Showing posts with label Mystery #2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mystery #2. Show all posts

Friday, August 22, 2008

Mystery #2 is done!

Here is the overall finished piece. Tonight I completed lesson five. First, the border is laid in with the 1/16th ribbon. Next, the Overdyed Perle is stitched created the large diamond pattern.
Last, using the Perlee, the small diamond is filled in, and one stitch is placed over the corners. I gave you a close-up of the border as well.

This design also has a name--Winter Reflections. I think that is looks like winter with all the blues and whites!

mirror blog:

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The fourth is finished

Tonight I completed the fourth corner! This completes lesson number four, and, there is only one more left for this piece to be completed! Stay tuned for the final installment!

mirror blog:

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Fourth corner

I am about half way through the fourth and final corner and therefore should finish it tomorrow night. I will post a new photo then.
Jane asked for the size of this piece and I realized I had never put that in for your reference. The overall length, right now is 7 inches, and it is 4 inches wide. There is still lesson five to complete which will add a little to the size. Yup, I peeked at the next set of instructions! LOL

mirror blog:

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Mystery #2, Third Corner

I have finished the third corner! I did not post a close-up since all of the corners look alike, but you can see more of the rectangle we are forming. I did try an outdoor shot this weekend, but the picture did not turn out as well as I liked, so I will try again.
mirror blog:

Friday, August 15, 2008

Second corner done!

So, the second corner is finished. I also decided to show you the overall piece so you can see how this is shaping into the rectangle.

I am planning on taking this outside this weekend to try and get it to show the light play that is present with the pale blues and the stark whites.

mirror blog:

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Second corner

I started the second corner tonight, and did the scan thing to see if I could get a better picture for you. However, the scan won't load! Yikes, now what?
Please tune in again tomorrow as I will try again!
mirror blog:

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

First finished corner

I finished the first corner tonight by completing the Horizontal Milanese stitch. I am alternating two strands of the Needle Necessities overdyed floss, and 1 strand of the Needle Necessities overdyed perle. As you can see, this is going to turn the design into a rectangular shape. Only three more corners to go!

mirror blog:

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mystery #2, Lesson 4.

First, I reposted last night's photo. It is a better close-up that will enlarge so that you can scroll over and see the center stitches better.
Tonight, I started lesson 4, which is filling in the corners with the Horizontal Milanese stitch. It is worked alternately with two strands of the Needle Necessities overdyed, and then a single strand of the Needle Necessities Overdyed Perle. The picture is what I finished tonight.
Jane is wondering how many mystery projects I have in the stash, and I am guessing 8 to 10. They are all geometric designs and different colors. I cannot disclose any more information about them at this time, but will tell you that you will eventually see more of them! I really enjoy Loretta's patterns and counted charts are a passion of mine!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Mystery #2, Lesson 3 is finished.

I have resumed working on the Mystery Project! Tonight, I finished lesson 3 by filling in the center of the piece. This is worked in the Squared Herribone stitch. Each one is started by using the Perlee, then switching to two strands of the Overdyed, back to the Perlee, and ending with the Overdyed. The center square adds more light play accents to the overall piece. This piece is called Winter Reflections as Loretta was reminded of snow with the sun shining on it and the mountain peaks.
mirror blog:

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Mystery #2 mirror image

I filled in the mirror image so we now have a six sided figure in this mystery! It is also done in the Horizontal Milanese stitch using the two strands of Marlitt. Jane noticed that this is very white. In person, you see more sheen and play of light than the white you see in the photo.
I will set this aside again for a few days, as my threads for Betsy came in, and I will resume stitching on her again on Monday.
mirror blog:

Friday, August 1, 2008

Mystery #2, Lesson 3

Step one of Lesson 3 is to fill in the right side of the piece with two strands of white Marlitt, working the Horizontal Milanese stitch. This is a great deal of light play in a pretty quick stitched area.
Yes, there is still lots more to come!

mirror blog:

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Lesson #2 Mystery Project

While I am waiting to get threads for Betsy Bluebird, and the next steps on the Santa Heart, I picked up the Loretta Spears mystery project and finished putting in the cross stitches in the two strands of silver cord. This is in the bottom left and right rectangles. This completes lesson two of the piece.

Friday, July 18, 2008

As much as I can for now....

I did get quite a bit done tonight! I filled in the top right grid of the bottom section with the Perle again. Then I started the rectangle on the left. All the ribbon thread is tacked down with the Perlee, and the cord cross stitches are started in the top left portion. You also see the Perlee thread up in the right rectangle.
Remember if you click on the photo, it will enlarge and you may be able to see more of the metallic as well as the wonderful light play achieved so far.
But, for now I am setting this aside for a bit.
I picked up the last fibers needed for the Chickadee and will begin him tomorrow.
Yes, Mom, there soon will be more!
mirror blog:

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Two more grids

In the bottom section, the top left grid is done with two strands of the Marlitt, following the diagram pattern. Notice how the mirror grid on the top half was also worked with Marlitt.
The center bottom grid is worked in a snowflake design using first the Perlee and then two strands of silver cord create the cross stitches. This, then also mirrors the fibers on the top half in the same grid.
Tomorrow, I am picking up the last fibers I need to start the birds, and I will get one on the frame on Saturday.
mirror blog:

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Second filled in grid

This is the bottom grid, all sectioned off. The canvas on this piece measure 8 inches across and 11 inches down the side, so you have a perspective. The rest of this lesson will fill in the mirror sections of the top, but leaves the center blank. Still a mystery, isn't it?
mirror blog:

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The mirror image

I tried to post this last night, but blogger had problems loading the photo, so I had to try again this morning. So, I am now moving on to the bottom portion of the design. As you can see, I have worked the outside border in the upright cross stitch. I am using the Needle Necessities over-dyed floss again. This is going to be a mirror image of the top section, with a square in the center joining the two grids.
mirror blog:

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Completed Lesson #1

Lesson #1 is complete!
The bottom right grid was filled in using Marlitt, following the chart. This was worked from the outside in, taking care to make sure that the threads lay flat for maximum light play.
Next, the top rectangle was filled in, then the right hand. Both begin by laying Kreinik 1/16th ribbon from end to end. Then each area is couched down, using Perlee, following the charted design. Last, two strands of Kreinik cord are used to create the cross stitches in both rectangles.
Enjoy the sheen and color play in this area.
mirror blog: htp://

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Filling in the grids

The bottom left corner is filled in using overdyed perle, matching the overdyed floss, used to complete the grids. It is worked with one strand for the pattern. It really shines in person! the center pattern is stitched using Kreinik Perlee, working on the diagonal. Then I used Kreinik cord and worked a cross stitch over 2 x 2 threads in the center of each pattern. It, too, is really sparkly!
I peeked--the bottom right grid is going to be filled with Marlitt! Stay tuned!

Friday, July 11, 2008

The center grid

Tonight I filled in the center grids, using the Needle Necessities and the same stitch. Each of these areas will next be filled in using different stitches and fibers. This is about one half of the total design. As you now know, Loretta Spears did mystery projects. She would send her students, one lesson at a time, and give them about two weeks to stitch the lesson. Then the next one would appear in the mail. The first lesson gives you the material and fiber requirements and Lesson #1. No picture. We are still on lesson one!

mirror blog:

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Mystery #2

This is the start of Loretta Spears Mystery Project #2, called Winter Reflections. It is worked on 24 count light blue Congress cloth. The first instructions are to use two strands of Needle Necessities Overdyed in color 112. As you can see, this is a very light overdyed in blue. The stitch is an upright cross and step one was to create the outline you see above. You will also see three additional crosses inside the outline. These will be connected in the next step.
I hope you stay tuned to see how this progresses, as there is no picture to show you what the completed project is to look like!
mirror blog: