Showing posts with label courage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label courage. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Man for All Seasons

     A Man for All Seasons is a great film, a powerful message, and a lasting legacy.  My hope and prayer is that when I die, I will be able to say in all honesty that I have ultimately put God first before everyone and everything else in my life, that I have chosen to do God’s will, live by His Truth, His love, His mercy, affection, and forgiveness rather than seeking and catering to the approval of other people.  
     I can’t think of a better witness to Truth than someone who will not turn away from God even when (or rather especially when) what He asks of us is particularly difficult.  Christ was challenged in mind, body, and spirit with unimaginable suffering, yet He was willing to bear it in the name of Truth and out of Love.
     How fitting a theme—to remain close to Christ when it would be far more popular and widely accepted to bow to the latest fads, trends, and practices supported by a government or administration as being superior to the commandments of the Lord as handed down to Moses.  What perfect timing—in the same week as hundreds of thousands gathered in Washington DC, in inclement weather to stand and pray in protest against some of the most prominent and widely-accepted lies of our time. 
     People from around the world and around the country of all races, colors, and creeds gathered in our Nation’s capital to stand witness to the Truth that all human life is sacred and that the weakest, most vulnerable among us deserve protection, dignity, and certainly life. 
     Pope Francis sent a message of solidarity and support to those who took part in this year’s March for Life.  This is a man who supports, promotes, and lives out a Culture of Life. 
     Forty-one years is a very long time to allow a practice which kills the weakest, poorest, and most defenseless among us.  How sad that this policy has not only remained legal, but that it has also been praised by government officials elected by the people to protect the right of every human being to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”  
     There is another impressive video I’ve watched this week produced much more recently than the original film A Man for All Seasons.  In it are the historical facts, figures, and legal action documented about Roe v. Wade and the related official decisions made by our government since then.
     Would a man for all seasons like Sir Thomas More go along with what is popular and widely-accepted if it were not in keeping with What God asked of him?  He wouldn’t.  He didn’t.  And neither should we which is why I say and I pray along with countless others: “My generation will end abortion!”

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Pray for Us

     It’s hard to believe that one year ago today, on the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, my dear sister in Christ, Michele Morris held the début of Teresita, the one woman, one act play she wrote based on the life and vocational discernment of St. Teresa of Avila.  Michele’s academic and professional background is in theater, acting, and directing, as well as evangelizing through plays and skits.   

In Search of the Right Saint

     For a while, Michele had considered writing a play about another saint, someone far more obscure that she’d have to dig hard to find out about, but when she spoke with Fr. Dan Brady, a local priest who has performed the one-man play Damien written by Aldyth Morris a number of times in our area, he suggested she write her play about St. Teresa of Avila.  With that suggestion and inspiration, she gathered a variety of resources about the saint’s life, including information about her personality, family relationships, vocational discernment, faith, education, and perseverance in entering a religious community as soon as possible.  She researched St. Teresa of Avila’s life through books, letters, poems, biographies, and historical information in preparation for writing her original play named Teresita

Asking the Tough Questions

     As Michele Morris has been discerning her own lifelong vocation, she has asked the Lord many times
throughout her life a question that appears over and over in her play: “What do You want of me?”  This question is the refrain directly from a poem written by St. Teresa of Avila called “In the Hands of God.”
     The poignant poem and pertinent refrain are ones I’ve returned to often over the past year as I spend time in prayer discerning what the Lord wants of me in my life, where He is leading me and my husband in our vocation of marriage, and how that changes what we do now and how we prepare for the future.  
     In response to the tough questions Michele has asked the Lord and the answers she's received from Him, she left Richmond, Virginia, for good on Sunday, July 14, 2013 after living here for eighteen years.  After signing over her car and visiting some friends, she'll be heading down to her hometown of Deland, Florida.  From there, she and her mom will fly out to the West Coast.
     On August 6, 2013, Michele will officially enter the Carmelite Sisters by the Sea cloistered monastery and become a postulant.  I plan to publish some more posts regarding her faith journey, the play she wrote, and the many ways she has touched people's lives in profound ways, so please check back for more.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The First Station of the Cross

The First Station of the Cross: Jesus is condemned to death.

He was completely innocent, pure, and free of sin, but was sentenced to death for speaking the Truth the people found upsetting because it went against their way of seeing the world and God. 
No one likes to have their way of life challenged or judged.  We don’t like being criticized or forced to change.  However, when we get swept up in the ever-changing public opinions rather than seeking Truth at all costs, then we are very likely to become one of those in the crowd yelling: “Crucify him!”

