Showing posts with label lois. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lois. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Unexpected items in the bagging area

Nicola Scott seems to be drawing Lois Lane and Guy Gardner in Black Magick.
*hearteyes emoticon*

Yes yes I know the top one is lying the wrong way but I don't know how to easily fix that.

For completeness here are all the other comics I have got since my last comic review:

I haven't wanted to cancel any of them. Fancy that.  I have had heard some stuff about DC relaunching AGAIN in May/June.  I have no idea how many titles I'll be getting.  I like their out of continuity stuff most, like Bombshells and Sensation Comics.  I hope we get titles that are written and drawn with passion and love again.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Casual Silver Banshee cosplay

I've got several days of leave to take before the end of March so I've now got 3 or 4 day weeks for a while, which is great, and most importantly, allows me to nap on the sofa on Friday afternoons while I re-watch Smallville, which I'm sure most of you know I love.  Smallville is my go to telly series for when I'm ill or don't want to think, or have a lazy day planned, so I'm currently on season 10.  Today I watched:
Warrior (which had Lois in an Amazon Princess outfit which is glorious)
Persuasion, which had Lois gaining the values of a traditional 50s housewife, while still being quintessentially Lois
Conspiracy, which is really, really quite dark
and Escape, which has Lois and Clark on a romantic getaway, to the same place that Oliver and Chloe go to, not for romance, but for a dirty weekend.  It's also got the Silver Banshee, whom I love. Particularly, I love her costume, so I got to thinking what could a casual Banshee cosplay look like.

This is the traditional Silver Banshee costume:

Now because I like the aesthetic so much I would love to do a true to the comic version of this costume, but I'm not sure I'd ever have the confidence to wear something so form fitting.  I also have a thing for Marvel's Black Cat's costume (it must be the monochrome), and a while ago I saw a great casual cosplay on tumblr.

Long story short, I was inspired by Smallville's episode and the Black Cat costume to come up with a casual outfit for the Silver Banshee.
These are the rules I'm playing to:

  • It's con casual, not everyday casual.  So it's something that needs to be recogniseable to other comic fans.
  • The outfit must ape the banshee's costume enough to be recogniseable but must consist of ordinary clothes I would myself wear everyday.

I found these items online which I thought would work:

Bangle by Liquorish from ASOS - to be worn one on each wrist
Black scoop neck top from Dorothy Perkins
Monochrome Top from Asos collection
Skinny black lisbon jeans from Asos
Boots from this ebay seller - they are called Oxford Roma and come from China.  I'd rather people bought goods from a UK shop though.

At a con you'd want to do Silver Banshee makeup, then I think you'd be recogniseable. What do you all reckon?

Instead of the jeans you could do black tights and a black lycra mini skirt.  Instead of the tops I've chosen you could do a tight black vest, but then you'd need to sew on white panels to approximate the Banshee's vest.  This version would probably only work for summer.

Things I have learnt:
I hate clothes shopping, even virtually, and even when it's costume related.
I don't know the terms for enough types of garments to search effectively.
I'm probably not cut out for these sort of posts.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Comic reviews for the week of 26/02/2014

Spoilers ahead for Lois Lane One shot 1, Hawkeye 15, Batman/Superman 8, Larfleeze 8, Adventures of Superman 10, My Little Pony: Friends Forever 2.  Big spoilers.  Do not click through until you've read these comics, especially Hawkeye and Adventures of Superman.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The best part of Smallville Season 10

Me and a friend resumed our Smallville Season 10 marathon yesterday.  This was by far the best part:


Doesn't Ollie look like this gender bent Power Girl?  Or I am just focusing on the blonde buffness?

Damn it's nice to see some male totty!

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Wonder Woman Wednesday

Erica Durance as Lois as Wonder Woman on Smallville.

I have all sorts of love for this.

I have no more WWW posts lined up!  Gonna have to find some more...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lois Lane through the years #womenoncomics

Ok, so inspired by the Women Write About Comics blog carnival I decided I was gonna write a proper blog post.  With lots of words and thoughts and everything.  I haven't written one of them in a while, so let's see how this goes.

OK, as I was putting together last week's post about a history of the superpant I thought gee whiz*, I wonder what a retrospective of the Lois' would look like?  It would be interesting huh?  I wonder how much the styles would change over the years, cos we know they've changed a lot in the comics.  And y'know, as Lois is the most recognisable female figure, aside from Wonder Woman, from comics (any comics), it sure would be interesting to see how the decades changed their interpretation of her.  Right?  Right.  Course it would be interesting.

I thought about doing a retrospective from the comics, but seeing as how thousands of people must have drawn her over the years, that would be nigh on impossible to of.  Por exempla:

About all you can say is that she's usually in a suit of some sort, when she's working.  But even that's not a hard and fast rule.  So I decided I'd stick with looking at the on-screen appearances, by real actors.

One short google search later and I was a bit depressed.  This was the only retrospective type picture I could find:

Talk about the male gaze!  I don't think that Teri Hatcher pic is even from Lois & Clark and Dana Delaney did the voice for Lois in a cartoon, she never played her on screen (pedant alert...pedant alert..).
Anyway, I asked around on twitter for other retrospectives (because my google search skills seem to be abysmal) and @jimmymcg found a good one for me.
(at least i think Jimmy found it for me.  if someone else found it, let me know and I'll credit you).
Top row, left to right is:
Phyllis Coates (Adventures of Superman), Margot Kidder (Superman films), Kate Bosworth (Superman Returns)
Bottom row, left to right is:
Erica Durance (Smallville), Noelle Neill (Movie serials and Adventures of Superman), Teri Hatcher (Lois & Clark)

Now, how can I compare these?  They are all in suits, they all look professional.  Erm, they are very much of their eras?  Teri Hatcher is all 90s lines and power dressing.  Check out the bob!  It's interesting that Bosworth has glasses - did the movie makers decide they needed to give her a sense of intellectualism?  or seriousness?  That's usually what's conveyed by glasses, at least in American movie land.
It's definitely a more respectful retrospective than the first one in this post.

Women's fashion changes so much more than men's.  There's so much more nuance and detail that goes into women's fashions.  So many different things  women can do - haircut, hair colour, hair style, make-up, shirts, skirts, hats, necklaces, high heels, ballet flats, wedges, earrings, low necklines, high necklines, the list is endless.  Within each bracket there is so much choice.  So many indicators that women can choose to display.  I know that in theory men have the same range of choices, but truly, they don't.  Go compare the range of men's shoes in any department store with the range of women's shoes.  The men's range is tiny.

Anyway, to bring me back to the point, Superman has one costume.  Details change, like the size of the S shield, the height of the pants, the specific shade of the suit, but it is always recognisable as the super suit.  Even on Smallville, when that Clark didn't suit up until the very final episode ever, he always wore a combination of red and blue that signified him as different from the other characters.

Lois doesn't have that.  In the comics she is recognisable by her dark hair, you contrast her with the other characters, but you mostly recognise her from her dark hair.  In the movies, or the TV shows, it's different.  these things build a Lois that is recognisable through attitude, language and relationships with other characters.  But as to how she looks? That is utterly dependent on the era in which she is being portrayed.

For me, Margot Kidder will always be my favourite Lois, closely followed by Erica Durance.  Yet they don't have a lot in common.  Kidder is more dreamy, Durance is more fun and plucky.   Even looking at the pictures from the above scan, they don't really have a lot in common.  Aside from being pretty.

Oh, I can't compare these images of Lois!  Instead, i shall give you some other retrospectives of Lois, stolen from a Livenjournal post by verogeller, titled 'Picspam: Lois Lane, my favourite character - Superman mythology':

Lois Lane: You are my favourite non powered superhero!

* not really. I never say gee whiz.  or good golly miss molly.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Super Silly Sunday

Adventures of Superman 638 went a little odd and gave us a few spoofs of various other well known comics.  Check them out:

The top one is a Frank Miller - Sin City piss take (lethal little Dinah - ha!).  The second is Calvin and Hobbes and I don't recognise the third, but I did enjoy it!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Comic reviews!

These have been a long time coming.  Minor spoilers for Gotham City Sirens 24 only.
Supergirl 65 was absolutely great.  Really imaginative, inspired writing.  I am really looking forward to the rest of this arc, at which point I shall re-read it and bask in it's loveliness again.

Young Justice 5 - This is really good fun.  It's a smart, well put together comic for younger folk, but also easily enjoyable by us older folk.  This was Wally's issue, and it seems that Art Baltazar and Franco really get him.

Flashpoint: Green Arrow Industries 1 - Why oh why is Ollie so much fun and enjoyable in this than in his own ongoing?  If you're a Green Arrow fan I recommend you get this.  He's cocky, arrogant, sleeping around, and a bit rubbish as a fighter.  He's not that bright, but it's just perfect.  Oh, and there are trick arrows.  Just buy it already!

Wonder Woman 612:  Better than some of the earlier issues.  Although Aphrodite now appears to be a redhead.  Either this is a colouring mistake by or the team have decided to ignore centuries of tradition.  Gaaah.  Anyway, in my recent clear out of comics, I elected to keep this Wonder Woman run.  I think I do like it and it's definitely a keeper.  But I am getting seriously fucked off with this comic within a comic shenanigans that DC is pulling.

Gotham City Sirens 24: Harley gets back with Joker and Ivy is pretty much unambiguously outed as queer.  Awesomesauce!

Flashpoint Lois lane and the Resistance 1 - Stylised art that kinda reminded me of old Young Justice/Impulse comics.  This series will be a cracker I reckon.

JLA 58 - Every time I look at the cover I wonder why I'm still getting this series. Inside it's better, but it's not going to be a groundbreaking memorable run.

Flashpoint Kid Flash Lost 1 - Yeah, this was also good.  It was a 'setting stuff up' issue, with things happening.  I know, right?   Hey it's a Bart Allen mini, written by Sterling Gates.  I'm gonna love it.

Action Comics 902 - More enjoyable than JLA, but still mostly just ok.  The art is nice.  But I'm mostly hanging onto this for the relaunch.  There seems no point in cancelling now when it will all be shiny and new in two months.

Superman 712:  A story told from the point of view of Krypto.  Interrupting Grounded, this was much more enjoyable than Grounded.  Rather sentimental, but in a good way.

Green Arrow 13 - Ah, now we are out of Brightest Day the artist changes and the story gets interesting!  And of course now it will all change in two months.  Graaah.

DC Presents Impulse - Collecting Impulse 50 to 53, this was a wonderful breath of fresh air, and I think everyone should buy it.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Super Silly Sunday

Who else wants to see more of her educated feet?  All in favour say aye!

From Adventures of Superman 547

PS: I'm now on holiday for a bit so won't be responding to any comments.  There are a few Super Silly Sunday and Wonder Woman Wednesday posts scheduled for when I'm away though.  I hope you enjoy them.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Cat Grant

Poor Cat Grant gets harassed quite a lot in Adventures of Superman.
While she worked as a telly newscreader for the WGBS Corporation Vincent Edge groped her, made lewd comments and promised her she'd get a better job if she had sex with him.

In Adventures of Superman 510 she dealt with him in style:

Unfortunately, this did not do her career much good:
The above scans and the one below are all from Adventures of Superman 526, and it's interesting because they show how Cat is still a good reporter.

So much so that she gets offered a new job by Vincent Edge.  Who thinks this will end badly?  I do.

I also like the above scans because they show a Cat who is friendly with Lois.  She seems a completely different person to the character we've seen in Supergirl.  It's nice to see her history and get her background.

Saturday, April 09, 2011


I'm collecting scans of Superman (and Lois) being pretty damn kickass in the Adventures of Superman title.  For your viewing pleasure, may I present:

Adventures of Superman 457.

Adventures of Superman 469.

Adventures of Superman 482 (Oh Lois, how I empathise with your rage at the morning)

Adventures of Superman 482.
I nearly posted just the 'Klong!' panel, but the image of the bad guy being punched into the wall, whilst inside a dustbin, was just too amusing to leave out.

Ahh, Superman, this stuff is what I miss from your current title.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

A Lois & Clark love story

From Adventures of Superman 613, I present these scenes, recreating a famous scene from the film, then getting incredibly romantic:

Then the issue ends with this Valentine's scene: