Vacationing up north

Thanks to a friend of ours, we got offered to go to Sedona for a week at a great price and it was wonderful!  Kaila was in Alabama visiting some family, so we'll have to go again with all of us.

With it being our first road trip of the year...we've determined that if the teenager goes with us our vehicle is not as compatible as the minivan was!  We'll have to get a luggage rack up top or rent another vehicle- lol!
We're off!

We arrived Sunday night after a quick 2/2.5 hour drive.  We have banned video games lately so we let them have it on the ride and that's pretty much all the did- ha!

We made it!

When we got in, we just relaxed at the pool and got some food at this planet restaurant.  The boys thought the aliens were cool looking and of course the dessert was delish!


The first night, the boys ended up being in our bed...look how they sleep, there was no room for us!!

There were so many hiking trails close to our hotel, which by the way was awesome! Had a nice living room with a  pullout couch, an island to eat at with a full size kitchen, nice big bedroom with a great size tv and huge bathroom!! The shower was 3 times the size of ours and the bathtub was huge and kind of hard to bathe the kids, but so nice!!  Here's our view...beautiful.
We went on many adventures and if you know Rob, you know we did not stay on any designated paths!  He likes to go off trail and be adventurous and that is one of the things I love about him. The first place we went and hiked was beautiful, except the bugs.  I am not a fan of bugs!!

Did lots of swimming during the week, every day when we got home we'd go. Lincoln and Tyson loved the pool because they could stand. 

We attempted fishing, only caught one fish the whole trip!  {we didn't tell the kids, but he didn't make it after we got him unhooked---he got stuck on the hook for too long}

Went on a hike to a creek and basically through the whole creek.  It was crazy and fun all in one!  We did not walk the creek, we walked inside the creek and Rob was so worried about the kids losing their shoes, that he lost his!  It was comical to say the least.  He ran after his shoe and never found it. Lol!
Ths is the "moment" where it all went down hill says Rob! haha

Looking for his shoe!

One shoe

Oh the faces :o)

Made it down to Slide Rock

My boys!

The boys went across the water on the opposite side of me...this is their side, a lot easier than my side!
This was my side...I had to go under that large rock to get across without having to swim across!

Daddy and Lincoln attempting to go on a little slide :o)

Dad getting ready to help the clan across this body of the backpack on the head! Ha

Daddy and Tyson going on the slide, Tyson, whom is afraid of the water, was so proud and excited!

One of our crazy-off the trail-hikes at slide rock...

Apple orchard at Slide Rock...we all picked a little tiny apple, I would love to have apple trees!


At the end of a long day...our faces say it all.  Lol!


Last fishing attempt with a  little hike...

Our last swim before we left!

Such a great vacation, now back to regular life :o)


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