I am sick. About 7pm on Tuesday....Johns birthday I started to ache all over, then I got really shivery and within 2 hours was throwing up grossly. I did this every two hours through out the night. the last time I threw up was over 12 years ago. Something savage did this. Suffice to say everyone else is fine...it's always me; I get everything.
At one point in the night I woke up with my head hanging over the toilet. (Not to be advised). Later I found myself choking, and realised I had my head over the bucket and had fallen asleep. The last fascinating episode was finding myself on the floor, next to my dog sniffing on the other side of the door. I woke to realise I had fallen out of bed (not woken up) and was up against the wall embracing the laundry basket.....
So.....Who is the culprit. Is it something I ate, or something I got??
Answers on a postcard please....
Yesterday I slept all day and finally got up for 3 hours in the evening. Mainly because the thing gave me another reason to have a migraine (seems everything does).
today I feel better but not good. Tried to eat but it tore my throat up, so back on water. Missed the Krispy Kremes for John's birthday. Missed two days really.
Come on culprit, show yourself....