
Showing posts with the label Traveling

Vegas Baby!

As posted before Rob went to Vegas for a work seminar...yes in Vegas!  How could anyone be upset withing going to a work seminar when it is in Vegas?! He said he had a really good time, but was happy to come home to his sweet :o) Sunday was a free day for them and then it was meetings Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday.  They had a couple nights on their own and then a dinner for the whole company and entertainment another night.  There were over 9000 people attending these seminars!!  Crazy!  Here are a couple pictures from his trip... One guest they had was Colin Powell and Rob said he was pretty funny and from the video he took I would have to agree! Although, I wish that I could have joined him (minus the seminars!), I'm so glad he got some time away and had break just for himself.  It definitely is/was well deserved!  And, of course I'm beyond happy he is home!!  I really did miss him :o)


We took the boys on their very first "vacation" to to Omaha, Nebraska to visit Rob's Family.  I was so excited for his family to meet them, but I will admit I was nervous about flying with two 9 month olds! You never know what it's going to be like... The plane ride there (~2.5 hours) actually went great! They both slept the entire way!! Which was so wonderful seeing as how there were four (yes count them 4!), 9 month olds all sitting within a seat of each other!!  On the way back they slept for a while then played and played, they were very good that I might just actually consider flying with twins again :o) While we were there, we stayed with Rob's sister, Angie, her Husband, Sham and beautiful 2 yr. old son, Noah!  Oh and technically her soon to be daughter, who is expected to arrive the 1st week of July!!  We're so grateful for them for letting us take over their house for just about 2 weeks! :o) Here's the crazy squirrel that Rob's Dad caught-