What does mainstream society advocate today that condemn people to death? 

Abortion, embryonic stem cell research, the selling body parts of human fetuses for scientific experimentation, euthanasia, the death penalty, ethnic cleansing, in vitro fertilization, harvesting organs, the one-child policy in China, contraception most of which are actuallyabortificients, sterilization, test tube babies…

How do we wash our hands of the responsibility for protecting innocent life?

By not researching and learning about what the Bible says about it or what the Catholic Church teaches and why, by promoting lies about the physical, moral, emotional, and spiritual effects of abortion, ignoring clear Church teachings and advising others to do the same, donating money and/or time to organizations whose moneymaking centers on abortion, euthanasia, genocide, gendercide, taking advantage of the poor, slandering the innocent, and otherwise contributing to the culture of death.

Silence is acceptance.

We are just as guilty as those who carry out the crimes against life if we know something to be not only morally wrong, but intrinsically evil, if we do not speak out against it and take what action we can to inform others of the implications and ramifications the Lord has made clear to us. 
Out of sight, Out of Mind 

The decisions we make and actions we take that purposely jeopardize, damage, or destroy lives of others aren’t stains washed away from our hearts or souls by the passage of time, by the so-called justification of hateful practices, the fervor of public approval, or the legalization of such practices.  Once we have innocent blood on our hands, those stains remain on our hearts and souls until we acknowledge our sinfulness, ask for and are willing to receive God’s mercy.

Music Meditation: This song by music missionary Danielle Rose addresses a number of the evils that our society condones rather than condemns. The song's lyrics are here: "Crucify Him."  

Making it a Matter of Prayer
Lord, please help us use the courage and conviction You give us to teach others and show them by our lives how sacred human life is in all of its stages.  Keep us focused on You, Lord God Creator of Life, Love, and Truth, so that we may not be dissuaded or discouraged by the culture of death, but rather draw closer to You in prayer and an ever-growing hope in that which is holy, compassionate, merciful, and eternal.  Amen.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

We Have a New Pope!

My Prayer for Our New Pope: Lord, thank You for watching over the conclave and guiding the cardinals by the ever-present gift of the Holy Spirit as they discerned who our next pope should be.  
Jesus Christ and Blessed Mother Mary, keep your servant Pope Francis focused on the Will of the Lord above all else.  Give him the courage to carry out the tenets of the Catholic faith which protect and respect the dignity of human life from conception to natural death.  Make him a bright light and lasting inspiration for priests and laity as we do our best to live, teach, and preach the New Evangelization.  May his deep prayer life and joy in serving the Lord be an example for us all!  Amen. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

My Grandma's Hands

This morning
I held your worn red rosary
to pray the joyful mysteries
just before your funeral began.

You cared for so many
and prayed for so much.

This mourning
I must do alone.

I sift through your prayer books,
Miraculous Medals, Mass cards,
special intentions, and charitable deeds.

I’m not sure where
I fit in them now
you’ve passed from this life
into the next.

You’d cut up fresh fruit,
slice raw vegetables,
knit slippers for your grandchildren,
work in your garden,
play cards with your friends,
receive the Body and Blood
of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

You’d roll your hair in curlers,
put homemade cold cream on your face,
ponder for periods forming the longest words
when you played Scrabble.
You saved a pile of newspaper clippings,
stories from magazines, and articles
to pass on to a family member or friend
you thought might find them of interest.

I still have some of the garage sale
finds that you’d give us each holiday
along with a savings bond receipt,
put aside for our higher education. 

A passion for learning, current events,
international travel, new foods, and
exotic places kept you moving, tasting,
experimenting long after others
had slowed down, given up
or thrown in the towel.

You longed to be useful and needed
always wanting to know
what you could do to help.

You came to Mom’s rescue
when Dad was away
traveling for business,
or not available in some way.

Making meals, cleaning up,
decorating the church for holy days,
being one in the Legion of Mary
who interceded daily for many petitions.

Recycling pieces of foil,
scraps of paper, collecting
packages of salad dressing,
and reusing paper towels,
you didn’t waste or trash things
before their usefulness had run out.

Your eyes filled easily with tears
after all you’d been through—
the loss of your sister so young,
your mother, your daughter,
your long-suffering husband,
your health, your independence,
your memories—
quite a bit over the years. 

