Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to everyone!  Hope you all have a wonderful day with family, friends, and good times!

Monday, December 26, 2016

Some Christmas!

I was lucky to receive some great new books and a beautifully stitched box for Christmas!

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Happy Holidays

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!  Enjoy the day with family and friends
and I hope you were so good this year that you got everything on your list!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Off traipsing

 I finished the is all done!  Just a few more of my special ornaments for you to see.
Today I am on the train back from Chicago where I have been
traipsing around the city with two of my nieces and my sister!  We saw the lights on Michigan Avenue and
 went to One of a Kind Show and Sale at the Merchandise Mart on Saturday!  Over 600 artists displaying
wonderful creations.  And, we laughed and talked and ate.....what would you expect!  I promise to get back
to stitching on Monday!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Let's decorate......

I am a little behind getting the tree all decorated this year but have been battling a major is getting better and I love seeing the ornaments created by me and friends over the years!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A couple of things

 I worked on my Lee canvas that I call Wild Woman tonight.  She has a neck!  I am using four strands of Splendor in 900 for the "foundation" she is wearing.  I also started working on the V neckline skin as well....but then I decided to go ahead and start her eyeshadow.  The one on your right or her left eye has the top color of shadow which is done in four strands of Splendor 926 with two strands of Accentuate #300.  I hope you can see a little of the glitz it gives.  Tomorrow when I work on my Sunday project I am also going to watch my Amy Bunger DVD of Spiders and More!  I will probably not get much stitching done as these are great and full of lots of tips and hints--DH can read his list real well!  LOL

Monday, January 3, 2011

Two Gifts

The first gift is a another Christmas present.....this one from one of my stitching friends.  This book is full of darning stitch ideas and some of Suzy's quotes and comments which are good for several laughs while perusing the contents.  It is laid out well with lots of patterns and suggestions.

The second is the Gift of Love bow by Sharon G.  Tonight I finished the left streamer with the single strand of Marlitt.  I then started on the blue Double Stitch background on the left below the ribbon band and completed it above the top three hearts

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Reality, Possibility

 Reality is that I stitched on Wild woman's face and finished her foundation down to her chin and a bit of her neck.  I also added the darker shade around the edge of her face and down her neck and across her shoulders.  DH wanted know when I was going to do the "bags" under her eyes.  "What bags?  Do you mean the blush on her checks? " Yes, I guess that is what it is supposed to be....Hmmm....  See what we are up against?
Possibilities is another Christmas present from DH.  This is a wonderful book with major creativity inside. 
I am grateful that he keeps the list of ideas I give him, aren't you?  LOL

Saturday, January 1, 2011

This n that

First, Sara sent me a much better picture of Otto.....which she loves!  The look on her face when she opened her eyes (I had her close her eyes and hold her hands out and then set him between them) was speechless!  She really likes him and plans on hanging him in her office.
Next, I wanted to share:
This Charley Harper design was a present from DH for Christmas.....He is going to be part of a set of three that I plan to stitch for the four season room.  He is a lot smaller than Brrdd Bath, but will go nicely in the trio.

Then, a couple of presents I bought myself this last week:

Aren't they fantastic?!  These are both by Orna Willis and they are in her Etsy store!    
The needle case design comes with a button threads, fabric and all.  The Needle Art kit comes in several colors and of course, I wanted blue so she made one up for me and posted it to the store showed up so very quickly!  Thanks Orna!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The week before Christmas...

Twas the week before Christmas, all through the house
All the creatures are stirring, even the mouse;
The stockings are packed by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be here:
The baked goods were nestled all snug in their tins,
While visions of more cookies danced in the din;
And mamma in her apron and hubby in his lair,
Had just settled in for the last of the baking usually done so rare;
When out in the garage there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the oven to see what was the matter.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but a present laden hubby so dear,
Wrapped presents were stacked high already done,
Vintage Car - Christmas Clipart
Along with tins of  favorites for each of the loved ones.
Now cookies,  now caramels, and yes, chocolate fudge,
Then brittle and haystacks, and yes, peanut butter fudge.
"You expect me to get all this in the car, stacked to the wall?'
Yes, dear, I do, so we can dash away all!

p.s.  Cooking and baking consumed the stitching time today, but I will be back tomorrow with more progress...hope your shopping and baking and cleaning and cards are done.....I can say mine are now!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

I'm Back!

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! We sure did! We made a trip to Michigan and had both a wonderful time and trip up and back! The piece above is a small cross stitch piece I stitched for DH this year. It is a Poppy Kreation's design called Winter Stuff. The Santa board is also by Poppy Kreation's. The Jingle my bells probably took about an hour to stitch, and finishing is a breeze. I could not show you the piece until after he saw it! Tomorrow, stitching rotations resume!