Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What Inspires You?

Wow, where to start on this one! There are so many things in my life that inspire me. What about you? I believe there is truly inspiration all around us, even in our darkest of days. My wife likes to call me cheesy when I get in this mode of inspiration, but I believe it. We can look around us daily, even in our toughest days, and see inspiration.

Let's start with, what is inspiration? Inspiration: arousal of the mind to special unusual activity or creativity.

I love where it says, unusual activity. That generally means an activity that one would not usually expect to be inspired from. There's my first point. We are always looking for inspiration in things that we're accustomed to or familiar with, when in true reality, inspiration is all around us in our hardships, struggles, new life, new relationships.

I love meeting new people. When you meet new people I feel that you can be yourself a little bit more than you can with the ones you know the best. Now don't get me wrong, there's something to say with having strong relationships and close nit relationships. We all need strong accountability and wise counsel from those that know us best, however, it's also encouraging when you can just have uninhibited conversation with new people and share the things you've learned through life to encourage those that don't necessarily know you personally and can receive your words as that.

I have been going through such a weird day. I've had what I believe an inspirational weekend this past weekend. When I'm inspired my brain just can't stop working. I begin to think of networking, connecting, creative ideas for marketing, promotions, music and relationship potentials for the future to serve and make the best of. It's always tough when you have all these creative ideas and no where to put them. Most of us have jobs that can use just a portion of our true talents and some can use them all. There's nothing worse than going through these amazing times of creativity and having no where to go with it.

I would encourage each of you (2 people maybe :) that are reading to always follow your passion. Never be swayed by glitz and glamour, yet always be driven by passion and purpose. Trust me, I've gone the first road a couple of times and it failed me completely. If we're surrounding ourselves around people that create an environment for openness and creativity, but mostly a place to be heard and used, then you'll find yourself being very successful in your own right.

Go and be fully creative in the way that God created you and don't let anything get in your way. Always find a way to get yourself and what you produce out there, whether you get paid for it or not. What inspires you is what makes you and you have to share what that inspiration produces in you or this world will not be the same.

I'm sure this blog is kind of all over the place, but take what you will cause I don't have the energy tonight to proof read it! :-) I'm spent


Curtis Baker said...

Great motivation here bro! When people are able to walk in their fullness, you see them grow and blossom to their full potential. When a flower is carefully nurtured, it produces the best fragrance and beauty possible. Not only its fullness, but others benefit as well as they admire it for the beauty and purposes it was created!

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Hello. And Bye.

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