Ever-appreciative of a visit,
time spent outdoors,
bouquets of flowers,
spicy beef with broccoli,
chocolate candy,
a hearty laugh, a good book,
an old movie, a familiar song.

Now forever
won’t be long.

I wrote the above poem in honor of my maternal grandmother Marilyn Lohwater, on the day of her funeral & burial, February 9, 2013.

Friday, February 1, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 87) Grandma Edition

May She Rest in Peace: My maternal grandmother (and last living grandparent) Marilyn Lohwater passed into eternal life January 31, 2013 early in the morning.  Fortunately, Kevin and I had gone to visit her the night before.  I’d held her hand, prayed for her, told her I loved her, and kissed her goodnight, thinking she’d at least make it to the weekend.  Instead, she passed away peacefully that very night with my mom at her side and the Little Sisters of the Poor nearby lifting her up in prayer. 

Miracles and Cause for Celebration My grandmother led a remarkable life for many reasons, not the least of which, she had very strong will to live, a deep faith in God, a devout Catholic prayer life, a special devotion to the Blessed Mother, and she lived through a number of serious illnesses and complications during her 89 years on this planet.  Here are just some of the miracles and causes for celebration. 
Choose Life: My grandmother was a strong pro-life advocate in all senses of the word.  For years, she took care of sick and elderly family members and joyfully welcomed each new baby and grandbaby. 
     She also was very proactive about her own health.  She ate nutritious foods, took vitamins, exercised (even when it meant taking an hour long walk around her neighborhood using two canes), kept up an active social life, engaged in some fun hobbies, developed an attitude of gratitude, prayed fervently, enjoyed a good laugh, and never gave up. 
     When doctors told her that she wouldn’t live less than a year, she was determined to do whatever she could to get better and keep on going.  When her oncologist basically told us it was pointless to keep treating her, we fired him and promptly got a physician who would respect the fact that she was still coherent and was not going to give up hope that she would recover. 
     She would join us at the 40 Days for Life vigils when she was still able to leave the nursing home without too much trouble, but once that became too difficult she’d pray in the Chapel or in her room for the international campaign
Very Thrifty Since my grandmother lived through the Great Depression and World Wars I and II, she had a special knack for being frugal, reusing, and recycling things.  I can remember her re-wetting a paper towel and laying it out to dry.  She would reuse aluminum foil.  She laughed at expiration dates: those on food and those doctors gave her.  She saved little scraps of paper to use for lists, bridge scorecards, or phone numbers.  She would pick up things off of her carpet and put them in the trash for the exercise value and to keep from having to vacuum as often once she was getting up there in age.    

Her True Colors Grandma loved the color turquoise.  She was also a fan of deep brown and dark orange.  For a number of years, the one house we returned to no matter where we moved because of my dad’s job was my grandma and grandpa’s split-level in upstate New York.  We were always excited to pull into the driveway of the dark brown house with orange trim. 
Well-Read My grandmother was one of the first women in our family to go to college at a time when that wasn’t something most women did.  She was an active member of the Rochester chapter of the American Association of University Women (AAUW).  She absolutely loved to read books, magazines, newspapers, letters…which I’m sure greatly influenced my mom as well as me.  Another thing my grandmother and I had in common was our rather atrocious handwriting.  I’m not sure exactly what chicken scratch looks like, but one of us probably comes close. 
Hope in the Lord Of all of the gifts my grandmother has given us over the years, her faith and hope in the Lord is the one I value the most.  She clung to God throughout her life, and though she had a number of life-altering challenges to face, losses to mourn, and illnesses to overcome, she stayed strong in Him. 
     Lord, thank You for the gift of my grandmother.  Help those of us whose lives were touched by hers honor her legacy by drawing ever-closer to You.  Amen.

  Check out Producer and Reality TV star Jennifer Fulwiler's blog Conversion Diary for this weeks dose of her tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

What’s So Special About Mary?

Here's a quick answer to that question from Busted Halo:

Honor Your Mother:
Mary did what Our Creator hopes each one of us will do: use the gift of free will to glorify the Lord and bring others closer to Him.  The Virgin Mary's entire life on earth and in Heaven has been centered on giving praise, honor, glory, and worship to the Lord who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  
From the very moment she was conceived, God preserved her from the stain of original sin, because the Mother of Jesus had to be spotless in order to be a fitting tabernacle for Christ.  We celebrate this feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8th.  Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception is the patron saint of the United States.  The Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC, is the largest Catholic church in America.  It is quite breathtaking, definitely holy ground.   
Who is the person who knew Christ most intimately, loved Him most unconditionally, and bore the greatest suffering so that God's plan of salvation would be accomplished?  The Mother of God.  That's why she is to be honored: for submitting completely to the Lord's will, for saying "Yes" to God every minute of her life, and thereby spending every moment in time and eternity praising the Lord.  Catholics don't worship Mary, but we do honor her as The Mother of God and "the handmaid of the Lord."  
I firmly believe that any good mother (and/or childcare provider, nanny, teacher...) learns a great deal from children.  What better instructor could Mary have had to teach her lessons of love, hope, faith, peace, compassion, mercy, forgiveness, gentleness, kindness, wisdom, honesty, innocence, joy, suffering, and sacrifice than Jesus Christ Himself?   

A Strong Devotion to the Blessed Mother Always Leads to a Closer Walk with Christ   
Note to reader: I originally wrote and posted the following part of this reflection on January, 1, 2011. 
I’ve had a very strong devotion to the Blessed Mother for a number of years. I know the Lord has used her example and intercession to help me grow closer to God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Mary was willing to do what God calls us each to do: put Him before everyone and everything else now and always.

When she was asked to be the Mother of Christ, she didn’t say something to the effect of: “I don’t know (or flat-out no), it wouldn’t be good for my reputation or my family if I became pregnant before living with my betrothed. Actually, since I would likely be stoned to death since that’s the punishment for a woman who becomes pregnant out of wedlock, I think I’ll pass.”
She asked how this would come to pass and is told: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you” (Luke 1:34-35). Instead of fretting over what her parents would think, what Joseph would say, what her friends might start whispering behind her back, Mary had the grace and trust in the Lord to respond with: “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38).
What a wonderful example Mary was of being open to the Lord’s grace and willing to serve Him in whatever ways He calls us to be vessels, holy tabernacles for the Holy Spirit! There have been countless times when I’ve prayed to know God’s will and have the courage to carry it out, but at the same time, I’ve had a million things come to mind about what might happen in terms of adversity, struggle, pain, or suffering, if I submit to the Lord completely in mind, body, and spirit. I know doing so means He’ll likely bring about some major changes in and around me that will bring me closer to Him. Some of the Divine Pruning will be quite painful, though, absolutely necessary.
“Mary said, ‘My soul magnifies the Lord. My spirit rejoices in God my Savior’” (Luke 1:46-47. These two statements seem to sum up what every person is called to do: be a tabernacle which reflects and projects the Lord and rejoice in the God who saves us.
Lord, thank You for the gift of Your Son Jesus and the Blessed Mother of God, who always point others to You. Please help us be open to whatever is necessary for us to become holier tabernacles for You. Plant Your will in our hearts and make it our deepest desire and most fervent longing. Amen.

Four Books about Mary I highly recommend: 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Where There Is Love, There Is God

Where There Is Love, There Is God incorporates the essentials of faith in action, particularly for those serving the poor, sick, orphaned or dying.  This would be a good book for someone just learning about Blessed Mother Teresa and the Missionaries of Charity.  It is likely if you’ve read several other books by and/or about Mother Teresa, you will recognize many of the stories and quotes.  That doesn’t make them any less amazing, of course, but less shocking than the first time hearing or reading about them. 
Many of the stories, phrases, and philosophies Blessed Mother Teresa lived and spoke about are repeated numerous times throughout Where There Is Love, There Is God.  More than once, I flipped a few pages back to see part of the same quote I had just read a little farther ahead.  Normally this much repetition of the same quotes and stories with only a little variation or different subject heading would frustrate the copy editor in me, but for some reason, in this book, the effect was a powerful one. 
The meaning of the words really sank in, the lessons of love, importance of growing in holiness, of reaching out to those in need, and seeking God’s will above all else kept lapping at the shore of my heart and soul—eroding any of the familiarity I have with Blessed Mother Teresa’s life, legacy, and ministry, that might make me glaze over things I’ve read or heard elsewhere. 
I really enjoyed the quotes that music missionary, Danielle Rose, has put to music.  Those resonate deeply with me as I have all of her songs memorized.  Knowing about Danielle Rose’s connection with Mother Teresa and her time working with the Missionaries of Charity helped me appreciate the book as reminiscent of Scripture as well as of her music. 
For more information or to purchase your own copy of Where There Is Love, There Is God, click here.  I received this book for free from WaterBrookMultnomah Publishing Group for this review.   

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Life Without Limits: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life

     I’m truly amazed by this man’s story, his life, his commitment to helping others, his ability to have fun, and his mission to give other’s hope.  I might not have heard about Nick Vujicic if I weren’t a book reviewer for Waterbrook Multnomah’s Blogging for Books program.  I received an e-mail from them publicizing Nick’s book Unstoppable that’s hot off the press this month.  I watched the video trailer for his new book, checked out a music video he’d done, and watched a couple of his speaking engagements on Youtube, and I was absolutely certain I’d not only want to read his new book, but that I had to get my hands on a copy of his first book Life Without Limits immediately if not sooner.
     I can’t say enough good things about Life Without Limits which is probably part of the reason it’s taken me so long after reading the book, and trying to digest it, before I’ve sat down to write the review.  Again, Nick, his incredible journey, positive attitude, strong faith, and perseverance have really inspired me at yet another time in my life when I’m wondering if, how, and for what greater purpose God can use me. 
     The suffering and pain Nick has experienced isn’t sugar-coated or watered down, which I appreciate.  I believe it’s important to let others know that our lives aren’t perfect, that we have difficult periods, and that we need to keep learning and growing like everyone else.  There are some books in which the subject of suffering is treated in a way that seems to encourage pity or sadness because of what the author has been through.  Nick is honest about the hurt he’s experienced in a way that is human, humbling, and vulnerable instead of approaching things with a “poor, pitiful me” attitude.  Though I can’t imagine facing most of the major challenges that he has conquered in life, he never seems to approach or talk to others in a “my suffering is clearly worse than anything you’ll ever go through, so stop feeling sorry for yourself” manner. 
     Nick understands that there are many different types of suffering, some far worse than anything he’s experienced, and it’s for those people who think their lives are pointless, worthless, or uselessthat he keeps going. 
     One of my favorite aspects of this book (and there are many) is that it is both well written and edited.  The stories in it are fresh, original, personal, and the suggestions, guidance, and examples of how to have “a ridiculously good life” are actually relevant and make sense.  There are some motivational speakers/authors who repeat a few messages over and over without really making them fresh, personal, or easy to connect with on a deeper level.  In the past, I’ve been disappointed by some of the books written by internationally known speakers, because they are so poorly edited that it would have been better if their book hadn’t gone to press.    
     Life Without Limits has really thrown me for a loop.  Yet again, the Lord has seen fit to guide me to a person of faith with a message of hope when so many of my dreams and ambitions seem to have been postponed, cancelled, or completely ruined. 
     Truthfully there have been times that I have felt more depressed after reading this book, because I have gotten into the downward spiral of thinking that I should have done something more significant with my life by now.  I should have made a bigger difference in the world, given more people hope, brought more people to Christ.  Another great thing about this book is that Nick doesn’t limit the ways that people can love, minister to, and encourage others.  He affirms that all of us have something to offer regardless of our obvious or not-as-evident weaknesses and flaws. 
     It’s always a pleasure to read a book written by someone you know you’d love to meet and talk with for a while.  I just know my husband and I would have a blast visiting with Nick Vujicic. 
     In a lot of ways, Nick’s done what I’ve wanted to do on a larger scale for quite some time, take what I’ve been given and use it the best way I can in order to glorify the Lord and bring others closer to Him by loving, encouraging, and supporting them.
     There’s also the theme of “all things work for good for those who love God” from Romans 8:28 running through Life Without Limits that quickly spoke to me as I’ve identified that as one of my life verses and certainly a central one in my relationship with Kevin as we’ve gone from best friends, to a couple, to husband and wife.  
     They say hope floats, but now we see that vessels of this gift from God can also swim, fly, surf, write, and inspire millions.  If a man born without arms or legs can overcome such tremendous obstacles and become such a faith-filled example for others, then it is clear that, with God, we, too, can be the source of love and hope who He has created each of us to be.
     To learn more about Nick Vujicic and his organization Life Without Limbs, click here.  To read an excerpt from his book and/or buy or download a copy of your own, click here

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Following the Path: The Search for a Life of Passion, Purpose, and Joy

What brings you life, fuels your passion, gives you energy?  What special talents or gifts have you been given that make the world a more beautiful, loving hopeful place in which to live?  Internationally-known author, lecturer, and Benedictine sister, Joan Chittister encourages readers to consider these questions to lead us to happiness.  “When we finally take that first step toward being honest about what we ourselves really believe, really want to do, really enjoy most, are really most committed to doing for others—and do it—we become a person who is a gift to the rest of the human race” (pg. 99).  
Following the Path: The Search for a Life of Passion, Purpose, and Joy invites us to look at our God-given talents, our innate passions, and how using our gifts in order to help others.  She explains how taking action using our talents to do something purposeful that helps others is what will lead us to having a genuinely satisfying life. 
Another important message conveyed is that it’s never too late.  Some people feel that they can’t possibly go in a completely new direction when it comes to their education, career, ministry, hobbies…, but Joan illustrates that simply isn’t true.  Discovering our purpose and how we can use who we are and what we have to help others is a life-long process.  We grow, learn more about ourselves, and how our strengths can be used to make life better for others.   
Following your call rather than falling back on what you know and can do that will most likely lead to a life that’s successful in the world’s eyes certainly goes against the grain.  It may very well baffle your family and friends, but it can bring more energy to your own life and inspire those you serve in ways only God could bring about. 
At times there are so many hypothetical situations and scenarios considered, I felt that the potency of the main message became watered down in a sense.  It may very well be that other readers find it helpful to have such a variety of examples of what a call is and how it can be lived out. 
Following the Path serves as a good overview of what a call is, how to live it out, and why that purposeful activity leads to true happiness and fulfillment regardless of what stage of life and/or type of discernment you are in at present. 
To read more about, Following the Path: The Search for a Life of Passion, Purpose, and Joy, click here.  I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.  Love books and have a blog? Join their Blogging for Books program. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Times of Transition, Loneliness, Being Honest, Forging True Friendships

I originally wrote most of this in a letter to encourage and support a friend going through a major life transition, knowing that these are many of the lessons I’ve needed to be reminded of during each significant move or change in my own life.  
I know it’s hard to do, but when you’re missing aspects of the life you used to lead, it’s fine to tell someone back home that, however, it will help you get settled and can be a tremendous grace when you share what you’re thinking and feeling with someone who’s there with you.  Chances are many are feeling the same way or have other things they’re missing that they’d be more likely to share if they knew they weren’t the only ones getting used to things being so different there from what they’re used to. 
It’s always been hard for me to open up emotionally, but there have been people throughout my life the Lord has given me who I can be more myself with than I can with most people.  Obviously, my husband Kevin’s one of those people for me, but there have been a select group of others as well. 
Your getting settled and making new friends there will involve letting your guard down sometimes.  I’ve often found that if I’m willing to be honest and vulnerable that it makes others feel more comfortable doing the same.  You will need friends there you can really talk with.
Forging close friendships where you are will make the difference in you feeling settled and that will be an integral part of your growth and experience of God and the Body of Christ.
God loves you without “the mask” or suit of armor, and so do many other people. With that in mind, accept the gifts of courage and humility to be honest if someone who genuinely wants to know asks how you’re doing.  It’s okay to tell someone you trust and see yourself being friends with that you feel a bit overwhelmed, frustrated, lonely, miss your family…
Yet again, I know all of this is easier said than done.  Often, I still have to force myself to let people closest to me know what I’m thinking and feeling for fear that I’ll be judged, rejected, criticized or even abandoned.  It’s often a struggle in new situations, but it’s worth the effort.  We need people around us who know us well and love us anyway.  It’s a gift to be able to form relationships with others around our likes and dislikes, our strengths and weaknesses, but it’s most rewarding when we can be our true selves and let others be their true selves, especially when both people want God at the center of their lives.      
I know that others will come to love you dearly when they get to know who you are.  This is an important time to expand your lovelines family.  You’re not the only one missing home.  You’re not the only one who has felt they have to be “on” all the time. 
There are people who have come to love you so much because they know you so well.  Give others the chance to get to know you and make the effort to get to know some other people on a deeper level. 
Also remember that the first few weeks, even the first few months, you’re adjusting to a number of things, meeting lots of new people, and getting into a lifestyle and schedule that are vastly different from what you’re used to.  It’s normal to feel overwhelmed.  This is a huge transition.  Give yourself time to get adjusted, but in the meantime, be honest with yourself, God, and a few trusted friends when you’re not feeling comfortable or that you’ve gotten into your new groove yet. 
Lord, give us the courage to be vulnerable with others, especially when it will help us be better vessels of your love, compassion, comfort, encouragement, support, and peace.  Amen.

