
Showing posts with label Damariscotta events. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Damariscotta events. Show all posts

Friday, October 16, 2015

The biggest and a small story

Finally the last of this year's pumpkin pics - or, at least the last of the pics I deem worthy to share. There were a bunch I didn't include because they didn't make 'the grade' (only B+ pumpkins and better make it into my pumpkin pics).

Outside Maine Coast Bookshop - our local bookstore
Look closely at this one...
This pumpkin looks a little tipsy.

The biggest...


And finally, a small story...

By the time this happened I had made my circuit of the town and was just before the bridge, taking the last pics before crossing and heading up the hill back home. So maybe I was a little tired. And I had to go to the bathroom. Anyway I was trying to take a picture of this pumpkin which wasn't even all that spectacular and the only reason he gets a place is because of these people.
And let me say right off that I wouldn't have taken this pic if they hadn't been standing there FOREVER. I was waiting and waiting and waiting and they kept talking and flirting and he was telling some story about how he woke up naked in bed and blah blah blah CAN YOU NOT SEE I'M TRYING TO TAKE A PICTURE OF THIS DAMN PUMPKIN HERE?!!! But no. They did not see me. They just kept talking and then this other girl joined know, to talk some more.
Mind you, I'm still waiting with my camera poised and ready and I've already taken a couple pics of them, like, hello? Hint, hint. And then what do they do? The girls get the guy to take some pictures of THEM, posing by the river with the foliage. And not just one picture. And then the girls had to look at the pictures and make sure they were okay. OMG.

And sweatpants? Dude. Really?

And all for this...

Like I said. Not the most impressive pumpkin in the patch. But I finally got the picture.

See how much fun Pumpkinfest is? And I didn't even go to the Regatta which is like standing room only. But you can read about it and see pics of it here. Seriously, if you live in New England, it might be worth the drive next year plus there's Biscay Orchards nearby and they have the best apples and these killer pumpkin donuts.

Okay. Enough said. Have an awesome weekend :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

But wait...there's more...

Pumpkins of course!

And more foliage...This tree is especially beautiful every year.

See you on Friday with a last batch of pumpkin pics and a story :)

Monday, October 12, 2015

Pumpkinfest 2015

As you might recall, every year at this time Damariscotta holds a pumpkinfest, which involves a lot of pumpkin shenanigans, including a pumpkin parade, a pumpkin regatta, and my favorite, the painting of the pumpkins. The weather was perfect and I set out from my house with my camera and took a few pictures of the foliage before reaching the first pumpkin at the top of the hill.

looking down toward my driveway, which is just beyond the second telephone pole.

Sometimes it was hard to get a picture without someone in it.
This one was pretty spectacular.

I'll be back on Wednesday with more. Have an awesome Monday everyone.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


As many of you know, every year at this time Damariscotta and Newcastle, aka the Twin Villages, celebrate Pumpkinfest, which features massive pumpkins that local artists decorate, a prize for the biggest, a pumpkin catapult (hey, we know how to have fun here), and a pumpkin regatta (yep, guys - and gals - in pumpkin boats). It's a lot of fun but my favorite part is always the big pumpkins lining the streets all carved and painted. Here are a few that caught my eye...


loved this one with the sea monster

and this one with the purple flowers...

yep, that's 1695lbs!!!

Monday, October 28, 2013

But wait, there's more ...pumpkins!

This one was done by local artist, Glen Chadbourne -

And this beauty was probably my favorite - 

Can you imagine the time it took to carve every leave and flower?!

And this last one, was the winner for the biggest pumpkin, a whopping 1266lbs!

Have a great week and see you Friday with our first First Impression of the month :)

Friday, October 18, 2013

More pumpkinfest!

This was another one I really really liked. 

See the little green painted gourd at the bottom? This one must've taken some time!

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend :)

Monday, May 27, 2013

Damariscotta Mills Fishladder Restoration Festival

Here in Maine, we celebrate Memorial Day in typical fashion, with a parade in the morning to honor those lost, and a barbecue in the afternoon to welcome in the summer season. Not so typical is the annual Fishladder Restoration Festival, held here in Damariscotta Mills (a mere five minute ride from my house), where you'll find Maine's oldest and most productive Alewife fishery.

But what are alewives, you might be asking. Well. Let me show you...they look like this:

Can you see them? There's a lot! Alewives are members of the herring family, possessing slender bodies, greyish green on their back and silver on their sides and belly. They spend most of their life at sea but return to freshwater to spawn. They are also a primary source of bait for lobstermen each spring. Here's another shot of them from higher ground. They look like little snakes, don't they? Wriggling their way through the water...

Anyway. If you're ever interested, here's what else you can look forward to:

Breakfast & Lunch
Smoked Alewives
Fish Goods & Gear Sale
Antique Car Rides
10k Raffle Tickets For Sale
Face Painting & Ice Cream
Lots of Live Music
Restoration Tour
Mulligan’s Smokehouse
Top & Bottom of Ladder
Lower Ladds Hill
Fish House
Alewives Fabrics
Fish House
Mid-Lower Ladder 
How does your town celebrate Memorial Day?