Showing posts with label Thea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thea. Show all posts

Tuesday 9 October 2012

My Winner Is ……. (Plus A Little Update)

Hi there peeps and hope that you are all OK today.

I don’t have a card to share – more in  a sec – but I do have a winner from last week’s Papertake Weekly 5 Year Bash and that lucky girlie is ……..


… you Stephanie W

So what did I have as my giveaway then?

My giveaway was sponsored by the sweetness that is Sue over at


Craftwork Cards

and the prize is …


… one of the gorgeous Memory Lane Project of the Month kits :)

Please can you email me at along with your deets and I will pass them on to Sue who will send out your prize.

Thank you to Sue and everybody at Craftwork Cards for sponsoring  us and to everybody who joined in last week xxx

Now you may have noticed that  I’ve been a bit quiet on here recently and the cardage has been very hit and miss.

The reason has been that my aunty has been really ill. She has cancer and has had the worse time if it these last 18 months. You may remember that I said that my uncle had died suddenly (the post is here). Since then, her health has gone downhill. She was told back in early 2011 that she had bladder cancer but it had been successfully treated. Then just before he died in the May 2011 she was told that they thought it had returned, and all the worry of it caused my uncle’s ulcer to bleed which is why he died. Well following his death, they told her that it wasn't cancer after all, but residual scarring from previous treatments. Then she began to get really unwell and they admitted to hospital and they discovered that it was in fact the cancer after all. So they operated and although it was thought that the cancer had been dealt with, she ended up not being able to walk for months and months because of an after effect of the epidural.

Eventually after nearly 3 months in there, she got home but had to use sticks and a frame to get about (she was very active before all this). But after a very short time at home, she started being unwell again. They could not make up their minds what her problems were but had done scans etc and she was reassured that there was no sign of any cancer. Well in June this year, she was re-admitted again and has suffered in the most awful way ever since. Again they did all kinds of tests but once again we were told that there were no signs of cancer. But she has been so ill and we have just been doing what we could to make her life a bit more bearable, which in truth has not been that much.

In truth, as a society we would not allow an animal to suffer like she has but that’s another issue.

So this has been going on in the background but I could not say anything because she was still reading my blog. Then on September 20th we were told that this residual scarring was in fact cancer after all and that they could do no more for her. How I got through the demoing at Rosemary's I don’t know but I did, and hope that nobody noticed anything untoward. Some people would have been bitter  about all the messing about, but she hasn't been. She just said that there wasn’t anything she could do but to just get on with it, but she aged 20 years overnight.  The one thing she wanted was to just go home to die in her own 4 walls and we have been fighting for this to happen. On Saturday she got her wish and was so upset when she got back because I think she thought she would never see her home again.

The Macmillan nurses have been in – they are amazing – and the family have been with her 24/7 – we are doing a rota and taking it in turns.  She looks desperately unwell but for all that, the stress and worry that was in her face when she in hospital has gone and I think she is finding some peace from being at home. The end for her isn't far away now,  the nurses think days at the most - so all we can do now is make sure she is as comfy at she can be under the circumstances, and hope that  she goes peacefully. It’s also so sad when we take the kids to see her, because as frail as she is, she gives them extra hugs – as much as she can - because I think she is wondering if that will be the last time she sees them. I am dreading it because this lady has had my back from the day I was born and she is  the last link I have to my Mum (she is her only sister) and my beloved Grandparents. But that said, it has been hell watching her go through all of this so it will be a blessing that at last, her suffering will be over.

So the old mojo has taken a bit of a battering and I can’t really think about making cards right now  and to be honest it’s been a struggle for a few weeks.   I’m sure it will come back but for now, I have to just have to concentrate on what’s going on elsewhere.

I’ll be back soon as soon but I don't know when that is likely to be right now. My teamies have been fab, and I have to say a huge thank you to Lols because she has been there with the moral support and offers of practical help for the last few months xxx

I want to end this post with a smile because life is all about balance and there is always something to smile about. So I’ll  leave you with a pic done recently of  Thea who is nearly 5 months old now

photo spikey

Check out that punky hair do and cheeky smile :)  Not the  best pic of her perhaps, but it is cute I think.

Take care sweet peeps and huggiest of hugs to all xxx

Sunday 5 August 2012

Pink & Pretty (Just For A Change!!)


Morning lovely peeps and hope you are all OK and having a nice weekend. At least the weather seems to have behaved itself and the sun  is actually out bright and early here today. Not sure if it will last though?

As  it’s the first Sunday of the month, it’s time to catch up with what’s happening over at

The Ribbon Girl Blog

and our challenge this month is actually a bingo challenge ….

… and here is your card :)

There are 2 fab prizes up for grabs.

Firstly, a £10 gift voucher to spend in The Ribbon Girl Shop …

and there’s also a Lili of The Valley stamp of your choice as well :) …..

2 verrry good reasons indeedy to play along don’tchya think sweet peeps xxx

So, what did el Piggy do?

Well I know that nobody likes a show off, but …

 Picture 001 copy  

… I did ‘em all!!!

I sort of set myself a challenge to see if I could and I think I just about managed it!!!

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The cute lil image is Snow Queen from Lili of The Valley and I used the following Copics -

Skin – E0000, E000, E00, E11, R00, R02

Hair – E15, E31, E33, E34, E35, E29

The rest – N0, C2, E50, RV0000, RV000, RV00, R85, Y21. Y28, Y38

Just for a change I’ve made a shopping list at the end of the post with pics of all the products I’ve used and they are all hyperlinked to take you straight to the right places :)

In the meantime, here’s some more pics for you.

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A button, bow, twine and charm.

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2 pretty blooms and a die cut  which I chopped down!!

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Lace, ribbon and some pretty pink sugar and spice pearls

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A perfect sentiment and a couple more die cuts!!!
I know these are ferns but I think they look fab for Christmas cards as well.

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So that’s what I did.

I wasn’t too unpleased with how it turned out but I wish I could take better pics when I do a base card other than the usual 6 x 6. I never seem to get it quite right!!!

Here’s what I used -

From The Ribbon Girl -

170439-mini-makes-pink       215801-ivory        163415-sugar-and-spice-pearls


215923-pinkcherryblossom             105106-Diamante-Daisies


From Nitwits -




From Which Craft -



From Simon Says Stamp -


And last but by no means least, the sentiment is from the Pink Petticoat Heartfelt Christmas Sentiments collection (sorry there wasn't a pic ).

Did you all watch the Olympics last night? I tell you, I was nearly hoarse from cheering on Mo Farrah - that last lap was beyond exciting. Makes you proud to be British and isn’t Mo a nice man. Hugest congrats to our athletes – what an amazing night it was.

It topped off a very nice day yesterday.

I’d gotten Richard a driving experience day for his birthday last year so we went there first, and he really enjoyed it but at least we know now that if we ever win the lottery, we won’t be buying a Ferrari (unless Tom Selleck – drool drool - is included and then I will have  to have one just to look at) !! Apparently they are tricky beggars to drive – funny gears by all accounts!!   Then we went out for a nice late-ish lunch before getting back home and just flopping on the couch and watching the telly with a Bulmer's Red Cider (Rich, who doesn't normally drink ) and a glass of chilled vino (moi, who normally does)!!.

Not long now before my little sausages are back and I am missing them so much, and Emma sent me this pic of the baby yesterday in her sun hat …..

thea in spain

…awww bless her little heart.

One eye looks like it’s going to close but she still looks sweet (I know I am biased). She’s nearly 10 weeks old now  and she’s all chubby cheeks and hair (you can’t see the hair cos of the hat but she hasn't lost any). And Kyla is such a lovely big sister to her – there has been no jealousy and considering she has been on her own for 6 years she has coped really well with the little interloper. I am so proud of that kid.

So on that doting soppy granny note,  I am off to finish off the colouring for the next lot of LOTV sneak peeks ( they are just adorable) and also finish the prep for my classes at the LOTV open day next Saturday.

Enjoy your Sunday whatever you are doing and if you get a sec, nip over and check out the challenge because the DT cards are amazing. I am so honoured to work with such talent, I can tell you.

I’ll see you in the week so until then, huggiest of hugs to all xxx

Monday 4 June 2012

The Wanderer Returns!!!

Hi there peeps and hope that you are all OK and enjoying the Jubilee Celebrations – even if the weather let us all down!!!.

It’s been a mad old week with one thing and another here – more in a sec!!

But it’s a day of firsts here today and the first ‘first’ is the brand new challenge over at The Ribbon Girl Blog – or rather it’s the first card I’ve done for the challenge.

This is going to be held on the first Sunday of the month and is going to be really popular I think  :)

To kick off the first one, we just want you to use ribbons and lace – it’s as simple as that. And there are some gorgeous cards to be seen from the DT so nip over and have a mooch if oy get a sec.

There’s a ….

…up for grabs, PLUS…. 

Ribbon Girl red ribbon kit, PLUS ……

… a stamp of your choice from Lili Of The Valley

It’s prize-tastic peeps!!!

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So this is my card for the challenge and I think you’ll agree that it is not at all like me ie there’s no image and it isn’t square.

I based this on the most gorgeous card I saw somewhere a while ago and it  was so fab that just stuck in my head.  I cannot for the life of me remember where I saw it though, but I cased the layout from it so big ups to whoever that oh so clever girlie was  and if I find out whilst on me travels,  I will of course credit her cos it would be naughty not to.

The base is  made from kraft card and the pretty gingham is from the Nitwits Grin n Bear It collection. 

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The bow was made from 32mm Deep Rose Pink Pure Silk ribbon– pure gorge – and I topped it off with a button from …..


… this pack. Its a 10g pack of pearl buttons and every one of them fab.

The heart was cut using a Magnolia Heart Tag die and there’s the good old  Magnolia leaf and swirl die again – well the swirl bit at any rate!! Both are from Simon Says Stamp.

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I gathered up some 32mm Cream Fine Vintage Style Scallop Edge Flower Lace and then added a strip of Ivory Pleated 5/8" Satin Ribbon topped off with some of these…..


… sugar and spice pearls .

They are from The Ribbon Girl, as is all the ribbon and lace.

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The doily (or half a doily!!)  I have had for years – my mum gave them to me and she died in 2003 so that’s how long ago it was!!!

And of course, the sentiment was printed onto SAFMAT Self-Adhesive Printing Film which I got from Simon Says Stamp.

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So there we are, all done with my card for today.

You probably gathered that I have been AWOL for a week and if you read the last post on here, you probably guessed why. Well here she is, this is my second ‘first’ cos this is the first time she has appeared on here (it wont be the last I am sure of that).

Meet …….


… Thea Lauren (pronounced Tay-ah).

Awww, bless her – and she is so good as well. Kyla is being a wonderful big sister to her …..

New Image

… and is being such a good help to Mummy too (!!!).

You’ll have to excuse her tatty bed head here but this was the first bottle of the day and she hadn’t had time to brush it in her quest to help!!!! Oh don’t we all remember the un-brushed hair bit girls – or was that just me!!!

Anyway they are all OK and the baby is settling in well. It does seem strange having another baby around – even if she isn't around if you get my drift. With Kyla, she was here all the time and I realise now how lucky I was and what a privilege it was to have had such an input in her first few weeks of life – not to mention the next 4 years as well.

Best not leave Mum & Dad out had I!!!!

Dad & Thea 2dp         mummy cuddles

How well does my Emma look!! The  baby was not 2 days old on that pic and she looks amazing.

Right enough of the doting Grandma bit. I’m off to get some more bits and bobs done, including doing some work with the brand new LOTV release. I can’t give too much away, natch, but I will just say CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!!

But before I go, have you checked out ……

.. this over at the LOTV Ideas To Inspire Blog yet?

You only have one more day so if you haven’t already, nip over and have a look peeps – don’t miss out on this whatever you do!!

Right I’ll be off and will see you tomorrow.

Huggiest of hugs to all xxx