Showing posts with label danger club. Show all posts
Showing posts with label danger club. Show all posts

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Convergence week 2

Convergence week 2!  Princeless the Pirate Princess, Danger Club, and Sensation Comics! Spoilers ahead.

Princeless the Pirate Princess 3
This is good.  I'm now convinced Raven is gay.  She has a supremely confident attitude and her body language and style just makes me read her as gay.  I know that's not a very technical or specific description, but I just think she's gay.  I wonder if straight readers also get this vibe off her?  Let me know.

Danger Club 8
This is the alternate ending.  I have lots of thoughts about this, and I shall write them up in a new readers review.

Sensation Comics 9
Mike Maihack draws the main story  and Ben Caldwell does the cover.  I really wish DC would hire these guys properly.  The first story is about sisterhood and sibling rivalry, it's an all ages comic.  the second is Diana and Lois meeting fairly on in their careers.  Lois has been asked to do a fluff piece on Diana, and neither of them are impressed by the questions she's been given, so they rile each other up.  Diana is drawn with really good posture.  Then there's an alien attack and they end up working together.  Standard plot of heros meet, fight then realise they are both on the same side, but done with words, in character and with motivation, and executed really really well.

Convergence 2
Let's see, Dick Grayson has a son and they've lost Barbara outside the dome, and Dick's son gets killed for dramatic effect.  Not cool guys.  The Earth 2 heroes are around and Dick somehow meets with them, there are fights with the guys from a video game based world (Injustice?) and Earth 2 Thomas Wayne Batman meets post Flashpoint Bruce Wayne Batman.  And Alfred proves his worth via his understanding of everyone's favourite types of tea.  I liked this issue but I couldn't remember the details from it.  This might make a reasonable mini series.

I see now that week's 1 tie ins were set in Gotham.  Week 2's are set in Metropolis.  I wonder where week 3 and 4 will be set.

Convergence Aquaman 1
Hook handed Aquaman! My favourite.  If you like Aquaman you should buy this issue.  It's great.

Convergence Supergirl 1
OK, so this was a fun comic, but it is not Matrix Supergirl.  I'm not sure exactly when in her timeline she is meant to be from, but she is with a Lex who is treating her like dirt, and she has no problem with this.  This Lex is rude and belittling and awful.  I know I haven't read many Matrix comics but I don't recall the Lex that Matrix was with ever being this awful to her.
Mae fights Lady Quark and her husband, and the writer, Giffen, tries to tell us that Quark and husband are gay, but in denial.  It doesn't really work, it's quite odd.  The Ambush Bug turns up.  I didn't know they knew each other.
If you read this as an alternate Supergirl it works, but it's not Matrix Supergirl.

I like the art a lot.  The colourist has made everybody shiny like they are plastic, which I usually don't like, but the colours are bright, the pencils are cartoony and the inks provide definition without being harsh.  Having said that, I can't forgive this opening splash page:

Convergence Green Arrow 1
Another one that I can't figure out where is from in the timeline.  Connor Hawke is in Metropolis hunting down his Dad, Oliver Queen.  I don't think the writer had ever read a Connor Hawke comic, because this is not Connor.  He does not dress like that, nor talk like that.  Nonetheless, I like it as an alternate version of the Arrows.  My alternate theory is backed up by the appearance of Dinah and a teenaged blonde Canary who is Ollie;s daughter, apparently.

Convergence Catwoman 1
This was in line with the Catwoman of it's time, right down to the 'sexy' art (my 2010 post about which remains one of my most popular of all time).  Selina is protecting the downtrodden under the dome, which isn't something I recall her doing at this point in her career but nevermind, and is given Kingdom Come Batman to fight.  If KC Bats isn't trying to avoid a fight in the next issue I'll be... not pissed off, but rolling my eyes at editorial incompetence.

Convergence Steel 1
I like Steel and so I quite looked forward to this issue.  I have no idea what he's up to in the New 52 but I think I probably won't like that version of him.

This version is the Steel I know and like, and it has Natasha (hooray!) and a nephew who I'm not familiar with.  There are quite a few plot holes in this issue, see Anj's review here for more detail on that.  But I mostly enjoyed it. The organic spiky metal cat is very much of the era this weeks books are channeling, and that I'm not too keen on, just for aesthetic reasons.  It's a damn ugly cat.  My main problem with this is Natasha and brother seem to think that they are unrecognisable in their armour.  Their armour is moulded to their face, even to their dreadlocks for fucks sake, and we are supposed to believe that people can't recognise them, when in armour their faces are exactly the same but silver?  No.

Convergence Shadow of the Bat 1
I do not like the art in this.  It's very computerised and gritty.  The cover has classic angry Batman on it though, always entertaining.

So the book is about BruceBatman and Jean Paul (Azrael).  They team up undercover to take down criminals, then team up in costume.  Bruce does a shocking job of keeping people safe as folk die while he's involved with these criminals.

Convergence Green Lantern/Parallax 2
This I liked a lot!  The Lanterns are Kyle Rayner and Hal Jordan, but as Hal is depowered he understands what he did as Parallax and has voluntarily put himself in gaol as punishment for his sins.  Then the dome goes down and Kyle and Hal get their powers back, and Hal gets uppity and decides to destroy Electropolis.  There's a panel showing images from this weeks' Supergirl issue and her skirt is coloured blue, not red.  Now that pissed me off.  Apart from that I very much enjoyed this issue.  Get it if you are a 90s GL fan.

Convergence Justice League International 1
Another slightly odd execution.  Ted Kord is the leader of this JLI, which I do not understand, not when J'onn J'onzz and Cap'n Shinypants are around.  The Kord of that era was not leader material and I don't think the dome would have changed that.  I'm also a bit mystified as to how and he and Beatriz got together.

Having said that, it was really nice to see this gang back together and if you ignore those continuity errors it's a fun read, with reasonable art.

They end up ready to fight the Kingdom Come folks.  Ted's declaration of being ready to fight seemed a bit at odds with what he'd just gone through.  I don't really understand why the Kingdom Come lot are so ready to fight and kill alternate universe heroes.  I mean, they are still heroes, and I don't think the KC world changed them *that* much.  At this point I'd like to see more heroes refusing to fight, like last weeks' Superman was refusing to fight.

Convergence Superboy 1
This was the best of them all!  Superboy as he was written in the 90s, as the Metropolis Kid with his fantastic costume:

No content spoilers from me.  If you like the Super family this issue and last week's Superman are the ones to get.

Convergence Suicide Squad 1
If you like the Ostrander Suicide Squad run you should get this.  Waller is the Wall again and it's got the added bonus of Oracle and Carol Ferris.  I don't want to spoil it, so I'll just say you get this.

Now, I was under the impression that each of these issues would be characters from a different universe, but it seems that the Metropolis' are from the same post crisis 90s, universe.  Is that right? Is each week's story set in the same dome but focusing on different characters?  In which case, why aren't the heroes in contact with each other?  A year isn't enough time for them to all give up and drift away. And why are there so many villains being sent to dome?  I thought it was 1 champion per dome.  Help me out here guys.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Comics reviews for week starting 17th April

Discussion and spoilers ahead for Thor: God of Thunder 7, Hawkeye 9, Danger Club 5, Supergirl 19, Wonder Woman 19 and The Pride Adventures.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Weekly comics reviews.

Likely to be drunken reviews by the end of the post..

Spoilers ahoy!  For: DCU Presents Black Lightning and Blue Devil 15, Ultimate Comics Spider-Man 18, Danger Club 3, Wonder Woman 15, Princeless Short Stories for Warrior Women 2, Superboy 15, Supergirl 15, Birds of Prey 15.
DCU Presents 15 : Black Lightning and Blue Devil
I finished this and I thought, eh, not as good as the first one.  Definitely a filler between the opening and closing issue.  Then I thought about it and thought NO.  This does expand their story, I did like it.  What I don't like are that Blue Devil is human 70% of the time and I don't like Lightning's new costume.  But that's superficial rubbish.  I do like the story.  If you exclude the silly physical and verbal posturing.  Blue Devil now becomes a blue devil by putting on an old devil skin (I know, yeuuch).  In this issue the devil in question want sit back.  But it doesn't want him.  Ooops.  And Jeff's Dad gets involved and kidnapped.
Yeah.  I'm looking forward to the concluding arc.   I picked this up off the shelf, it's not on my standing order list, and I def think that's the way forward.  Even though I'd recc pre new 52 Black Lightning Year 1 to folk who wanted to learn about the character. 

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man 18
Marvellous!  Much better!  Still part of the stupid crossover but so much better!  Mostly cause Miles is left alone and has to fight a giant woman in the desert.  And then Spider-Woman turns up and they get all honest with each other (up to a point).  And Miles' Dad has to face up to stuff he did in the military crisis.  But overall, yeah!  I do like Miles.

Danger Club 3
Finally got this in!  MY local comic shop had problems with this title, so I got 4 before 3.  Nevermind.
This may be about kids, but it's def one for the adults.  It's violent, and distressing and sad, and threatening,  It is nothing like Supergirl Cosmic Adventures in the 8th Grade, done by the same team, but it is still damn good.  I believe the schedule has slowed due to personal, family problems with the creators, but that makes it more special when it comes out.  If you're sick of DC or Marvel's offerings try this out.  It's set on a world where all the adult heroes have left the planet, disappeared, perhaps dies.  Just the kid sidekicks are left.  They have to face up to the few villains also left, deal with rifts amongst their community, and deal with missing their parents and mentors.  In this issue some of the kids get caught in a mindbending trap by a (presumably now dead) villain, another one finds out the president (himself an ex hero) killed all the adults, and another, the most grown up of them all (and probably analogous to a Robin), has to keep the Olympian sedated.  The Olympian is another teen, who in the first issue went power crazy and had to be put down by our Robin analogue.  The Olympian is still pretty destroyed in this issue.

Dammit this is good.

Wonder Woman 15
Better than I expected!  perhaps I'm in a better mood this week because it's the Christmas holidays?
Anyway, Wonder Woman herself is, as always, amazing.  She's diplomatic with Hera and Zola, she's a great fighter with Milan and Orion.
She got surprise swords after that battle cry too.

I adore the depiction of the Gods, and I'm dying to know more about Milan (blindfolded, sees through the eyes of flies).  And Orion is here!  Presumably heralding the rest of the new Gods.  So long as they don't make the Greek gods inferior to the New Gods I'll be happy.  If they do, you shall hear wailing and gnashing of teeth.

You know what though, I def preferred Cliff Chiang's art when he was doing Green Arrow/Black Canary.  it seems awfully stilted now.  Like there's lots of static shots and no flow.

Princeless Short Stories for Warrior Women 2

Go buy it.  Either in your shops or in comixology.  It's a perfect antidote to the shit that Marvel and DC can put out.  It's funny.  You can give it to your kids to read.  It turns fairy tales on their head.  It's got a dragon and an elf and a hapless Prince (winning the Charm classes does not help you in daily life when your daily life is stuck in a dungeon and you have no castle to hand).  And we learn a bit more about our runaway action Princess, but mostly about her armourer (and her family).

I rabbitted on at length about Princeless over on New readers.. and I have since found out you can buy it on Comixology.  So go buy it. Now.  Treat yourself to a late Christmas present.

Superboy 15
Hooboy.  It's H'el on earth.  I expected this to be utterly dreary.  Instead, i got something fun.  And moody Superman!  T-shirted and Caped Superman!  Why hasn't he thrown that stupid outfit out yet? I was disappointed to discover that Martha Kent has HAD NO INPUT into his costume.  Way to go.  Martha making his duds was cute, and sweet and lovely.  Now he's got battle armour.  Battle armour.  On a  Kryptonian living in Earth's atmosphere.  That's ridiculous.

Nevermind.  I liked the issue. 

Supergirl 15
We see a bit of Kara at home, on Krypton, happy and smiley.  I want more of this Kara please.  I understand she's had a shit time, and man I want H'el to just be defeated and fuck off, but I also want positive, optimistic Kara back.  I want to see her positively adjusting to earth life.  Judging by what we've now seen of her in Argo City I reckon this art team can do it.

See, unlike other favourite heroes of mine, I can identify with Kara and want to emulate her.  At her snottiest previous incarnation I understood her rage and her need to go and shitfaced and ignore the world.  In her lighter days I admired her carefree attitude.  I've always wanted her powers, and I reckon she gets to have more fun than Superman does (definitely this current Superman who I don't care for at all).  I admire her silver age happiness, her good naturedness. Unlike my other favourite female heroes I feel closer to Kara.  Wonder Woman is someone I aim to be (but I will never be mature or wise enough to be).  Black Canary is someone I want to be friends with (and probably get drunk with) but Kara is someone who has been a mess, but has come through it and is a good sweet, kind person.  She sometimes strikes out in anger, don't we all, but on the whole she does her best.  And that makes her far more human than the others.  Lets face it, I will never have Black Canary's ninja skills and Wonder Woman is a goddess.  I can't match that.  But I can make mistakes like Kara does and I can try and fix them.  And try to be a decent person.

So for that reason, I want to see a different Kara in the pages of Supergirl.  I want her happy.  I want her content.  I hope that will come soon, after the H'eL on Earth storyline.

Birds of Prey 15
A-ha!  The one I do want to be drunk for.  I've worked out what I'm not happy about with this series.  they are too happy to kill people.
Starling has guns for gods sake.
Katana stabs people with her sword.  And guts them and kills them.
I don't want to read a comic with heroes where they kill people.  I want my heroes to be heroic.  I want them to save the day and the innocents without murdering people.

And then there's the really stupid artwork.  Katana and Condor are fighting lots of ninja nasties and they decide to destroy the cube shaped bomb which will otherwise destroy part of Japan.
The next 2 pictures are the top and bottom of the same page.

Let's look at Katana again shall we:
 it appears we have an escher girl in our BoP comic.
 Now for clarity, here is the panel afterwards where they look at the cut bomb:

After bitching about this to my boyfriend he drew this version:
I think it's better.
B/c it's blurry, top left corner says 'ZOMG!! A BOMS!!'.  Top right says 'FAST! SLICE ITS'
bottom left says 'SLICES' and bottom right says 'YAY! WORLD A SAFE'
Figures are stick men and the bomb looks like an egg on a block, lying on it's side.  He didn't use the comic for reference.