Showing posts with label hobby house. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hobby house. Show all posts

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Don't Faint!!!!!

Howdy there possums and hope you are all ok xx

The prodigal pig returns and shock horror, I have actually made something. Well this isn't strictly true cos I have been making lots of stuff but nothing that I could really blog.

So what has dragged me back to the land of the crafty then?

Well it's that time of the week when we nip over and check out what's happening over at Papertake Weekly and this week we have our very popular

Anything Goes

challenge.  And as always there's an optional extra if you want a bit of a challenge and this week our option is to make a Halloween treat holder. But of course you don't have to if you don't want to.

Our fab DT have made some lovely stuff  as always, so if you get a sec, nip over for a mooch. We're sponsored by Lili of The Valley and there's a yummy voucher up for grabs  - thanks girlies :)xx

So what did I do then?

Well I didn't do the Halloween thing - instead I went for Christmas and I made ....


... a wreath made out of paper stars.

Now I have to say that IRL it look much better than it does on here. I also have to say that I saw something similar ages ago on a blog but I have looked and looked and can I find it? I will keep looking and I will give the rightly deserved credit when I find it.

ETA the tutorial is here

The stars are very easy to make - you just fold them and glue them onto a chipboard ring which I covered with blue stars first. They are a bit fiddly to stick down, I won't lie. But I found it even trickier to get a decent pic because I  had to hang it on my lounge wall against a backdrop that is a greyish white, and I HATE backgrounds that don't look clean in me photos :(   It was quite high up and I had to stand on tip toes to take it as well.

Excuses excuses, but I hope you can see what its all about.

The papers are from an 8x8 Frosty Christmas paper pad from Lili of The Valley of course- I love these papers, I really do.

Here's ......


... a close up of the stars.

You basically score each point all the way across the star and then just fold then like you can see on here. If I get a sec (hahaaa!!) I will do a tutorial because they do look fabulous (just not in my pics lol!!)


The gorgeous bow was made from 25mm white plain sheer ribbon which of course I got from The Ribbon Girl and the lovely sparklers are rhinestone sparklers from The Hobby House (aren't they just blingtastic!!)

So that's me all done for today and it's nice to back I have to say. I will try me best not to leave it too log before I post again and I'll see you soon as soon, if not sooner.

Extra huggiest of hugs to all xxxx

Tuesday 20 April 2010

You Would Not Believe ….

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… what a funny few days I’ve had.

Between work, which is driving me up the wall and no electricity on Sunday for half the day (hence no AFA card so I’ll save it for another day), plus computer probs AGAIN. I’ve been totally and utterly demented, grr!!!

I tell ya, if I wasn’t grey already, I soon would be.

I haven’t made a card since Thursday which might not seem like long but to me it’s AGES., but today I did – woohoooooo.

Picture 004 copy And this is it.

It’s based on one of me sketches which I did for this week’s Papertake Weekly and its ……

ptw #39 … this one.

I coloured one of the new fab kit Tildas with the good old Copics which I got from Tracy at Dies To Die For and I’ve had a few e-mails asking me about which colours I use so I’ll list them at the end – hope that helps chicksies (and if I haven't replied to you, please bear with me xxx).

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These beautiful papers are My Minds Eye Lush (blue) which you can get here from Tracy. They are so soft and pretty, don’t ya think?

Martha’s finest is also from Tracy and the fab blooms are from Wild Orchid Crafts. NOT a good pic really but the tiny roses have a pretty blue edge to them. And the bling stick things which you can barely see due to my fabulous photography skills (please don't be jealous lol xxx) were from a local warehouse.

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And that’s my card.

The Copics colours I used were -

B00, B0000, C00, E00, E0000, E21, E31, E35, E50, R11, R20, YG0000, YR00

If you get a sec, don’t forget to nip over and have a look at what the other Papertake girlies have done and maybe have a bash at the sketch as well. Ohh and there is a fab sponsor as well :)

Now before I go, I must thank everyone who took part in our blog hop on Friday – it was a total success and loads of fun. And thank you so much for your lovely comments which really mean the world to me.

