
Showing posts with label I love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I love. Show all posts

Monday, December 27, 2010

A few of my favorite words

Bloody – which I got from reading too many historical romance novels. It was a way for the hero in the story to sound tough without using any swear words. Which is kind of funny when I think about how much sex went on…

Dodgy – I heard this word in a song recently on someone’s blog and it made me laugh. It’s akin to a word we use in my house to describe some of my cats who are a bit untrustworthy and socially maladjusted. We call those cats sketchy, or sketchballs.

Git – Ron used this word a few times in HP, referring to Malfoy, I think.

Fancy – This is one of my favorites when referring to a member of the opposite sex. For example, I definitely fancy George Clooney over Brad Pitt.

Piker – My son brought this one home and it seems to refer to some lazy-ass git.

Shite – My sister was married to a Scotsman for a time and she introduced to me this word which I often use instead of the Americanized shit, which, frankly, just sounds rude.

Snog or Snogging – Once again, thanks to HP I now think of kissing as snogging.

Wanker – Another lovely word courtesy of my former Scottish brother-in-law, as in, he’s a right wanker isn’t he? Not complimentary.

All these lovely words almost make me wish for a re-unification!

Meanwhile, we’ve had snow flying since last night and I am absolutely ecstatic to be home and not having to go anywhere.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Did I ever mention I love Star Trek?

Actually, I love scifi period.

Yes, Fantasy is my first love, but scifi runs a close second. I read all the Foundation books, I loved Whipping Star, and Vernor Vinge is one of my favorite authors. I also fell in love with Star Trek pretty much from the start – thanks to my dad. And if you ask me why I’ll tell you. It’s the same reason I love certain books. Characters. Star Trek has great characters.

Let’s take two, starting with the original Star Trek with William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. Yes, Capt. Kirk was entirely too full of himself but who else but William Shatner could’ve played him so perfectly? And Nimoy is just as perfect as the emotionless Vulcan – until it comes to mating time (one of my favorite episodes). I adored how logical his bride to be was. Ok, so maybe there were a few silly episodes, like The Trouble with Tribbles (but it was fun!), or Mudd’s Women, but there were some great ones like The Menagerie with Capt. Pike or The City on the Edge of Forever, where they go back in time and Kirk has to let a young Joan Collins walk into traffic. Brilliant AND tragic.
What about you? Love Star Trek? Or Hate it.

Meanwhile, I’m totally slacking on revisions, the rain has washed all our snow away, and the Yankees lost Cliff Lee to Philly. Yee Ha!