Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

Monday, August 4, 2014

Candles in the Dark: The Authorized Biography of Fr. Richard Ho Lung and The Missionaries of the Poor

Candles in the Dark has been in a stack on one of our bookshelves for a while now.  Saint Benedict Press sent it to me thinking it would be something of interest to me.  They were right, but it wasn’t the right time for me to read it, yet.  I’ve considered picking it up a few times, but then ended up choosing other books to read which, as the Holy Spirit would have it, were exactly what I needed at that time. 
The other day when I was attending daily Mass at St. Benedict’s a young man in front of me who is a very devout and joyful Catholic was wearing a T-shirt with a quote on it from Fr. Richard Ho Lung and the Missionaries of the Poor (MOP).  Yes, God will speak to us however He likes, even through the messages on T-shirts.  The quote and priest quoted reminded me of the book once more.  Intrigued, I removed Candles in the Dark and dove in.
Is he a male Mother Teresa as some have said?    Both of them were called to the religious life and were teaching when they each received what’s been described as “a call within a call” to serve the poorest of the poor, those left literally and figuratively, to die in the streets.  They are each devoted to prayer, living among and serving the poor, and using their clout to speak out about the atrocities of our times. But the answer is not really.
I can’t think of a better time for me to be reading a book about a man who has devoted his life to serving the poor.  Fr. Richard Ho Lung is nicknamed the “Ghetto” priest for good reason.  The slums in Jamaica are where he was born, where he lives now, and that’s where he has been called to serve Christ “in distressing disguise.”  Some know him because of his illustrious singing career.  Not only has he had a number of hit songs, but he has also written and produced full-length musicals and operas.  Others are familiar with him because of his success as a distinguished literature professor, poet, and Jesuit priest.    
As has happened a number of times throughout my life, there is someone whose health and well-being I’m very concerned about who is of no relation to me.  Wondering and praying about what course of action would be best while reading the story of Fr. Richard Ho Lung’s life and the Missionaries of the Poor reminded me that I should not limit what I am willing to do if God asks me to.  I’ve needed this reminder often in life, so this was another way of repeating the lesson.  Consulting the proper authorities as well as other concerned parties, I’ve now taken a good first step toward getting help for an unsafe living situation.
One of the things I really appreciated about Candles in the Dark is that Fr. Ho Lung talks about how disgusted and repulsed he was by the condition he would find people living in, but he always knew that he was ministering to Christ in each person he helped.  I have definitely experienced and found myself in some situations I’d rather avoid, but when God brings us into them with the intent that we be an agent of change, we eventually get the courage to speak up. 
I’m really hoping to find and view one of Fr. Richard Ho Lung’s musicals sometime soon.  I admire him greatly as a man who has answered the call to be a man of prayer, hope, and love to the many people God has brought and will continued to bring into his life.
I highly recommend Candles in the Dark: The Authorized Biography of Fr. Richard Ho Lung and the Missionaries of the Poor by Joseph Pearce.  The writing is genuine, fresh, and captures the priest’s personality, faith, and passion for serving the poor.  I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.  For more info or to get your own copy of Candles in the Dark, click here.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Pentecost Weekend Festivities

Pentecost Weekend was very enjoyable.  We spent it with loved ones, many faith-filled people who are passionate about serving the Lord and others.  Saturday I had some good prayer, reading, study, and writing time.  In the evening, Kevin and I had dinner with my mom at a delicious Italian place on the Southside called Angelo’s.  Their stromboli is scrumptious!

From there we headed over to Church of the Epiphany, where Kevin and I were married on September 4, 2004.  Two of our friends from Cursillo were doing a concert as part of their Give Me Jesus tour.  The band S2K they’re in plays for Kairos retreat weekends.  I knew it would be a blast, because our two friends are characters on their own, but are even more hilarious together.  The concert was awesome, and the banter among the guys entertaining, as always! We got to sing along to the praise and worship music they performed, and heard their take a on a few classics that fit in with the theme of Kairos
In between sets, one of the men in the band would talk about how, when, and why they became involved in prison ministry.  Each of them has gone to one or more Virginia prisons to put on Kairos retreats for the inmates.  It was really awesome to hear the stories of how these men from a variety of faith denominations and backgrounds came together to serve men, women, and juveniles who are incarcerated. 
One of the most moving testimonies was from a gentleman who had been an inmate on the very first Kairos retreat that ever took place in our area back in 2002.  When released from prison, he began studying to become a minister.  Now he’s one of the chaplains who serves Kairos.  Talk about transformation and metanoia! There you have it!
Sunday morning Kevin and I went to 11:15 Mass at our church because our friend was doing the second reading in Hindi as part of the celebration for Pentecost.  It was neat to hear the reading in an unfamiliar language, and the music was beautiful.  Afterwards, we headed up the hill for the church picnic that the Knights of Columbus had organized and were preparing for.  I ended up sitting with a few friends from Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP), a couple of whom are now also Cursillistas, and we had a good time.  Good friends, good food, and good fun!
Then I got to catch up with a dear friend I met through CRHP who has been at pharmacy school in Chicago for the past couple years.  We were assigned to be roommates for the overnight portion of the CRHP retreat, and we stayed up half the night talking and have been good friends ever since.  We weren’t sitting at the same table when we made our retreat, so we wouldn’t have gotten to know each other as well had we not been assigned to the same room.  Another God incident indeed! 
Lord, thank you for surrounding us with so many people of faith to inspire us and pray for and with us.  We are grateful to have friends who are family steeped in the love of Christ and the dedication to serve His people.  Amen.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Celebrating Moms, Grandmothers, Godmothers, "Other Mothers," and Spiritual Mothers

