administration as being superior to the commandments of the Lord as handed down to Moses.  What perfect timing—in the same week as hundreds of thousands gathered in Washington DC, in inclement weather to stand and pray in protest against some of the most prominent and widely-accepted lies of our time. 
     People from around the world and around the country of all races, colors, and creeds gathered in our Nation’s capital to stand witness to the Truth that all human life is sacred and that the weakest, most vulnerable among us deserve protection, dignity, and certainly life. 
     Pope Francis sent a message of solidarity and support to those who took part in this year’s March for Life.  This is a man who supports, promotes, and lives out a Culture of Life. 
     Forty-one years is a very long time to allow a practice which kills the weakest, poorest, and most defenseless among us.  How sad that this policy has not only remained legal, but that it has also been praised by government officials elected by the people to protect the right of every human being to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”  
     There is another impressive video I’ve watched this week produced much more recently than the original film A Man for All Seasons.  In it are the historical facts, figures, and legal action documented about Roe v. Wade and the related official decisions made by our government since then.
     Would a man for all seasons like Sir Thomas More go along with what is popular and widely-accepted if it were not in keeping with What God asked of him?  He wouldn’t.  He didn’t.  And neither should we which is why I say and I pray along with countless others: “My generation will end abortion!”

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Fresh Bread and Other Gifts of Spiritual Nourishment by Joyce Rupp

The whole grain taste of Fresh Bread is certainly one that can provide ample food for thought and considerable spiritual nourishment throughout the year.  Fresh Bread and Other Gifts of Spiritual Nourishment by Joyce Rupp, OSM is beautifully written, engaging, intimate, vulnerable, and honest.  From a place of humility and brokenness, the beauty of God’s love shines through her poetry, prose, prayers, and provocative questions with a quiet, gentle intensity that seeps into the soul.    
Since this book was recommended and loaned to me by my spiritual director, who likes to keep a copy on-hand for reference, I planned to skim the chapters that looked like they might speak to me most right now, then give it back.  At first, I did as planned, but God knew how much I needed to soak up the lovely imagery, faith-filled wisdom, and tender vulnerability of Fresh Bread in its entirety.  Crumbs, bits, and pieces here and there wouldn’t have been sufficient.  
The book is set-up to be used as a spiritual guide throughout the calendar year.  There is a themed chapter for each month.  Original poems, Scripture reflections, and memoir-like entries are included along with a passage of Scripture to read and meditate on for each day of that month, that goes along with the theme.  The reflections are often followed by another poem, a thoughtful, tender prayer, and four questions for journal keeping—one for each week.
Joyce Rupp, OSM is one of the authors who I feel understands on a deep level the struggles and challenges of following Christ, knowing there’s always room and need for us to grow.  I admire her greatly as a writer who is willing to let her weaknesses, suffering, and questioning be accessible to others, especially when there’s a chance it might lead them closer to the Lord.     
There are a select number of writers who I really love to read, learn from, and with whom I can genuinely identify on the deepest level.  Joyce Rupp is one of these writers, mentors, and people I hope to emulate through the written word and a willingness to let God speak through my life when and how He wishes. 

I highly recommend Fresh Bread for anyone interested in a closer walk with the Lord.  These reflections, poems, meditations, Scripture passages, and questions will present challenges and blessings beyond anything you can imagine.  Do yourself a favor, and have some Fresh Bread.  For more information about or to purchase your own Fresh Bread and Other Gifts of Spiritual Nourishment by Joyce Rupp, OSM, click here.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Hard Habits to Break

I found this article “Breaking Bad Habits: Why It’s So Hard to Change” a while back, and it spoke to me.  I guess part of the reason is because I know I have unhealthy behaviors, and I’m often uncomfortably aware and, at times, even really bothered by other people’s practices, usually because they in some way mirror or bring to the surface weaknesses I have.  This article reminded me of what is helpful and productive in breaking bad habits and establishing good ones in their place.
A big part of my problem is that I tend to minimize the effects of what I do and how other people are inadvertently harmed in the process.  Comparing the severity or seriousness of something I could change with someone else’s addiction (whether clinically diagnosed as such or not) isn’t a good way to grow in holiness or compassion.
As we are reminded in the Gospel of Luke 18:9-14, when the Pharisee exalts himself before the Lord for his supposed righteousness and the tax collector stays in the back of the sanctuary begging God for forgiveness, acknowledging that he is a lowly sinner, desperately in need of God’s mercy, we see what’s in these men’s hearts.  The minute we take credit for any of the goodness in us instead of thanking God for it, we run into trouble, pride, and veer into self-righteousness. 

