I follow a lot of blogs but there are only a very few whose feed I get via email. One of them is Janice Hardy, who never fails to offer something I can use, be it a real life diagnostic on someone's sample or one of the over 500 articles she's written on plotting, voice, character, pov, and just about every other writer-related subject you can think of.
Another one is Wordplay, K. M. Weiland's site, which also has great posts on writing, a free ebook on crafting characters (which I have and love), and offers these words of wisdom: You're a Writer. Claim the title.
The third I'll mention is The Bookshelf Muse, which is "dedicated to helping writers via descriptive tools, knowledge sharing, and support," and the place to go if you need help with character traits, emotion*, or setting. They've got all the words and then some.
What sites have you found helpful?
* remember I mentioned their book, THE EMOTION THESAURUS, a few weeks back? Well, I've got it and it now sits on my desk within easy reach :)