I've been working on a reflection on mothers, grandmothers, Godmothers, "other mothers" and spiritual mothers.  It has started with me remembering one of the spiritual mothers in my life who recently passed away, so I'm going to take some more time with it. In the meantime, I'd like to share with you a beautiful song about the most amazing, most loving, most holy mother I know.

Friday, January 17, 2014

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 137) The End of an Era, the Joy of a New Day

Grace is…a husband who goes to defrost, scrape, and brush off your car on a morning when he doesn’t have to be up and out early, the unmistakable joy of being in the presence of someone you love, big fat snowflakes, the awe of children at nature’s beauty and complexity, a community of Christian women that praises God with its faith, friendship, love, and laughter, reading favorite children’s picture books repeatedly to little ones inclined to curl up on your lap, listening intently and attentively, enjoying the irony of it all, treasured memories…         
A Beautiful Song My youngest sister posted this uplifting song on her Facebook wall this morning and I must agree that this India Arie song does make for a nice start or finish: 

Riverdancing on the Roof This morning I awoke to what sounds for all intents and purposes as if there are people riverdancing on the roof of our building.  It’s sunny and cold without a cloud in the sky, so I knew it wasn’t rain or a storm.  The pounding and banging isn’t quite rhythmic enough or melodious enough to be pleasant or entertaining.  The cacophony is mostly making me want to flee the premises. 
     I usually do morning prayer and the daily readings from the Magnificat.  I was highly amused when I got to the Gospel according to Mark 2:1-12.  “They came bringing him a paralytic carried by four men.  Unable to get near Jesus because of the crowd, they opened up the roof above him.  After they had broken through, they let down the mat on which the paralytic was lying.”
     Kevin and I both have questioned the structural integrity of this building, so we’re only sort of joking when we had a discussion about someone falling through the roof into our apartment.    
Stuff my husband says: Not too long ago, after seeing a commercial in which a man is running on a treadmill in his front yard to create the power to light up all of the Christmas decorations on his house, Kevin suggested that it would be great if there was such a contraption as a treadmill that you could use to power the washer and dryer.  I shook my head sadly and reminded him that we live one the third floor of an apartment building with a laundry room in the basement.  If you take the four flights of stairs down and back up each time you put clothes in the washer, transfer them to the dryer, and retrieve them again, then it has pretty much the same effect.   
No Longer the Nanny Yesterday was my last day nannying for three silly sisters.  We had a fun day which included watching the snow fall in big flakes during the morning.  Kevin came to visit and got some pictures of me with the girls since all of us were looking pretty in pink.    

     Honestly, I haven’t cried at all, yet.  It hasn’t hit me.  I’m hoping that when it does it will be a gentler, softer grieving period this go-round, made even lighter because we’re still close friends/like family and are welcome to visit whenever.
Keepin’ It Real The only tried and true March for Babies and Mothers that actually respects life from the moment of conception:
Inspiring Words This is the most joy-filled, inspiring, faithful call to evangelization I’ve read recently.  Each time I sat down to read some more, I was blown away that it kept getting better and better.  Watch out for those who roll with the Holy Spirit!

Check out Jen Fulwiler’s tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday at her tremendously popular blog Conversion Diary.  