We think we are good because we keep the laws and do what we’re supposed to do, but if we are doing everything for show or the admiration, attention, or respect of others, God sees through that.  He knows what’s in our hearts, whether we care to acknowledge He knows us more intimately than we know ourselves or not.    
There have been way too many times in my life when I have judged others because of the decisions they make, though I’m often guilty of similar mistakes and sins.  My thoughts go generally something like this: Well, at least I’m not doing what so-and-so is doing.  What they are doing is sooooo much worse and more despicable, destructive, immoral, sinful, disgusting…  I would never stoop so low as that.  Wow!  I can’t believe they can’t see what a mess they’re making of things.  I mean, really, someone should do an intervention or something.
Does that line of thinking sound familiar to you?  Over the years, I’ve learned that when I feel really upset by something someone is doing, it’s most often due to the fact that their behavior triggers an area of weakness in me.  In seeing someone else as different, less noble, less fragile… less anything, then we are refusing to look at what inside of us is lacking. 
It’s always easier to point fingers and criticize others than it is to take responsibility and ownership for the decisions we make and things we do that reflect that we are just as proud, arrogant, selfish, sinful, and disillusioned as they are.  (I covered this topic in a blog post titled What's the Best Reason I Know to Have a Personal Relationship with God? I Am!) 
Simone Weil stated that: “Every sin is an attempt to fly from emptiness.” This quote appears in the Magnificat magazine for Sunday, October 27, 2013, and seems to fit perfectly. We all go from temptation into sin for the same reason: to escape the pain of missing something that we want or need, to fill a void that is real or imagined. 
A destructive habit or behavior is always an attempt to make up for some aspect or way in which we feel we are lacking or at the very least to distract us temporarily from the discontent, inadequacy, or “emptiness” we are experiencing.
Only in acknowledging the places inside of us that are broken, empty, and in need of healing are we able to empathize and have compassion for others.  If we look down on and judge others who choose to do things to avoid their own emptiness which we find reprehensible, then we are often unaware of their level of pain and suffering, and/or we refuse to concede that it is in any way similar to our own. 
People deal with pain and suffering in different ways.  One person’s way of coping might not necessarily seem as detrimental as another person’s, but so many of the things we do to suppress our pain, distract ourselves from it, and/or merely survive through it are harmful to our souls, our relationship with God and others.
This reminds me of a very famous quote of Blessed Mother Teresa: “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”  Rarely do we know the situation that someone else is in, the details of their lives, the source or depth of their hurt, and even when we do know a great deal, we don’t know everything.  If we set ourselves up as a judge of someone else, then we are, in essence, saying that we are superior to or somehow better than they are in some area.  Again, in distancing ourselves, we deny the ways that we are lacking, whether it be regarding knowledge of the situation or compassion for another’s weakness. 
There was an activity we did at a personal growth seminar many years ago that has stuck in my mind.  The speaker begins describing a situation and talks about what a person does, then participants are asked how they would respond to the individual in those circumstances using body language that ranges from hostile/disapproving to welcoming/friendly.  When told the first part of the scenario, most people indicate they would be upset and react negatively.  Then the speaker continues with a little more backstory, and the more people find out about what this person is going through, the more compassionate people become.  For example, the inattentive, seemingly rude salesclerk is seen through the eyes of compassion once we know that she’s a single mom undergoing chemotherapy but has to come into work though exhausted and feeling sick to put food on the table.
The next time we are tempted to judge someone, we could instead pray and ask God to show us what is lacking or feeling empty in us that makes us feel the need to criticize or put down someone else.  It’s a lot more uncomfortable to acknowledge that we’re triggered by other people’s behavior and blame them for what they’re doing than it is to take responsibility for our reaction to other people’s choices and the pain we experience to the Lord for healing.
Another solution that has worked many times in addition to prayer is to ask questions and really listen to what the person has to say.  So few people are good at actively listening, and even those who know how to do it don’t necessarily practice it all of the time. 

When all else fails, we can stop and pray what many have come to call "the Jesus prayer:" “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me a sinner.”               

