Showing posts with label Titans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Titans. Show all posts

Monday, June 20, 2016

Legally Blonde, Teen Titans Go, Rebirth

Legally Blonde is a great film.

I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed it and on a recent re-watch I worked out why.  It's all about female friendship and solidarity.  Elle is a rich sorority chick who appears shallow and mostly interested in getting married to her love, Warner.  Usually in films rich, blonde, popular, shallow, marriage chasing women are bitches.  Not so Elle.  She is friends with everyone in her sorority house (is that the right term?) and she expects other women to be friends too.

When she starts at Harvard and a lecturer asks Vivian for her opinion on Elle's behaviour, Elle is genuinely shocked that Viv goes against her.  When Elle needs a pick me up and goes to a nail salon she takes genuine interest in the beautician's life and becomes friends with her - in films rich women don't usually make friends with poor women, but this friendship is genuine.

All the successes of the film are down to women trusting each other and supporting each other.  The woman the legal team is defending used to be in Elle's sorority and so she  only trusts Elle.  They wouldn't have won the case without Elle.  Viv eventually dumps Warren, stops being a bitch to elle and they become friends.

It's nice to see a film that celebrates female solidarity, girliness (pink, fashion, bubbliness) and seriousness and achievement.  It's great.  If I ever get the inclination I will watch it again and do a full analysis of it.  That would be fun.

On a more comics note, I saw my first episode of Teen Titans Go! this morning - it was the one where Raven and rose make friends and Starfire, Cybor and Garth go to Cool School.  It was witty and the characters were in character.  I very much enjoyed it.  Almost as much as I've been enjoying the Rebirth books I've been reading.  It's been a good couple of weeks for my entertainment. :)

Friday, June 05, 2015

Convergence week 7 (and a Sensation Comics)

On to the last two weeks of Convergence comics.  Reviews will be split into two posts.  Spoilers ahead.

Convergence 7
So we finally have some familiar and likeable heroes, boshing the bad guys.  There's a giant rocky triangle shaped thing with a face, disembodied arms and two curved extensions coming up by the side of his head.  I have no idea who he is.  Deimos is still around, causing trouble.  Apparently Demios is an existing character, not invented for this series.  He looks like Dr Strange,  I assume Telos was invented for this series.  I don't care about either,

I wonder what this main Convergence title would read like if read in one chunk.  From week to week, it's felt dull and by the numbers.  It's editorially driven and it doesn't feel like the creators care about the story, which is a shame because comics always read better when the creative team care about what they are doing.

Anyway, Deimos is destroyed, the chronal energy he was containing is released, triangular rock dude breaks apart and tells new 52 Supergirl and Superman that all of reality is breaking apart,  Nothing in this story has made me feel like this is a momentous occasion.  It just feels uninteresting.  I reviewed Zero Hour for New readers...start here recently, and even with all it's faults, that story felt like it existed on a grand scale and deserved my awe.  Convergence doesn't.  Flashpoint didn't either.

Convergence: The Adventures of Superman 2
Kal and Kara are in the Phantom Zone, fighting the Kryptonian criminals imprisoned there,  Kara knows she has to get Kal out so that he can fulfill his destiny in the first crisis, but he doesn't know about this and boots her out.    Kara thinks for a few seconds and contrives a way to pull Kal out, leaving the criminals behind.

Meanwhile Kamandi and his mates are trying to work out how to stop the ape army wanting to take over 'Greenwitch' - I guess this refers to an American Greenwich, not the London one. The Super cousins join in the fight and the apes actually think they can beat them. Ha.  The absolute certainty of the cousins and their skills is nice to read.  No second guessing, no tactics to hurt them, juts the knowledge and certainty that they will win, because why wouldn't they? Who could beat a pre crisis Kryptonian?  No one, that's who.  I loved this issue.  It's a keeper,

The preview is for Martian Manhunter.  I didn't like it and I don't think it does J'onn justice.  the story has a suspicious, dark tone and that's not what I'm keen on reading.

Convergence: Wonder Woman 2
Also a keeper.  Lovely, lovely art by Aaron Lopresti, Matt Banning, Tanya and Richard Horie and Tim Napolitano.  The character designs for the vampires are lovely too.  Diana is perfectly in character, heroic and a warrior,  She takes the time to talk to Athena to figure out her plan.  She's not fazed by the vampires.  She doesn't revel in her victory over them.  I want to be that sort of person.

The preview is for Secret Six but it's a different Secret Six to the pre 52 version.  I'm not interested in it.

Convergence: Hawkman 2
The Hawkguys are fighting giant bats and giant rats. Then they (Katar and Shay) get strapped to a giant rocket and Shayera frees them.  They work with the other Thanagarians to defeat the giant rodents and get a peak into the future - the first crisis.  Then they fly off into the light declaring their love for each other,
Possibly a keeper.

Convergence: Batman and the Outsiders 2
I don't care about this or the Batman Beyond preview in it.  To be got rid of.

Convergence: Swamp Thing 2
I realllly don't like how Swamp Thing speaks.  Pauses in sentences irritates me.  Swampy joins up with vampire Batman, and it turns out that this is a Batman I am interested in.  So clearly he dies at the end.  Interesting introduction to Swamp Thing, but not a keeper.

The preview is for Catwoman, I'm not interested.

Convergence: the New Teen Titans 2
These aren't my Titans and I've never cared for this era.  I can see why people like these issues, but they aren't for me.  The preview is for Robin Son of Batman.  It's an OK preview, but I won't be buying it.

Convergence: Flash 2
I am so bored of Barry Allen and this is a love letter to him.  The preview is for Suicide Squad, the new 52 more badass Squad.  I do not care.

Convergence: Superboy and the Legion of Super-heroes 2
This has Atomic Knights riding giant dalmations.  I know a winning idea when I see one.  Having said that, I think I preferred issue 1 to this.  I def preferred the art in issue 1.  Superboy does the heroic thing and the Knights don't fight the Legion.  I'll probably keep these issues, now I have discovered a fondness for the Legion.
The preview is for Teen Titans, which like most of the rest of DC's line, just doesn't interest me.

Convergence: Green Lantern Corps 2
This is not as much fun as issue 1, but still enjoyable.  Hal is being a bit stupid and using old fashioned ring constructs (hands etc) which is what I like to see.  John is John like and Guys is Guy like.  He steals Hercules' armour and then gets his ring recharged.  Good fun for Green Lantern fans.
The Gotham Academy preview shows what is probably a solid book, marketed at teens and reminds me of Gunnerkrigg Court webcomic.  As I've read Gunnerkrigg court I'm not interested in reading this.

Convergence: Justice League of America 2
Good fun for fans of this JLA team.  I guess it's nice to see Vibe, Vixen, Steel and Gypsy get credit for saving the day, even if it's Zee, J'onn and Arthur that really finished everything.
The Batman/Superman preview makes me want to cancel my standing order.

Sensation Comics featuring Wonder Woman 10
My head was full of Convergence when I read this so I don't think I appreciated it enough. I think this book is aimed at readers who want to see Diana in explicitly feminist stories, so I think it will turn a lot of people off.  For me though, it's great.  Especially with the backup story being mythological.  It's these books that make me want to cancel my in continuity titles and just get the standalones.  They are so much better,

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Comics review: Convergence week 5

Spoilers ahead (probably).

Convergence 5
I really cannot bring myself to care about this main title.  Skataris and dinosaurs are fun, but it's not necessary to read this to understand the tie-ins.  I suspect that I will be selling this mini.

Convergence: Justice League 2
There's some ridiculous bum and boob images in this.  Ignoring that, this isn't too bad,  It's pretty much a big fight between the League and Flashpoint Aquaman, with a bit of Vulko, ending with Mera killing Flashpoint Aquaman.  I can't imagine anyone not invested in pre 52 continuity enjoying this.  Fortunately, I like the pre 52 world a lot.  These 2 issues are keepers, really just for Supergirls' involvement in them.

Convergence: Superman 2
Just lovely.  Lois has been kidnapped by Flashpoint Kal, but he doesn't mean her harm, and he takes her to Flashpoint's Batman's cave.  Lois goes into labour and Flashpoint Batman (Thomas Wayne, a  doctor) says he can't handle delivering the baby so Clark does it.  Surprisingly, they show the labour as being quite drawn out, and not over in half an hour.  And at the end Lois and Clark and a baby boy.  It's delightful.  This is definitely a keeper.

Convergence: Batman and Robin 2
This appears to be one of the few tie-ins that lets it's heroes be heroes - i.e. not willing to go fight the opposing champion.  Of course it is, it's Batman.  Jason Todd and Damian are in this, and it turns into a father-sons piece.  The art is nice.  I couldn't care about the story.  I'll try and sell this.

Convergence: The Atom 2
I think I'd remember this more fondly if I hadn't watched Smallville's Booster episode last night (with the three Blue Beetles in it).  Which means that I'm getting my blue heroes muddled.  The comic was OK.  I find the Deathstroke vs the Atoms storyline strange, probably because I wasn't reading the pre 52 issues where Deathstroke killed Ryan Choi.  I do like that Ryan has been resurrected, that's a good thing about this event.  I am undecided as to whether I should keep this.

Convergence: The Question 2
This might be called the Question but really it's a Two-face/Renee story, with lots of support by Batwoman and Huntress.  Some of the storytelling through just art (no words) is pretty damn fine.  I highly highly recommend this.  Definitely a keeper.

Convergence: The Titans 2
Roy finds a way to save Lian and his friends, and Lian is the real Lian, and she remains alive at the end.  This resonated.  It's a keeper.

Convergence: Speed Force 2

This has a very flat, cartoony, style of art. It's not what I'm used to, but I can't tell if I think if it's bad, or if it's just different.  Reading it, I have trouble accepting this Flashpoint Wonder Woman.  She's too far away from the Diana I am used to.  Irey seems to have some sort of torso muscles, which is strange, given her age.  I think I thought this issue was nice enough, but it's not really got anything memorable in it.  I liked the first issue though, so I'll probably keep this.

Convergence: Harley Quinn 2
This was fun.  Harley tells Cap'n Carrot she has super fists, scorch vision, canary scream, awesome-portation and a magic hammer stolen from the Gods.  He believes her, because who lies about having super powers?  This plan backfires but it all turns out well in the end, and Harley is reunited with ivy and Selina.  But doesn't go back to her fella.

Convergence: Batgirl 2
Steph and Tim seemed out of character in this.  Tim says that he ignored her for the last year because she was no longer Batgirl. Now she is suited up again, he's interested again.  She gets annoyed at this, but then takes him back.  I prefer to think that Steph has more self respect than that, and that Tim isn't such a dick.  Possibly keeping for nostalgia reasons.

Convergence: Nightwing and Oracle: 2
This was good.  I really like the design of the Hawks, and Black Canary shows up.  The Hawks get defeated and are offered the chance to live in this Gotham, curating their culture.  That's how heroism works.  Then Babs and Dick get hitched and we see the second ever good comic book wedding dress.  The first was Canary's when she married Green Arrow, FYI.  These 2 issues are keepers.

One thing that I realised during this week's comics, is that the fights between champions aren't to the death.  I had assumed they were, but I don't think Telos ever stated that.  He just said one champion must be defeated.

I didn't read many of the divergent previews.  I doubt I'll be getting many of them.

Sunday, May 03, 2015

Convergence week 3

This week's comic are pre Crisis.  I hadn't realised some of these eras were pre crisis, but fine.  Spoilers (probably) ahead.

Convergence 3
I'm quite bored of the bat centric nature of this main series.  There is a nice Skataris scene though, so maybe next issue will be more interesting.

Convergence: Justice League of America 1
It starts with Ralph and Sue being lovely and then explains how the dome has affected the other JLA members.  Aquaman is now unable to breathe underwater, which is at odds with other domed Aquamans where he can't survive without water.  Well, it's not directly incompatible but the insinuation is there.  The Martian Manhunter was trapped in human form without telepathy.  Steel's cyborg tech shut down and he was on life support.  Now the dome is lifted and everyone is back to normal and ready to fight.

I don't get why the dome affects some guys' technology and not others.  Other than the writers deciding this is so.  Ah well, this was an OK issue.

Convergence: Hawkman 1
Another really good one.  This is less about forced fights and more a showcase of why Katar and Shayera are great.  There are Thanagarian criminals.  I'm writing the review of this comic last and now I'm out of comments, sorry.  It's a darn good comic though.  I suggest you all read it.

Convergence: The Adventures of Superman 1
This isn't really a Superman book, it's all about Kara.  Kara and Clark are in Gotham, trapped under the dome and powerless.  They decide to exit the dome via the phantom zone and try to reemerge outside of the dome.  This is actually a pretty good idea.
As I said, the issue is all about Kara being heroic, getting acknowledged by Superman, and dealing with the sudden knowledge of her death in the crisis, but still deciding to soldier on.  This is why I like Supergirl.  She's strong (emotionally), she's brave, she's kind, she always does the right thing.  She's not supercilious, she's not arrogant, she's humble and puts others before herself without being a doormat.

There are continuity errors in this book, but the core of the characters is right and it's a delight to read.  Highly recommended.

Convergence: Batman and the Outsiders 1
My boyfriend just saw the cover to this and named it Batman and the Disco Avengers.

That is my review.

Convergence: Flash 1
I enjoyed this but can't really bring myself to review it as it's all about Barry, the dullest of the Flashes.

Convergence: Green Lantern Corps 1
Ooh yeah.  This has Guy, Hal and John.  Guy is back teaching kids and is also in therapy, which doesn't seem very Guy like.  On the other hand he's not as obnoxious as he was usually depicted, so perhaps this is just the effect being domed has on him.  I was pleased to see Guy reference Hal moving on his fiancee. I'd forgotten about that, but man, it goes to show that Hal is a jerk!  John Stewart was good.  Hal is acting exactly like Hal, but doesn't look like him.  The art is wrong.  At the end they all get their powers but as Hal has the power battery Guy can't power up, so he rides off on a motorbike, reminding me of Cliff Chiang's Black Canary/Green Arrow art.

This is good stuff for Green Lantern fans.

Convergence:  The New Teen Titans 1
I really enjoyed this,  I didn't think I was fussed about this era but it turns out it's fun!  Dick is wearing his stupid disco outfit.  He's married to Kory and they are having problems, because she is ruled by her emotions and really hates criminal thugs.  There is a crystal wielding girl who I never even noticed on the cover and Jericho, who pretty much just walks around moodily.  Donna is really missing her husband Terry (who I have always thought is a bit of a prick)t and others keep coming to her for relationship advice, which hurts her.  The Tangent universe Doom Patrol comes to fight them but this isn't a vicious-let's-murder-everyone fight.  The DP want tech to get back home.  One of them contacts Dick to talk.  This was a pretty solid issue,

Convergence:  Legion of Superheroes 1
I liked this so much I bought a copy for my friend's 15 year old daughter.  The art is unusual - people's eyes are really big and the colours are rather washed out, but on the whole the comic worked really well.  Not a lot happens.  M,ostly the LoSH are talking about what's going on and Superboy is rallying the city.  However this somehow makes for a very enjoyable comic.  And the cover is really nice.  It's simple but very pleasing to the eye.

Convergence: Swamp Thing 1
This started with a recap of Swamp Thing/Alec Holland's origins, which I really appreciated, as I haven't read any Swamp Thing before.  It left me wanting to read the Alan Moore run.  This particular issue reads like a mild horror comic more than anything.  I really liked it.  Worth buying,

Convergence: Wonder Woman 1
This is wonderful!  Diana is perfectly Diana and the issue is all about heroism.  I love this issue.  Def a keeper and def worth reading,

Friday, September 12, 2014

DC's December Darwyn Cooke variants

Oh hell you'll all have seen them by now but they are so damn purdy I want to blog them anyway.

Wonder Woman:
 Teen Titans:
 I love the way this is set up.  Adore it.

The composition is fabulous.

Superman/Wonder Woman:


And hey look, I'm excited about something.  That's progress.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Comic reviews for w/c 2nd January 2012.

I think I'm going to start posting the dates of when I picked up my comics, otherwise when I get too behind with reviews it will get confusing and you readers and I will start thinking I picked up 20 titles in one week.

Onwards.  Spoilers ahead for Teen Titans 15, Superman 15, Ultimate Comics Spider-Man 19, FF 1, Thor 3.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The weekly comics review

I'm going to start it up again.  I think.  I must admit I'm a bit disillusioned by DC's recent output.  The new 52 has been a big disappointment.  There's too much to say about why this is at this point, so I'll start the reviews and elaborate as I go.

Spoilers ahead for:
Justice League 13, Superboy 13, Supergirl 13, Birds of Prey 13, Green Lantern Corps 13, Wonder Woman 13, Swamp Thing 13, Ultimate Spider-Man 16, Angel and Faith 14,  Justice League Dark 13, Teen Titans 13.
Justice League 13
I am utterly disappointed in this title.  The first issue was fabulous.  Really good fun.  Energetic.  Exciting.  Cocky.  Brilliant.  The rest of the arc that #1 kickstarted was fun, but not as memorable as #1.  Now it's turned into utter rot.  I'm not even referring to the Wonder Woman/Superman romance.  As much as that is not to my taste it could still be a good story, if told well.  Unfortunately the dialogue and plotting is boring and the art is awful.  Where the art matches the characters and the plot, it's dull and by the numbers.  Where it's meant to be romantic it looks stilted and awkward.  The anatomy is sometimes bad and there is too much emphasis on showing Diana's arse and her sexiness.  The colouring, inking and the movement lines are nice.  But overall the art detracts from the story.

I was keeping this on my pull list because I enjoyed the Captain Marvel backup.  It frustrates me that we have lost the old innocent Batson family, but if I forget about them I did like the new Marvel.  However in this issue it is gone and replaced by On the Outs which looks like a link in to the Justice League America title, and is also utterly boring.  It doesn't help that Amanda Waller is now a skinny little thing.

Rubbish. I've now dropped this title. 

Superboy 13
Egads, all I can see on the cover is a pair of enormous metal boobs.  This is not a good start.  I'm also thinking about dropping this title.  The art is lovely, but I'm not invested in the characters.  It turns out that this Superboy just isn't doing it for me.

Supergirl 13
The art in this series has been absolutely gorgeous.  Unfortunately regular artist mahmud Asrar did not do thsi issue and the guest artist Sam Basri just cannot make Kara's skirtless/trouserless costume look right.  It's fine until you get to the bottom of the leotard and then it just looks stupid.

I have been enjoying this series but it doesn't really feel like Supergirl to me yet.  Kara should be more innocent, she should be happier, she should be trusting of her cousin.  I know that her reactions to date have been more realistic given her new history, but this still feels a little like someone else in the Supergirl costume.  Nevertheless I shall keep buying it and hope I get more attached later.

Birds of Prey 13
Another disappointment.  It started off so well.  Starling is great, so is Black Canary.  Katana I can take or leave (I have always been that way) and I really enjoyed Poison Ivy's inclusion.  The Batgirl came on the scene and my enthusiasm level dropped.  Then Ivy left in the most obvious-standard-ex-villain-betrays-the-team-storyline possible, and now I'm ceasing to care.  Black Canary no longer seems to have that essential goodness or mothering instinct to her character.  Add to that some occasionally exploitative art, Black Canary losing her legacy identity and the Penguin giving Dinah her superhero name, and I'm really narked.

Another one to possibly cancel.  3 out of 4 so far.  We're not doing too well are we?

Green Lantern Corps 13
This I just picked up off the shelf because it looked fun, and it actually caught my interest.  Guy has been promoted to Lantern Sentinel and then jeopardises it because of some ugly alien threat.  the Guardians appear to have let a super criminal out of his cage.  I enjoyed this but I don't think I'll necessarily be picking up the next issue.  We'll see.  I'm far more interested in what the Guardians are up to than I am in Guy's new job.  It was pretty obvious that he'd wreck it as soon as he'd been given it.

Wonder Woman 13
I love the depictions of the Gods in this.  It's my favourite thing about the new 52.  Diana is portrayed as a lot tougher than previous incarnations, which is a viewpoint I can get behind.  OK, so I find Zeus being Di's father dull and the Amazon's as man haters obnoxious, but the rest of the series is well executed.  It could do with a little more pizazz, but this one is a keeper.

Swamp Thing 13
Bought this one as it's a crossover with Animal Man, which I have been loving.  Unfortunately as a one off issue it's crap.  Well maybe it's not.  Maybe crossover issues are just not to my taste.  I prefer series that run by themselves, referencing the rest of the DCU but with little direct input.  A few pages of art are lush, but overall the inking is a little too heavy handed for my tastes:

Ultimate Spider-Man 16
I have been LOVING this series.  It is quite serious so if you prefer your comics lighter in tone, you should get hold of the Spider-men mini series.

Issue 16 is smack bang in the middle of the United We Stand crossover.  It starts off strongly with Miles deciding he should join the Avengers and assist the country in the throes of civil war.  Because Miles is 13 years old, Captain America says no way.  Then the military stronghold where they are gets attacked, and Miles helps out, and so the Cap'n changes his mind and lets Miles join the Avengers.  Rrrriggghhhttt. I sense editorial insisting that a Spider-mask is part of this event.  And then on the final page we find out the Captain is now President of America.

Sigh.  This is stupid.  The sooner this is out of the way and we can go back to Miles everyday life the better.

Angel and Faith 14
This was really good and made me regret selling my Buffy season 8 comics.  I may continue to pick this up on an ad hoc basis.

Justice League Dark 13
I've picked up the last 3 issues of this on an ad hoc basis and have really liked it.  I miss Zee's old costume and the pre 52 Black Orchid I was familiar with, but I do like the tone and plotting of this series.  This may get put onto a standing order.  Maybe.

Teen Titans 13
This is on my pull list.  It is a surprise success as the solicits looked awful, but it's actually great fun.  Ale Garza does the pencils, and I think I preferred his work from a few years ago, particularly the Supergirl issue he did.  This panel is particularly distasteful:

Cassie's new armour reminds me of Genocide.  But this issue shows us that her armour is linked to Trigon.  I'd really like to find out how Cass is linked to Wonder Woman now.  If at all.  I am not at all interested in Trigon.  But, the comic remains fun and the interplay between characters make sit worth the cover price.

On the plus side, while researching Genocide I found this handy wiki of Wonder Woman villains.

And that's my feeling on the last 2 weeks comics.  Not very optimistic is it?

It feels good to be doing reviews again :)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Super Silly Sunday


(new teen titans, vol 1, issue 29)


Sunday, June 03, 2012

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Super Silly Sunday

Oh Deathstroke.  You are silly.

(fromthe Titans 1996 series, issue 22).

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hormone power

If your power is to produce hormones to make men (and only men, not women, it stated that in the text) crush on you and do your will, then why would you dress like that?  You could wear a bin liner and your power would still work.

Bad logic comic costumers.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Barbarian fun

Yes it's silly.  Yes it's reinforcing sexist cliches.  No I don't care.  I think the concept of Skataris is absolutely fucking glorious.

Dinosaurs! Swords! Barbery! Damsels in distress! Savage Lost Worlds! Dinosaurs!  I want to be a savage sword wielding dinsoaur fighting barbarian rescuing the damsels.

As I said, glorious.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Super Silly Sunday

I'm still alive...!!

I recedntly read a few Teen Titans series and was struck by the ridiculousness of some of them.  The series is by Judd Winick and Ian Churchill.  Now, i usually like Judd Winick, or at least, I liked his Green Arrow run, a lot, and I like Batwing, but these stories were mediocre.  As for Churchill, he's a porr man's Michael Turner, without any of the life or movement.  The following scans are the final pages issues 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 respectively.  5, 6 and 7 are the final panels on each page, which took up the bottom half of each page.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The new DCU

As anybody following me on twitter or facebook will know, I am somewhat saddened by the plans for the new DCU.  It's not that I think bad stories will be told, they will by all account probably be good stories, there's a lot of talented writers and artists there, it's more that I think there's no need to change some of the stories, because I, and here I am employing fan entitled arrogance, think a lot of the teams and stories are just fine the way they are at the moment thank you very much.

(all blurb and covers taken from Comic Book Resources btw)

Oh yes, I know there are problems with DC's output, it's too white, too male, too straight, but I honestly felt like they were getting better over the last few months.  Take the Teen Titans title.  Solstice has just been introduced.  She's fabulous.  She promises to be be great character (she's pretty good now), she's Indian, she's got great powers and Nicola Scott is drawing her wonderfully.  But why go to the trouble of introducing her if you aren't going to continue?  She'll only have been in 6 issues.  Instead we get this team:
Ok, so it shouldn't surprise anyone that this is not my sort of art, seeing as it will be the same art  the book, I'm crying a little inside, right now.  I actually think Tim has come off best here.
The solicit says:
"Tim Drake is forced to step out from behind his keyboard when an international organization seeks to capture or kill super-powered teenagers. As Red Robin, he must team up with the mysterious and belligerent powerhouse thief known as Wonder Girl and a hyperactive speedster calling himself Kid Flash in TEEN TITANS #1, by Scott Lobdell and artists Brett Booth and Norm Rapmund."
I don't know these creators.  It looks like Lobdell did some Buffy issues but mostly has done Marvel stuff.  Wonder Girl's info concerns me...stroppy Cassie wasn't liked by many people before..  If Kid Flash turns out not to be Bart I think I'll cry.
And who the hell are the other two?  Why (seemingly) get rid of Solstice for them?  I want to keep reading about Cass/Con/Bart/Tim but I'm not sure I get past the art.. :(

As for Supergirl...
Nice cover, nice suit (apart from the boots which should be below the knee) and the cover artist is doing the inside too, which is good to hear, but..
"Supergirl’s got the unpredictable behavior of a teenager, the same powers as Superman and none of his affection for the people of Earth. Writers Michael Green and Mike Johnson (Smallville, SUPERMAN/BATMAN) will team up with artist Mahmud Asrar to give a new take on the teenager from Krypton in SUPERGIRL #1"
This sounds entirely different to the Kara of the current comics.  I want to read more about the current Kara, not this new one. :(  The writers are good so I'm sure they'll produce good stories, but, I don't want to read about a new Kara, I want to see the current one develop. :(  The solicit sounds like she'll be a typical 'edgy', stroppy character, more like she was in the first 18 issues or so, but the art tells me this will be a more grown up Kara, an idea I find quite interesting.
Supergirl Comic Box Commentary has a good debate about this solicit.

So, my two favourite, iconic titles I am least excited and slightly miserable about.  *sigh*  I'll def get Supergirl, but I'm not sure about TT.

I'll now go through the other new titles and give my thoughts:
Alphabetical list filched from SallyP.

Action Comics - " This momentous first issue will set in motion the history of the DC Universe as Superman defends a world that doesn’t trust their first Super Hero"
It's by Morrison.  I'm sure he'll have fun with it.  I may buy it.   I wonder if 'first super hero' means actual first metahuman or if it means first icon.

All-Star Western - Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray are writing.  I'm sure it will be good, but it's not my thing.
Animal Man - This cover (right) makes it seem like it will be close in flavour to his last ongoing, from Vertigo.  In which case, I will probably put this on my pull list.
Aquaman - Fuck yes!  I'm that desperate for Arthur Curry goodness and so used to different takes on him I'll grab anything I can get.
Batman - do not care
Batman: The Dark Knight - also do not care.  Why can't Wonder Woman get the same number of titles Batman does?  *snark*
Batman and Robin - well, at least Damian is sticking around.   Though I do wish he had never left the Teen Titans.
Batgirl - It's Barbara Gordon seemingly out of her chair and back in the cowl.  This really upsets me.  I know it will be good.  I know Gail Simone has a lot of good stories to tell about Babs.  I know we don't know if Babs is cured or not.  For all we know she may be wearing a suit with nanites in that allows her to walk.  But I can't help thinking that we've lost a great disabled superhero, whose powers weren't linked to her disability, whose powers didn't overcome her disability and was nevertheless awesome and badass and could beat all of you in a fight, one hand behind her back.  Do you know how rare that is?  Daredevil is blind, but he's so gifted with other abilities he may as well as owl vision.
Or maybe it will be a younger Babs set before she got shot.  Which, well, it's easy to write stories set in the past about babsgirl, couldn't we have Babs as Oracle, adult wheelchair user, and another series of Babs as young woman, roof running crimefighter?

Batwoman - yep, gonna get this.
Birds of Prey - Where goes my Helena and Zinda?  The blurb sounds similar to the current BoP, but the writer is new.  I actually quite like Dinah's new suit.  I hope that's Katana on the right.

Blackhawks - how the effin hell do you do the Blackhawks, picture women on the cover and NOT have one of them be Zinda?  *cross*  This sounds very similar in theme to BoP, but with added murder and possibly less sexy ladies.
Blue Beetle - Jamie's back!  One up for those of us anti the whitewashing of superhero comics!
Captain Shinypants - I mean Atom.
Catwoman - I like Winick.  I like Guillem March.  But together?  Oh hells no.  I am staying far away form this book.  interviews with Winick have only confirmed my opinion.
DC Universe Presents - Bernard Chang is drawing the first story.  For that reason only I am inclined to pick up issue #1.
Deathstroke - Fucking hell he's got an impressive sword.  I hope Rose turns up in this.  I'm rather upset she isn't in the new TT solicit.  I may pick up issue #1.
Demon Knights - I cannot imagine anything more dull than a series in which Etrigan is the main character.
Detective Comics - Enough with the Bat love already.
The Fury of Firestorm - I will try this.  Gail Simone is writing, and I did enjoy Firestorm's story in Brightest Day,
Flash - If Wally, Irey and Bart show up in this I will buy it.  If it's all about Barry I'll leave it.
Frankenstein: Agent of Shade - does this sound similar to Shadowpact or is it just me?  I won't be getting it.
Green Arrow - undecided as to whether I should buy it.  I hated the post Blackest Night run of GA but that's mostly to do with the art.  This might be better.  High tech weaponry has been mentioned.  I hope this means trick arrows and not that Ollie is going to start using a tank or a gun.
Green Lantern - Yawn.  It's Hal.  This will hopefully be a good jumping on point for fans of the film.
Green Lantern Corps - Guy and John eh? Could be interesting.  But unless Guy is a dick I'm really not interested.
Green Lantern: The New Guardians - Now this I may want to get.. Kyle Rayner leads the emotional spectrum...
Grifter - I really have no opinion on this.
The Savage Hawkman - Angry, feral Carter.  Nice cover.  I'm very tempted.  The book would be improved with Sheria or Kendra.
Hawk and Dove - Love these 2!  An Sterling Gates is writing!  But Liefeld is drawing! Gates vs Liefeld, help....what do I do...
I, Vampire - Um, what is this vampire doing in a DCU book?  I want superheroes, not bloody vampires.  Unless it;s the Scream Queen, who isn't in these solicits.  Not that I'd ever expect her to be.  It was a very pleasant surprise to find her in the latest Superman/Batman story arc.
Justice League - John's out, Kara's out, all the sidekicks are out.  Arthur's back in, Diana has a nice new suit and Cyborg is in.  Arthur and Di might convince me to buy this.
Justice League: Dark - I'm sure this premise was already done in JLE and Cry for Justice.  Not getting.
Justice League International - erm, I'm half tempted, but I think I won't be able to afford it..
Legion of Super Heroes - If XS is in it I might get it.
Legion Lost - If XS is in it I might get it.
Mister Terrific - Fuck me a black guy gets to headline a comic.  He's got a stupid suit though
Nightwing - I'm tempted, I really am. I know it will revisit old territory and I know Dick has moved on but I kinda like him nonetheless.  And I don't own his old series.
Omac - erm, what?  No.
Red Hood and the Outlaws - Why does Roy have to be rejected by Ollie?  What does that say about Ollie?  And is Lian still in existence, even as just a memory?  Oh please bring Lian DC, please.
Red Lanterns - I guess this will angry, violent and bloody. Do you reckon Dex Starr will have a big role? 
Resurrection Man - This could be fun.  I only know him from that Supergirl cancer storyline.  it is a possibility to buy.
Sgt. Rock and the men of war - ugh, so not my cup of tea.
Static Shock - I am undecided about this.  I may buy it just to review on New readers.
Stormwatch - enough with the dangerous team son dangerous missions stuff.  With this I expect mind control and gay relationships.
Superman: the Man of Tomorrow - If they've split Clark and Lois up I will be furious.  Someone on twitter suggested that should make Clark or Lois gay.  In theory, great, in practice I love Clark and Lois too much together for them not to be with each other.  if one of them turned gay they would no longer be a couple and their romantic relationship would be ruined.  So what DC should do is make one of them transgender.  Then they still get to love each other and we get a premier LGBT couple.  As that won't happen I don't think I'll buy this.
Superboy- Why he is suddenly a cyborg?  Fuck sake.  I am not sure about this, but the art is better than Teen Titans so maybe I should get my superteen fix here instead?
Suicide Squad - motherfuckers.  what the feck have they done to Harley?  I didn't even recognise her when I first scanned through these new covers.  harleyquinnaid has a great post up about the slut shaming among the HQ fan contingent and why the costume is all wrong for Harley.  I think the costume is insulting to women and to Harley because the designer clearly didn't think about Harley's character when he came up with it.  Instead it looks like what would commonly be termed edgy and sexy.  It's objectifying and foul.
Swamp Thing - I don't give a fuck about this.
Voodoo - This looks like an odd book to be on DC's roster.  It looks like an IDW one.  Not for me.
Wonder Woman - "Written by Brian Azzarello, Art by Cliff Chiang, Cover by Cliff Chiang".  This looks great.  Then again, I haven't minded the reboot from issue 601.

So, the only ones I'm really annoyed about are the two titles I have most affection for - Supergirl and Teen Titans.  I think a lot of the problems are with the blurbs accompanying each title, and really, how much can they truly tell us?  The other titles, well for the ones I like I'm either used to reboots and relaunches for the, or they haven't had an ongoing for years, so I'm excited about what I can get.

There are a lot characters and creators I'm gonna miss, but hopefully this list of titles won't be the be all and end all.  I have heard that more titles will be announced for October, so I'll be interested to see what comes out.

I don't know.  We'll wait and see.  I have updated my pull list to list those titles I will get from September and I just hope that Teen Titans and Supergirl will please me.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

In part,a love letter to Aquaman

Or comics reviews for last weeks books.

Supergirl and JLA were good.  Gotham City Sirens has this gorgeous cover which I would love to see as a poster:
Teen Titans had a proper story about Hindu deitys and myths and Solstice was centre stage.  There were some interesting things going on with Raven too.

But what I really want to talk about is Superman/Batman, which was the clear winner.

It's the third part of the Sorcerer Kings storyline, wherein Superman is snatched away to a hellish future where magic rules and the future Superman is dead.  The future JLA consists of Batman in an extremely home made costume, Klarion the witch boy (and a size changing Teekl), Jason blood, Stanley Dover and his monster (no I don't know who this person is either), Scream Queen and Aquaman!

So, about half of these are magic users.  The yellow sun no longer exists so Superman is powered by magic sun, giving him the ability 'think' his enemies away.  We will count him as magical too then.

The placement of Bruce in a magic rich environment is amusing, given how much he hates magic.  The art is superb.

The inclusion of Aquaman is what makes this issue stand out.  At last someone recognises Arthur as a heavy hitter!  Arthur now holds of all the souls of the Atlantean people in his body - it was the only way he could save them all. Surely this is what being a  King is about?  Preserving your state and your peoples at all costs?  Arthur's status as royalty is the most interesting thing about him, I think, and really is not exploited enough.

This issue was great.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Death of Supergirl homage art

So, about a year or so ago I had in mind a post where I would collect all the homages to the Death of Supergirl cover I could find.  This post has been sat in my draft page since December 2009.  I thought I'd do something about it and actually post the damn thing.

For clarity, here is the original image, from the Crisis on Infinite Earths maxi series, issue #7:

Monday, April 04, 2011


Spoilers ahoy for Gotham City Sirens #21, Green Arrow #10, Wonder Woman #609, Teen Titans #93.
Gotham City Sirens #21
Oh Harley.  This story arc has made me love her so much.  She's so often portrayed as 'just' a vapid lovestruck clown, but these last 2 issues have shown her as much more.  She's intelligent and resilient.

The artwork is spot on.  There's one double page with a white background where all the action takes place in panels formed in the shape of a nail (a nail is central to this particular story being told).  It''s really dramatic and unusual - I live seeing artists play around with unusual layouts.

Green Arrow #10
I'm still not caring for this series.  I know I liked issue 9, but this one leaves me cold again.  The one interesting part was Galahad's origins revealed - he is not a knight of Arthurian times, he is a literary scholar with an interest in the Arthur tales, and he decided he was Galahad when his daughter died.  I prefer this version of events.  It helped that this discovery was topped off with him jumping out a tree and knifing (swording?) Etrigan.

Wonder Woman #609
My disappointment with Dr Psycho being Diana's rescuer has now been alleviated.  His role has now become, as Di herself said in the issue, sweet if a little creepy.  This has been by far my most favourite issue in this new storyline.  For a start, there's tons of Dianas.  This issue made it clear that Wonder Woman (and Diana's soul) is central to the DC Universe and that she has always had a place in it.  It made sure she cannot be erased.  No matter what may happen to the timeline, there will always be Diana's soul, surviving, thriving and leading as a warrior.

This issue showed us
a Diana abandoned at birth for being blind, but growing up to become leader of warriors fighting injustice.
a black pirate Diana born on a slave ship who carried on her mother's legacy, leading women and fighting warlords
a black Diana who is the princess of a tribe and refused to be married, so was cast out by her father.  She continued to protect her people and led them against their enemies.

This is the essence of Diana of Themscyria.  It doesn't matter what she wears or where she is.  She is noble, compassionate and a fighter.  This issue had everything in it I wanted.  I feel like I can finally see what Straczynski was trying to do.  I know I've been up and down on this series, but I think, looking back, that when I've been down on it it's cos the issues have been boring.  I don't think this run will be marked as one of the greatest ever, but it certainly has odd moments of brilliance.

Speaking of Wonder Woman, I am much happier with the new costume for the tv pilot.  There's also a picture of Palicki playing Diana in her ambassador (my description) outfit and footage from the pilot.  I'm getting really excited about this now!

Teen Titans #93
The team join Solstice!   Bart makes a bit of a fool out of himself and a demon steals Cassie and her mum.  Scott is on pencils, as usual, and demonstrates that she understands how gravity affects breasts.  Y'see, the demon has breasts, very saggy ones at that, and when she leaps around her breasts move too.  In the right way.  Get Scott on more more books please!  You might have to clone her to do this..

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Last batch of reviews...

Green Arrow 9 - hot damn this has gotten enjoyable.  Not great, not a masterpiece, but enjoyable.  I still do not care for the art though, inside and out.  The cover is terrible.  Etrigan looks like he has breasts,  if this was soem bodl new direction where he was actually going to develop both male and female attributes I'd like it.  However it's not, it's beefy muscles gone mad.

Gotham City Sirens 20 - a victory for Harley.  She's ingenious, driven and bright.  I really look forward to seeing how this turns out.

Teen Titans 92 - Jeanty a la Buffy portrait atrist extraodinaire did the pencils on this issue.  This meant I kept thinking the Buffster had replaced Cassie, and that Xander had snuck in and painted himself green.  Tthat was bizarre.  Damian has left the team and this makes me sad.

Batman: The Brave & The Bold #4 - Bats and Wondy get hitched.  'Nuff said!