Friday, December 6, 2013

Come on People, Really? The Sound of Music LIVE

     Unreasonable expectations abound when it comes to the groundbreaking three hour performance of The Sound of Music LIVE on NBC December 5, 2013.  I grew up watching The Sound of Music, and of course Carrie Underwood isn't Julie Andrews, but she and that cast did a decent made-for-TV LIVE version of a classic Broadway musical made movie that can't be matched.  There are a number of reviews floating around, but this is the article that seems most accurate of the ones I’ve read.
     Not even Carrie Underwood thought she could be a modern day Julie Andrews.  One of the qualities of classic, famous films is that the parts are played so well by those chosen for those roles that you can’t imagine anyone else doing it better.  If you tuned in last night to see if Carrie Underwood would put in a performance as perfectly fitting, amazing, and endearing as Julie Andrews did, then in my opinion, you just don’t get it.
     It didn’t look like there was anything alive on that hill, except for people.  Costumes weren’t always fitted properly.  The sound mix left something to be desired.  All true.  The scenery wasn’t perfect or as breathtaking as filming on location, nor were the costumes as impressive or the lighting as spot-on as it could be, but again, what do you expect for a soundscape where you must perform and get the audio and video as perfect as possible because you’re broadcasting live to millions? 
     I think it was incredibly gutsy of Carrie Underwood to accept this challenge.  No one with any sense, understanding of musical theater, of acting, filmmaking, or Broadway actually expected last night’s performance to make people jump up and rejoice that a moving rendition of the story had finally been done right.  They did it right with the original film that came out in 1965, which is the only reason this whole scenario has caused such an uproar.  People respect and appreciate the quality of the original film and its actors.  The Sound of Music is a classic that continues to be unparalleled. 

     Last night’s performance was never intended to rival that of the movie.  It was done more to inspire others to have a love and appreciation for Broadway classics, LIVE performances, and adaptations of plays meant to be judged in their own light and merit rather than compared to something else.  The adaptations made for shooting this on a soundscape live were quite clever.  The primary songs for which the musical is known and loved were fit in, even if they didn’t appear in the order or circumstances in which they were in the movie.  The choreography was commendable, the singing mostly beautiful, and the acting, by and large, was good.
     My favorite quote about last night came from my husband: “They did a great job.  It’s just the audio that bothers me.”  Trust my dear spouse to come up with such an assessment of a Broadway musical.  To his credit, I knew that as someone who used to be a musician, own a recording studio, and be the soundman for different bands Kevin was talking about his dissatisfaction with the audio mix produced by the person(s) at the controls of the soundboard.  Often the instruments overpowered the singing, which they wouldn’t have and shouldn’t have if done correctly.
     My mom’s biggest pet peeve was that they didn’t use true edelweiss flowers.  When my mom was fourteen, she went with her father to Austria, and they brought home some edelweiss seeds wrapped up in newspaper.  My mother has fond memories of planting them and watching them bloom in her grandmother’s garden.     

     I grew up watching The Sound of Music as did my mother.  The two of us know every word of the original script and songs by heart, yet we really enjoyed the creativity used for this production, because we didn’t go into it thinking or expecting Carrie Underwood or anyone else to upstage the original film version.  We hoped to be entertained and reminded of our favorite scenes from the movie, which we were.  In our minds that was the intention in the first place; therefore, mission accomplished.      

Friday, November 29, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 130) Storytelling, Silly Songs, & the Cookie Caper Question

Grace is…a delicious Thanksgiving feast shared with family, having my youngest sister home even for a brief visit, Mom’s homemade apple pie, wanting to be a better servant of the Lord, working at being more Christ-like by doing small things with great love, genuine encouragement and inspiration from those who love you, the sense to stay in on Black Friday, playing with your youngest nephew, the vulnerability it takes to be honest in kind and gentle ways…

Thanksgiving Across the Years This Thanksgiving was a really nice one for Kevin and me.  We began the day by going to Mass to celebrate the ultimate feast, the Eucharist (the word literally means “thanksgiving”).  Later we headed over to my sister and brother-in-law’s house for the family meal and visiting.  The food was delicious and the quality time together very enjoyable!  To read about some of our past Thanksgiving adventures, mishaps, and traditions, click here.     

It’s Your Fault! Yesterday, my sister and I broke into a song about rubber duckies that my mom used to sing to us when we were little.  My other sister and my mom looked at each other and made faces at us.  I elbowed my mom, and informed her: “It’s your fault!”  And really it is.  She’s the one who stayed home with us when we were little and sang to us, danced with us, read to us, played with us, and inspired a love for little people that she passed on to each one of us.  
     The song my sister and I were singing is from Sesame Street.  You might recognize it.
10 Facts about Advent I happened upon this article the other day, and it’s a great starting point for remembering what Advent is about.  Here’s a hint: it has nothing at all to do with the craziness of Black Friday, but is an important precursor to Christmas and the prelude to Good Friday.  The actual Advent wreath that Kevin and I have and will be putting out this weekend is a very special one that was made by a friend of ours who is hardcore about spreading hope.   

Run that by me again! Sunshine has a very active imagination.  Sometimes, I’m not sure right away if she’s telling me about something that has actually happened or if it’s another one of her pretend stories.  Either way, I try to listen closely and follow along.  Not too long ago, she told me that her grandma and grandpa don’t like rabbits, so she doesn’t either.  I had no way of verifying that, but since her grandparents do have a farm, I deduced it was at least possible.  This week, she was a good two minutes into her story before I figured out that we were in a real world with real people fairy tale.  What tipped me off?  Suddenly she was the one driving mommy and daddy’s van to go find her mom, who had left her at school while she went to Walmart.    

Last Night Kids concept of time is amusing.  Lately, Sunshine typically begins and/or ends each of her stories with “last night.”  This has occasionally helped me in the department of distinguishing fact from fiction, though, with her it can be a very convincing mix of the two.  Knowing that her parents had trouble with the minivan’s alarm going off by itself, I was incredibly impressed when in subsequent weeks, she spun a very animated, action-packed, high adrenalin story about a school bus needing to be fixed and babies crying because of a loud alarm that went off when a battery died.  Kevin was visiting us at the time and got to witness this based on a real life event story, and we were both amused and awed.  Just remember, your children are always recording audio and video whether you want them to or not.
The Cookie Caper Question I have a tendency to take things personally and assume that people think the worst of me.  Here’s a hypothetical situation that closely resembles my line of thinking: If Kevin were to ask me why cookies were being stolen from the cookie jar in a household of three or more individuals all capable of reaching the container, I would typically assume that he was informing me of a problem while at the same time accusing me of stealing the cookies and/or blaming me for not having a better system for keeping track of the baked goods in question even if this wasn’t at all his intent or line of thinking.  (Truth be told, I do find it very difficult to resist the urge to consume baked goodies when they are left out or easily accessible.) 
     Like most people, I prefer to be informed of a problem and asked questions rather than immediately accused of being the culprit when I’m just as likely a suspect as the next person.  If the cookies have some type of chocolate in them, it might be most efficient and also highly likely to assume that I have been one of the people responsible for the disappearance and consumption of some of the cookies.  Though it would be unfair and presumptuous to believe that I am the only guilty party involved in the case of the missing cookies, it isn’t unjust, given my appreciation for goodies, to think that I’m among the likely suspects…

     I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you are willing to share your holiday baked goods with whoever comes to call this Advent and Christmas.                  
Check out Jen Fulwiler’s tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday at her tremendously popular blog Conversion Diary

Friday, November 1, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 126) Birthdays, Joy, Saints, and the Blessing of Hope Edition

Grace is…realizing again that God has been answering prayers you prayed over a decade ago in miraculous and hope-inspiring ways, offering your prayer intentions at Mass for someone who is struggling in mind, body, and/or spirit, finding out something hurtful and frustrating happened completely due to a misunderstanding and both sides feeling much better once given the chance to clear the air, having hope when it could only mean having faith in God’s plans for your future even when He hasn’t made any of them clear to you, yet, having dinner and time to visit with three adorable little girls who are way cuter than any Disney Princesses…

All You Holy Men and Women, Pray for Us. This verse is part of the Litany of Saints that is often sung at Mass, reminding us that we are connected to all of those past, present, and future who have been open to the Lord’s love and grace moving in and through them.  I personally have found it extremely comforting to know that people throughout the ages from a very wide variety of backgrounds, time periods, socio-economic situations, abilities, skills, personalities, and passions are present each and every time we gather to celebrate the Eucharist.  Not only that, but we have a number of intercessors who will pray with and for us when our own measly prayers hardly seem adequate.   

My Sisters the Saints Can women with very different lifestyles focused on doing the Lord’s will above all else be companions, true guides, and sisters for women of today?  Absolutely!
     My Sisters the Saints illustrates the truth of the adage that you should choose your friends wisely because you will become like them in some interesting and unexpected ways. 
     The six saints most prominent in Colleen Carroll Campbell’s life and spiritual memoir are holy women also very dear to me: Teresa of Avila, Thérѐse of Lisieux, Faustina Kowalski, Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), Blessed Mother Teresa, and Our Mother Mary.  The concept of considering female saints as sisters is one I believe in and have embraced wholeheartedly.  For many years, I have felt a greater closeness to some of the saints and my sisters in Christ than I have sometimes shared with my two biological sisters.

     To read a complete review of this amazing book, click here.

The Saint that Is Just Me I first heard this song when John had Kevin and me over to his apartment for dinner one evening.  As has been the case with every single one of her songs, the lyrics which Danielle Rose always writes in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament resonate with me on a very deep level.  I’ve read a great deal about and by the saints, and most of the time, I have found it inspiring and uplifting.  Other times, I have gotten extremely discouraged when I see how I am eons away from having the sort of trust, devotion, faith, and dedication to God’s Will that they had.  
The Saint that Is Just Me is a perfect reminder that every single one of us is called to be a saint, meaning we are called by God to be holy, but that our sanctification and living out what the Lord calls us to often looks different from what it looks like for other people, even the saints.  If we conform our lives to Christ, then we will become the saint that the Lord wants us to be and knows we can be.  If we imitate the saints and try to become like then, we’re liable to end up failing miserably.  God doesn’t need another Blessed Mother Teresa, but He always needs people who are willing to use all of their mind, body, and spirit to serve Him in the unique ways and with the special set of talents with which He blesses us.  He loves you for who you are, where you are, and is calling you to holiness and sainthood. 

