Friday, August 11, 2006

Almond Choc.Chip Butter Cake With Cranberries

We deliberately had our first time home-self barbeque for dinner yesterday. A fast marketing was done by my hub and I was really an enjoyable one. We did not have any idea of what shall we have for the bbq. Grabbed this and that really makes a move for all the ingredients. I started to marinate some of the items earlier with ground corriander & cumin, crushed black pepper, chili powder, salt & some of Hoisin sauce. Walah! And the outcome was....undescribtible! (nyampah aku, masuk bakul angkat sendiri tau!)

My newly barbeque set

Indeed I was having my fast yesterday and suddenly an idea in making a fluffy butter cake for late night munching after the bbq, pop-up. This time I wanted to make my very own modification in the ingredients. And what a succeed!

What I Need:
113 gm butter
113 gm castor sugar
2 eggs
113 gm self-raising flour
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
100 gm semi-sweet choc. chips
80 gm dried cranberries
50 gm almond flakes
1 tbsp fresh orange juice (optional)

How To:
1. Preheat oven to 175ºC. Grease and floured 7" bundt or tube pan.
2. Using an electric mixer, cream butter and sugar till light and fluffy.
3. Add in eggs one at a time and mix well with vanilla essence.
4. Fold in flour bit by bit.
5. Add in almond flakes, cranberries and choc. chips and stir it by using plastic spatula.
6. Bake in preheated oven for 45 mins. or until toothpick inserted comes out clean.
7. Cool for 1 hour before cut.

Almond Choc. Chip Butter Cake With Cranberries

Satisfying, irresistible tea-time dessert on my own modification...goes well with hot tea.....

Just too bad that these are the only leftover for my hub and I to enjoy for the night break as the rest of it was nibbled by the kids!

Apam Puteri Ayu

I still put up here though I feel it does not meet to my expectation. But I will try again to my very best to put in more effort so that I could get a good texture and flavour. My very first trial on Puteri Ayu.....(tak ayu punnnn....) :p

2 biji telur ayam (eggs)
160gm gula kastor (castor sugar)
1 tsp ovalette
200gm tepung gandum (all-purpose flour)
100ml susu segar (fresh milk)
1 tsp pes pandan (pandan flavour)
sedikit pewarna hijau (few drops of green colourings)
80gm kelapa parut, dibuang kulit arinya (white coconut)
2 tsp tepung jagung (corn flour)

Few mould & steamer.

Gaulkan kelapa parut bersama tepung jagung & ketepikan. (mixed coconut with corn flour & set aside)

How To:
1. Pukul telur & gula hingga kembang & sebati dengan menggunakan mesin pemutar. (with elecrtric mixer, beat eggs & sugar till white & fluffy)
2. Masukkan ovalette. (Add in the ovalette)
3. Bubuh tepung berselang-seli dengan susu segar & putar hingga ringan. (Fold in flour alternating with milk until smooth)
4. Masukkan pes pandan & pewarna hijau. (Add pandan paste & drops of green colourings)
5. Bubuh kelapa dalam acuan yg telah di oles minyak. (scoop in coconut on the base of a grease mould)
6. Sudukan adunan kedalam acuan berisi kelapa tadi. (scoop of batter, pour into the mould with the coconut base)
7. Kukus selama 15-20 mins atau hingga masak. Terbalikkan kuih & sajikan. (Steam for about 15-20 mins or until cook. Turn over mould before serve)

Note: Pastikan pukul hingga gebu supaya ianya akan kekal lembut setelah kukus. Pastikan jangan kukus terlalu lama, terus angkat selepas ianya mengembang. (be sure to beat the first item till fluffy in order to get a smooth texture after steaming. Do not oversteamed)

Apam anyone?...

Apam Puteri Ayu

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Stir Fried Briyani Squids

My very own creation to change the style and taste. And the outcome turns to be 'not so bad' (hehe, masuk bakul angkat sendiri, phuiikk!)

What I Need:
500 gm medium squids, throw away the black ink, washed, cut & drain (sotong, dibuang hitamnya)
4 shallots, peeled * (bawang kecil)
2 garlics * (bawang putih)
1/2" ginger, peeled & washed * (halia)
1/2" fresh tumeric, peeled & washed * (kunyit basah)
1 tsp fish sauce, nampla (saus ikan nampla)
1 tbsp chilli powder (serbuk lada)
1/2 tbsp corriander powder (serbuk ketumbar)
1 tbsp briyani powder (rempah briyani)
3 stalk curry leaves, washed (daun kari)
Carrot, cut & washed (lobak merah)
Salt to taste
2 cups water
5 tbsp cooking oil for frying (minyak utk menggoreng)
*.... to be pounded

How To:
1. Boil water in deep pan; Upon boiling, put in squids and boil it half cook for says about 3 mins; Drain & set aside.
2. Heat oil, fry pounded ingredients till fragrant.
3. Add in all the powder & fish sauce nampla. Stir well.
4. Add salt to taste. Throw in curry leaves, carrot and half boil squids into. Stir until all ingredients well blended.
5. Serve hot with plain rice.

Stir Fried Briyani Squids (Sotong Goreng Briyani)