Showing posts with label Radio Bamf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Radio Bamf. Show all posts

Friday, April 25, 2014

New Radio Bamf/ebay sale

Another Radio Bamf episode is up, where we talk about Bryan Singer , Days of Future Past,  Dick Grayson morphing into Tom Cruise, Teen Titans going away and coming back, DC’s upcoming events, Bombshell posters (SO GORGEOUS!, Eisners and comixology.   We talk Secret Invasion, Superior Spider-man and terrible Guy Gardner influenced porn moustaches, Thor and Batman.  Listen to it here:

And I’m selling about 200 comics on ebay to make space for the baby.  I’m happy to post worldwide, please take a look and drop me a line if you’ve got any questions.  My shopfront is here:

Thursday, March 27, 2014

New Radio Bamf shows!

Apologies for being slack with the posting lately.  I've just been dead busy.  I've got a few ideas for posts but just haven't had the time to write them up!

I do want to link to the last few Radio Bamf podcasts though.

Episode 47:
Teeny tiny bite size Bamf, talking about Spider-man, Avengers Arena and Daredevil.

Covering DC's bombshell variants, the TV Flash costume (so ugly), LSCC, Peter David's Aquaman, Hawkeye and some other stuff I can't remember because I have a terrible memory.

Bert and Fee vs ninjas! 

Enjoy :)

Thursday, February 27, 2014

New Radio Bamf podcast

Another Radio Bamf recording is up here:

In this episode we discuss Shulkie 1, Green Lantern/Red Lantern 28 (Supergirl becomes a Red Lantern!),Invincibles, Injustice, X-force and our special guest Andy Clift, creator of Bertie Bear, talks about his work and teaches us all about colour flatting.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Radio Bamf podcasts

I haven't done a plug for radion Bamf recently, so thought I should do one now.  I'm one of the hosts (I believe that's the right term!) and it's a weekly podcast about comics.  We cover the news and what we've read, occasionally do trivia and take questions.  Give us a listen, go on!

Details of the last few shows as follows (I think I have the topics right):
Episode 38: Happy New Year -  In this we covered what we got over the holidays, the something terrible kickstarter, forever evil, larfleeze and chew.

Episode 39: I rave about Sterling Gates' Vibe and Blue is the Warmest Colour.  We all discuss Sex Criminals (IIRC we talk mainly about porn in the woods and the letters pages).  News covered is Alan Moore and Peter Parker's return.

Episode 40:  This is a full house, with all 4 hosts there! I think I talked about Forever Evil: Rogues and Dan Slott's She-Hulk.  I may have talked Supergirl and I think we all discussed Hawkeye.  We also talked about the British Library's upcoming comics exhibition.

Episode 41: Breaking news -  All the news happened this week.  DC's solicits including Aquaman and the others, Teen Titans, the return of Wally West, Lex Luthor joins the Justice League and DC's tv shows/films. Marvel news was a  Spider-man weekly, Nightcrawler, Avengers Assembled, Marvel's film and TV news and Quicksilver's crappy movie costume.
Episode 42: Horror special - Special guest P M Buchan joins us to talk horror.  News is the Spidey and Bats/Supes movie, Earth 2 Batman ID is revealed.  This was the most recent one recorded on 3rd Feb.

Have a listen and enjoy!

Monday, September 09, 2013

Review update

I'm bloody tired.  I blame the running.  My eyes are also playing up - looking at a screen for too causes severe eye strain and and inability to focus.  It's not fun.  So I'm going to slow down on the weekly comic reviews.

Good news for you guys though - I do talk about a couple of things I've read on Radio Bamf each week.  It's a comics podcast I'm co-host for.  Episodes are hosted on We Are Arcade here:

Go listen to me on that instead.  Although I'm not doing this week's show because of tiredness and eye strain.  Gahh.  On last week's show I talked about how much I enjoyed Trinity of Evil and Zita the Spacegirl.  Not together.  Even though it sounds like a crossover, that would be wrong.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Another episode of Radio Bamf is up

You can listen to it here:  Actually, because I'm slack at announcements there are 3 new episodes you can listen to.

#18 has Jeremy Whitley, writer of Princeless as a guest.  #19 is all about Marvel and Batman/Superman. #20 has lots of news, talk about London Film and Comic Con, mystery comics with a variety of responses, and the launch of our new competition - give it a listen to find out out how to win a mystery comic.

Go on, listen in. :)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Man of Steel film review

I saw Man of Steel on Saturday.  What follows are my thoughts on it.  Don’t read it if you don’t want to be spoiled.  There’s a lot of spoilers.  Oh, and I had already discussed it in depth on the latest Radio Bamf podcast (for which I am now a regular team member). So give that a listen too.  We all had varying opinions on it and the discussion was spirited, to say the least!

I would advise you all to go see it.

Thursday, June 06, 2013

Another week, another set of reviews (and a Bamf session)

I guested on Radio Bamf again on Sunday. I feel a lot more positive about this episode, although I have come to realise that I suck at verbally summarising and reviewing books. I’m much better responding to other people’s thoughts and ideas. Anyways I had fun, I think it was a good show, so go have listen to episode 15 either at the website or  on Youtube (with automatic captions) and iTunes.  Links are on the we Are Arcade page.

Thanks again to the Bamf team for having me on. Catch them on twitter and facebook.

Now read ahead for comic reviews and spoilers of Supergirl/Prysm Double shot, Signs and Voices, Professor Elemental, Adventures of Superman 1, JLA 4, X-Men 1, Fearless Defenders 4 and Princeless # 3 (second volume).

Thursday, May 23, 2013


I took part in a podcast on Sunday.  Naturally, it’s a comics podcast.  It’s called Radio Bamf and it’s now online at the following places:

We are arcade website -
(My episode is episode 13)
We talk about Thanos, Batman, Supergirl, Princeless, Wonder Woman, Age of Ultron, comic news from last week and good amalgams.  And probably more too.  I have no idea how I came across in this, I refuse to listen back to my own voice.  When I’m put in a public role I suffer from chronic under-confidence  after the event, so to my mind I did terrible and ruined it.  But that is not based in any reality, that’s just my brain telling me I’m an idiot (thanks brain).  I do know the other guys are entertaining and fer sure they know their stuff so go give it a listen, for them.
Give ’em a like/follow, whichever floats your boat.  Becky Cloonan is on it next week (episode 14) so you should def listen in for her!  The show is recorded every Sunday and published every Monday.
Thank you to the Bamf guys for inviting me, I had great fun :)