Have a great day and huggiest of hugs lovely peeps - see you soon xxxx

Sunday 11 April 2010

Sweetest Pixie

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Heyy peeps and happy Sunday.

I hope you are all enjoying this fab weather we are having. We actually caught the sun yesterday.

This week has flown and once again it’s time for another challenge over at Anyone For Anya. Don’t forget that you can now use your Swiss Pixies and any CC Designs that you want as well as your TGF images.

And that’s what I’ve used today cos I do ‘heart’ these lil sweeties so much.

The image I used today is Birgitta On A Tree Stump and she is one of the gorge new images that Tracy now has in stock over at Dies To Die For. You can see her here and also the new Nora On A Swing.

Picture 005 copyI coloured her with my new bad boys ie the good old Copics which I think are just the best (yes, I have well and truly defected!!). My Nikkie had a go with them yesterday but she is still a Pro Marker girl she says, but they might grow on her. These pretty papers are the Wild Rose Studio Paper Stacks – I used the Polka Dots (not that you couldn't tell that lol xx)

You can get these papers from Tracy as well as whichever pens float your boat :)

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The lace is from Wild Orchid Crafts – I just love how clean and white it looks – and the teeny pearls are from The Hobby House. I used them as a cover up because you could see the DST through the holes, and me no likeee!!!

The buttons and twine are from my stash.

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And that’s the old card.

The sharp eyes amongst you might notice that dopey Dawny has struck again if you’ve been over to the challenge blog - I have made a booboo with my watermark thingie. Yes, there is a typo and I have put Dawny Pp. which sounds all kinds of wrong if you say it out loud. I MUST get that sorted very soon!!

Well we had a fabulous day yesterday out on our bikes, even though we must have looked like a right load of saddos all biking along together. We cycled into Wales and then did a loop back to Chester – nearly 14 miles, as a certain part of me can testify lol xxx. And our Kyla was on the back of one of the bikes on one of those tag along things. She loved it, even if she didn't quite manage to pedal all the way. Emma was quite sure she didn't love it but I have my doubts if she meant it.

We stopped off for a quick drink in a pub along the canal and just watched the world go by while we had a little rest. Just wonderful and in a weird sort of way, very relaxing.

So we might venture out again today – just the two of us. We’ll see later on how we feel. It’s the last day of my hols and I must admit that I am not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow – even if I do work from home :(

Never mind – there’s always the lottery!!!!

Have a great day peeps and enjoy your Sunday, whatever you are doing, and see you next week.

Huggiest of hugs xxx

Thursday 1 April 2010

Fairy Pretty Colours


I can’t believe it’s been 2 weeks since our last Lili Of The Valley challenge !! But it has been and today we have such a wonderful challenge for you because it is

Blue & Silver

and one more colour of your choice :)

Well of course I had to do it didn’t I – I went for pink!!! But the other girlies have all used different colours and there’s loads of inspiration and loveliness waiting for you over there so do check it all out peeps if you get a sec.

And of course, you don’t even have to use a LOTV image either, just follow the theme . And we have a lovely pair of LOTV stamps for you to win as well -



These are just the sweetest babies ever.

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So here’s what I did.

The image is from LOTV, natch, and she is Fairies Bouquet which you can see here – isn’t she pretty. These stamps are just awesome value for money I think and they stamp like a dream – especially on the digi card which I told you about yesterday.

I coloured her with Copics and PMs and added a bit of bling here and there, especially on her fairy crown and wings. You can get oodles of Copics and PMs from Tracy over at Dies To Die For :)

bloom1flip I flipped this so you could see the bow / flower thing I did.

It’s basically a knot of silver mesh ribbon which you can just about see. Then I tied some pearly beady stick things together – sorry for the overtly technical term lol xxx but I don't know what they are called – and topped it all off with a gorgeous Wild Orchid Crafts bloom.