Birthday Blessings I tend to dread my birthday, not so much because it means I’m a year older, but more due to the fact that it makes me likely to take stock of my life and what I have or have not accomplished or done by the age that I am.  I received a beautiful, very loving card from my mom for my birthday and frequent reminders throughout the day (though she was out of town at a funeral) that having me in her life has brought her a great deal of joy.  My mother loves me, God loves me, my husband loves me, and so do many others.  That is enough to be grateful for. 

Honoring Our Departed Loved Ones Four years ago, I went by myself to an All Soul’s Day (November 2) service our parish had.  There were a number of people I added to the list of the faithful departed loved ones that year, my dad being just one of them.  I wasn’t sure how well I’d hold up, and really wished Kevin had agreed to come with me.  Being there and offering our sorrow and sadness to the Lord and having the courage to get up in front of others and speak a few words about the loved ones we’d lost recently was quite powerful.  So many friends and family members have lost loved ones this year.  It is my hope and prayer that they will also find comfort and courage that there is indeed life after this one, and that we will again be with those we love in the next life.  My grandmother passed away this last January.  I will be praying for her this evening and for all who are mourning the loss of loved ones.  This is the reflection I wrote about the All Soul’s Day service.
All that Matters is God’s Will, His timing, and His plan for our lives.  My husband continues to look for a
new job, and we are bracing ourselves as his severance package which includes our insurance coverage ends on November 12.  I have confidence that the Lord will lead Kevin to a job that is a better fit for him, more fulfilling, and incorporates more of his skills and talents, but his hope is running low the longer he waits.  He’s frustrated and angry that so many contradicting things are said and advised, and he’s not sure which to follow.  It’s easier for me to look at this situation and have faith that things will work out, because he’s a hard worker, fast-learner, awesome at customer service, great at sales, very gifted in a number of other areas, in addition to being a good, compassionate person...than it is for him to trust at this point.
     Our sometimes very different approach to things has again nudged me back to our spiritual memoir.  That and several reminders that the most fervent prayers I have prayed in years past have been those which the Lord placed on my heart.
Check out Jen Fulwiler’s tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday at her tremendously popular blog Conversion Diary

Friday, September 20, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 120)

From Womb to Tomb “My dear friends, you are called to care for human life from its beginning stages. Remind everyone, through actions and words, that in all its phases and at any age, life is always sacred and always of quality. It's not just a matter of faith, but of reason and science!” –Pope Francis
Heartstrings Michele Morris, my friend who entered a cloistered Carmelite monastery this past August, has been on my mind and heart a lot lately.  I’ve been wondering how she’s doing, then out of the blue I received an e-mail from her mom in which she included the following message for me from Michele: Hi, The glory bee you gave me has been adopted by all the Sisters.  Love, Hugs and Glory Bees........Michele” I’m taking this to mean that not only has the community been accepting of the little stuffed animal “glory bee” I gave her, but that they are also, and far more importantly, welcoming her warmly, lovingly, and enthusiastically into their fold. 

Can He? Could He? Would He? Did He? These are some of the lyrics to a catchy little song I learned and had to perform in front of the other teens and chaperones at a lock-in I attended with a Christian friend of mine back when we were in high school.  It seems a good time to get back to the basics, which I see as returning to ALL we have and ALL we need: God.  
     Kevin and I have both been feeling lost and wondering what’s next for us in pretty much every single area of our lives.  A major consolation is that there are some things we are sure of: 1.) we want to do God’s will 2.) we’re not quite sure what that entails as of yet, and 3.) we both need to be grateful that the Lord has brought us together and is bringing us closer to Him and one another (which is part of my prayer for the two of us every day).            
Walking with Mary My husband and I both relished the approachability, wisdom, and the subtle humor found throughout Walking with Mary: A Biblical Journey from Nazareth to the Cross. Edward Sri is a very knowledgeable, well-read, and engaged student of the Blessed Mother.  His approach is intriguing and far more compelling than a strictly academic study of Mary’s role in salvation history.

Walking with Mary is so insightful and inspiring that I read it twice.  I rarely reread a book unless I absolutely love it and/or really want to share it with my husband Kevin.  The second time through, I read Walking with Mary aloud to Kevin, and we were both fascinated by how author/professor Edward Sri explains the role of Mary in God’s plan for our eternal salvation through close examination of Old and New Testament Scripture passages from G-R (Genesis through Revelation).  A clearer picture and more in-depth explanation of the culture and customs of families and society in the time she lived are what really set this book apart from others about Mary, who is the ideal model for all Christ’s followers…Read more here.

