Showing posts with label wedding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wedding. Show all posts

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Kalee's Married now!

Introducing Mr. & Mrs. Mark Perkins!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Kalee's getting married!

Jen and I are heading to Houston/Galveston for my god daughter's wedding on Saturday.
The older picture was taken almost 8 years ago when I had my 1st and last two-strand twists. I was so nervous heading home to Houston from Sacramento when I got my hair done. Everyone was used to me having braids in my hair alll the time. Of course three years later I got me some Sisterlocks. More updates when we return. Wish us safe traveling grace, please.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Locked Wedding Styles & Engagement Photo shoots

Since Jen and I are trying to get our side gig of event photography going, I check in from time to time with Knight Photography, out of Atlanta. Knight is phenomenal and knows how to capture moments with beauty and simplicity. He is a professional wedding photographer, which Jen and I aren't aspiring to be. However, he shares not only tips and fantastic photos, but creative shots, especially the engagement shoots, which Jen and I have and will do.

So we came across a lady who had locks. They looked like Sisterlocks, but could have well been smaller Traditional locs. To my amazement, they were renewing their vows after 30 years! You can check out their pics HERE and see how the bride donned her crown for the special event. Here's an New York engagement session he took and the couple both had locks down their back! I'm really curious as to how both of them will be wearing their locks on the wedding day.

Here's a fotki album of a wedding couple who both are rocking naturals. Real Nice!!!

My god-daughter Kalee is getting married in August. I drove down to San Antonio on Spring Break to take engagement photos of her and her fiancé. I'll be sharing a few shots below for your viewing pleasure soon.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

34th Birthday at my Cousin's Wedding in Virginia

My birthday was spent at my cousin Jamita's wedding in Norfolk, Va. Jen and I flew up and as a gift we videotaped and took candid digital shots at the the wedding and reception. It was both our first time in Virginia and we had a wonderful time. The wedding was beautiful and those youngings were adorable. The top left picture is my Uncle Paul, me and Jen. The nuptials, Jamita and Myles top right. The newlyweds! Me at the bottom of course posing for the camera, and my cousin (Jamita's sister Rhashida) and her son "Aid".

Note: They will be expecting their first born January 2006 Posted by Picasa