
Showing posts with label where I am. Show all posts
Showing posts with label where I am. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

What's Good

Even though I haven't sold my house yet, there's lots good about the fact, like I'm enjoying another summer on my awesome deck...

and my extra awesome Hydrangea...

a wicked fun new show...
I ripped through all 8 episodes in about a week

and last but not least, I found the motivation my character needed and revised all her chapters, which consequently caused more revisions, but finally got me past where I'd left off. So yay me!

Anything good in your life right now? Seen Stranger Things? Love summer as much as I do?

Monday, March 24, 2014

Blackbird sessions

Last Thursday morning I saw my first Red-winged Blackbird of the season. It always makes me happy when they come back in the spring; I just love their song. If you have a minute, close your eyes and listen. I'll wait.

There. Don't you feel better? Oh, and if you listen longer than a  minute you'll a hear the Sora piping up in the background.

And if you just can't get enough of me? Dianne Salerni is interviewing me over at her blog today where I'll be answering some fun questions and showing off you know what.

Finally, the winners of West of Paradise are:

1. Liza
2. LG
3. Liz

Please email me with your addresses so I can send :)

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

One word interview and a wicked short post

Tyrean asked if I would come by and participate in a one word interview so of course I said yes. After all, what could be easier? Better yet, it was fun!

Come visit us at Tyrean's Writings if you get the chance.