Ch. 1 – p. 1 On the day before she leaves for the
Academy, Camille’s Grandfather takes her to meet the peddler from whom she
receives the watch.
Now that same entry looks like this:
Ch. 1 – p. 1 On the day
before she leaves for the Academy, Camille’s Grandfather takes her to meet the
peddler from whom she receives the watch. This would be a good place to insert a bit of back story.
Start with Cam’s worry over leaving Grandfather alone, even tho he has friends,
thinking about his warnings about CGE, which she doesn’t believe, putting it
down to fear that he’ll lose her, too, like he did her mother.
Don’t get me
wrong. I love my grandfather, more than anyone. More than the father I never
knew but heard so much about, and more than my mother who thought nothing of
leaving me. But he is old fashioned like a lot of old people. Always thinking
things were better when he was a kid, that ‘the worlds have devolved and all
that was good is slowly leaking away.’ I think he’s being a little dramatic, or
maybe just remembering wrong. “You forget, Cammi, I’ve been around a long
time,” Which is true; he has. He was around when Cedar made first contact
(although he always says they made contact first). I try to tell him it’s
change and inevitable but he just shakes his head.
"Then why are you letting me go?” I asked him the last
time he went on about CGE.
“Because I don’t want to lose you,” he answered.
“You can’t
lose me, Grandfather,” I said, hugging, him. “No matter what.” As for the watch Cam receives, I imagine it looks something like this: