Showing posts with label I2I blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I2I blog. Show all posts

Saturday 21 April 2012

Blue & Green Should Deffo Be Seen :)

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Good morning peeps and a very happy Saturday to everyone xxx

I thought I’d  share this card that I made for the Lili of The Valley Ideas To Inspire blog using this sweet image called

Time For A Cuppa

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I coloured her with Copics and these are the colours I used …..

Skin – E000, E00, E11, E21, R00, R20

Hair -  E50

The rest – B0000, B000. B00, B05, B12, E50, E81, R85, YY0000, YG00, YG03

The papers I used are all from Nitwits and are from the FQB From The Sea collection.

And talking about Nitwits (no I have done something daft again, although I’m sure it’s only a matter of time), the ever so lovely Mary Fran has asked me to join their DT and I thought about it for ohhh maybe a nano second before I said YES PLEASE cos I do love their proddies and use them heaps :)

Thank you so much  for asking me Mary Fran xxx

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Now to another lovely Mary, our very own fab Ribbon Girl,  cos that is where this beautimous  pencil striped ribbon is from.

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These gorge blooms are all from Wild Orchid Crafts  …..

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… and I decorated the inside to match the front so that means that this is now for sale…

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… on ebay :)

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So that’s the card done.

I just thought that I’d pop something on here about the old piccies I do because I get asked about them quite a bit and I just did a little article for a mag about it recently.  So I hope that this may be of use to you :)

My camera is a cheapo Samsung 12.2 m pixel point and shoot thingie (none of your fancy DSLR  mega expensive fancy do dahs, or whatever the chuff they are called). I did have a fancy Olympus years ago and it was good but then technology got ahead of it and it got to the point where my old mobile phone was better!!!. So I decided to sell it and get a new one. This camera cost me nearly £700 back in 2003 and when I tool to the camera shop in 2010 it was worth a whopping …. £50!!! So it was a case of  getting a cheap and cheerful one. My Emma had a Samsung and she thought it was just the job for what she wanted so I got one as well……

…… and it is just the job :)

The other thing I use is one of these ….

Portable Soft Lighting Studio

.. bad boys.

It’s called  a portable soft lighting studio (verry posh!!) and it costs ….. are you ready for this? £14.99 from Maplins (hi de hi lol!!) . You can see them here.  I did post about it I think when I first got it so apols if you’ve read about it before peeps.

I lined mine with brilliant white paper and you could change the paper to match the card you are photographing if you wanted to,  but I’m  just basically too bone idle to beggar about like that!!!  Also, if you have to take your pics in the evening, the white paper works well with a daylight lamp.  Honestly, it is worth it’s weight in gold and it’s as cheap as chips!!!.

The editing software I use is a free download called Photoscape and you can see it here. I do have Photoshop as well but this is the one I use most of the time and I’ve found it to be pretty good for what I need it for.

So I hope that this has been helpful sweet peeps. 

I have a couple more cards to share that I haven't put on here as yet so if I get a sec, I’ll bob them on here tomorrow. See you soon if not sooner and have a fabulous weekend.

Huggiest of hugs to all xxx