
Showing posts with the label Jaxton

Jaxton Robert

As hard as it is to write this, it is also very healing to tell the story of our son... On Tuesday, June 17th 2014, we were scheduled for an ultra-sound to check the babies heart and to confirm the gender.  Back at our 12 1/2 week appointment, they thought that it was a boy.  He had a very prominent pee-pee that they showed us :o) When we found out it was a boy, I went and bought this outfit.  This was going to be the outfit we brought him home in...needless to say, this is going to be one of our keepsakes. Well, Tuesday came around and our appointment was at 7:10am.  We went in, joking with the ultra-sound tech about whether or not it kept that pee-pee.  We just chit-chatted a bit until she was ready.  She then got started and the minute she turned it on and scanned the baby, I knew something was wrong.  I could not see his heart fluttering nor was he moving.  She was very quiet and just measured his head and then his arm, sighed and then shut it off.  She said to us, I am