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Walking with Mary: A Biblical Journey from Nazareth to the Cross by Edward Sri

My husband and I both relished the approachability, wisdom, and the subtle humor found throughout Walking with Mary: A Biblical Journey from Nazareth to the Cross. Edward Sri is a very knowledgeable, well-read, and engaged student of the Blessed Mother.  His approach is intriguing and far more compelling than a strictly academic study of Mary’s role in salvation history.
Walking with Mary is so insightful and inspiring that I read it twice.  I rarely reread a book unless I absolutely love it and/or really want to share it with my husband Kevin.  The second time through, I read Walking with Mary aloud to Kevin, and we were both fascinated by how author/professor Edward Sri explains the role of Mary in God’s plan for our eternal salvation through close examination of Old and New Testament Scripture passages from G-R (Genesis through Revelation).  A clearer picture and more in-depth explanation of the culture and customs of families and society in the time she lived are what really set this book apart from others about Mary.    
Mary is seen as the ideal model for all Christ’s followers.  This book is a wonderful reminder of the various ways the Blessed Mother says yes to God and keeps doing so throughout her life.  She is a perfect model of trust and discernment: someone who always seeks, listens for the will of God, and does whatever He asks of her. 
As Sri points out: “Mary’s command to the servants at the Wedding at Cana—‘Do whatever he tells you’ (John 2:5)—are her last recorded words in the Bible. And they are like a last will and testament to all of us who wish to follow Christ.  Through these words, Mary exhorts us to trust Jesus completely just as she abandoned herself to God’s plan step-by-step throughout her life as the humble servant of the Lord.”
Walking with Mary is an interesting book for someone who has read a lot about and spent quite a bit of time praying with the Blessed Mother as well as someone who isn’t well-versed in Scripture or as familiar with Mary’s role in salvation history.  Protestants and Catholics alike will appreciate this intimate look at Scripture as a way to learn about Mary and become better disciples of Christ. 
For more information about Walking with Mary, to read an excerpt of the book, find out more about the author Edward Sri, and/or to order your own copy, visit the Image Catholic Books site here

This post is part of a Virtual Book Tour.  To read some of the other reviews and reflections on Walking with Mary, an interview with the author, and the first video in the series Edward Sri is doing to go with the book, click here.     

Monday, September 9, 2013

Walking with Mary Virtual Book Tour

     I’m really excited that my blog is one of the stops on the Virtual Book Tour that begins Tuesday, September 10, 2013, the day the book goes on sale and ends Thursday, September 26. Walking with Mary is a beautifully written book about the one person who knew Jesus Christ most intimately, the Blessed Mother.  The stop at Prints of Grace will be on Tuesday, September 17.  Each day of the tour a new blogger will be hosting for that day and providing additional insights about Walking with Mary.  The schedule and list of all blogs featured on the Virtual Tour is below.

Tour Schedule

Sept. 11: Catholic Bibles
Sept. 12: Snoring Scholar
Sept. 13: Karen Edmisten
Sept. 14: Snoring Scholar
Sept. 15: Abigail’s Alcove
Sept. 17: Prints of Grace
Sept. 18: CatholicMom
Sept. 20: Brandon Vogt
Sept. 21: The Joe Sales Blog
Sept. 23: Stuart’s Study
Sept. 25 – Feminine Genius

     For more information about the book Walking with Mary, the author Edward Sri, and/or to order your own copy, visit the Image Catholic Books site here

     Do you love books and have a blog of your own? Yes, then you might want to become a member of the new and improved Blogging for Books programClick here to read more about it and/or register to get free books.   

