Showing posts with label vivienne butterfly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vivienne butterfly. Show all posts

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Pretty Pastels … To Give Your Poor Eyeballs A Rest!!!!

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Hi there peepsand hope you are all okayon this rather grey Tuesday.

Before we get to the card today, I must announce who the winner was from my ribbon giveaway last week, and it is ….


… you Bhawana :)

Please email me your address details chick and I'll pass them on to Mary and hugest thanks to The Ribbon Girl for their sponsorship xxx

And now it's that time of the week when we nip overand check out what's happening with the Papertake Weekly crew and this week, as it's the last challenge of the month, it’s time for a sketch and …….

sketch #67

… it's this one here.

And we are sponsored today by those fabulous people across the pond, Simon Says Stamp so if you get a chance, nip over and check it all out.

And this ……

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… is what I did.

The image is from Saturated Canary and she's called Hand Me Downs, awwww :)

I  coloured her with Copics in these colours -

Skin – E000, E00, E11, E21, R00, R20

Hair – E42, E43, E50, E81

The rest – B05, R85, RV0000, RV000, RV00, RV10, YG0000, YG00, YG03

The pretty papers are from the Perfect Pair collection by Nitwits

And talking of Nitwits, have you seen ….

… this :)

If you want the deets, nip over here and check it all out.

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I did something a bit different with this pretty Vivienne Butterfly.

I added a Wild Orchid Crafts bloom and some pearly spray things for antennae which you can only just about see!!

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The bow is made from 15mm gingham from The Ribbon Girl and I added a tiny heart button which I found in my stash.

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The inside is decorated to match the front which can only mean one thing!!

It’s looking for a new home and is now on sale on ebay – you can see it here.

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So that’s me done for today.

I’ll be back tomoz when we will be nipping back across the pond to catch up with the Simon Says girlies.

Have a fabby day and huggiest of hugs to all xxx

Tuesday 3 April 2012

What A Day – And Best Get Your Shades!!!!!!!


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Hi there sweet peeps and hope you are all OK today :)
It’s blowing a storm here at the mo and it’s gone so cold, brrrr!!

 Well I have had 2 nightmare days with my printer but more in a sec cos before all that it’s time to head over to Papertake Weekly where this week

Anything Goes

with the option of doing a monotone colour theme.

We are sponsored by

Lili Of The Valley

And they have given us a …

so nip and check it all out peeps if you get a sec :)

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So instead of being Mrs Predicable, I thought I’d go for a colour I very rarely use and it’s BRIGHT for sho, but I really like it!!!

The pic is also a bit grainy so apols there but like I said, it’s been one of them there days!!

The image is  Lili of The Valley Milly Just For You and I coloured her in these  Copics -

Skin – E000, E00, E11, E21, R00, R20

Hair – E43, E50, E81

The rest – G99, YG0000, YG00, YG03, YR0000, YR00, YR04, YR07, YR16. TR68

The papers are from Nitwits

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I just couldn’t resist using these dies again.

They are  Darla Butterfly and Vivienne Butterfly dies and both are from Simon Says Stamp. Don’t they look nice together especially when you put a darker colour underneath.

Loving it :)

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And speaking of loving it, I am loving this fab ribbon. 

It’s 15mm Orange No 57 Small Check Gingham and I added a small spotty button – both are from The Ribbon Girl.

You can buy them singly or they are also part of the orange mini ribbon kit …..


… and it’s chock full of orange yumminess and is great value:)

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So there’s the card done – a little later than I expected but we got there in the end.

So why the nightmare?

Well it’s all because of this …..


… bad boy here.

It’s my printer – well not my actual printer but a pic of the same one.

I was finishing off printing out some stuff for card club yesterday and smack bang in the middle of it all, it said that I needed to change to cartridge.  So I did, but then it would not calibrate and I had a devil of a job to get it going again. Then the cartridge cradle jammed and I was covered in ink trying to sort it. But I did sort it and off it went again and finished the printing.


Off I went to card club and back I came and went to print the paper for my card today (not that I am last minute!!). Well talk about wishy washy. I ran a test page and it said that I needed to change the cartridge.


I only did that yesterday you fooly Alec printer!!!!! . But change it again I did and then recalibrated it again for super safety and I cleaned it like I always do. Still it printed all wishy washy. The only way I could get anything out of it was to print on ‘best’ setting which uses shed loads of ink and is so slooooooooooooooooooow.

Now my printer gets some hammer peeps. I do all my commission on it, all my workshops on it and all my photographs on it.  So I would be bankrupt pretty soon if I kept on printing that way. So I have come to the conclusion that I am going to have to get a new one.

I am gutted.

I got this printer in 2002 (it was probably state of the art back then ) and it has been fantastic. It has printed out almost 9000 pages in it’s life and it owes me nowt. It has been reliable up until the last few months when it has had the odd hissy fit / senior moment, as it is probably entitled to do. So I am now on the hunt for something as good as this one has been. I do have a laser printer but the papers look so much better on the old ink jet.

Any suggestions would be gratefully received xxx

So on that note I am off to get me dinner – Chinese takeaway (oooohh ya lazy mare!!). I’ll see you tomorrow so until then, have a fab night and huggiest of hugs to all xxx

Saturday 31 March 2012

Twisting My Melon Man!!!

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Hi there lovely peeps and happy Saturday to y’all :)

I’m a day late with the old card because I had to take his Lordship for physio and it took longer than we thought and  then we got ‘Kyla’d’  so it all sort of went out of the window yesterday.

So anyway this is my card for this week’s Just Magnolia and hAnglar & sTanglar challenge and this week our theme is


We are sponsored today by the best ribbon gals in the biz and of course I mean …

.. so nip across and have a mooch if you get a sec :)

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So this is what I did.

I went for Spring colours and thought I’d do something different from my usual 6x6 and so I went for a twisted easel card. Well twisted was about right because they are the easiest peasiest cards in the word to make,  but I simply  cannot take a decent pic of them to save my life. By the end of it my lot were very nearly calling the cops because I was quite frankly incensed with it lol!!!

So apols lovely peeps  :(

I used Watercan Tilda and coloured her with these Copics -

Skin -  E000, E00, E11, E21, R00, R20

Hair – E42, E43, E50, E81

The rest – C00, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, G99, R85, RV0000, RV00, RV10, YG0000, YG00, YG03

The papers are all from Nitwits .

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I used a Magnolia Lovely Fence Die and chopped it up … like you do!!!

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The butterfly was made using 2 Memory Box dies.

The bottom layer is Darla Butterfly and the top is Vivienne Butterfly. They look nice together I think and these dies cut like a dream. All the dies here today are available from Simon Says Stamp.

The beautimous bow was made 38mm Pink/White Striped Grosgrain from The Ribbon Girl :)

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Ohh this pic is dreadful.

So much cloning going on in the background to hide the paper joins that it looks filthy, cry cry!! But hopefully you can see how it is all set up.

Like I said,  taking these pics really was twisting my melon and majorly!!! . So I thought that I’d share a bit of melon twisting  Happy Mondays with you seeing as it’s Saturday and the lovely Miss Marcea does her Music Saves My Soul thing today. So I’ll leave you with a very young Sean Ryder and if you get to about the third minute you’ll see a very young Bez  complete with shed loads of specs (why??? who knows – not even him I suspect!!) strutting his stuff. 

I love Bez and I’ll let you into a little secret here …. many moons ago when I was a fair old bit younger than I am now, I used to do a very good Bez  impression when I’d had a few!!!!! Truly it must have been a sight to behold (not)!!

I tried to teach Kyla to do the freaky dance thing when she was about 2 but she just used to look at me like I was completely off my rocker :) Mmm well she may have had a point there!!

So enjoy the Mondays, even though it’s Saturday - at least we got the ‘happy’ bit right!!

See you next week  loveliest of peeps and have the best weekend.

Huggiest of hugs to all xxxx