Soap Suds This evening I finally did something Kevin and I have considered doing for 15+ years and had never gotten around to: I melted down the bar of soap we gave him with a tugboat in the middle of it.  My mom, sisters, and I presented this gift of soap with tugboat in it after Kevin had been so kind to take all of us out on his family’s boat while we were there visiting.  We chose this particular bar of soap from one of our favorite shops in Rochester, Parkleigh, because one of the times Kevin had taken us out on the boat, he’d been intent on finding a sunken tugboat he assured us was in the area.  None of us ever spotted it, so we hassled him by getting him this submerged tugboat soap.  I think it’s really adorable that he kept it all these years.  (Don’t worry he’s used lots of other soap since.)  We presented him with this gag gift before he and I were even dating.  Now I have unearthed the tugboat (the one pictured-isn't it cute?!), and it’s on one of our corner shelves along with some other items from soon after we first met and became friends.

My Mama Showed Me There have been a number of things that I’ve learned from how my mother has lived since we were little.  Praying, reading, writing, listening to God, respecting life from conception to natural death, finding joy in spending time with the young and the old, singing, dancing, laughing, having fun, being silly, hanging out with friends, and encouraging others are all important aspects of life I have learned from the way my mom lives her life.
Lord, I ask that you would inspire all parents, caregivers, nannies, child care providers…to take joy in the gift of their children, and turn to You for guidance and the unconditional love necessary to do what’s best for the little ones entrusted to our care. 
If you love little ones and are a person of prayer, see what you can do to support parents and young ones near you.
How to Listen so Kids Will Talk I read this book a while back as part of my training hours for the school where I work.  I know some of you are thinking that you’d really be more interested in finding out how to get kids to stop talking, but I have found this to be one of the very best books I’ve ever read in terms of listening.  I highly recommend getting a copy of this book to read and reread and read again.  Most communication problems have to do with people’s inability or unwillingness to listen.  This book covers the steps and necessary aspects of active listening.  If you want to improve your relationship with anyone—not just children—read this book and do what it says.  Actually, the companion to this book How to Talk To Kids so They Will Listen is a good read as well, but interestingly enough, it wasn't nearly as life-changing for me.  One of my favorite pieces of advice from the woman and her son who started Applebaum Training Institute is: "The more you connect, the less you correct."  It's so incredibly true!!  The more you connect, listen, and really interact with kids (and anyone else in your life), the more likely they are to listen to you and what you have to say.    
Check out Jen Fulwiler’s tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday at her tremendously popular blog Conversion Diary.

Friday, September 13, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 119)

Book Lovers Unite! I absolutely love, love, love books!  I read a whole stack of them while we were up in Rochester on vacation, and it was great!  I could enjoy each one, devour one after another, and I didn't have to write a single review.  I could just enjoy, write in my journal if I wanted, and open the next one in the stack.  There was one book in particular that I was especially taken by that I do believe I'll write a review of in the days to come.

Stuck in Neutral is a short Young Adult novel that is incredibly well-written, riveting, and thought-provoking.  It was serendipitous that I even came across the book.  I found it on the shelf of award-winning young adult novels in the used book shop they have in the library nearby the cottage.  I am always so incredibly excited to find truly well-written books I probably wouldn't have heard of had I not happened upon that little shop.  
Love is… Kevin cleaning up the kitchen after I spilled most of the smoothie I'd just made on myself, the cupboards and the floor, letting me go and change into pants and socks that weren’t spattered in mixed berry (I generally prefer to arrive at work not covered in stains, even if after 9+ hours with three small children make it virtually impossible that’s how I will leave).  Later in the day, Kevin came to visit me and the girls and brought me a huge smoothie, my favorite kind the Cherry Picker from Smoothie King (other than those I make myself and manage to consume without incident).
What's funny is that he went to get a blended coffee drink out that same morning and the girl working there told him she couldn't make it because they couldn't find the top to the blender.  Throughout the day, Kevin was calling me “Smoovie.”  A judge on America’s Best Dance Crew used to crack us up when she told people they were “smoove” as opposed to smooth.

All of the above made me think of one of many great quotes from the 1992 comedy movie My Cousin Vinny: “Oh yeah, you blend!”  Here’s the link to the movie clip.

How are you feeling?! Kevin and both I have both been feeling what he calls "grumbly." It's a combination of feeling crummy, grumpy, and like grumbling. He's feeling this way due to the job situation (he lost his job on Labor Day), and I am because I have the nasty cold/virus (whatever it is that the girls have been passing around) and by late afternoon, I feel pretty awful. At least Kevin and I are still kind and loving to each other and can make each other laugh from time to time. Lord, please continue to bless our mess!

God is Working Even Now I started singing a song by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir with these lyrics in it to Kevin the other day when he was telling me about having talked with someone who might be a good connection in his job search.  Kevin’s familiar with the song, and waited for me to finish singing: “God is working.  He’s still working.  God is working even now…” before he quipped: “Well, that’s good, cause I’m out of a job.”
Here’s the song and video in its entirety.  It’s a good one. I love me some Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir praise and worship music! 
Climbing to New Heights I knew the time would come and probably sooner than later for these two, but oh-my-goodness, watch the heck out, the twins are climbing and scaling stuff!  By the time I’ve taken one of their trays into the kitchen, someone’s usually standing up on the sofa or the recliner trying to launch herself over the top of it.  This week the twins have become proficient in climbing up into their highchairs, the recliner, the sofa, chairs, and if given the chance, will begin to scale them.  It’s time to batten down the hatches, put plug covers in every socket that isn’t being used, lock-up the poisonous substances, latch the heavy furniture to the walls, and thank the Lord for guardian angels. For the full scoop on the climbing phenomenon, the latest entry in My Nanny Diary, click here.

Snot Slingers Extraordinaire I’ve been sick this week with a nasty cold or virus.  It’s no fun being sick and having to take care of three little ones, two of whom are not only sick, but also teething.  I brought over a box of Puffs Plus tissues with lotion (we buy them in bulk), so my nose isn’t completely red and raw by the end of the day, just on its way to a Rudolph-like glow.  I wasn’t surprised that the girls didn’t respond any better to having their noses wiped with softer, gentler tissue than they usually do.  You’d think I was using sandpaper to wipe off their faces the way they protest.  If the neighbors aren’t familiar with young children, they probably think I’m actually torturing them by the way the scream and shriek like banshees when snuck up on or ambushed with a tissue.
The Lord gave me special grace this week and helped me through by having Kevin be available and willing to come hang out with us for a while even though we’re all extra snotty right now.  He’s always interested in hearing about the girls’ latest tricks and escapades, and he’s also been incredibly understanding when I get home in the evenings ready to collapse. 
I’ve found it humbling and entertaining that one little pumpkin has become quite adept at imitating the sounds with her mouth that I make when blowing my nose.  I’m glad my being snotty can somehow amuse and encourage her in her language/sound effects learning process.    

Walking with Mary A truly inspiring book came out this past week, and I am one of the bloggers on the Virtual Book Tour taking place at this time.  I will post my reflections of the book on Tuesday, September 17, so please check back.  For more info about Walking with Mary and to read the other reviews on the Blog Tour, click here.
Check out Jen Fulwiler’s tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday at her tremendously popular blog Conversion Diary.

Friday, August 9, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 114)


On that farm, he had a…I’ve been the lead teacher at school for a Nature Camp held for students who are between the ages of 2-6 this week.  We did a number of fun activities including: singing various songs such as “Old MacDonald Had a Farm,” reading some educational books, making a mobile from a branch, twine, wooden beads, and shells, using little bits of scrap paper and Modge Podge to decorate wooden frog shapes to which we added googly eyes on the front and a magnet on the back, taking a walk during which we collected items from nature that are no longer living in our paper lunch bags.  (Don’t worry.  That’s not where our lunches were.)  It was nice to be back at school with lots of kids and some really amazing adults.  Here’s a video clip involving Old MacDonald which Kevin told me about that made me laugh:
Is It Really Love? The lyrics of a French song I really like “Savoir Aimer” by Florent Pagny have been going through my head lately when I think about what genuine love is.  True love gives without wanting or asking for anything in return, even the hope of being loved.  There are no strings attached or conditions that need to be met in order for the giver to give love freely.  It’s just there.  No matter what.  It’s patient, steadfast, persistent, and doesn’t diminish or run out.  If it is even within my capability to give others such self-effacing, sacrificial love as this, it is only because this is the love the Lord gives to me, to each one of us every day.
Still a Bit Surreal Kevin and I have now gone out twice on his motorcycle.  Here’s photographic proof that I’ve been on the bike:

God’s Still Working Miracles Read this miraculous true story by USA TODAY’s Madeline Eversley about how a priest no one has been able to identify interceded on behalf of  a 19 year old girl in a tragic car accident no one thought she’d make it out of alive.  
Man to Man, Dad to Dad My father’s birthday has just passed and the anniversary of his death is tomorrow, August 10.  Around this past Father’s Day, I received a free copy of this book from Catholic Company, for reasons perhaps only the Holy Spirit can explain (I didn’t request it or order it), and though hesitant to read it and write a review, because I knew it would be a tough topic for me, I did read it, and this is my review...
I just read a book written by and for Catholic men called Man to Man, Dad to Dad: Catholic Faith and Fatherhood edited by Brian Caulfield, so I’ve been thinking about my own father and the role of fathers in general.  The funeral I attended recently for William Barrett Sr. reaffirmed that the best gift a father can give to his children are a dedication to the Lord that comes before all else, and a commitment to family that remains strong, loving, tried, and true... Read the rest here
How to Save a Life A few weeks ago, I was inspired to watch the video to a song I’ve liked for quite a while.  I was surprised to discover the lyrics aren’t what I thought they were.  It’s amazing how one word changes everything.  Because of some of the experiences I’ve had in my life with family and friends, I thought that the chorus to "How to Save a Life" by The Fray was:

“Where did I go wrong?
I lost a friend
Somewhere alone in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
cause I know how to save a life.”  

The actual lyrics are: “had I known how to save a life.”  This deeply moving music video contains a message that can save the life of someone you love.  I invite you to watch, listen, and learn, so perhaps you’re less likely to find yourself in the position of regretting that you could have saved a life and didn't.

For more information on suicide prevention, check out this info-packed website for the signs that someone might be suicidal and tips on how to help them.  Don’t ignore them.  Seek help and support for your loved one as well as yourself.  Suicide prevention is everyone’s business!

A Life-giving Birthday Gift Since my mom has learned and done so much over the years to help give people life, I figured a good present for her now that she is a grandma is Infant First Aid and CPR classes.  
     My mom’s been very involved in the respect life movement (from womb to tomb) for a number of years.  Among many other things, she has kept vigil with those who have lost their will to live, visited the sick and home-bound, given shelter to the homeless, fed the hungry, cared patiently and gently for those who are imminently dying, comforted those who are in mourning, prayed for an end to abortion, supported unwed mothers and helped them get the resources they need, fought doctors and anyone else who has refused to recognize the sanctity and dignity of every human life, shared the Gospel with others…
     Pretty much the only life-giving/saving activity I could think of to add to her repertoire is a couple courses on what to do in the event that a physical emergency arises in which she could be the one to keep her grandson or another young person alive.  I was impressed with the class I took through this company.  If you haven’t been trained in Infant or Adult First Aid and CPR or could use a refresher, I encourage you to check out Enjoy CPR.  
Check out Jen Fulwiler’s tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday at her tremendously popular blog Conversion Diary.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Pirates Who Get into Everything (My Nanny Diary)

Sometimes Vivi calls me Captain Trisha, and I’m fine with that.  “The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything” is a wonderful Veggie Tales song and hilarious full-length movie which Kevin and I have counted among our favorites for quite some time.  I’ve made up a dance to the song that I do with the five and under crowd at school, particularly on rainy days when we can’t go out on the playground.  It’s one of the classic Veggie Tales songs on the CD Vivi requests we listen to daily, sometimes multiple times a day. 
The three girls have had a blast playing with their new water table, which is a pirate ship complete with a mast.  (Hopefully, it won’t confuse them later on that it’s best not to let your boat fill up with water).  I’ve decided that the girls are the pirates who get into everything, but who act as if they haven’t done anything.  It is amazing all of the things they manage to get into while inside, outside, even upside down.  For further details about our pirate-y adventures, check out Treasure Chest Surprises (My Nanny Diary).

Yesterday, when there were a plethora of water toys available, Livie decided to pull the pinwheel out of the planter.  I let her carry it around.  She even tried to blow on it to get it to spin.  As soon as she put the dirty wooden part in her mouth, I took it and showed her how to blow the pinwheel.  She took it back and was walking around the deck trying at random to get it to spin around. 
 At one point, Sophie got the pinwheel.  She was playing with it for less than 60 seconds before she put the dirt-covered wooden part in her mouth.  This occurred after she disassembled the pinwheel and tossed part of it into the garden.  I took the pinwheel and the dirt-encrusted stick to the trash only to turn around, and find Sophie sucking on the wooden pin that had been holding the toy together.  I thought it was lost forever in the garden, but apparently not.  In her defense, it looked a lot like a lollipop made of wood.    
I find it amusing that Vivi and the girls are so into Jake and the Never Land Pirates.  Her grandma got her purple sweatpants, a pink shirt, a little pouch, a pink bandanna, and brown boots so she can dress up as Izzy.  I lost count how many times we read the book The Croc Takes the Cake today.   
I can still vividly remember the two children (a 5-year-old girl and her 3-year-old brother) I babysat regularly when I was in high school.  The two of them absolutely loved Disney’s animated Peter Pan.  They were thrilled dressing up and pretending they were the characters, reading the books, watching the movie, and singing the songs. 
When I nannied for “my two little guys,” both of their parents got some books in French for me to read to the boys.  I was quite tickled that the two French books the boys requested that I read the most often both involved pirates.  In one, a grandmother is kidnapped by pirates, and her grandchildren have to go rescue her.  In the other, the main character of the book is the daughter of the most famous pirate in the world; she has to travel with a crew of pirates to different places around the globe on a scavenger hunt that leads her to the best treasure of all.  
Both books are actually pretty hilarious, so I was happy to read them over and over and over again.  I had to change the words at the end of one book after the first time I shouted them out before realizing exactly what was being said.  When we reached the end of Grandmère et Les Pirates which said “Mon dieu, ou est passé le bateau?!” I replaced it with a new beginning of oh  là  ! followed by the French equivalent of (where’s the ship gone?!).

I was given most of the books in French after taking care of the boys since neither set of parents spoke the language, but they hung onto the favorite ones.  I’d like to get those two books again to have as part of the collection I have at home to bring to work and/or school to share with kids.
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