#slide show

Showing posts with label Rain. Followers.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rain. Followers.. Show all posts

Saturday 7 August 2010

Having followers.

It's great to know people read your blog. Makes it a bit more worthwhile updating it. I dont have many, but they are very welcome.

However, as I often speak about and post pictures of the kids,I do like to know who is looking.

Of course it's an open Blog so anyone can stop by, but if you are not known to me and decide to be a follower:

1st: Thank you for your interest.
2nd: Would you be kind enough to send a short message just saying who you are and what interested you about my blog please?

I have asked a couple of people whom I dont know, but have yet to hear from them.
So please, if this is you. Do send a message.

Not got anything worthwhile to post right now except.
Is it ever going to stop raining?
Great we had all that sunshine, but then lots of humidity, which screwed up my head. Now rain. Everyday at some point it rains.
Why cant it just rain overnight. Say between about 2am and 6am.
Wouldn't that be good????

My slide show