Showing posts with label stamping up punch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stamping up punch. Show all posts

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Spotty Stripey Kiki!!

Yes it's Danny's sister, Kiki.

Sweet Kiki la Rue to be exact and how cool is that name!! And such a sweet image as well.

So she is the star of my Papertake Weekly card - I cannot believe how quickly this last week has gone.

Our challenge this week is Spots n Stripes and there is a fab $25 voucher up for grabs to spend on stash galore at Simon Says Stamp.

And this is my card, full of spottiness and stripeyness lol xx

Miss Kiki was coloured and blinged with the dynamic duo that are PMs and Glamour Dust. And there is a bit of paper piecing going on as well cos I wanted her to match the DP

And if you want a Kiki of your own, nip over to the fabbidoodles Dies To Die For

The blooms and spacer beads are also from Dies To Die For.
Don't you just love that colour!!!

The papers are Pink Petticoat and the spotty grosgrain ribbon is from the lovely Mich at Poppicrafts.

The little sentiment is from a Woodware set.

So there ya go!!

I'm on a bit of a flyer again cos it is my mother in law's birthday today and her card is 'work in progress' still (slap slap!!)

She and my dad were born on the same day same year and my dad died when he was 64 but he would have been 83 today. I can't imagine him that age at all, it's quite weird really.

So tonight we are going for dinner at MILs house. Richard's brother and family are coming up and he is cooking, so a night away from the stove for me - wooohoooo!!!!

So I best get the card finished. I think Mr Mojo is playing silly beggars at the mo so he better sort himself out pdq.

Maybe some cheese on toast will help first lol xxx

Have a great day and see ya very soon.

Tuesday 6 October 2009

2 Little Dickie Birds & Lotsa Pics :)

Ok, they are not so little but I couldn't think of anything catchier than that for my title!!! When I first saw these images I fell in love with them cos they are quirky and a bit different.

A bit like me I suppose lol xxx

I have to say that I have something else in common with them as well. I'd like to say that it's the long legs. But sadly, that little fantasy exists purely in my head cos the reality is that they are 3 x 4 legs.

But we are both pink lol xxx

So over at Papertake Weekly it's time for another sketch -

- it's this one here.

And as we are being sponsored again by the lovely Kathe from TAC, all the images we've used this week have come from her, and they are gorgeous.

I really liked 2 of the fabulous flamingo images and I could not decide which one to use. So I did 2 cards. I kept to the same papers and colours cos I quite like seeing how different you can make them look using the same stuff.

This is the first one.

I added a cheeky bit of decoupage on her skirt to make it look like she was really doing the hula - or doing lots of hip action as they say on Strictly !!! And there's a bit of Stickles action going on as well!!!

The blooms are a mix of ones I won from Simon Says Stamp and Papermania and there's a scrap of me fave ribbon there as well.

It's a bit like a hobo that bow, cos it goes from card to card to card lol xxxx

The gingham paper is Mad About Cards and the pale pistachio is one I made up in Paint. The sentiment is TAC and the punch is SU which I got from my fab teamie Mandy.

Pardon us for looking up yer skirt chick, but it' a better way to see the dimension.

So that is my first card.

All together now - she wore an itsy witsy teeny weeny lime green polka dot bikini :)xx Sorry about that peeps cos I just realised that I've probably reminded you all of the gurning weirdo that is Timmy Mallet.

So anyway, this is the second card.

The blooms are from the very wonderful Poppicrafts and the ribbon was from the US of A and sent over lovingly by one of my fab friends who shall remin nameless, but she knows who she is xxxx

I made the green spotty paper by overprinting a sheet of the pale pistachio card I made with some black spotty paper from Pink Petticoat's Blooming Doodles collection (love this one).

And just when you thought you'd seen the last of Martha Stewart's finest on here, one pops up again. You didn't think I'd gone off them did you!!

And that's the last card.

Which is your fave? I have to be honest and say that I cannot pick cos I quite like them the same really.

And that's me done for today. Nip over if you get a sec and see what the PTW girlies have done with the sketch and the images - fabulous team cardage I think.

Have a great day and I hope that the weather is nicer where you are than here. Sadly though I fear it isn't (unless of course you are reading this from somewhere warm and exotic).

See ya soon xxxx

Wednesday 9 September 2009

Paperlate Weekly :(o

Ohh I am sooo late getting this on here. What a palaver!!! Between power cuts, kids and work, I tell you peeps I had a complete nightmare yesterday.

Anyway it's done now.

So this lil cutie is having her first airing and she is Susanne, one of the new Boefje stamps which are now available at Dies To Die For (there's loads of other new stuff in as well).

Check out the rest of the range here, and if someone could tell me how to pronounce Boefje, I'd be ever so grateful (I thought it might be something like Buffy, but I'm probably wrong lol xxx)

But however you say it she is verrry sweet I think. I used her for our challenge over at Papertake Weekly which this week is a sketch .......

... this one here.
Nice and straightforward and simple - just like me :)

But I think there's a lot of scope with this one which isn't immediately obvious and I have to say that this is one I'll use again and again.

And this is what I did with it.

Unlike most of the work I put on here, this is actually for someone (you probably could tell that and you probably worked out that it's for Erin lol!!)

You also probably worked out that she's been coloured and sprinkled with PMs and Glamour Dust as well.

I got the white satin ribbon at The Paper Mill Shop and it was £3.99 for 22 metres. We used it for card club on Monday and there is still loads left.

Most of the papers are PP, but I don't know where the pink gingham is from, sorry peeps. And there's the SU scalloped punch back again, which I got from the lovely Mandy :)

I used some American Crafts Thickers (Hobbycrap, I THINK) and gave them the bling treatment. As there wasn't enough space to put the dot on the 'I', I used a little pink gem instead.

The teeniest bit of dimension and it's done.

There is a great prize up for grabs this week and some totally fab DT cards, as always, so nip over and have a nosey when you get a sec :)

And have a great day. I am just waiting for the farmer to come and sort our septic tank out (soz to anyone who happens to be eating!!) and there is a heap of stuff to do for work so that's my day sorted!!! I am living the dream today for sure lol xxx

I might get chance later tonight to have a bit of a crafty half hour, but we'll see. I could seriously do with a few more hours in the day at the mo!!

See ya soon xxxx

Sunday 30 August 2009

Our Second Anya Challenge xxx

I can't believe how quick this week has gone cos it's time for our second Anyone For Anya challenge.

I used Hope & Grace - I'm never sure which one is which but they are both so sweet, and they are available over at the very wonderful Dies To Die For, along with lots of other fab stuff :)xx

I coloured her with the usual pair of fabsters that are my PM pens and a dash of Glamour Dust and I gave her a little bow and a cute button both of which were lying about on my craft table - what a messy madam lol xxx.

The last challenge of every month is going to be a sketch challenge and it is the last challenge of August.......

.... so here's the sketch :)

And here's the card.

The papers are Nitwits and PP and the ribbon was from The Paper Mill Shop. The button was salvaged from something I was chucking out and I threaded some thin strips of paper through it.

That gorgeous scalloped edge is courtesy of my new border punch. I am just loving this new little fella. It's a SU punch and my wonderful teamie over at PTW Mandy can sort you out with one in no time at all xxxx

And there ya go :)

If you get a sec do nip over and check out the AFA blog - there's some amazing work on there.

Have a fabulous bank holiday Monday. We're off to Tatton Park tomorrow but right now I'm off to rest my weary stomach cos we've been out to lunch and as usual I have lived up to my piggy name. So I am totally and utterely stuffed.

Diet tomorrow :(

Hugs to all xxxx