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The papers are all Pink Petticoat. Ohhh how happy was I when I saw that there are now gingham papers available. Not only that but Liz has a fabulous offer on right now – all 5 of the new colour collection designs for £5. So they are half price. At full price they are bargainous but at this, they are a steal. The offer is on I think until 9th April so fill your boots girlies. The other papers I used are Lots Of Dots (which is also one of the new ones) .

I used some more of the pearls I got from The Hobby House at the NEC on Saturday. I used a Bazzill Jewel Template for the design – you can see them here – and they make the job so much easier.

Before I forget, I must let you know that Tracy at Dies To Die For has the new Ladybug Crafts Ink stamps in – ohh they are sweet and absolutely perfect for girlie cards. And there’s lots of new stuff being added all the time. Plus there is going to be something new and different and very exciting on there before too long which I am dying to tell you about but I can’t – she says, sitting on her hands!! But it’s a fab idea, and one which I’m sure you’ll love so keep checking the website peeps :)

So that is me done on this April Fool’s day – I better watch out cos I am a perfect target as I am sooo gullible and if you pardon the expression, I have been had quite a few times!!!! I can’t even bring myself to tell you because you’ll only talk about me lol xxx

We are in the middle of painting the kitchen – ohh what a horrible job and I wish we’d never started it because it is driving me up the wall. But I’m sure it will be nice once it's done. Kyla, bless her, came round yesterday and saw that we’d moved all the furniture and collection of tat etc (Richard’s words, not mine) that I have in there and looked at all the bareness and said ‘ohh Grandma, isn’t it clean’. If I didn't know what she meant, I could have been offended!!!

We are slowly getting back to being a ‘grown up house’ now and most of Kyla’s toys have either gone to her new house or have been moved into her bedroom. Of course, they will all come out again when she is in residence but we are enjoying the space again.

Have a fab day chicksters – at least it has stopped raining now so that’s something. It was non stop yesterday!!! I’ll see you tomoz with an offering of Magnolia – the images that is, not the paint, although I could oblige with that one as well right now!!

Hugs to all xxx

Tuesday 30 March 2010

It’s A Revelation!!!!

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It’s almost changed my life!!!!

Now before you all think I’ve completely lost the plot, I’ll just explain. I do love my PMs (you probably noticed) and I love my new Copics as well, but they do have a tendency to bleed all over the place especially the Copics.

But I think I’ve found the answer.

It’s this fab card from Craftwork Cards.

I LOVE IT. The pens just glide over it and there’s hardly any bleeding. Awesome or what. I was using Southfield card before this but I’ll never use anything else now. I know I’m probably the last to catch on but if you haven't already tried it and you are a PM or Copics user, you will not believe the results.

Anyhoos, it’s Tuesday and I am sooo late getting this on here cos it’s been one if them days again, but we’re here now and it’s Papertake Weekly time again. We have a nice open theme this week and you can do anything you want for our challenge. There is a $25 gift voucher from Heidi over at Simon Says Stamp up for grabs plus a gorgeous selection of DT to feast your eyes on.

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And this is my card. I’ve used a Magnolia stamp I got from the NEC - how sweet – and the papers are MME from the loveliness that is Tracy at Dies To Die For

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The ribbon was form a box of chocs – how could you chuck it out when it is so pretty – and there’s Martha’s finest again. The gorge white rose is from those lovely peeps over at Wild Orchid Crafts

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The pearls and bling were from The Hobby House – ohhh so lovely. I have one of their templates which I am dying to use … maybe later in the week!!

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And there’s a fair old bit of dimension as well which you can’t really see here but it is there, I promise you. So I am going to do something I have not done before and I’m entering it into this weeks Cute Card Thursday challenge.

I’m on a real flyer today cos there is shed loads to do re work and then some bright spark decided to paint the kitchen. Yes it was me, I admit, so we have to start that shortly – grrr!!!!

So on that note, I’ll love you and leave you. See you soon and hugs to all xxxx