#slide show

Showing posts with label mum dad.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mum dad.. Show all posts

Monday, 12 October 2009

Times like this I especially miss my mum and dad.

I felt it first when my son got married.
My family (which is large in the periphery) didn't exactly do me proud.
I ended up with one (of my 30) cousins there. None of my remaining aunts or uncles came. Thats all from both sides of my family.....It was quite hurtful, and very lonely. Thank goodness for my own kids.

Then when my grand daughter arrived, my husband called his parents... They are both still with us, and at the time were 87 and 83. Then he called his brother. I had no family to share the news with.

Now we have little Harry and again I am feeling this void.
I still miss my mum and dad anyway, even though it has been 21 and 18 years since they died.
But these are the times whe it really hits home. When you long to share something, and to talk about it.
If I even had a sibling or two it would help.

Anyway, there is nothing anyone can do, and no point in dwelling on it. I came to bed early with a potential migraine so probably too much time to think. Quite cathartic committing it to the page actually.

Now I shall try to sleep and look forward to seeing Charlotte and Harry on the weekend for her 3rd birthday.

My slide show