The Good Place begins with Eleanor (Kristin Bell) who, thanks to some kind of error, is sent to the Good Place instead of the Bad Place, which is definitely where she belongs. She discovers this as Michael (Ted Dansen), the Architect of the Good Place, goes over all the wonderful things some other Eleanor did when she was alive. Now Eleanor has to figure out how to stay in The Good Place without being discovered...
I cannot begin to tell you how much I'm enjoying this show. Each episode is only 21 minutes, making it easy to watch one, two, or three, at a time. It's also hilarious. Ted Dansen is super funny as the Architect ("Any place or thing can be up to 104% perfect. That's how you got Beyonce.") and Janet as the all knowing assistant is the best. She can't eat so she just presses food against her mouth in imitation. And, of course, it's about much more than Eleanor trying to not get found out and sent to The Bad Place.
Have you seen this show? Oh, and please no spoilers since I'm only on the first season. Happily there are two more :)
Meanwhile, in the world of 7 Days to Die, a computer game in which you must gather supplies, built a shelter, and withstand the horde, I am still having a ton of fun. I found a really cool garage with a second floor apartment that I've fixed up, and the place is missing the bottom few stairs so the zombies can't get up (yet). I'm still playing on the easiest setting and I've died enough that I get sarcastic remarks upon reset ("You barely made it - again.") but I don't care. It's fun!!!
Finally, I am reading (ever so slowly) Spare and Found Parts by Sarah Maria Griffin.
What have you been doing?