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World

     Yeah, I know this book’s been out for ages and the hype around it’s died down, but I can’t very well keep up with all the latest and greatest books coming off the Christian presses and read every bestseller that’s made it big, now can I?  The correct response is: no, of course not.  Anyways, I’ve heard great things about Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World ever since the book came out, but I forgot about wanting to read it until recently when meeting with my spiritual director.  She mentioned she had a copy of it. 
     I enjoyed the book, just as I imagined I would.  The more in-depth, story-like approach and commentary on the trio at Bethany was easy to read and the author’s personal struggles to balance work with worship I could identify with all too well.
     For years, I’ve had trouble with living out the “be still and know I am God” (Psalm 46:10).  It’s easy in a world in which your worth is based on what you’ve accomplished, how much you make, the awards you’ve won or the possessions you’ve accrued to believe the lie that your value comes from what you do rather than who you are as a child of God. 
     After having read The Better Part by Thomas Keating a while back, I’d spent some time contemplating the necessity of quiet time spent in prayer as an essential ingredient to loving and serving others generously.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve focused so much on what I’m getting done that I neglect to spend time in “the Living Room” as Joanna Weaver puts it—sitting at Christ’s feet listening attentively. 
     Matthew Kelly talks about the need for “carefree timelessness” in our relationships with others, particularly our loved ones.  That same element is needed to develop and maintain an intimate relationship with the Lord. 
     It can be awkward and uncomfortable spending time alone, in silence with God when we’ve been away for a while or haven’t ever cultivated a personal relationship with the Lord to begin with.  Listening and listening well is quite possibly the most important aspect of intimacy, yet it’s hard to do it well, on a consistent basis, and frequently enough that we remain connected on a deeper level.
     Author Joanna Weaver gives a number of good suggestions and practical solutions for common excuses for not making time for prayer and/or neglecting the service aspect of living life as a Christian.
     The Bible Study included in the book is a great resource for groups as well as individuals seeking to apply these ideas and principles to their own lives and see how they have been and could be affecting their journey of faith as well as their personal relationships. 
     The concept of balance between prayer and service isn’t new, but it’s one I know I”ve often needed to be reminded of over and over again. 
     Quiet prayer takes discipline and practice, as does the service we’re led by God to carry out (versus the things we do for recognition or reasons other than out of pure selfless love for God and our neighbor). 

     I highly recommend Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World, especially to Christian women striving for a healthy balance in the pursuit and living out of holiness.  For more information on this book or to purchase your own copy, click here

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Ask, Seek, Knock: My Scripture Reflection on the Gospel of Luke 11:1-13

The Lord knows the deepest desires we have in our hearts because He put them there.  He knows what we long for and delights in giving what it is we want and need to fulfill those yearnings.  Far better than a genie in a lamp, our Lord wants to shower us with blessings which He knows will help us grow in love, compassion, and mercy towards others as well as ourselves.  Just as we take great joy in doing things for the people we love, the Lord trembles with jubilation as He satisfies the desires of our hearts, the ones He put there to bring us closer to Him.   
Sometimes we pray for what we think would be good for us, but, fortunately, we have a most loving, gentle Father who always knows what will be best for us in time and eternity.  I’ve read a number of books over the years that talk about how there are some blessings and graces God wants to give us and will if only we will take the time to ask.  The Prayer of Jabez is one such book.  Bruce Wilkinson talks about the abundant blessings the Lord wishes to give His children each day.  All we have to do is ask.  He’s ready and waiting to love us in intimate ways far beyond our imagination, but we have to be open to receiving what He gives. 
We need to learn to ask with our hearts, minds, and bodies open to the Lord’s Will.  Though some people might prefer to have a genie in a bottle to appear whenever they want something and immediately grant their wish, those of us who walk with the Lord become increasingly cognizant that there are many times when we aren’t even aware of whom or what we need most in a particular situation.  I’m reminded of this when reading one of my favorite Scripture passages in Romans 8 where it says that “the Spirit itself intercedes with inexpressible groanings” (Romans 8:26).  God understands what is in the depths of our hearts even when we are hurting too much to formulate the words to ask, when we lack much of the energy needed to seek, or when we feel almost too weak to knock.   
There is a vulnerability and humility in asking.  It requires admitting to ourselves and others that we are in some way lacking in mind, body, and/or spirit.  We are not complete in and of ourselves and know we must seek out that which we lack.  The experience of recognizing and accepting we aren’t self-sufficient is humbling.  Coming to the point at which we see this and are able to own it can, in some instances, take years to do. 
From a very early age, we try to establish our independence and self-sufficiency.  Toddlers who have learned a new skill or reached a new stage of development will often be adamant in reminding those around them: “I do it myself!”  Many of us keep this habit long after we have left the teenage years, another stage often marked by a fierce desire for independence.  We get into trouble when we use that philosophy when it comes to God.  There are spiritual gifts, material things, and emotional strength that we’ll need from God and that He’ll give us through others because we don’t have all we need on our own. 
We can sit there in the hallway crying and fussing because we can’t get our bright red galoshes on our feet without assistance, or we can accept help and get outside to splash around in the puddles. 
Just as a loving parent anticipates the needs and wants of their children, God knows our needs and delights in granting us the desires He placed in our hearts to begin with.  It is through His infinite wisdom and unconditional love that we grow in our trust that the Lord wants us to approach Him, humble ourselves enough to ask Our Father for what He already knows we need, and be willing to seek the Truth that will lead us to the right door on which we are to knock and enter to be warmly received.

Note: This reflection is one I wrote in honor of the participants of the Men's Cursillo Weekend taking place at Shalom House, July 25-28, 2013.  It was originally published in the July 2013 edition of The Rooster Review.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Home Tonight: Further Reflections on the Parable of the Prodigal Son

I finished reading Home Tonight: Further Reflections on the Parable of the Prodigal Son by Henri J.M. Nouwen on Pentecost Sunday.  It gave me a great deal to think, pray, and write about as well as meditate on.  Truthfully, I read through it without stopping each and every time to do the journaling exercises, because I wanted to get the overall message of the book, as Nouwen has for many years, been one of my absolute favorite authors.  I plan to go back and do the journaling meditations over time.  Being a writer, they take me much longer than they might take other people because as long as the ideas keep coming, I keep the pen moving. 
As is often the case with Nouwen’s books, I am again very aware that I’m being challenged through these heartfelt personal reflections to accept the love, forgiveness, and mercy of the Lord on a deeper level than I ever have before.  This task is rather daunting because it’s really difficult for me to accept love, especially unconditional love and forgiveness when I know (to some extent) how little I deserve it.  There’s a lot in me that still believes certain lies: that my worth comes more from what I do for others, can offer them, and help them with more than it has to do with my innate value as a Beloved Daughter of God.  We are all God’s Beloved Children, and I know intellectually that favor cannot be earned and isn’t based on performance.  I really don’t understand that kind of love—especially when it comes to God and others loving me—but by golly, I’m sure going to keep trying if not to understand it, at least to absorb it.
Nouwen writes and reflects intimately on the love of God and the many roadblocks we put up that keep us from accepting it on the deepest level.  I highly recommend reading this book as well as one of my all-time favorites of his The Return of the Prodigal Son.

I received a free copy of Home Tonight from WaterbrookMultnomah in exchange for an honest review to share on their Blogging for Books site.  To purchase, Home Tonight, click here.  If you love free books, reading, and have a blog, you might be interested in signing up.  Check it out here.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Salt and Light: The Commandments, the Beatitudes, and a Joyful Life

I enjoyed this detailed explanation and reflection on the Ten Commandments as the foundation of the faith and the Beatitudes as the crowning moral pillars that lead us towards the love of God.  The writing is interesting as well as accessible.  As someone who has studied and read a fair amount about God’s Top Ten, I still found new, refreshing insights into these basic requirements for living in the Lord’s love.  The reasons why these guidelines are important and some specifics about how they are meant to be lived out in this day and age keep the reader engaged. 
Current events and modern-day examples of the Ten Commandments are given, and in most cases are ones with which the general population of practicing Catholics would be familiar.  The Fifth Commandment and the Fifth Chapter of the book are “Against Murder.”  Here’s a taste of the laying-it-on-the-line statements this man makes based on what’s in the Bible, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and various papal encyclicals: “…one who favors just war or the legitimate application of the death penalty while always opposing abortion and euthanasia is no more ipso facto a hypocrite than a surgeon who cuts into living flesh to save a patient is the moral equivalent of Jack the Ripper” (pg. 46). 
There are quite a few pop culture references that people will easily recognize from their widespread coverage in the mainstream media.  What not as many people might pick up on is the actual teachings of Scripture and those upheld by the Catholic Church since its inception that are built on the foundation of laws found in the Old Testament which were expounded upon when Jesus came to the disciples in the flesh.      
Chapter 8 which is titled “The Eighth Commandment Against Bearing False Witness” brings up some hot topics.  For example, Mark Shea claims that it is always wrong to lie, which is why he doesn’t condone the undercover sting operations that Live Action has been conducting under the leadership of pro-life advocate Lila Rose
Lying is wrong.  I can understand that using deception isn’t right, but isn’t that what people are doing when they go undercover as policemen, detectives, spies, and such?  Is it acceptable on some level if it ultimately serves a greater good or prevents a greater evil?  I agree that there are some situations we can’t really say for sure what would have happened or how someone would have handled it if the aspects of the story were true instead of fabricated for purposes of proving a point.  However, if a couple reasonable, very specific concessions are made for murder, particularly when it comes to “just war” or “legitimate application of the death penalty,” then aren’t there a select type of isolated incidents when lying is acceptable?  Hiding Jews during World War II comes to mind.  Lots of people lied to the Gestapo, but that was for a justified reason and a greater good.
Popular speaker and author Mark Shea illustrates how striving to live out the Ten Commandments as well as the Beatitudes leads to joy in life.  Through a look at the values espoused by these rules and how they lead to a fuller, more loving life, Shea makes clear how the basics for a morality on stone tablets given to Moses and Christ’s Sermon on the Mount link together to provide clear ethical guidelines for God’s Chosen People.  Through a close look at Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Shea lays out what it takes and what it means to be the salt and light of the earth in today’s world. 
This review was written as part of the Catholic book reviewer program from TheCatholic Company. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information on Salt and Light. The Catholic Company is the best resource for all your seasonal needs such as First Communion gifts as well as ideas and gifts for the special papal Year of Faith.  I receive free product samples for writing reviews.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Catholicism DVD Sets: Buy One, Give One

     Catholicism is an awe-inspiring, around the world, journey into the mysteries of the Roman Catholic faith.  Without a passport, airline tickets, or hotel accommodations, you can go on pilgrimage to some of Christianity's most sacred spots on Earth with Fr. Robert Barron of Word on Fire as your esteemed tour guide.
     To see some highlights of the Catholicism series, check out the video below:
     My husband and I were inspired to view the Catholicism DVDs when our beloved brother in Christ, John, purchased a set and was very impressed by what he saw.  It was really interesting to watch many of the DVDs during this past summer while John was in Europe visiting a number of the holy sites described and featured in these DVDs.  Suddenly we had a deeper understanding of the inspiration behind his pilgrimage itinerary, and we could feel a sense of connection as he journeyed to these places to witness the beauty and faithfulness they contain.  
     My mom gave me the set of Catholicism DVDs as a gift, knowing that Kevin and I really enjoyed the series.  Several parishes and prayer groups have been offering viewings of Catholicism as part of ongoing formation, education, and evangelization for parishioners, families, and those interested in learning more about the Roman Catholic faith.  
     Right now, there is a special deal being offered where for the price of one set of Catholicism DVDs, you will receive two complete sets.  One for you, and one to give to someone else.  For more information and/or to take advantage of the buy one, give one offer that's available for a limited time only, click here.        

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The First Station of the Cross

The First Station of the Cross: Jesus is condemned to death.

He was completely innocent, pure, and free of sin, but was sentenced to death for speaking the Truth the people found upsetting because it went against their way of seeing the world and God. 
No one likes to have their way of life challenged or judged.  We don’t like being criticized or forced to change.  However, when we get swept up in the ever-changing public opinions rather than seeking Truth at all costs, then we are very likely to become one of those in the crowd yelling: “Crucify him!”

What does mainstream society advocate today that condemn people to death? 

Abortion, embryonic stem cell research, the selling body parts of human fetuses for scientific experimentation, euthanasia, the death penalty, ethnic cleansing, in vitro fertilization, harvesting organs, the one-child policy in China, contraception most of which are actuallyabortificients, sterilization, test tube babies…

How do we wash our hands of the responsibility for protecting innocent life?

By not researching and learning about what the Bible says about it or what the Catholic Church teaches and why, by promoting lies about the physical, moral, emotional, and spiritual effects of abortion, ignoring clear Church teachings and advising others to do the same, donating money and/or time to organizations whose moneymaking centers on abortion, euthanasia, genocide, gendercide, taking advantage of the poor, slandering the innocent, and otherwise contributing to the culture of death.

Silence is acceptance.

We are just as guilty as those who carry out the crimes against life if we know something to be not only morally wrong, but intrinsically evil, if we do not speak out against it and take what action we can to inform others of the implications and ramifications the Lord has made clear to us. 
Out of sight, Out of Mind 

The decisions we make and actions we take that purposely jeopardize, damage, or destroy lives of others aren’t stains washed away from our hearts or souls by the passage of time, by the so-called justification of hateful practices, the fervor of public approval, or the legalization of such practices.  Once we have innocent blood on our hands, those stains remain on our hearts and souls until we acknowledge our sinfulness, ask for and are willing to receive God’s mercy.

Music Meditation: This song by music missionary Danielle Rose addresses a number of the evils that our society condones rather than condemns. The song's lyrics are here: "Crucify Him."  

Making it a Matter of Prayer
Lord, please help us use the courage and conviction You give us to teach others and show them by our lives how sacred human life is in all of its stages.  Keep us focused on You, Lord God Creator of Life, Love, and Truth, so that we may not be dissuaded or discouraged by the culture of death, but rather draw closer to You in prayer and an ever-growing hope in that which is holy, compassionate, merciful, and eternal.  Amen.
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