Here's a follow-up post to this one since it seemed to hit home with so many readers: Not Practically Perfect in Any Way.

Monday, September 3, 2012

“What do You want of me?” Part IV of IV

     There’s a danger in relying blindly on the thoughts, feelings, observations, and opinions of others.  Our perceptions are just that, how we see things.  In order to know the Truth about ourselves, another person, a situation…we must go to the only always reliable source: God.  The rest of us are liable to be confused by our own lie-based thinking and beliefs, tainted by our own experiences, our sinfulness, and skewed by our own perceptions.  Sometimes we’ll see part of what’s really there, and other times we’ll miss most of it. 
     I wrote a prayer a while back keeping all of this in mind, and I’ve shared it with others and prayed it often myself as a reminder of where my most authentic and brutally honest performance evaluation comes from. 

     “Lord, so often we seek the approval of our family, our friends, our colleagues, and society and are easily swayed by their opinions.  Please help us have courage enough to turn to You when we need guidance, and put Your view of us, Your wishes for our future, and Your thoughts about our words and actions, above those of other people around us.
     You alone know our hearts completely.  You alone know what is ultimately best for us.  Inspire us to spend more time listening to You so it is easier for us to separate Your will from our own and those of the people closest to us.  Protect us from despair and disillusionment by arming us with the truth, the strength to do Your will, and the wisdom to submit everything we are and have to You.  Amen.”                 Prayer written by Trisha Niermeyer Potter March 2008

Note: This post is the last of four in a series.  Click these links to read the first three posts: "What do You want of me?" Part I, Part II, Part III.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Teresita: An Original One-Act Play Based on the Life of St. Teresa of Avila by Michele Morris

Teresita: A One-Act Play Based on the Life of St. Teresa of Avila is a lively, humorous, thought-provoking play inspired by the life of a saint who had lots of personality and a great deal of faith.  This original one-act play written and performed by playwright, actress, and director Michele Morris is one you won’t want to miss!
As Michele Morris has been discerning her own lifelong vocation, she has asked the Lord many times throughout her life a question that appears over and over in her play: “What do You want of me?”  This question is the refrain directly from a poem penned by St. Teresa of Avila called “In the Hands of God.” 
Those who are familiar with the life of St. Teresa of Avila tend to be quite impressed by how true to form the play is in presenting the facts of this woman’s life, particularly her childhood and the time leading up to her discerning God was calling her from a life of privilege and popularity to enter a cloistered convent.  Others who don’t know as much about this Doctor of the Church are often inspired to research her after seeing this brilliant play.
Michele Morris portrays the young, vivacious St. Teresa of Avila beautifully.  Her interest in things of the world and contentment having close relationships with family and friends pose a number of challenges with which the playwright is all too familiar.  In Michele’s own spiritual journey, she has felt God’s Presence from very early on in her life, but it’s taken longer than she hoped or expected for her to discern what God wants of her. 

There’s a great deal to be said about the timing of this play, the Opening night, July 16, which is the feast day of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and the clear blessing of the Holy Spirit in this endeavor.  Michele had been working on the play for months.  After reading and researching a great deal about St. Teresa of Avila, she began work on the one-woman play she was inspired to write and perform as a fundraiser to pay off her student loan from getting her Masters in Divinity so she’s free to become a postulant of the Carmelite Sisters by the Sea.
Friends eagerly supported her effort by offering their own talents to assist in the production.  What seemed like a far-off dream became a reality in the days and weeks leading up to the first scheduled performance.  A friend came forward to make her costume, another to help her with direction and rehearsal stepped up.  Soon portraits, fliers, business cards, a website, and a location for Opening night were all provided. 
I got chills watching Teresita: A One-Act Play Based on the Life of St. Teresa of Avila both at the by-invitation-only dress rehearsal and the Opening night performance.  As someone who has read and thoroughly enjoyed learning about St. Teresa of Avila over the years, I really appreciated the attention to detail, inclusion of factual events, and the spirit with which this exuberant woman’s life was portrayed.  Knowing a great deal about many of Michele’s own struggles throughout her discernment only served to make the play that much more amazing and believable.       
For more information about where Michele Morris will be starting August 6, 2013, visit the website for the Carmelite Sisters by the Sea. 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Relentless: The Power You Need to Never Give Up

This book serves as an insistent reminder of how we are called to be when it comes to following Christ: Relentless!  The main message that God’s grace empowers us to overcome the struggles and temptations in this life is supported through a number of different Scripture passages as well as personal examples from Pastor John Bevere’s life. 
Prayer and perseverance are key as we move towards our eternal goal of Heaven.  These essential elements are explored and expanded upon as they can be applied to our daily lives. 
I was bothered by some of what Bevere wrote.  I found certain passages to be quite contradictory and was disappointed to find the same major misconceptions regarding the Catholic faith that are common among Protestant pastors, even those who supposedly have some experience with the Church.  One example of such misunderstanding that really jumped out at me can be found on page 98 where the author asserts that “For some reason, many people believe that godliness is exemplified by not having enough.  In extreme cases, some people even take vows of poverty in their service to God.” 
Bevere goes on to suggest that such a vow is actually against Biblical principles, which is really absurd.  Jesus and his Apostles, many religious, saints, and even laypeople have responded to God’s call to live a life that is simple and detached from the materialism that is espoused by our world.  A very prominent example of this is the life of Saint Mother Teresa.  She vowed to live a life of poverty, not because she thought God wouldn’t provide her with whatever she needed in abundance, but because she trusted more than most do that this would be the case, so she and the Missionaries of Charity were dedicated to serving others and relying completely on the Lord for the food, medicine, shelter, and financial support needed to continue their ministry. 
I bring this up because Bevere illustrates a clear understanding of God’s call to rely completely on Him for our financial well-being.  He doesn’t seem to see the correlation that for some that means giving up all possessions and money to serve others and thereby relying completely on the Lord for all the provisions they need for themselves and others. 
When Bevere talks about how he and his wife were challenged to rely on the Lord for their needs and those of their family when he was called into full-time speaking ministry, he doesn’t recognize that as an aspect of accepting poverty when that’s what God requires.  This pastor doesn’t claim that we are to hoard our wealth or anything like that, but that God intends abundance for us that He alone can and will provide when we put our trust in Him.  That’s true.  Many times, individuals are asked to trust God for everything and sometimes He asks them to do that by vowing not to accrue things that might get in the way of a closer relationship and deeper reliance on Him.
The essential lesson in this book is that the Lord loves us, is Himself the author of our faith, and gives us all the grace we need to persevere in doing His will, in following Christ, and in bringing others closer to Him, regardless of the struggles in mind, body, and/or spirit that we come up against in the process. 
Pray fervently.  Seek God’s will.  Accept God’s grace to carry it out.  Don’t give up no matter what, and God will provide for all that you need and then some.  These are the basic building blocks that make up the foundation of Christian faith and beliefs. 
The message of persevering in the faith is one all of us need to hear and be reminded of, but I wasn’t as impressed by this particular book as I have been some others that treat the same subject.       
I wrote this review of Relentless for WaterBrook Multnomah’s  program.  For more information about the book or to purchase your own copy, click here.  I received a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.  To learn more about their reviewer program, click here. 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Because I Am Furniture

    Can you break the patterns of abuse in a household of five where there’s only one person willing to admit the truth about what goes on behind closed doors?   
     Because I Am Furniture is heartbreakingly real.  I was profoundly moved by these poems and curious to discover how well a novel-length story would be told through them in a way that would appeal and speak to young adults.  It’s been a while since I immersed myself in writing and reading poetry.  It felt very good to get back into it and see how forceful and powerful poems can be in conveying raw human emotion, longings, fears, and honest thoughts we’d rarely, if ever, say aloud…
     I was worried when I checked this book out of the library that I might find it more of an experiment on the page of breaking a prose novel into lines and calling them poems, but I was pleasantly floored by this poignant poetry and how well-crafted each piece of the story is—lyrically and in a literary sense. 
     Because I Am Furniture reminded me how beautifully naked emotion and serious conflicts can be arranged on the page as well as how essential it is to keep in mind that every word, every syllable counts.  I needed such jarring evidence that we do a major disservice in whatever we write if we add fluff to cushion the blow or water down the stark reality and piercing pain that exists in real life. 
     I found myself praying for victims of all types of abuse as I read this.  That’s the only way I could keep going when I know that there are people who are actually living in such terrifying situations as this one.
     The fear of speaking out against the perpetrators of such horrifying acts is quite tangible in this novel, as is the heartache of someone who carries the burden of seeing what’s going on and knowing it needs to stop, but who isn’t sure how to end the vicious cycle in effect.
     To read more about Because I Am Furniture or to order your own copy, click here.
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